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LEADING ARGENTINE SIRES St. Wolf Heads Stallion List in Southern Republic for 1924. ♦ Third Straight Season at the Top of tho List for Son of St. Frusquin — Wolfs Cry. ♦ BY E. E. COUSSELL. Bloodstock breeding possesses such worldwide interest that the following records of Argentina racing for last year are such as to appeal to American horsemen. It will bo noticed that Botafogo, which owed his existence to a Kentucky breeder, who sent Korea to the River Plata, finished third in the sire list His untimely death after only two seasons at the stud was a heavy blow to Argentina breeders. The figures, on the whole, tell their own story. They are taken from the official records : ARGENTINA Leidicg Stallions in 1924 Races Won. Value. St. Wolf 1905, by St. Frusquin— Wolfs Cry, by Wolfs Crag 53 38,710 Amsterdam 1907. by Pietermaritzburg — Haya, by Kendal 44 109,500 Botafogo dead, 1914, by Old Man-Korea, by Raeburn 32 95,225 Dusty Miller dead, 1904, by St. Frusquin— Rydal, bv Bend Or 30 73,120 Diamond Jubilee dead, 1897. by St. Simon— Perdita II.. by Hampton.. 42 71,800 Larrea 19C7, by Jardy — Muneca, by Orville 32 68,455 Your Majesty 1905, by Persimmen — ; Yours, by Melton 44 67,210 Craganour 1910, by Desmond — Veneration II., by Laveno 27 66.9S0 St. Emilion 1913. by Cyllene— Albilla, by Gay Hermit 35 65,965 The Panther 1910, by Tracery — Coun- ess Zia, by Gallinule 14 64,925 Sandunguero 1905, by Pietermaritz- btirg — Chooarrera, by Gay Hermit. 16 61,080 Let Fly dead, 1912, by White Eagle : — Gondolette, by Loved One 31 58,755 Enero 1907, by Old Man— Enfantine, by Gay Heimit 5 56,000 Verdnn 1906, by Rabelais— Vellena, by Gournay 38 53,550 Vadarkblar 1913, by Druid— Dina, by Orbit 22 48,435 Mi Nena 1915, by Jardy — La Nenita, by Polar Star 45 45,340 Le Temps 1914, by Old Man— La Tempete, by Rock Sand 14 43,100 Asturiano 1910, by Old Man — Small Glass, by Isinglass 14 43,015 San Jorge 1909, by Old Man— Silver Shot, by Carbine 14 40,2n Fisherman 1908, by Orange — Selva Negra, by Exmoor 23 39,516 Cyllene, which died recently, occupied a lowly position in the sire list He had one winner of two races, valued at ,305. Polar Star got six winners of seventeen races, totaling 5,215. For the third season in succession SL Wolf heads the sire list and absolutely dominates the position. Up to the end of last year his offspring had been racing ten seasons, in which period they have won 528 races and ,200,690 in stakes. Cyllene in twelve seasons has sired winners of 306 races valued at ,058,770. Diamond Jubilees figures for thirteen years are 731 races and ,811,425 in stakes. Polar Stars stock have raced for twelve years, during which they have won 397 races, valued at 11,875. Your Majesty is responsible for the winners of 374 races and 24,035 in stakes. The list of leading stallions in Argentina in 1924 is notable for the number of sires making their initial appearance in the first twenty. Among them are St. Emilion, The Panther, Sandunguero, Enero, Vadarkblar, Mi Nena, Asturiano and Le Temps. The leading sires of successful brood mares in Argentina last year were : Old Man by Orbit, whose daughters produced the winners of seventy races, valued at 49,880. Old Mans totals in 1923 were seventy-two races and 91,470. Following Old Man comes Jardy by Flying Fox, with fifty-five races, worth 36,-120. Next in order is Cyllene, with sixty-eight races and 28,600. He is followed by Valero by Gay Hermit, Diamond Jubilee and Le Samaritain. The leading winning colt of the year was Lombardo, which ran eight times and won his first six races. Their value was 4,020. Lombardo is by St. Wolf — La Cerny, by Valero — Hibernia, by Orbit — Himalaya, by Scottish Chief. The Panthers best winner was Capablanca, whose six victories amounted to 0,810. He ran seven times. In his seventh start he finished second. Capablanca is a son of the imported mare Sixpenny, by William the Third — Montem, by Ladas.