5th Race [5th Maple Heights, Daily Racing Form, 1923-05-15

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pil DA PC 3-4 Mile. Winton Hotel Handieap. 3-year-olds and upward. Olll ilMUu July 25, 1D22 1:12 3 IOO. BULLET PROOF, b. g. 9 115 By Helmet — Bachelor Girl, by Broomstick. Trainer. J. J. Duggan. Owner. C. B. Shafer. Breeder. C. C. Patrick. 69880 Map.Hts 3-4 1:18 mud 6-5 119 1*1 F Sharpe 5 For. Queen. Must. S -ed. Guvnor 09662 Lexgton 3-4 1:12 fast 18 106 5 4 31 4s L McDott S Swth-art. IndnTmil. BeGood C9584 lexgton 3-4 113 fast 5 116 8 4 3s *-i F Sharpe 11 L.Gorham. Hon. Man. WolfsCry 69498 Legton 3-4 1:14%slop 11 11313 1 Is 1« J D Mny 6 Golden Floss. Glyn. Angon G6095 Latonia 3-4 l:17%hvy 41 107 4 4 2» 2s L McDott ■ Charles Henry. Pongee. Ruby 64441 Windsor I 1-16 l:M jtjbU« 25 110 S 8 7 7,;H Bricks n 9 Finery. S.ingrado. Westwood 64405 Windsor 3-4 l:ll%fast 8 112 8 6 6s 4s H Kricksn 8 Petie. Messi::es. Bullion G4115 FortErie lm70y l:48%hvy 27-10 l 9 3 2 21 2 H Ericksn 3 Parisian Diamond. Despair 64075 Hamton 11-16 1:52 mud 9 108 2 2 t* li H Ericksn 5 Cote dOr. Biibidiuni. By Jiminy 64028 Hamton 3 I 1 :12%fast 27f 109 9 7 51 5« D Stirling 12 Blister. Hid Jewel. S. Tliougbta 63947 Hamton 3 4 1:15%hvy 37 123 6 6 7 6J E Taylor 8 Elemental, Stolo, Super MACBETH, b. c. 3 99 By Tony Bonero — A. M. J., by Boanerges. tTrainer. L. Gentry. Owner. L. Gentry. Breeder. T. B. Jones. 69771 Map.Hts r.J f 1 :10 hvy M 112 1" R Hoffmn 6 Pennon. Pud. Glihella 69459 Huntton 51 f 1 :05%f ast 0 104 3i W Fronk 5 Marine Corps. Guvnor. Kent L. 69251 Huntton 3-4 l:l! %hvy 11-5 102 1 W Fronk I High Cost. Stonewall. Herion 68762 Jefferson 1 1-16 1 :53%mu.i 6-5 107 7 5 4 V A Roach 7 Hillhcuse. Little Ann. Red Foot 68C91 Jefferson 51 f 1:08 fast 12 116 9 7 SI M*| A Loach 12 Leslie, Tender Selli, Wrangler RAFFLES, ch. c. 3 106 By Luke McLuke — Phebe G.. by Mazagsn. Trainsr. J. Phillips. Owner, R. Mason. Breeders. J. 0. and G. H. Keene. 69638 Map.Hts 3-4 1 14%hvy 6-5 94 l4 I Tarke 5 I-orig Island. G. Mayers. G.Miil 69669 Mai.Hts 5-1 f 1 :07 fast I 90 4si I Parke 10 Bril Bay. Chi.fSpn o.-. L.Island •J108 H.deGce "-4 1:14%fast 26 112 6 3 3 1" C Fields 8 Lady Bess. Mabel K., Pennoa 69289 H.deGce 51 f 1 Mi fast 6 114 2 3 4»k 79i L McAfee 9 Pennon. Lady Boss. M..I..I K. 68781 Jefferson 1 1-S 1.57%hvy 10 US 9 13 13 131 F Murphy 13 Amole. C.ilculta. Setting Suu ELEMENTAL, b. c. 4 118 By Ultimus— Xarco. by G W. Johnson Trainer, S. J. Kelley. Owner, S. J. Kelley. Breeder. Headley and Miller. 69881 Map.Hts 11:48 mud 8 110 21 D Stirling I Ten. Seth. ticurmand. Tail. Maid G9584 lexgton 3-4 1:13 fast 15f 116 6 6 61 6:5 J Wallace 11 L.Gorham. Hon. Man. WolfsCry C9429 H.deGce 3-4 1:13 fast 11 105 3 7 V* 7= W Pool 9 Avis.uk. S Tr.mghts, Camoufgc 69130 Bowie 61 f l:21%fast 1C-5 114 I 3 31 V H Stutts 8 Spugs. Tidings. Sagamore 69036 Bowie 3-4 l:14%fast 23-10 107A I 7 61 7" D Stirling 7 BygoneDavs. Brookliolt. Colnndo j S6284 Laurel 3-4 l:13%fast 7 108 2 4 61 Si E Smwoull Dexterous. HidclciiJewel. Wraith 66203 Laurel 3-4 l:13%fast 31 113 7 6 5" hi J McTagt S Ai ex. Wraith. Hi ■ Hi— 65825 Kworth 7-S l:26%fast 7-5 109 I 1 Is 1-J J M.Tagt 0 Mad. Lillian. Datkllorse. S.Brae 65167 Thncliffe 3-4 1:15%hvy 11-5 115 6 4 4* Ii D Stirling 6 arm dale. J.F.OTIara. KuIahF. i 64982 Thncliffe 3 4 l:12%fast a 107 3 3 2 1 I" D Stirling 6 Ablaze. Photoplay, Last One C4028 Hamton 3 4 1 :12%fast 5 103 4 5 41 6T E Smwo.112 Buster, Hid.Jewel. S. Tuoughta 63947 Hamton 3-4 l:15%hvv 11-5 115 1 2 l| 1»" E Smwod Stoto. Super. Moco G3680 Windsor i-4 l:12%fast 5 113 7 6 5s 4*1 H J Burke 12 Diadcma. Bullion. Clansmae ! GEORGE KTJFFAN, b. c. 4 109 By Dick Welles— Ciruella. by McGee. Trainer. E. L. Fitzgerald. Owner, G. L. Fitzgerald. Breeder. J. B. Respess. 69670 Map.Hts 1 1 :8=t,fast 4 15 2« L Mills 9 Harmonious. Ten. Seth. T Maid HK802 Havana 51 f 1 : 6 fast I 113 3 4 4 3* H Stutts 4 Dr.Hkinan. B.ofKltown. T Sue 68499 Havana lm50y l:41fast I 1J6 1 1 li I* T Burns 4 Isosceles, ynecreek. Sea Prince 68376 Havana 1 1-1« 1:16 fast 3 5 Ml 2 2 3 4»J A Pickens 4 Kinc-aslle. Quecreek. SeaPrince TAILOR MAID. ch. m. 7 103 By Fair Play— Toggery, by Rock Sand. Trainer. G. W. Atkinson. Owner. G. W. Atkinson. Br eder. A. Belmont. C9881 Map.Hts 11:48 mud 9-5 102 4AI Parke 6 Ten. Seth, Gourmand. Elemental 69670 Map.Hts 1 1 :38%fast 11 102 4: W Dean 9 Harmonious G.Kuffan. Ten. Seth r8931 Tijuana 1 1-4 2:06 sfast 13f 99 S 15 15 15rl K EricksnlS R.-l uke. Aclonis. Supercargo 68562 Tijuana 1 1-4 2:0s%mud 51 10; 6 6 6 6"J M Milrick 6 Olynthtis. East Indian. Hale 68403 Tijuana 1 1 16 l:45%fast 8 106 2 3 51 6,:M And son 6 J.S.Krdoii, T. Buttons, Sp MauM

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1920s/drf1923051501/drf1923051501_8_6
Local Identifier: drf1923051501_8_6
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800