1st Race [1st Havre De Grace, Daily Racing Form, 1925-04-18

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1 of DA PC 4 "- Furlontrs. Hlne Grass Parse. 2-year-olds. Allinvanccs. 5l nAUt 1M4 H 2 t April M, — — — 115. lodes Curse Dlat Time T ~k Odds Wt St ». Sir rm Jorkers Started Order of Finish AUCILLA. b. c. 2 118 By Broomstick — Leayonara, by Woobsthorpe. Trainer. F. Hopkins. Owner. L. S. Thompson. Breeder. L. S. Thompson. NMI B ■ ■ ■ 1-3 4SVfast 7-5 110 4 1 l3 H Stutts 8 Welshot, Vouare, Bndor MY COLONEL ch. c. 2 115 By Luko McLuke— Lucille Morois, by Peep oDay. Trailer. T. J. Brown. Owner. C. Weidemann. Breeder, G. Watts and Sons. R732.1 Miami 1 1 f «l%faat 11-10 US 1 5 21 1 N P.arrett 8 Edith Bennett. Astrid. Elon 87113 Mia-ni 31 f 434hvy 17-10 112 I 2 1« l« N Barrett 8 Elon, I.ewood. Mulligan SILVER FINN. blk. f. 2 112 By The Finn— Crackle, by Charles Edward. Trainer. W. Durnan. Owner. Flamingo Stable. Breeder. S. Ross. 87797 IJ.r nels 3J f 41 fast 44 114 1 1 11 l1 J Butwell S Med Heart. Worth. Irresistible 87119 F.Grn.ls 2-8 35V,goocl 4-5 115 4 ~- I!1 J Rut»ell 12 Ml:.b. Mouth. N.uMiss. S| l..ct M9M F Gr n.ls ::-! ;:TVmuel 13-10 113 1 l1 l3 j Mutwell 11 Mombshcll, Ilighlife, Tretty Mill CINEMA, b. f. 2 115 By Sweep — Magic Lantern II.. by Le Sagittaire. i Trainer. M. Smart. Owner. S. Res3i. Breeder, S. Ross. 88.119 Itowi.. 1-2 M fast 4i 115 3 C 2»« 1 B Brning 12 Pandy. Atalaute, Domnay IRRESISTIBLE, b. c. 2 112 By Dominant— Bewitch, by Peter Pan. Trainer. C. Phillips. Owner. Grecntree Stable. Breeder. Greentree Stable. K8.VC I.owie 1-2 4! teal 1." 10 116 4 1 l| 2 C Fuell 10 Dedans. Vouare-. Endor HM Icffcnaa 1-1 47V.fast :;* in l i |« ] * c Bael f Aiioghan. Maz.-tta. Sep-.v 87797 V .Grnds „i f 41 fast I 111 C 4 4= 4» J Bul 8 Silver Finn, Med Heart. Worth WORMWOLD. ch. c. 2 112 By Wormleigkton— Mantilla, by Uncle. Trainer. T. J. Healey. Owner. W. J. Salmon. Breeder. W. J. Salmon. 88676 l.e.vwe 1-. 4. fast 19 112 " 0 !»• 73 ] Mail.en 9 Navigator. Df.lans. Centrifugal 87792 Miami 1-2 M%tMl 7 11.7 4 J :: 1 .1 Maiben 6 Hayai. Christopher. Go Through 87690 Miami 1-J 4» good 6 117 3 2 2 21 J Maiben 8 Christopher. Claudius. Pay Girl I1BI Miami t% f 4:! sfast 11 110 6 4 3 3-J J Maiben I Elon. Astrid, Christopher 87399 Miami N f 44 slow 7 117 I £ 5 54i J Maiben ■ Elon. Muffet. Christopher 87046 Miami 1-1 B%fcvy 9i 116 i 513 F Wpincr I Pcesslmbria. Sweetlnver. Kiyi 86872 Miami 1-4 23Vfast 3 122 10 6»2 F W.-iner 11 G. Tlirongh, Pheasant. I emnos 86806 Miami 1-4 22 fast IS 117 5 3i F Wciner 12 Prin -essFmbria. P.Girl. I.emnos FLAPPER GIRL. blk. f. 2 108 By Delhi— Morion, by Helmet. Trainer. T. Lynn. Owner. E. H. BrysonV Breeder. J. D. Carr and Bro. 88.703 lt-.w.e 1-2 Mi fa-t 23-10 116 5 5 21 Ink I. Monis 12 Fredall . I. vCbilte.n. Moyal Kiss 878S8 I.ff.rsan 1 I 4S-f.ist 11 10 112 4 4 4= 4" J Heupel 6 NatKwns. Mcnil.sb 1. MketPn.c 87 243 lGi nels 3i f 41.goc -l 7-10 lie 3 2 1 1J E Pool 10 DlySeth. Kinati.ipation. P.illikn 80867 RGrnda 3-S 2l,Vhvy 8 111 1 1« 1» K Pool 12 Dolly Sc th. DreamDaddy. Fpton , : 86.132 r :•■ !. ! M ■ hvy 41 115 5 41 6» II Hngton 6 DlySeth. MyUakcr. M hildeSetb CHARLCIE. ch. f. 2 M 109 By Derrilldon— Charybdis. by Rockton. Trainer. Woods Garth. Owner. J. P. Jones. Breeder. L. Garth. 88742 H.1-,.... M M|lll I2f 116 3 6 C= 3*1 J Walla-e U Ethereal. Ima Way. Trapeze LEMNOS. ch. c, 2 Mi 112 By Lemonora— Snowcapt. by Roi Herode. I Trainer. T. J. Healey. Owner. W. J. Salmon. Bred in England by W. J. Salmon. 887II. Fowl- 1-2 4HV.fast 24 Dt I 4 4 4J1 J Mairw-n 9 Geo. May, Cozy. Princess Apple 87631 Miami 1 I 4 fa -t 14 112 7 5 5 5,J J Maiben 8 Grace H.. Astrid. Atalante i 87478 Mia.Tii 3j f 43 slow 16 us 4 8 i1 7*2 J Maiben 11 Grace- H. Muffet. Overlook 86872 Miami 1-4 23 t,fa.st 3 122 3 3 Q Walls 11 GoTbror.gb. Pheasant. Hope Star e 86806 Miami 1-4 23 fast 15 117 7 4i G Walls 12 P. Fmbria. P. Girl. Wormwold . DICTATION, ch. f. 2 M 109 By Escoba— Amanuensis. t7 The Scribe. Trainer. M. Smart. Owner S. Rots. Breeder. S. Ross. j 88629 Bawifl 1-2 41 .-fast 13 IBM M 9» V B Brning 12 Domnay. OMQ . Jamtta I Fist start fe,r the fc.llowing: t JOHN FINNEGAN. b. c. 2 M 112 By Smoke House— Mon.ing Hours, bv Yankee Trainer. F. Garrett. Owntr, R. P. Marshall. Breeder. R. P. Marshall. SLIGO BRANCH, ch. c. 2 U 112 By The Wanderer— Rubidium, by Radium. Trainer, M. Smart. Owner, J. W. Bean1. Breeder, J. W. Bean. CHEATER, b. c. 2 M 112 By Colin— Melting Moments, by Lcmbcrg. Trainer. J. F. Schorr. Ow:er. E. B. McLean. Breeder. E. B. McLean. I KINK. b. c. 2 M 112 By Crimper— Hayrack, by Wrack. iTra.ner. Wood:; Garth. Own-r. Woods Garth. Breeder. W, Garth. C0I.DEN HAZE. ch. f. 2 M 109 By Golden Broom— Smoky Lamp, bv Plaudit. Trainer, R. A. Smith. Owner. W. M. Jeffords. Breeder, W. M. Jeffords.

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1920s/drf1925041801/drf1925041801_6_2
Local Identifier: drf1925041801_6_2
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800