untitled, Daily Racing Form, 1925-04-18

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I Saturday, April 18, 1925 DAILY RACING FORM 3 I H — fifiTQI 8IXTH RACE— 1 Mile and 70 Yards. Sept. 28, 1918— 1:42%— 4— 132. Purse ,200. M B _ _,-—■_ OO f l/l 3-year-olds. Claiming. Net value to winner 00; second, 00; third, 00. H B I "j,| I y| Ixi/JVI fJ V, X f** V J li— ! lNH. ,ndex 1Ior«es AWtlTSt 14 % % Sir Fin Jockeys Owners Equiv. Odds Strt H H ~~~gVgyn[w , /fTT T~~ » t 1 A _~* .ffc. ~j_v 88654 ROSE CLOUD w 108 10 7 2and 2b 21 21 S Bullman P B Codd OMM H H ,", T±Xr7£t¥f V 71|/aIv Jl Vj .4 jlt v £fc3£» 88654 SLATE wis 108 5 1 PIP P.i :i2 21 B Brning S Boss 1715-100 H ~ " »» H £*%,7andL rV_f /J " -—_-%_-._. — TjEtSzahrZ P-8658 ORAGEUSE wi 96 2 1 3 1- F 31 .1 McTgue J Arthur 1160-101 H __■ lriSnT irl trffil Jl ■ 1 11 ■ l ft ■ t~h fff ~ T f iVrifr KR680 CLIQUE w 115 4 7- 5 41 41 4» W Harvey Mrs A Swenke 30-100 H __■ / ■--ifensSK-ti/- _|T K .. -J~T I - - I." Jy iri5S Xr3Suf3t "8«81 DORTHY ADAMS w 10! 6 9 .", 4i 6 5 5» R Zcchini Mrs C Lawrence le ;:-10 H H **-m~~j[2~ -btr =-i- - Ji»-_».»*5k* -iL,- «i— ■ - JV~ :_ **fij3fZz e 88265 C. M HOULIHAN w 106 :! 6 C" S s 71 61 .1 Wallace J Nicholson 2005-101 H 1 «- • S5"!«fer* . - : -i -— .— »-— gg " 7?r5_ ,?~ ~ =Es-fcSfS|___i_B5 r-8315*VALENTIN» w 101 1 5 H 6 1 3t 6" 71 J Gairl M Madden 5980-101 H "~ " 1 8861 !»• WHITE MARSH wb 103 9 8 9 ?• 7l 85 8 G Hudgins J Farrell 98 MOO H 1 . T-TA7T?Tr TTh PR APT? 88134"BEN FRANKLIN wb 111 7 2 81 9* 9t 9° 9" E Benzetti R McKeever B3VMI H 1 JLAX- V _%-£_■ -JHi UI.AV/£/ 88611 WARATAH w 105 8 10 10 10 10 10 10 F Weiner R Hvams 1485-100 ,H H Time. 24%. 49%, 1:16. 1:43%. 1:49%. Track muddy. M H Copyright, 1925. by Daily Racing „ Form Publishing Company. mutnels paid— Rose Cloud, 2.70 straight, .40 place, .40 show; Slate, 0.50 pace, :90 H H " ~" show: Orageuse. .40 show. H H HAVRE DE GRACE. MD.. FRIDAY. APRIL 17, 1925— 1 Mile. Third Day. Harford Agricultural Equivalent leooking odds— Rose Cloud. 535 to 100 straight. 220 to 100 place, 120 to 100 show; Slate, M M and Breeders" Association. Spring meeting of thirteen days. Weather raining. 425 to 100 place. 105 to 100 show; Orageuse. 120 to 100 show. iH H " — " ■ Winner — Br. f, by Wrack — Amalette, by St. Amant trained by G. E. Ensor; bred by Mr. Arthur | BH Stewards. George Brown, Jr., Baker Waters and H. 1. Conkling. Judges, E. H. Morris, Joseph r$ Hancock. • | M McLennan and J. P. Turner. Starter, James Milton. Racing Secretary, Joseph McLennan. Went to post at 5:10. At post 3 minutes. Start good and slow. Won driving; second and third H H "~~~~ " ~~~ the same. ROSE CLOUD raced in closest puisuit under light restraint until at the eighth post and, H m Bacing starts at 2:30 p. m. Chicago time, 1:3 ». W indicates whip, S spurs, B blinkers. Fig- f niching gamely when called on. was drawing clear at the end. SLATE showed the most speed to H H lires in parentheses following the dstance of each race indicate date, track record, age of horse and t|lr stretch and. saving ground when entering the stretch, outfinished OKAtJKlSK in the final drive. 1 B weight tarred. "Indicates apprentice allowance. The latter took the lead when entering the stretch, but gave way when challenged. CI.IULE was hard | M ridden, hut finished fast. DOROTHY ADAMS ran fairly well. H H QfirTQft rlIlST RACE— About 2 Miles. Lansdowne Steeplechase. Purse ,£00. 4-year-olds and Overweights— Rose Cloud. 3 pounds; Orageuse. I; Valentino. 4: Waratah, 2. H H UOIOU upward. Claiming. Net valuo to winner ,000; second, S3CO; third, 50; fourth, 0. ~ — * - H H 007QO SEVENTH RACE— 1 1-16 Miles. Sept. 18. 1920— 1:44%— 3— 138. Purse ,200. 4 M H Index Horses A Wt i-p st 4 8 12 14 Fin Jockeys Owners Equiv. Odds Strt OOlI/ii year-olds and upward. Claiming: Net value to winner 00; second, 00: third. 00. H H 85474 LITENANT SEAS w I 145 1 .1 Ill V V V H McDald W C- Wilson 150-100 Index Horsei AWtI»I»Sti4 V2 % Str Fin Jockeys Owners Equlv. Odd.. Strt M 1 84356 HERRIARD W3 C 145 6 7 65 4* 3» 2« 2» G Smoot FM Alger 295-100 " ~ H H 794*8 HENRY DATTNERw 5 0 5 1 43 2s 2» 3" 3" O Diamnd Mrs H Dattner 2450-100 K8681 = WOODLAKE wb 5 1111 7 3 2* 21 1= V ll C Lang J Nicosia fM5-100 H H 75253 RED CLOVER w S 141 3 5 7 6 5" 5 » 4 W Hunt S L Jenkins 1485-100 88633* EAGERNESS w 4 105 1 4 4» 4 - 31 2» 2» G Hmlgins W J Rosen 190-100 M H 856125VICAIRE w 6 113 4 2 3 3« 4» 4» 5" C Mer.ler P. Parr 270-100 88741 MCSKEG wb 4 107 11 6 71 7s 5 » 51 31 J Wallace Victory Stable 270-10» BH H 70600 BROAD RUM w 9 141 2 4 21 5» G 6 6 C Smoot C C Smithson 9145-100 88746KIRKCALDY wb 5 113 6 1 l" 1 1 2J 4» 4t» M Liehgd J Scheurer t H H 81415:GOV. SMITH ws 1 1C1 7 6 51 Lost rider. T Berry T Monahan 4970-100 88680JIST W 4 1061 3 5 5 5» 4 3 5 J Leyland EK Bryson 613-100 H BS 88681ORAY GABLES w 8 104 5 ■ 65 6l 6« 6» 6» R Pierce J H Steffen 5rSC-10 H t a in T lr A BV . .m?« . , . , SQUARSON wb 6 114 S 13 13 10l 10l 8nk 71 G Mein W A Reid t H -a • -,5°0| ••» .1 t .0 eo on u ,r Bernard. 1 «o nn .1-- place, sH Hif I""1-"" I !■""■». *?". l - »t™«S»»t. .-0 Place, .20 show; .00 VULNAD wb 4 115 9 O 10. 9» 9 91 8 R Costello Mrs A Swenke t H "attner S4.S0 +0W. m *34t »,ow: ",*"rf. 88634 *ROP.K wb 5 105 D 7 8« 8 1 81 7 9« F Thdyke S Most 13870-100 H , • w o- , .. , 1-°.t" 10° 1ftn ,0° *"*• co 6° t0 10° inn Sb°W hftw 7"W H h . - , C,"? Odd71;,e!to,!,a,;t w "WJ! 5 81761 EPISODE wb 7 109 4 2 3« 3 10 i J McTgue A S Woodliffe 670-100 H TT Bernard. 1M to 1W place. ,0 to 1W show; Henry Dattner. 14. to 103 sh,m | 88098 THE ARCHER w 8 11:! 10 9 11 ll" IP 11U1P» J H Burke F H Smith t H MaraJax-lloneJmoon b Matchmaker trained by . G. Wilson, bred by Mr. sH n- h llnv xv ? i 88„6,STOCKADE wb 4 105 2 11 9h 13 13 12 12» F Weiner J F Richardson 9223-100 H HH xv »l ,,„„„ . , ,0. ,11 xx 1 - - - imi.M Mm BlCADO w 5 106 12 10 12= 12* 12 13 M W Smith W R Padgett Gj-lOO H ■■ a ■ Wm* """t ,:M- M Vns m"US- f. C°°. 3 S0Wr ?" 1 y: I Mutuel field. Time, 25%, 50%. 1:15%. 1:43%. 1:50. Track muddy. H m dr.ving. I.Ihl TENANT SEAS took .he had quickly and. jumping faultlessly was never menaced. H $., mutup,s p*— W«tafct, field, 0.90 straight, .30 place. .00 show; Kagerness, .20 place. under II I.KKI A KI under iestraint for the first turn of the H winning light restraint. was slight ..y „|low. Muskeg 53 "0 show 1 ssi StITSSH ****]* ,wbeu alled "n in t,he 1:,st !ua/Wr nl,ile- b"1 "l0"1 not , over,af l.rA","™ "J°Eciuivaient liooking odds— Woodlake. field. 745 to 100 straight. 165 to 100 place. 50 to 100 show; M m £***2 I A„1 1N,F;K.?. r1 l0S.1 UP. t,,rou«hou • ,,nt ?.™S af.V.r,n-,.a,k,nK 6 twlfth/,;n p- KK» U" , Eagerness. 110 to 10 place. ■ to 100 show; Muskeg. CO to 10 show. H Jin.shed well. . SMITH lost his rider at the seventh obstacle. I.1KK tired and eased GO m was up. H AVinner-Br. g, by Ogden— Scenery, by Sain trained by E. Trueman; bred by Xalnpa Farm. H Scratched— 884.1- Q ster Bed. 141. AVcnt to post at 5:40. At post 4 minutes. Stait good and slow. Won easily; second and third H B 1 driving. WOODLAKE was hard ridden and. taking the lead on the last turn, held E.VOERNESS safe-. • | sH GQr7Qr7 SECOND RACE— 1-2 Mile. April 22. 1922-47—2—116. Purse ,200. 2-year-olds. EAGERNESS raec d close up on the inside all the way. but could not overhaul the winner. MCSKEG H H OO 4 O 4 CUiming. Net value to winner 00; second, 00; third, 00. was f, rced wide whiter ounding the first turn and closed a big gap. KIRKCALDY set a slow pace to the H H far turn and quit badly. JlST tired in the stretch. H lH ~~TZ 7, , , " ~ I ; ~ ~ ~~ ~ : ~~~ ; ~ Scratched— S5603 Royal Duck, 107: SS050 Insulate. 107. H „. „„ Index Horses AWtPPM % Str r in Jockeys Owners Lquiv. Odds Str t He, 3. M Overweights— Woodlnke. pounds: Just. If4; Rork. H H 880C3 NAT EVENS w 116 13 I 1«» 1* ll R Carter Mrs M Stajer 135-100 H H MISS BEA7.E w 105 12 2 2 2« 2 D McAffe W Garth 2580-100 __ H H WRACKALETTE w 108 11 4 31 3 3" E Scobie J E Griffith 2450-100 HIJ TTkxr¥,x-».-r NTIlN CtTO -. m.. W iLH H 88653 IUTTERCUP wb 108 2 7 5i» 4 4 J Maiben W J Salmon 660-109 H H ZEOD w 115 6 8 8= 7 5t T Finn W J Cremon t395-100 HUNTINGTON. W. VA., FRIDAY. APRIL 17. 1925— 1 Mile. Twelfth Day. West Virginia Jockey H H 88742 JULIA O. w H5 9 5 4 f.l 6 G Fields Mrs J Healy t Clubs Spring Meeting of Thirteen Davs. Weather cloudy. H H 88653M.ICKY PICK w 110 4 9 91 6 71 B Brning Mrs B Smart 475-100 . ! , H H 88519 TWINOEA wb 10S 5 10 10 8 81 J Leylan.l E K Bryson t Presiding Steward, A. G. Leonard. Presiding Judge, J. J. McGraw; Associate Judge, S. S. Bender. H H 8850". BRUSH BY w 110 10 11 121 10 91 F Weiner Sagamore Stable t Starter W Harris. Racing Secretary. S. S. Bender. H H 88653 FACET w 102 14 12 111 91 101 W Harvey Greentreo Stable t - H H 88606 C.1INEA GOLD w 10S 15 6 6» IP 11 R Costello Mrs A Swenke 10800-100 Racing starts at 2:30 p. m. Chicago time, 1:30. W indicates whip, S sputs. B blinkers. Fig- iH H 88147 PHEASANT w 111* 8 14 tPW 12 1 C Lang R W Carter 4365-100 ures lu parentheses following the distance of each race indicate date, track record, age of horse and nl H 88653 TERRIBLE MAX w 111 7 U 14 14 13 E Aml.rse W R Midgley 9215-100 weight carried Indicates apprentice allowance. H H HTLAWED w 111 1 1 7 121 11* J H Burke E B McLean t H H 88629 VCLGATE w 108 3 15 15 15 15 S Bullman P B Codd 29275-1C0 _ . . H , , , , mfc ». rriJCT Bi„ KACE~5 E „ ,„ -, a~ 1M, 1923-1 :05%-5-109. „K4, ,M, „ Purse «.ftA 3-year- M tMutuel field. Time. 23%. 48. Track good. 8S7Q FIRfT * J«rlo?Ks " APnl ,26 00. H OO * « old» and upward. Claiming. Net value to 03; second. $,0: third. 0. M mutuels paid— Nat Evens. .70 straight, .70 place. .50 show; Miss Blaz-. 6.40 place. winner H M 1.00 show: Wrackalette. 4.10 show. .... . . . BBH H Equivalent bcn.king odds— Nat Evens. 135 to 100 straight. 135 to 100 place, 125 to 100 show; Miss Index Hoises A W „. 1 1 ,.„..,. P St ,,.,...-,, t jStrlin Jockeys „ Owners Equlv. Odds .. Sir t H H Blaze. 1220 to 100 place. 450 to 100 show: Wrackalette. MM to 100 show. H i| Winner— Ch. c. by Flittergold— Mint Drop, by Irish Lad trained by J. J. Murphy; bred by Himyar 88.28 BLOSSOMS w 5 108 - 2 2 P 8*1 V J Gernty W M Cain 120-100 BBBJ H Stud. 88725 HARD GUESS wsb 7 113 13 P Ill1 2n F Smith McDonald and Kinney 710-100 H H Went to post at 3:01. At i ost 2 minutes. Start good and slow. Won easily; second and third 88683 ONEIDA wsb 4 18 3 7 6l 61 5 1 3" J Winans C R Aldrich 450-100 M H driving. NAT EVENS settled into his stride rapidly and. racing into the lead, drew away steaOiiy 88685 MY LORRAINE w 5 108 7 1 41 4 3 i 41 B Scully Mrs M H Jordan 3-50-100 BH H through the stretch and was taken under restraint in the final strides. MISS BI.AZE began fast, 8872; ARAPAHOE w 1 110 4 4 31 3 4» 5 » C O M ney T J Abrams 400-108 BH H Miowcd a good order of speed and finished gamelv under hard riding . WRACKALETTE raced well 88718 CAL1FA w 6 110 5 5 7 7 6 6« E Cpenter E J Middleton 830-1 M BBRJ i| and outstayed BUTTERCUP in the final drive. ZEOD finished with a rush. JULIA O. raced forwardly 88749 L. GENTRY w 10 110 6 6 51 P» 1 7 G Cooper A Shaffer 3J60-1OO BBBJ BBbI for Tlme 24 *9/s- 1:02- 1:C8/*- Track fast. M a quarter H Scratched-88653 Royal Kiss, 100: 88530 Becky Sue, 104; S8710 Alceste, 100; Mix. 108; Little , and mutuels paid— Blossoms, .40 straight, .00 place. .40 show; Hard Guess, .00 place. .00 H BbV Emma MB S,10W: °m ida- *: 60 sl,ow- M odds— 120 to 100 50 to 100 70 to 100 Hard Blossoms, straight. place. |V Overweights— Miss Blaze. 1 pound; Julia O.. 5; Pheasant. 1%. Equivalent looking show; H B _ * Guess. 130 to 100 place, 50 to 100 show: Oneida, 80 to 100 show. . BH H Winner — B. m. by Nealon — Rose Lawrence, by St. Lawrence II. trained by D. McDermid: bred J H QOrTOQ THIRD RACE— 3-4 Mile. April 16. 1921— 1:11%— 5 — 130. Purse ,200. 3-year-olds by Thorncliffc Stable 1. H M jO 4 OO end upward. Claiming. Not value to winner 00; second, 03; third. 00. Went to post at 2:29. At post 1 minute. Start good and slow. Won easily: second and third | B , driving. BLOSSOMS raced forwardly from the start, caught the tiring pacemaker midway of the H H Index Horses AWtlISt % % Str Fin Jockeys Owners Equiv. Odds Strt stretch and drew away to win as her rider pleased. HARD GUESS tired after setting a good pace H BH , to the last eighth and barely outfinished ONEIDA. lhe latter gained steadily and finished well. BH H 88741 ALEX WDLIFFEws 3 96 7 1 P 1* 1» 1 J McTgue C Pillon 315-100 ARAPAHOE tini. H M Mill [II3LI II GLENN w 5 113 I 4 4 4 3 2 W Harvey Mrs A Swenke 70-100 Overweight— Oneida. 1 pound. BgBH H 88677"RODE wb t Ml 9 10 81 5* 44 9* O Hudgins A W Koivula 745-100 — • H H 88741SISTER SUE wb 5 106 1 9 2 21 21 4« J Guire J Grand! 6680-100 Qt2f7Q/| 3EC0ND RACE — 5 1-2 Furlongs. April 26. 1923 — 1:05% — 5 — 109. Purse 00. 3- H H RUSOVIA w 4 112 5 8 6l C" 7 51 G Mein W A Read 35850-103 OO 4 t7ft year-olds and upward. Claiming. Net value to winner 00; second. 0; third. 533. H H 77576 TONY SUE w 6 107 C 3 3 3 5» 61 F Weiner J Farrell Jr 3730-10* BTAffl H 88585 WISER w 3 1 3 10 2 7 7l 6l 71 B Brning S Ross 9945-100 Index Horses AWtlISt % % Str Fin Jockeys Owners Equiv. Odds Strt H H K5315 HOI CttNFIDEXCEw I 10 1 I 6 5» 8 85 8« P. Kenndy M J Murphy 31500-100 H H tSMS*RIN TIN TIN w i 90 8 7 M 91 9 98 O Brown B B Jacobs 2105-:00 88577 FOREWARN wb 5 110 5 4 4» 3» B PI J Starkey Rogers and Daly 320-100 H H 88584 EDDIE JR. w 5 114 4 5 M 10 10 10 M Schw tz Mra C Lawrence 8165-1C0 88684 BLACK MONKEYwb 5 112 6 6 6= 21 2 2i B Maskrid Fort Garry Stable l:s-100 H H Time. 23. 48J/5. 1:14%. Track slow. 88718 BHV Y PATTERSO.Nw 3 101 2 1 1 Ill1 31 J Carroll R Coombs MMVM8 H H mutuels paid-Alex WttflMt, ..!0 straight, .10 place, .40 show; Doctor Glenn, .70 88717 JACOBEAN wb 7 110 3 7 7 7 7 41 T Buel C Parsons ::S0-1H H H place-. .30 show ; Itodeo. .50 show. 88747 FORTY TWO w 4 110 7 5 5h 4l 4i 31 P Powers E Rici 120-100 H H Equivalent booking odds— Alex Woculliffc. 315 to 100 straight. 55 to 100 place. 20 to 100 show; 88771 STEVE w 8 110 12 3» 6 5" 61 F Wstock P T Murphy 2790-100 H H Doctor Glenn. 35 to 100 place, 15 to 100 show : Rodeo, 25 to 100 show. 88749 BLUE MISS wb 4 10S 4 3 M 51 H 7 L Pngton Mrs J II Wigham 1170-100 H H Winner Blk. c, by Torchbearer— Mary Sullivan, by Patriot trained by A. S. Woodliffe; bred by Time. 24%, 49%. 1:02%. 1:C8%. Track fast. H H Mr. J. Rue kneli. mutuels paid— Forewarn. .40 straight. l.SO place, .00 show; Black Mm key, .20 pla. e, H M Went to post at 3:34. At post 2 minutes. Start good and slow. Won easily: second and third .80 show: Billy Patterson. .00 show. | H driving. ALEX WOODLIFFE. IicIim-cI by t In- going, ra.-cd into a long lead while rounding the last turn. Equivalent booking odds— Forewarn. 320 to 100 straight. 140 to 100 place, 130 to 100 show; Black H H and won under restraint. DOCTOR GLENN was hard ridden throii-.-hout and finished gamely through Monkey. .".10 to 100 place. 140 to 100 show: Billy Patterson. 2S0 to 100 show. | H the stretch. RODEO, off slowly, slipiw-cl through on the insde and closed a big gap. SISTER SUE winuer — B. g, by Huon — Forecast, by Voter trained by W. J. D.ily; bred by Mr. Harry K. Knapp. | M raced in closest pursuit to the last eighth and tire-d. RUSOVIA lan fairly well. TONY SUE ran a Went to post at 2:57. At post 1 minute. Start good and slow. Won easily: second anil third | 1 good half. RIN TIN TIN ran poorly and was pulled up in the stretch. driving. FOREWARN gained steadily through the streteh into the lead and w;is i:oing away at the | H Scratched— 88711 Wild Goose. 100; 88031 Elemental, 105; 88585 Frances Johnson, 89; 88766 At- end. BLACK MONKEY was clcse up throughout and finished well. BILLY PATTERSON tired after [Lfffl B. lantichi. M . setting a good pace to the last eighth. JACOBEAN made up ground. FORTY TWO ran a bad race. | H Ove-rweights — Alex Woodliffe. 1 pound: Wiser. 3. Scratched — 88771 Countess Claridge. 108. IVgJgJJ H ■ Overweights — Black Monkey, 2 pounds; Billy Patterson. 1. BXVLBJ BBB OOrOtfl FOURTH RACE— 3-4 Mile. April 16. 1921— 1:11%— 5 — 130. Purse .2:0. 3-year- . , ......... BBBbI M 00/0*7 olds and upward. Claiming. Net value to winner 00; seccni. 00; third. 00. OOQC THIRD RACE— 5 1-2 Fuilongs. Apnl ,...«„ 26, 1923— 1:05%— 5— .~. 109. Purse - 00. 3-year- kBH BH OO 4 t-F«LF elds and upward. Claiming. Net value to winner 00; second. 0; third. 0. BH H Horses AWtlISt % % Str Fin Jockeys Owners Odds Strt Index Equiv. 1| Index Horses AWtPPSt % % Str Fin Jockeys Owner. Equiv. Odds Strt H W6 113 2 4 5-1 M V B Ambrse Mrs E [fl| MMMfMBA SAND 31 Trueman 90-100 8g-25 fLn pop w 12 110 6 1 Bj M 1= 1 * J Winans J R Carb.-k 2170-100 H 88741 Ml SKALLONGE nlfflfl 1 2 lh 1" Ml M.Atee Mrs J Rowan T85-1O0 M 8R78- LOXDON SMOKEwb 4 110 4 6 4 313 2 C Frost TW Hemingway 360-100 H 88521 RACKET WB 5 104 9 9 Bj .1 6= 3-1 A Hunt J C Bennett 212t-100 88749.skY MAN w.-B 9 113 1 2 ll 2-1 M 3 A Roach H Rickert 42*-100 IflTfl ■ 88740 STAY ON w I 107 4 8 M 6 4 4"k J Wallace J L Earl K,10-1U mi M §?■ g86:ig CASS1K ANN- 5 5 6 5 5 4 C E Allen O L Foster 10.-101 M 88741 SIN RAJAH wb 4 112 IB M* Ml tj »" R Carter Twin Oaks Stablo 1740-100 88 il5 ,.:D QARRISON w 11 110 2. 4 51 6 6 51 W Charles W Feuchter 1080-100 |H H 71787 SDI.E AND BTSwb 6 UPll I 1 2 2 M C Lang P H Sims 1825-100 8g:17 LUCKY LOU w 3 99 2 3 3" 4" 4 6 A McDal.l Mrs J H McCool 1140-100 Bfll H 88521 NORTH BREEZE wb 4 114 Sll 11 11 11 . A A e ardy G Peterson 33325-100 Time. 24%. 49%. 1:08%. Track fast. 1andT«S M 85446MARY ROSE w 5 104 5 2 3 4» 71 81 J McTgue R B Potts t mutuels paid— Old Top. 5.40 straight, 2.80 place, .60 show; London Smoke, .00 place, | H 88585C.ICCE TRoXLRwsb S 100 7 6 S 10« 10-1 91 B Wliams E Tuft 875-100 «•• ;0 f,i,ow Sky Man 00 show H 1 88180WATCH CHARM w 4 111 6 7 «• M 9 101 B Renzetti R McK.-ever 11270-100 BcMlllllMt booking odds— Old Pop. 2170 to 100 straight. 540 to 100 place. 130 to ICO show; London BBBbI M 86401 OKMZLEIGH wb 5 110 1 5 4151 5111 M Liebg.l J H Nicholson 46920-100 gmoke. 100 to 100 place. 00 to 100 show: Skv Man. 50 to 100 stow. M M 88741 McKENXA w 7 109 10 Left at post. W McKlit S Hesseltino t Winnc 1— Ch. g, by Murtimas— Cannie Maicl. by t anuie Boy trained by J. R. Carlock; bred by Mr. BBBbI M tMutuel field. Time. 24. 49%. 1:15%. Track flow. . v rev H M mutuels paid— Sea Sand, .80 straight. .80 pace, *2.50 slow; Muskallonge, .30 place. .10 - -t.nt ,,, ,.St at o:28_ At post 2 minutes. Start goo I and slow. Won driving: second and third IjH H show: Racket. $...40 show. ______ ,_.. ._ . . . the same. OLD POI raced SKY MAN into defeat and took a clear lead but tired and was driving BBBBI M Equivalent booking odds— Sea Sand. 1K1 to , 100 straight. 40 to 100 place. „ 2o to 100 „, show; Muskal- lmrd at thv ,.n1 to outstay LONDON SMOKE. The latter finished fast and gamelv and was , at. h tig M M longe. 115 to 100 pla. e. 5.i to 100 show; Racket. 1 iO to 100 show. U]l wjnn,.r witn ,,v,.ry stride. SKY MAN set the early pace but tired in the- stretch. CASSIE ANN iH BBv Winner I.r. g. by Martinet — Rod and Gun, by llanudcs ttra.ned by L. Trueman; bred by Messrs. waj .,]„.,, s ontiun BBBbI H Williams Dr.*. I. !-!.ratt:i1,.i_s s;H3 Mike Morrissey. 110. H B Went to [MSt at 4:0... At post I minutes. Start good and slow for all but MeKENNA. Won Overweights— Sky Man. 5 pounds: Luckv Lou. 1. iflH H handily: second and third driving. SEA SAND gradually improved his position after rounding the last * BBB BBB turn and. coming resolutely thnugh the stretch, won going away. MUSKALLONGE forced the early ._ _ ______ _ . __ . , „ — , /.-,.- .... . ..., . ,-. » — ...» _ ■___ ■ pa.e and ra. ing SADDLE AND ROOTS into defeat. t„k the had. but tired when challenged. RACKET ««TQf- F0TOLH __"__! _" Fiurlongs- **and 26 1923-1 :05%-5-109. Purse 03. 3-year- H ■ OO * **** olds and "P"d. Claiming. Net value to winner 00; second- 0; third. 0. cled I big gap and was going fastest of all in the final strides. STAY ON finished well. SUN H H RAJAH closed a gap and finished gamely fnm a slow beginning. SADDLE AND BOOTS set the "~~ ~ . .,.,„„_, 7. .. „. .... * 7T I I . __ , _ , IH AWtlISt Str. Owners | tired Index Horses % % in Jockeys Equiv. Odds Strt H early pa.e and badly. | Be rat. lic-d H.3S1 II Flint. 110: 88143 Llewellyn. 114: 88537 Timeless. 112. I — H ■ Overweights-Saddle and Itoots. 11.. pounds: Wat. h Charm. 1. 88751CHoW CHOW MlM 6 1 2 2 M 1»* J Starkey Mrs M V Daly 1330-100 H M — 88751 DR. 1* T. ADAMSwb I 101 1 5 M 4 3 2- L Wilson W MCain 510-10 H 1 88722 FICTILE wb 6 HI 5 3 6» 71 M 3" T Wayt F A Markum 2900-100 H M OCVTOn FIFTH RACE— 3-4 Mile. April 16. 1921—1:11% — 5 — 130. Yarrow Brae Purse. 88290 SKTHS DREAM w 4 111 8 4 M 1*14 4 C OMney J McGraw ::1"-1C0 H H OO 4 _f" Purse ,200. 3-yeaT-olds. Allowances. Net value to winner 00; second, 00; 88660CKEKN P.RIAR w I loS ;; 8 8 M 7 51 C B Allen O L Foster le.To-loo lH H third, 00. 88752- HAV A ELECTRICw 5 Ml 4 I 4 51 5 61 W Charles H T Palmer lSO-100 H M 1 88725-CEDRIC wb.11:I 2 6 :! 3 4 7l T Flu kill Mrs H D Cox 7:0-100 H H lud.x Horses AWtlISt % % Str Fin Jockeys Owners Lquiv. Odds Strt 8877 1 CZARDoM wb9 111 7 7 „,?*,.? » A M I al.l Sunflower Stablj 1900-100 iH H Time, 23%, 49, 1:01%. 1:08. Track fast. H p H *2 mutuels paid- Chow CW«, *2v0O straight. 3.40 place. .40 show; Dr. F. T. Adams. .20 H 78636 PERMA.VT WAVE w 105 3 4 M 2 P 1 D M .Vffe J S Cosden 475-100 ■ 84841 CHINK WHO 5 2 4 3» ?.- M L M.Atee Mrs W J Howard 600-100 Plact; -40 I*__v, __*i2 !T_ ___i , . , . , l.ookmu- odds how how .«_ 1.I..0 to ,on 100 straight. 1. ...0 -o to 1 ,n„ 100 ,-n 1,0 to 10J _• ■ Equ.val.nt place. show; H 85673 DAMON RUNYON w b 112 2 5 M U 2 Ml J Maiben J McM.ll.-n 62«0-100 ■ 8 387 LIGHTSHIP ■ MB 8 .1 3 4« 41 4 W Ha, vey W M J.-ffor-ls 1 -eiO-loO lr- Jj .»• A,i!:"" V "" "J 1 7 " ,"* """* : ___* __T» _ , , , . ,_., ,, ater-Lady I_ Ornama. - by Ornament trained by . J. Duly: ■ bred Mr. v, -H ■ * by 811 13 HEAD COVER w 112 1 8 M 6 5 ."• P. Kenndy Seagram Stablo UMMN - Jrn1n H I ilsARATOGA MAJE n VU 7 7 6 S M M§ J Wallace wsk.lmer s.i-Jo! , w« »l to»S* I*** -,1 5* 1 niinute. Start good and slow Won driving: second and third lH ■ 85072 COME *M t I I M 8 8 ■ Scobie A C BMtWfek MW-MI "_"5T. S??-011? *?** ~ , ? .*■ .*tMt» . M*-LT!,:"t,:iy .ini1 W°" ". .""• " str.de. H ■ -J lK :"" •"" f Kan.ely . F I II MH-, ,1 a gap w,ll. a good burst IH 81002-SII.VER ROCK wllo 4 6 M 9 9 T Murray SPPettit SMMN J_T PAM* f1"""1 _»*« J H Time. 23%. 48%, 1:14. Track muddy. "f P*" ul" «""d have- wen in a few more strides. SEllIs DRLAM tir.-l sligi.tly near the- end. H H mutuels paid— Permanent Wave. 1.50 straight. .10 place, .10 show; Chink, .!0 place, HA V ANA EI ECIRIC wns always .ntpacd. M Scratched— 88, ..J terta.n 108. ■ show. Point, IH $.-,..0 show; Damon Runjon. 8 20 Wave. 475 to 100 straight, 155 to 100 -— — ■ — - H Kcmivalent booking odds— Permanent place, 105 to 100 show; — lH H Chink. PJ" to 10J pla..-, 175 to 100 shew: Damon Runyon. 810 to 100 show. fiftr7Q7 FIFTH RACE— 3-4 Mile. April 21, 1923 — 1:12% — 5 — 104. Purse C0. 3-year-olds H H Winner— Ch. f. by Crimper — Queen of the Sea, by Sea King trained by W. Garth; bred by Mr. OO 4 lF 4 and upward. Claiming. Net valuo to winnor 00; second. 0; third. 0. | H Jcxdiua S. Cosdci.. | H Went to * i I at 4:39. At post 4 minutes. Start good and slow. W.n e-asily; second and third Index Horses AWtlISt % % Str Fin Jockeys Owners Equiv. Odds Str"t | M driving. PERMANENT WAVE ra. ed DAMON RUNYON into defeat and took an easy lead in the iH H final eighth. CHINK was saved in the early racing and. coming fast through the stretch, outfinished ] 88720 HOOVER w 8 112 4 6 6 1 Ill C E Allen Mrs M H Jordan 210-100 H H DAMON RINYON for second place-. The latter set a fast early pace and finished ga ly but tired in I 88723lRoYAL SPRING w 5 10S 13 4» 5 4 2 L Wilson C E Brosius 660-100 H M the last eighth. LIGHTSHIP was never able to improve his position. HEAD COVER raced gamely and j 88726 FIRST PULLET w 9 112 2 1 .ll 41 2« 3 J Jones J T Abrams 60--100 H M was on the inside for the entire- ra... SARATOGA MAJE ran poorly and was never prominent. I 88726*L. BLK SHEEPwb 6 112 3 4 M M 31 4h E Cpenter Mrs W H B.-aman 300-100 H H .Scratched 84990 Sun Tesa. 107; 88522 PUola. 110; 8874;; 1ie-ry Flight, lOw. I i . H H Overweight — Uome, 1 pound. | Continued on Thirteenth Page. |

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1920s/drf1925041801/drf1925041801_3_1
Local Identifier: drf1925041801_3_1
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800