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Entries and Past Performances HAVRE DE GRACE SATURDAY, APRIL 18 WBATm CI.OIDV; TRACK SI.OM. Th? figures under the headi ig "Rec." in the entrirs below show the best tims of epeh horse at the distance rince January 1. 1S24, no matter where it finished. In cases wiieie record was made on other than a fast or good trcck, abbreviations show track con- | ditions. • l_ MM IS FIRST INDEX OF 192.1. 88IS7 IS FIRST IIMI OF APRIL. Racine starts at 2 .10 p m. Chicago time 1 :.",0L Q Superior mud runner. X flood mna runner. :!: mud runner. II Maidens. Apprentice allowance, b I!l inkers. The following abbreviation0 are used to designate tracks at which records shown in entries were made: Aqueduct Aq Kempton Park KP Aurora Au Kenil worth Ke Belmont Park BP King Edward Ki Blue Bonnets BB Latonia La : Bowie Bo Laurel Lu Brcoklvn Park Br Lexington Lx Clu-rohill Downs CD Maple Heights MH Columbus Co Marlboro Mb Connauglit Park . . CP Miami Mi Conneaut Lake CL Mobile Mo Dado Park DP Mount Royal MR Devo-.sliiro Do Onwha Om Dorval Do Piralico Pm Dufferin Du Raccland Rd Empire Em Reno Re Fair Grou-ds EG Saratoga 8a Fort Erie FE Tanf oran Ta Hamilton Hm ThistL Down TD Havre de Grace HG Thorncliffo Th Hawthorne Hw Tiuanj. Ti j Havana Hv Toledo To Huntington Hu Windsor Wi Jamaica Ja Woodbine Wo i Jefferson Park ,JP First Race— 4 1-2 Furlongs. Mm- Grass Purse. Pur e ,200. 2 year olds. Allowances. Track record: April 2*, 1121— .13—2—11.".. Todays | lad. HorseAPostPos. Wt. Rec. A.Wt.Han. 88583 Au.illa. 2 11*.. 750 87325 My Colonel. 1 ... 11.1x74.1 j 87797 Silver Finn. | ... 112x74.11 88519 Cinema. 10 11.1.. 74.1 j RS536 Irre-i-til.l. . 8 112. 740] 8867G Worm wold. 13 . . . 112.. 740 68503 Ilapp.r Girl. .".. . 109 73.1 83742" barbie |M . 11. 109. .7X1 88710 l.cmnos Ml. 4.. 112.. 730 88629 Dictation Ml, 7. 109. .730 John Fir. lieu an. 12 112 Sligo Branch. §.. 112 Cheater. 18 112 •Kink. C, 112 Golden Haze-. 14. . 10. » Socond Race — 5 1-2 Furlongs. Combat Handicap. Purse ,500. | year elds. Track re.ord: April 111. B»2l 1 I.I1., 3 108.1 88744 Candy Kid. 1015P 11.1 117.-, 122. .710 85447 Trip Lightly. 2 Sa 111 1 :fx; 1WXT45 85506 Si::my Man. .". Fin 11.1 1:07 121 . .74.1 8E743- laddie- Back, 4IH, 111 1 17 111x740 85G56- Galdafecr. !l 111* 1 :n:,!-, IK* .710 8S743 The- lint i.Mi. Ha 101 1 .07:. 10! .740 fOCOO Fcp-to. I . Hi; 100 1 :l;-:. 107. 740 88743 Finland. 7 . . Sa 11.1 1:07 107x73.1 88743 Nicholas. 1 ..Km 112 1 ■* ■■-. Hit- 730 80613 Gwnkhana. ■ .Wi 110 1 Mf MS X 790 Third Race— 3-4 Mile. A.-.. Purse. Purse ,300. 3 ycal -olds and u|iwarel. Allowances Track record: April If, 1021 1:11--.V 130 I 85926 Senalado. 9 ...Pm 111 1:12% 3 96x7.10 88743* Panic. I Pm 11.11:13-, 3 96.. 741 S8766 St. Valentine. 41K; 1091 :13i .1102.741 88537J The Vintner. S Ft; 11.8 1:12V. 4 11.1X747.: 88743 The Mat Ml. 3S,i 122 1:13% 3 101. .741 83974 Wilderness, 13 MP 130 1:13 I 11.1X740 88267- Sun Altos. 7. . .Mi 112 1:11% 4 112. .740 85854 Je.v Smoke-, .1.11m MS|1:1S% 4 112. .740 88744 Tester. 13 Aq 126 1:12 4 10S..74U; 75196 Blurmont. 2 5 108.. 740 88267 Great Jaz. 1 ..1m 104 1:11% .110.1x731: 82713 Poland. 16 . . . MP 124 1 :13 M 4 102.. 73.1 I 73851* Bnttersen. 12 .1 10S 730 88766 Welirinder. 14 Pm 101 1:12 7 102X730; 81047* Malapert. 10. .Wo 98 1:14 4 103.. T2S] 84278 Tuxedo, 11 . ..Aq 109 1:13 5 102.720; Fourth Race— 1 1-16 Miles. Thirteenth Running Philadelphia Handicap. $.1,000 Added. 3 year-olds an dupward. Track record: Sept. IS. 1920— 1 :44*— 3- 138. 1 EE926 Single Foot, 1 3 107. 800 I 88744- leopardess. 1.1 FG 110 l:46-5 4 10SX79.1 I 82284 Transmute. 6 4 110. .79.1 85644 Mg Blaze. 10 A«i 109 1:44 4 111x79.1! | 85854 S|Kt Cash. 11.. Aq 114 1:43% I 11.1x79.1; ! 88259; Sunsini. 12 . . 102 1 :4fV. .1108x7901 ; 83C79 Moonraker. 10 .La 107 l:4Sm .1 107x790, 85623- Ten Minutes. 3Pm 117 1:46 .1 101.. 790 j 88744 Candy Kid. 7 3 104.790 85926 My HI— ilf. 14.. 3 102. 790, ■ 88538 Cloudland. 1 3 101X760 836.9 l»r. I Mara. 2 Ke 90 1 :45 r. 4 100.. 760 j 85926 Campfire Tales.13 3 9.1.760 88767 Martingale. 4 Jal20 1:4B * .1110x710 88714 Setting Sun. I FG 102 !:«•% 5 98x7.10 88768 Malboa, 8 3 93X750 Fifth Race — 1 Mile and 70 Yards. Purse ,200. 3-year-olds and upward. Claiming. Track record: Sept. 28, 1918- 1 :42-«5 — 4—132. 85668 FLYING CLOUD. 8 HG 107 l:44.-,m 7 107x72.1 85231 Harmonious. f.MH 116 6 108x711 87543 Lucifer. 4 . . . FG 112 1 4.V-V. 3 100x713 88679 Belphrizonia, lHwIOl 1 :45«r, .1112x711, 88586 Faenza. I Jal00 1:441Ti 4 110. .710 88571 Drumbeat. 7 . . Lu 11311:44V. 4 107.. 7101 82068 •Dcronda, 9 ..KG 106 1:4.1*. 4 10.1X710 I 88572 Harlan. 2 ...Im 105 1 :46V5 3. 98. .705 ! 85882 Cant Say No. .1 Im 111 1 ISs 3 101 . .700 I Sixth Race — 1 Mile and 70 Yards. Purse ,200. 3-year-olds and upward. Claiming. Track record: Sept. 2S. 1918— 1:42-4 132. 88610* Prince Tii Tii. 4 JI» 110 1 .43 .1 10.1X721 82859 Norma tin. 6 ..HG 105 1:44V. 4 10.1. .720 I 88314* Mock and Mye.XIF 110 1:44V. 4 108. .71.1 ! 88656 Sun Lady, 1 . . .JP 109 1 :44 4 10OX711 j 88640 .liaison. 8 Hw 112 1:45% 4 10.1X710 ! 88143 Llewellyn. 7 107 1:43V. 6 101x70.1 88C10 Mrunell. 2 Mi 113 1:41- .1 110-1=700 88572 •Mouti Mlglr. 3... 3 93x700 Serenth Rice — 1 3-16 Miles. Purse 2O0. 4-year-olds and upward. Claiming. Track record: Sept. 7. 1912 2:00 — 4-107. 88746 •Onm, 8 FG 99 2:03V I 107. .725 88573 i:: J.smar. 7.F; 109 2.03 ■ lot; x 720 88746* Pete the Se ril»e. 3 4 W. .713] 8S792 The Archer. .I.Hw 109 1 .19-, 8 111 X 713 1 ! 88769- Westwood. 4 . . FG lfts MVI-- B 1161:71.1 ; 88C32 Doe tor .lim. 10. Ke 101 2:01V, 8 111X71.".! 86680 Altissimo. I ..Pin 110 2 01 4 116x710 88682 Maseiueraclo, 12 .. 6 103X7101 88746 Over Fire. 2. Hw 104 1 :."9 4 107X705 j 88209- Frosty Boy. 1.1IG 4 106x70.. 85083 Koyden, 11 . . .IK 109 2:0.1V.s S104X70.1 88712 Vitamin. 13 6 104X700 83177 Co.ibri. 9 6 99. 700 j