Huntington, Daily Racing Form, 1925-04-18


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Entries and Past Performances HUNTINGTON SATURDAY, APRIL 18 WEATHER CLOUDY; TRACK FAST. 8650S IS FIRST I *DEX OF 1925. 8SJS7 IS FIRST INDEX OF APRIL. Racing starts at 2:30 p. m. Chicago time 1:30. ® Superior mud runner. X Good mud runner. :•: Fair mud runner. M Maidens. "Apprentice allowance, b Blinkers. First ~Ra.ce — 5 1-2 Furlongs. Pur«e 0O. 3-year-olds and upward. Claiming. Track record: April 26, 1923— 145%— 5—109 Todays Tn.l. norseXPostPos. Wt. Rec. A.Wt.Hnn 887472 Lent. 2 To 113 1 :0-5 6 108X725 88717 Frank Sumpter, 1 Mi 111 1:07 5 103.. 720 88793 Blossoms. 3 . .Hm 105 1:10 5 106. .715 I 8S7952 London Smoke. 8. 4 108x715 88794 Jacobean. 10 Mil 108 1:07% 7 108:-:710 I 88718- •Wilton 4 Hu 107 1:07% 6 101x710 88795 "Lucky Lou Ml. 9 Hu 98 1:09 *i I 94. .710 | 88770 I an B. Stewart M, 7 Hu 102 l:09b 3 101.. 705 88799 "Little Pal M. I Hu 10rt 1:08% | 100. .700 88796 "Czardom. 6 . . .Hv 108 1 :0S% 9 106x700 Seco Race — 5 1-2 Furlongs. Purce ftftftft, 3-year old-; and upward. Claiming. Traik record: April 20. 1HI IM% II. 88749s Black Ruler. 2 MH 105 1:05 4 IftftcTSB 88771 "Biiv B.b. 4 MH 110 1 :064-. 5 103x72t 88747 "Ijiss.s White. 6 MH 103 1:0 * 4 1ft7y715 88798 "Blnck Top. 7 Hu 111 1:08 7 103 715 88690- "Dahinda. 10 . .Hu 105 1:07% 9 105x715 RH**t •;„|r| Umt, 11 Ilv 105 1:08 4 101x710 88796* Fictile, 5 Mill0 1:0S% ft 108x705 88722 Antilles. 8 7 106X705 88685 "Lummie W.. 9 Hu 10ft 1 09% 4 101/70:s 88795 M Garrison. 1 MH 108 1 :06% 11 108X700 88690 Richard Murray. 8 Uv 109 1:07% 5 108x700 Third Race— 3-4 Mile. Pur e 00. 4-year-eJda and upward. Claiming. Track If ft: April 21. 192.3-1:12%— 5 — 104. 887513 "Tulsa. 5 Mil 110 1:14% 8 101*72s5 88043 "Hartelle, 4 . .UU 108 1 :13Vs 5 101. .720 88752 Lottie Loraine, 9 nv 103 1:12% 6 104X715 88747 Tony Express. 8 MH 110 1:13% 5 100. .715 88749 Lieutenant Perkins, 3 Mil 112 1:15 8 106x715 88C42 "RanUm. 1 Ti 107 1:15% 5 101X710 88751 "Quash. 2 Hu 95 1:15% 4 99. .710 88798 Eternity, 10 .MH 108 1:13% 7 113x710 88325 "Nuyaka. 7 Ilv 110 1:16 5 104x705 88728 Gray Girl, 6 Ilv 105 1:15 4 101. .700 Fourth Race— 3-4 Mile. Purse 00. 3 year-olds. Claiming. Track record: April 21, 1923 — 1 :12%— 5-104. 88687 "PARNELL LAD. 1 Hu 88 1:13 108. .725 88688 "Rosamond. 3 . .Ilv 110 1 :12% 108.. 715 887731 "Sandpile, 2 ...Hu 9.8 1:13% 103. .710 88688 "Staruiatia, 5 ..Hv 99 1:13% 104 .705 88773 "Wracklane, 4 .Hu 93 1:13% 101.. 705 Fifth Race— 1 1-16 Miles. Purse 00. 3-year-olds and upward. Claiming. Track record: Oct. 13, 1923— 1 46%— 5— 107. 88774 Lanoil, | Hu 112 1:4S% 4 112x725 88729 Lady Choco, 2 Au 102 1:4S% 4 110x72ft 8So89- Arraosa. 4 . . Hu 112 1 :4S% 5 109x715 88689 Quaver, 1 Hu 112 1:48% 4 103X710 8872»3 Seths Bacon, 5 Hu 100 1:49% 3 95. .705 Sixth Race — 1 Mile and 70 Yards. Purse 00. 3-year-olds and upward. Claiming. Track record: Oct. 17, 1923 1:43 — *— 107. 88727- "R.-cup. 4 Hv 100 1:46% I 101x725 88753 "Eunice K., 6 ..Mi 89 1 40 3 101x720 8879S3 Rock Salt, 3. .Hu 108 1:47% 5 103.. 715 88773 "Belle Fay, 1 3 97.. 710 88776 Armistice. 7 .Hv 113 1:48% » 112x710 88773 Red Setli, 2 3 104x705 88794 Steve. 5 8 103X700 S.wenth Race — 1 1-4 Miles. Purse 1925.sh00. 3 year-olds and upward. Claiming. No track record. 88776 "Nettie May. 4 ... 4 96x721 88666 "Jail Ford, 5...Hw 109 2:08% 6 100X720 8872S3 Kent L., 6 ..Mi 105 2.10% 5 105x715 88753 "Feigned Zeal. 3.. 0 96X715 88666- I.ady I-ongridge. 1 4 107x710 8S7532 "Captain Adams, 2 ft 100. .70S

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Local Identifier: drf1925041801_10_4
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