Pimlicos Grand Meeting: Maryland Jockey Club Distributes 12,857 during Eleven Days, Daily Racing Form, 1923-05-15

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PIMLICOS GRAND MEETING • • ! Maryland Jockey Club Distributes j 12,857 During Eleven Days, i i W. J. Salmon "Wins Richest Prize When 1 Vigil Captures Preakness Stakes — i Saddle Honors to C. Kummer. 1 ♦ 1 The Maryland Jockey Club has written J i another jrlorious page in the history of Mary- j j I land racing in the 1923 Pimlico spring meet- j ing. which began on May 1 and came to an j ! j I J end May 12. A total of 12,857 was dis- j tributed in stakes and purses, the daily aver- age amounting to 9,350. 1 Featured by the 0,000 Preakness and eleven other stake fixtures the meeting was -a pronounced success, with the attendance 1 of large proportions and the volume of specu- j lation heavy. Preakness day was one of the red-letter days in the history of Marylands | oldest racing organization. : W. J. Salmon was the largest winner among the owners, due principally to Vigil s . Preakness victory. H. P. Whitney, Glen : Riddle Farm and J. S. Cosden each won in excess of 0,000. Of course Vigils success in the Preakness placed that three-year-old at the head of money-winning horses, though Tall Timber won the most races. James Howe saddled the largest number of winners and C. Kummer easily carried on" the riding honors. The following are the owners who won 00 or more each : Owner. 1st. 2d. 3d. Amt. Salmon, W. J 3 3 2 .- . 0O Whitney. H. I 6 3 2 1S.850 Glen Kiddle Farm Stable 7 0 1 12.250 Cosden. J. S 5 7 4 10.350 ;reentiee Stable 1 5 1 7.800 Wilson. K. T 3 2 3 7.321 Davis, J. E 4 2 7 «.471 Nevada Stock Farm Stable Oil 5,150 Harrison, C. K., Jr 1 1 1 4.850 Jeffords. W. M 2 2 2 4.3O0 Xalapa Farm Stable 10 0 4.050 Louis, K : 2 1 1 3,850 Winfrev. 0.0 2 0 1 3,750 Hostwick, A. C 2 1 1 3.000 Widener, J. E 2 0 0 2,800 Morris. A. II 2 1 1 2.750 Koss, J. K. L 2 1 2 2.600 Stotler, J. H 1 3 O . 2 500 Mi-Lean. E. ■ 1 4 2 2.400 Parr, R 1 2 2 2.300 Kenton Stable 1 3 1 2,200 Fendinjr. K 1 2 0 2.200 Koss. S 2 0 1 2,100 Clyde. T 2 0 1 2.050 Vcliriin. C. A 1 1 1 1.800 Kilson, II. E 2 0 0 1.800 Sunimerfield. E. I 1 0 1 1.600 Skinkr, J. K 1 0 4 1.500 Miller. R. 1 110 1.500 Whitney, E. F 0 1 2 1.350, j Crist, T. E Ill 1.3501 Kilmer, W. S 0 4 0 1,350 | ! Snyder, W. II I 1 0 1.300 Winfrey. C. P 1 1 • 1271 | Wesnort Stable 1 1 0 1.250! i Farrell. J. J . Jr 1 1 I 1.25! i j Randolph. I*. S. P 1 0 1 1.20 1 j i F 1 0 1 1.20 1 I Favton. J. W 110 1.150 , I 1 Metal*. D. L. 1 1 0 1.100 i I I lturcli, W. V 1 » » 1.0711 I tackier. •• * * ° 1 l »-"0! I ! Caiman, It. F 1 0 0 1,000! i ! Martin. W. I . S 1 0 0 971! i P.auer. L. T 0 I 2 050, I Carth. L. W 1 0 0 900 I | | Hall. U. E 1 0 0 900, I Tinner, C 1 0 0 900 l ; Watson. E. E 1 0 O 900 I Swenke, A 0 I 2 N50 I Foreman. B. W 0 2 1 700 I Slra aburper, K. ■ 0 1 1 iOO I Murray. W. S 0 1 2 550 I Left. O. W 0 0 1 500, I I Fourth money included. The following are the horses which ac counted for 00 or more each : Horse 1st. M. 3d. Amt. . Vigil 1 1 0 2,250 | l-.nntini; 10 0 C.250 IFarnir, Tall Timber 3 0 0 C.211- 1 j ;adf!y 2 0 0 5.850 1 Iinna Care 1 0 1 5.350: » General Thatcher 0 1 0 5.000 I j I Sea Tale 1 0 0 4.250 I June Flower 1 0 0 4.050 1 Kialto 1 0 1 4.003 5 j 1antoral Swain 2 0 0 3.550 1 1 rhickrale 1 • 0 3.000 Brigadier Oil— I 2 0 0 2,800 j ! I Ladv Myra 1 0 1 2,7001 i Relent less 2 O 1 2.371 ! ! Cockney 1 0 0 2.250 Shoal 1 2 0 2.200 3 I KiURs Ransom 1 1 1 2.100 9 1 Champlain 1 1 0 2.000 Yankee Princess 1 0 0 1.950 »i Showv 2 0 0 1 ,i 00 I j Mabel K 2 0 0 1,800 0 1 Pickefer 2 0 0 1.80 Off Color 2 0 0 1.800 Il.idur I 1 1 1.700 Mark Twain 1 1 0 1,700 0 Overmatch 1 0 1 1 «00 i lioiking Horse 1 l 1 l.GOO • ! j i i 1 i 1 1 J i j j I j j ! j I J j 1 1 j | : : j | ! | i i j 1 I j i , I 1 i I I I I ! i ! i I I | | I l ; I I I I I I I . | 1 1 j » I j I I 1 5 j 1 1 j ! I i ! ! 3 I 9 1 »i I j 0 1 0 i Horse. 1st. 2d. 3d. Amt. Rc| nration 1 O 1 l.KOOj Tidings 1 0 1 1.600 Wellfinder 1 1 0 1,50j! Flying Fur 1 1 1 1.450 ! Ireland 1 0 0 1,400: Grenadier 1 0 0 1,400 1 I Sea Skipper 1 0 0 1,400! ! Philosopher 1 0 0 1 ,400 j | Musty 1 0 0 1,400 I Happy Night 1 1 1 1,350 i ! Eagerness 1 1 1 1 ,300 i Maryland Belle 1 1 0 1,300 ! June Grass 1 0 0 1,250! Aunt Jane 1 1 0 1.250 Tony Sue 1 1 0 1 ,250 Eiodtis 0 1 0 1,250 Wrangle 1 0 1 1.200 Heeltaps 0 1 1 1.200 [King Albert 1 0 1 1,200 Wraith 1 1 0 1.150 Martingale 1 0 1 1,100 McKenna 1 0 0 1 .071 King John 1 0 1 1,050 i ntidy 0 1 0 1 ,000 j Lady Baltimore 1 0 0 1,000 1 Lion dOr 1 0 0 1.000 Excuse Me 1 0 0 1.000 Fairway 1 0 0 1 ,000 Apex 1 0 0 1,0001 Bullseye 0 1 0 1,000 Trevelyan 1 0 0 971 Brice 1 0 0 971 Appellate 1 0 0 900 Belle K 1 0 0 900 Billy Barton 1 O 0 900 Bolster 1 0 0 900 Sir Glen 1 0 0 900 ! i War Mask 1 0 0 900 Kirah 1 0 0 900 Merry Land 1 0 0 900 Hillsdale 1 0 0 900 Miracle Man 1 0 0 900 Reprisal 1 0 0 900 Thorny Way 1 0 0 900 1 Top Sergeant 1 0 0 900 I Prince Regent 0 2 0 800 Flagstaff 0 1 1 800, Goiden Rule 0 2 1 750, No Lady 0 2 1 700 1 Pietrus 0 2 0 700 j Royal Duck 0 2 1 650 Peccant 0 1 0 650 Treviscot 0 1 1 600 Chuckle 0 1 1 600 1 Sedgefield 0 2 0 600, Courteous 0 1 1 600 J Goshawk 0 1 1 550 Sweepment 0 0 1 500 Tippity Witchet 0 1 1 500 i Trausom 0 0 1 500 Fourth money included. Colonel West 0 1 0 500 The jockeys who rode one or more winners include the following: Jockey. Mts. 1st. 2d. 3d. Unp. P.C. Kummer, 0 31 11 6 5 9 .33 McAtee. L. 26 6 I 4 11 .23 Bell. E 28 6 5 3 14 .21 McLane, S 25 5 0 0 20 .20 Abel. A 34 4 « | 18 .12 Bullman, S 20 4 2 3 11 .20 Butwell, J 15 4 2 1 8 .27 Smallwood, E 23 3 6 1 13 .13 Mein, G 24 3 3 2 16 .12 Claver. A 14 3 1 5 5 .21 Woodstock, F 13 3 1 4 5 .23 Allen, A 17 2 2 3 10 .12 Marinelli. B 5 2 1 O 2 .40, Morris, I, 17 2 0 3 12 .12 Johnson, A 14 1 4 4 5 .07 Callahan. J 21 1 4 2 14 .05 McTaggart. J 17 1 3 2 11 .03 Coltiletti. F 4 1 0 2 1 .25 Jelley, E 7 1 0 1 5 .14 Schuttinger. A 1 1 0 0 0 100 iMang.in. G 2 1 0 0 1 .50 Carroll. G. W 5 1 0 0 4 .20 Th3 jockeys who finished second or third with one or more of their mounts, but did not ride a winner, are as follows : Jockey. Mts. 2d. 3d. Unp. Taylor. C.J H 5 3 8 Finn. T 6 2 1 3 M.rgler. C 2 1 1 0 Chalmeis. J 6 1 1 4 Lung. C 2 1 0 1 Fowler, II 2 1 0 1 Dennison, J 4 1 0 3 Ambrose, E | 1 0 4 Romanelli, R 8 1 0 7 Banks. S 2 I 1 1 Parke. B 3 0 1 2 Brown, W. A 4 0 1 3 I Huff. M 5 0 1 3 McCoy, J 4 0 1 3 Gordon, 1 5 0 1 4 Walls, P 7 0 1 6 Rowan, J 10 0 19 The following are the steeplechase jockeys who rode one or more winners : Rider. Mts. 1st. 2d. 3d. Unp.P.C. Byero. D 4 2 0 0 2 .50 I Akeis. C I 2 0 0 3 .40 » |KlceRer, B 8 1 2 1 4 .12 ! Keating. W. 4 1 1 1 1 .25 , Row an. J.J 5 1 1 1 2 .20 Mergler, C 6 1 1 1 3 .17 ■ Kennedy, N 6 1 1 0 4 .17 j Jones, C 1 1 0 0 0 100 I Racine, II 1 1 0 0 0 100 The following are the steeplechase jockeys 1 who finished second or third with one or more of their mounts, but did not ride a winner : Rider. Mts. 2d. 3d. Unp. DiBorgan, W 3 1 1 1 Maisters, W 1 1 0 0 Brown, S 1 1 0 0 Cheyne, I*. 3 1 0 2 rlifjw. B 7 1 0 C | OJONi-ill, V 3 0 2 1 OiKlenck. E 1 0 1 0 Maboney, W 2 0 1 1 Williams, A 1 0 1 1 OlM.cNa.ir. W 0 0 1 4 !: 1 I ! j I | i ! i ! i j 1 The following are the trainers who have saddled one or more winners: Trainer. Wins. Trainer. Wins. Rowe, J 7 Crist. H. E 1 Tompkins, G. K 6 Dayton, J. W 1 Garth. Wm 5 Hall. G. E 1 Brady. M 4 Miller. R. 1 1 Brooks, W. II 3 Moran. T 1 lwis. J. H 3 Pons. O. E 1 Winfrey. G. C 3 Randolph. P. 8. P.,Jr. 1 Farrar, F 2 Schorr, J. F 1 Garth, I,. W 2 Shilling. C. H 1 Healy. J. W 2 Smith, H 1 McDaniel. H 2 Stotler. J. II I Murphy, M. J 2 Itz, R. C 1 Rathman, E 2 Veitcli, S 1 Smith. R. A 2 Walden. R. J 1 Weston, A. G 2 Waldron. R 1 Arthur, J 1 White, R. L 1 Bedwell, H. G 1 Harrington. F 1 Burttschell, W. A 1 Summer field. K. P. . . 1 Caruian. R. F 1 Cummins, T. E 1 Uiiambeis, J 1 The following stakes were decided : Stake. Date. Winner. Value. Pimlico Nursery Stakes, May 1; Yankee Princess $ 1 ,950 Jennings Handicap. May 2; Dinna Care.... 4,850 Howard Stakes, May 3; Lady Myra 2,500 Green Spring Valley Steeplechase Handicap, May 4; Sea Tale 4,250 Pimlico Spring Handicap, May 5; Bunting.. 6,250 Spring Juvenile Stakes, May 7; June Flower 4,060 Piuilico Oaks, May 8; Gadfly 4,850 Rennert Handicap, May 9; Tall Timber 3,750 Arlington Claiming Handicap. May 10; Pastoral Swain 2,650 Pimlico Horr.e-bred Spring Stakes, May 11; Cockney 2,250 Preakness Stakes, May 12; Vigil 52,000 The percentage of winning favorites was above normal, as shown in the subjoined tabulation : Number of days 11 Number of races 77 Winning first choices 34 Winning second choices 20 Winning outsiders 23 Winning at odds-on 13 Defeated at odds-on 9 Percentage of winning choices 44

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1920s/drf1923051501/drf1923051501_11_2
Local Identifier: drf1923051501_11_2
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800