5th Race [5th Columbus, Daily Racing Form, 1925-04-18

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E4U DA PC ■ Ml* and TO Yardx. Renlah Park Inansrtiral Handicap. 3- Din nMUt year-oldN and upward. Auk. 9, 1924 1 :4U 2-5 7 107. Index. Course. Diet. Time.Traek. Odds. Wt. St. % Str. Fin. Jockey. Started Order of Finish. PEGASUS, b. g, 6 116 By Golden Maxim— Brightstone. by Deutschland. Trainer, L. A. Connors. Owner. Hialeah Stable. Breeder. T. M. Murphy. ftftftftS Miami 1 1-16 l:45%fast 12 113 7 "9 9 8« Vv* Smith 9 Missnary, K.of theSpa, Sunsini 88149 Miami lm70y 1:4* fast 1 113 1 2 1* 1" II Stutts 7 KgsRsom, Cloister. ScotchBm 88089 Miami 1 1-16 l:46%fast 7 113 1 4 2s 2" II Stutts 8 K.othSpa. BarbaPlmr, Revge 88001 Miami 3-4 l:ll%fast 7 116 6 4 41 31 11 Stutts 7 SunAItos. Braedalbane. Finning 87825 Miami 3-4 1:13 fast 3-2 117 4 4 3"k 3= H Stutts 5 Broomstcr, FinnLag, SchBroom 87632 Miami 3-4 1:12%fast 2 11013 4 21 11 II Stutts 7 Pall Gee, Finn Lag. Proomster 87536 Miami 51 f 1 :o6%fast 14 110 3 7 52 53i II Stutts 8 Finn Lag. Sandy Hatch. RallGee 87353 Miami 61 f 1-fffKnHt 61 112 5 5 41 47 F "Weiner 5 Braedalbane, Comixa. Finn Lag ESCOLANE. b. g. 3 100 By Escoba— Flounce, by Plaudit. Trainer. L. A. Connors. 0wn3r. Hialeah Stable. Breeder. J. H. Morris. 8827 1 Miami lmTiy l:4.".%fast 17-10 100 2 1 l| ll R Wliams 6 Orpheus. Sweepstakes. Wrangler 88211 Miami 1 1-16 1 :47Vs fast 43 10 100 3 1 23 2l R Wliams 9 Orpheus. Leisch, Who Knows Me 88085 Miami 3-4 l:13%fast 6 104 5 6 5° 6»1 E Robbinsll Polly Wale. Flax. Warning 87853 Miami 3-4 1:14 fast 3-2 111 3 3 21 ft* ■ Bobbins 7 Theo Fay. Rosamond. Gad 87715 Miami 61 f l:07%fast 6 104 2 3 32 44 E Robbins 8 Venus, Tlieo Fay, Planche E. 87604 Miami 3-4 1 :12~fast 24 107 8 9 10 to13 E RobbinslO Mj rtle Belle. Ilobson. Orpheus 87422 Miami 3-4 l:13%good 4 105 1 3 21 4J E RobbinslO FightingCook, Flax. Bueado PIRATE GOLD. br. g. 6 102 Bv Rock View— Gold, by Golden Garter. Trainer. W. P. Gaines. Owner, E. Haughton. Breeder. A. B. Hancock. 880:i4 Jefferson 3-4 1:14 fast 3 108 8 4 4l 21 TV HarveylO Cone. Little Alfred. Rapid Day f-7915 J.fferson 3-4 l:14%fast 8 114 6 6 6h 41 C Duel 7 WillWells. PhilM ers. J. Q. Kelly 87121 F.Grnds 3-4 l:13%slow 15 111 7 7 7 715 D Harvey 7 Loatherd, Montif gilla. HnPine 86967 F.Grnds lmTOy llltjlll 11-5 98 4 4 6 6» AT Harvey 5 GeeMayers. PtHrush. LdyBelle 86868 FGrnds lmTUv 1 :51%hvy 2 96 1 4 5 5" W Harvey 5 Dustahout, KingTut. Fridayl3th 86748 F.Grnds 1 1-16 1 :4Sigood 9-6 96 1 I 3» 3*1 W Harvey 6 PnceJames, PneeTiiTii. Guelph 86720 F.Grnds 11-16 1 :52%hvy 2 97 4 2 2» 23 W Harvey 4 Ever Bold, Hufin Pine, Al Boyd 86592 F.Grnds lmTOy l:53%mud 6-5 96 1 1 1" 21 W Harvey 3 Prince K., Al Boyd SCISSORS, br. g, 5 101 By Black Jester — Star Emerald, by Sunstar. Trainer. L. Erb. Owner. Green Briar Stable. Breeder. P. M. Walker. 86193 Tijuana ll:39%fast 14 93 4 6 6 6J K Hgland 6 Dr.Clark. FmFriend, TaulaShay 86115 Tijuana 61fl:0SSslow 46 !»7 9 7 6l 5S1 J Berjr 9 Edtnon. J.S.Reafdon. FalseFace 85595 Columbs lm70y 1.46%fast 81 107 8»° M MilricklO Dust Flower, Hcrmidale, Asaph 85401 Columbs 61 f 1 :23ifast 8 108 Sl M Mlerick 7 Fausto. Dust Flower. GdnFloss 85231 Columbs 1 1-1C l:il fast 6 108 21 K Noe I Hnrmonis. MlllH, Pilous? 85164 Ciilumbs lmTcy L:4*%tmat 6 112 101 M MilricklO Kauila, JewellV.D., B. Buchanan REAP. b. g, 5 103 By Berrilldon — Harvest Queen, by Peep o Day. Trainer. D. Y. Elander. Owner. Elander Bros.. Breeder. W. Garth. 88412 Havana 1 1-S |-W%f—t 2 110 6 1 21 3s Wr Haljen 8 Lord Vargrave. Sword, Bounce 88283 Havana lmTOy l:44,fast 21 107 2 6 4h 4J W Haljen 8 li.andlUady. Corallteef. Jerobm 88120 Havana 1 1-16 l:464fast 5 107 2 2 21 22 W Haljen ft An.Lyle. R.andKeady. Dan. Cross ■MIC Havana lmTOy 1 :44:w.fast 6 107 1 1 If 2ll W Halje n 5 Annie I.yle. Sword. Yakima. 87928 Havana 1 1-8 l:53V.fast 21 108 1 5 42 3=1 W Haljen 6 Yakima, Swcrd, Kendall 87750 Havana 1 1-16 1 :46-fast 3 109 1 1 5 5» W Haljen 6 Sword. Rgli and Ready. Rebuke 87647 Havana 1 1-16 1 :47%fast 8 107 2 1 Ill1 W Halj.-n 6 Anniel.yle. Tippo Sahib, Bounce 87129 Havana lmTOy l:46*sgood 21 108 4 3 31 3 » S Holickj 6 George Kuffan, Malt, Metal PAT CASEY, br. g. 6 100 By Jim Gaffney — Racy by Burgomaster. Trainer. 0. E. Pons. Owner. C. G. Talbutt. Breeder. J. W. ParTish. 88687 Hungton 3-4 1:13 fast 47-10 112 6 3 2J 21 F Horn 6 Parnell Lad. Dingo. Remnant 88547 Hungton 3-4 l:14ifast 91 109 7 7 61 643 A Roach 10 Goloin, JedhghAbbey. Remnant 88241 Miami lm70y l:45%fast 9 110 6 1 11 1" E Gelloni 9 M.Agnes. Altissimo. NtyNisba 88061 Miami 1 1-16 1 fast 11 114 3 2 31 33J H Stutts 0 Bees. Altissimo. Maximaneh 87959 Miami 3-4 l:144ifast 8-5 115 4 2 21 1 H Stutts 8 Rosamond. Old Broadway. Gad 87910 Miami 3-4 l:13%fast 21-10 105 2 3 35 2s K Noe 7 Socrates, Joella J., Appellate HOBSON. ch. c. 3 98 Br Sir Martin — One Star, by Star Shoot. Trainer, W. A. Crawford. Owner. Island Farm Stable. Breeders. M. and B. B. Jones. 88265 Miami 3-4 1:13 fast al 99 6 8 71 43 E Gellonill Warning. Wildane, Theo Fay 88085 Miami 3-4 l:U%feat 23-5 96 9 9 81 4 G Noel 11 Polly Wale. Flax. Warning 87913 Miami 3-4 1:13 fast 11-5 103 1 4 21 3J G Fields 7 Wildlane, Chesterbrk, TheoFay 87661 Miami 1 1-16 l:47%fast 6 1071 3 3 31 4 J Maiben 4 Volante, Bridesmaid, Slice 87604 Miami 3-4 1 :12=tfast 9 10611 2 22 23 J Maiben 10 Myrtle Belle. Orpheus. Minus 87355 Miami 1 1-16 lefast 27-10 92 2 6 5 69 J Stevens 5 Coriuth. Missionary, Sun Spot

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1920s/drf1925041801/drf1925041801_10_1
Local Identifier: drf1925041801_10_1
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800