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All DITC 1 1-1G lil«-.s. Philadelphia Handicap. i.-year-olils and iiinvaril. 4111 hAUt Sept. IS, lPliO 1:44 4-5 ■ 1SS. Index. Course. Pist. Time. Track. Odds. Wt. St. -i Sir. Fin. Jockey. Started. Order of Finish. •SINGLE FOOT. b. c, 3 107 By Wrack — Virginia L.. by McGee. Trainer, H. Rites. Owner, J. E. Griffith. Breeder. J. E. Griffith. 85926 Howie 1 l:t2%fast 43-10 122 C 4 9HO15 C Fbtherl.3 Sumpter. Swinging. Arbitration MMI Iimlico 1 l::?9*ifast 3 117 5 3 3« lJ C Fbtheri:! YngMartin. Primrose. Bat.FId » 5566 Iliiili-o 1 1 :39Sfst I 122 7 5 5= 55 C Fbtherl2 Stimulus, Star Lore, Candy Kid 85447 Laurel 1 1:40 fast 2 126 2 1 l1 2 * C Fbther 7, londiand. Almadcl 81841 I-iurel 2-4 112 5fast 6 122 4 2 2= l1 C FbtherlO Candy Kid, Retire. Primrose 81107 H.clcCce 3-4 1:13 fast C-5 122 2 2 1"* M C Fbtherll SatogaMaje, Chink, Gymkhana 83627 H-lmont 3-1 St 1 :10Vast 15 119 4 11 3 C Fbther-9 MotherGoose, Stimulus. Nedana 82931 Saratoga 3-4 1:13 good 50 119 2 Z 2« 4» C Fb therlij M. Charlie. PasSeul. KyCardinal •Eligible for Kentucky Derby. LEOPARDESS, h. f, 4 108 By Dominant — Fresnay, by Meddler. Trainer. C. Phillips. Owner. Greer.tree Stable. Breeder, Greentree Stable. 88744 II iliiiv I 4 1 12=*,good 21-10 110 2 3 2 2 W Harvey S Noah, Princess Poreen. Tester 88679 Howio 1 1 16 1 :4S*sfast 19-10 126 4 1 Ink 2 v Harveyll Kepation. T.Sgeant. Moonrakc r 88491 Howie 7 8 1 :274fast 2 116 5 2 2= 1- W llarve 12 Itonaghee. Tester. Pr.OMara 87800 F.c.inels 1 3 16 l:f.7%last lo 112 3 2 2 4 D Mc.Vffi-10 Chilhowce, Costigan, Honor 87609 1 l:40sslow 1-6 121 3 1 P ]• J Corcoran • V.argain Pay. Southland iirl I 87427 F.lrnds 1 1 :39%fast 9-5 116 1 1 Is 1* W Harvey-. I.yBelle. Bg nl»ay, PcessAdele 87361 1 1-16 l:llfast 6 114 4 3 81115W HarveylC Quatrain. Pr.ceJaines, President TRANSMUTE, ch. c. 4 110 By Broomstick— Traverse, by Tracery. Trainer, F. Hopkins. Owner. H. P. Whitney. Breeder. H. P. Whitney. 83284 !.. lao.nt 1 I S 2.4Stss1ow S 1 _C 1 2 1- 21 I Parke 0 AgaKhan, Mr. Mutt. ApprehVn 79689 H-linont 1 1 37 fast 10 111 I 4 4 4«t L McAtee 6 Prin.of Ciubria. iCstorin. .Siinlal 79591 H-lmont 1 1:39 slow 5 118 7 7 5 513 L McAtee 10 I.racadale, Sun Pal, Sheridan MMI Chan hill 1 1-4 ! 10 126 1 2 •* Gs2 I. McAtee 19 I.l. lohl. Chilbowee. Butler 78918 PhaHea 1 1-S l:57Vsslop 11 126 9 2 2= 2" L McAtee 15 Nel. Morse. Mad Play. Ponachee 75440 Iimlico ll:39*sfast jl-.i 116 1 I 6* ;rl L McAtee IS Stanwix. Sunspero. Mr. Mutt 75311 ll-oli. -o 1 l:39*fcfast 3 119 8 10 S 4ri J Corcoran Hi Beau Butler. Rustic. Aga Khan 75230 Pstattea lm70y l: M%amd 1 118 3 2 2» 2 L McAtee 1 Nellie Mease. Mr. Mutt. Mender BIG BLAZE, b. c, 4 115 By Campfire— Queen of the Hills, by Knight of the Thistle. Trainer. G. R. Tomokins. Owner. Glen Riddle Farm. 3reeder. R. H. McC Potter. 85644 l.mli. • 1 3-16 1 :58=-„ 7-10 US 2 1 1= 12 I Parke 4 P .Boy. P Hamlet. Wilkes-Barre MMS Iimli ■ 1 1-4 2:05 fast 3-2 113 3 3 3 34 I Parke 3 Aga Khan. Senator Norris MMt l-.:in • 1 1 1-4 IsMtfaat 12 106 1 2 2 li I Parke 10 Aga Khan. Rustic. Sun Flag S5074 Laurel 1 Ilfccfait 27 110 6 5 3 2= P AValis 7 W.Cns.llor. Sun Flag, Iuiliato K4679 Laurel I I-Vfast 4-5 109 2 4 4=5 2= J Ma:l n 5 Initiate. Bonaparte. CoIdi-nKulej M4M Jamaica 1 l-M 1 4H*slow 3 108 I 1 3 1= E BanMf ■" Z»v. Si.mwix. Pris. ilia Ruley 8I2I« A. pic la t 1 1 16 1 :43*sfast 4-5 109 1 3 2 22 S OHne]! 5 Diagram. Whetstone, Stanwix MMt Saratoga 1 3-4 3 Vsgood 7 116 2 6 51 4=« R K. 7 Mr. Mutt, My Play. Aga Khan 8:755 Saratoga 1 3-1C 2:025iniud 4 115 3 3 3* 3" B Kenndy 5 Sarazeu, Aga Khan. WltsapM SPOT CASH. b. g. 5 115 By Broomstick— Payment, by All Gold. Trainer. J. W. Healv. Owner. A. C. Bostwick. Breeder. H. P. Whitnev. 85851 Baa •• 1 2-16 Ml fast 33-10 116 5 2 6 5s C, Pabin 11 B i.ic •nnr. PloughBoy. Initiate 85X06 B Vta I 1 ITHal 6 P6 5 10 61 4s ¥ Collctt!l5 Ponaghce, P. Poreen. MJasWaiak 85742 Baarta 1 l-M 1HI fast 13-10 126 5 4 4"* 4= F Colletti 5 Or-perinan, Warapee. Pr.IIamlet J-5615 Pimli o 1 1-2 2:3Ufast 5 117 3 3 4 53i •. 6 Altawoo.l. Aga Khan, My Own MMI Piriilico 1 1-16 1:15=* fast 27-10 1-6 7 4 5= 5=2 E Sc-obie 8 CkClljPlcl, Sunsini. Plough Boy M4M 1-iur.l 1 1-4 2: MVsfast 20 US 10 7 7« 6 E Bfltll 10 Big P.laz.-. Aga Khan. Rustic XI594 II taOca 1 1-8 151 fast 3-4 122 6 3 3* 2" E Bcobtca 6 Valador. pjicagin-e, Ponn -My 83974 Aqueduct 1 1-8 1 :49Hfast 7 119 1 2 2» 2* E Scoble 9 Ladkin. K.Soloons.Scal. Catalan SUNSINI. b. g. 5 108 By Si:n Briar— Contessina. by Count Schomberg. Trainer. F. M. Bray. Owner. Lilane Stable. Breeder. W. S. Kilmer. 88269 Miami 1 1-16 1 :4S%faat 14-5 120 5 4 51 31 E Ambrs • :« Misnary. K.of theSpa. Cloister K8089 Miami 1 1-16 1 tC -;fast 1 121 7 6 5 5 E Ambrse 8 K.othSpa, Pgass. BrbaPImr 87972 MlaaU UaNf I P%faat 23 M M 6 2 V ll ■ Aaab»*aH4l Kiag of the- sj.i. MrrBcBj. Wm j 85851 i:..wie- 1 Ml I M fust 9 110 7 8 71 4 J Maiben 11 IloaghlSoy. Initiate 85806 Howie 1 l:4flfch«* 71 111 1 13 10 11M t: Lang 15 Ponagl.ce-. P.Dorcen. MlaaWatak s;,ii;i ]■,,,!. , 2 1-4 :::57 tlop :v 1"9 1 1 1-k 3; H Mrinell. 1 Altawud. Aga Khan, My Own MOONRAKER, ch. h. 5 107 By Broomstick— Alster Cresi. by Watercroii. Trainer. C. Phillips. Ownor. Greentree Stable. Breeder. Greentree Stable. K8679 Baaia i i NliMIM tt-io 122 r. 2 :; 4i H stutis 11 Re-patioa, Laarat— , r sergeant MMa Bawia haMy l:M%f «l 3 11 » 5 1 i- 1- w Harm • Magi.- Wan.i. BaMaa. BcttlagSaa j 88491 Baarta 7 I 1 :27 4fast I 112 7 I 6 7= I Parka 12 Le-opareless. Puaaghee-. Tester 88155 Jafferaaa I 1 1 :tt%faat • 113 3 I 4 4=5 w Banrey 4 LPoint. BaaCahHI. BtaaaFj*aT*f 8797S laffcraaa I 1 1 lTHIaat 31 113 1 4 ..1 s= .1 Carcacaa I LaaajPalat, MarriaMay, Elvina 87360 ml» 3 4 1:13 fast 1S-5 116 1 2 2- 21 J Ccoran I Certain. Bob sMary. Dr. Hickman 87179 Flrncii 3-tl:12fast I 117 1 4 P :, fj Harvey 10 Cy. lops. Moinsl.oy. Litth isitr TEN MINUTES, blk. h. 5 104 By Hourleas— Parphyle. by Robert Ie Diable. Trainer. G. R. Ton 1 l:tns. Owner. Glen Riddle Farm Stable. Bicecr. Farm. 85628 Piinli •€ lm70y 1 4-, 47-10 109 8 I 5 31 I Parke 8 Cherry Pie, Shuf. Along. Pr.Rulev 85604 Pimlico 11-16 116 fast 3 117 3 4 3 2 I Parke 7 Colde iiRtile-, Pllaniht. Wampee 85526 Pimlieo lmTOy l:4B%faat 7 111 1 4 31 2= I Parke 8 Reparation. MissCerina, It. Play 85285 Laurel 1 1-4 2:05 ifast 23-10 105 2 3 3 2i I Parke 3 Valador. My Play 85109 Laurel I L39%fast 4 110 2 3 3* P I Parke 7 KM. Blind Play. K. Sol « Seal 81992 laurel 1 1-16 1 :46*sfast 23-lu 102 6 5 3l 1 I Parke 6 Pr.OMara, C.nSphere. Fl g loud 84883 laurel 1 1:33 fast IS 101 1 5 6» 4 J WallacelO Rustic-. Reparation. Cherry Pie- 80566 Aqueduct 1 18 LSOslow 10 92 4 4 71 7*1 el Cjoper 10 MadPlay, AfaKban. D.Desuioud •CANDY KID. ch. c. 3 1C4 By Peter Pan— Matinee, by Broomstick. Trairer. F. Hcpkina. Owner, H. P. Whitney. Breeder. H. P. Whitney. 88744 BLa aO*ea :,-l l:12*sgood H-10 110 3 2 5= 7" T Parke 8 Noah. leopardess. PYessPoreen 85799 Lex gton FC 1:l2 ihvy 3 122 1 2 1 U 1 Parke I Almadel, Annihilated, St Along 85657 Pimlie-o 1 l:29*sfast 8-5 119 1 1 Ink 7* 1, McAtee IS SingleFt, YngMartin. PrimroM 85560 Pimlico ll:39*sfast 6 123 4 1 ll 3 L McAtee 12 Stininlus, StaiUire. SnnnyMaB 85477 Pimlico 3-4 l:12Vsfast 3-5 115 5 11" 2nk I Parke • SunnyMan. SilverKox. Primroaa 85072 Laurel 1 l:40"-sfast 3-5 10S 1 1 1* Is I Parke 6 Retire. Hurry Inn, Come •BY HISSELF, br. c. 3 103 By Man o1 War— Colette, by Collar. Trainer. R. A. Smith. Owner. W. M. Jeffords. Breeder. W. M. Jeffords. 85926 Howie; I l:42=ifast 27 114 9 6 10 910 F Sharpe 13 Sumpter. Swinging. Arbitration 85847 Howio 7-S 1:27 fast 8 123 6 7 7 6* ¥ Sharpe 9 Sumpter. Sen.ilado. Pangi-rous 85657 Pimlico 1 1 :29*sfast 8 117 13 13 13 12:1 F Collettil3 SingleFt. ViigMaitin. Primrose MMC Pimlico 1 l:ja%faat 9 119 11 12 103 9 ° c Kaaaaaerll BtMataa, star Lore, candy Kid 85373 Ktr.piro 1 l:39«ifast 41 115 8 2 2 V C KummerlO CampfireTalcs, Pii|tie. Coldbter 85102 Empire 5 f 1 06=-fast 5 118 7 5 4 1 C Kummer 9 flajae. MarthaMartin. N t. March 85018 ICmpire 5 f 1 :0i;v;f; 4 |tJ 4 | 23 1»* C Kummer I Faddist. MeCrnnmon. NewMoon 84276 Acju.-eliict 1 1:37*if:ist M 107 7 8 81 S» C Allen 13 Star Lore. Blue Ridge. Senalado •Eligible for Kentucky Derby •CLOUDLAND, b. c. 3 101 By Wrack— Fairy Ray. by Radium. Trainer, W. Garth. Owner. J. S. Cosden. Breeders. A. B. Hancock and E. F. Simms. 88538 Bowie 7-8 1:29 fast 7 1.. 1 3 3» c 4* I Hutwell 7 Areaely. Bruns. Balboa 88491 Howie 7 8 l:17sfast 30 103 6 9 10U 9J R Albiker 12 Leopardess. Honaghee. Tester 85926 Howie 1 l:42Vast 41 115 7 7 P* 62 J Hutwell 13 Sumpter. Swinging. Arbitration 85817 Howie 7-8 1:27 fast 20 119 1 2 2nk 4 J Hutwell 9 Sumpter. Senalado. Dangerous 85803 Howie 6 f l:20hvy 4 120 6 8 7 S15 J Hutwell 9 Laddie Buck. Pangerons. Dauby 85683 Howie 3-4 l:ttf£faat 8 115 5 5 5* ,:« C Iing I Swinging. Finland, Flagship 85657 Iimlico 1 l:29%fast 62 112 2 9 9 8*1 C I«ing 13 SingleFt, YngMartin. Primrose 85566 Pimlico 1 1 :394sfast 22f 122 5 9 11 10" J Hutwell 12 Stimulus. Star Lore. Candy Kid 85526 Pimlico lm70y 1 42*sfast 12 100 6 7 7s 7* J Wallace 8 Reparafn. T. Minutes. M .Cerina 85447 Laurel 1 1:10 fast 25 111 4 5 4* .:=i I Hutwoll 7 AmnFlag. SingleFoot. Almadel 85318 Laurel 51 f LOS mud 5 114 3 6 6 4* I Parke fl Primrose. Aim ailed. Chrysalis 85250 Laurel 3-4 ll.lfast 2 112 3 4 2»k l»k I Parke 4 Hurry Inn. Contract. Edisto •Eligible for Kentucky Derby. DR. 0 MARA. br. c. 4 100 3y Olambala— Long Range, by St. Frusqnin. Trainer. R. L. White. Owner, J. 3. Farrell. Jr. Breeder. R. T. Wilson. 88679 Howie 1 1-16 l:18«ifast 41 109 6 9 8= e1" R Wliamsll Repation. I.pardess. T. Sergeant 88539 Bowie lm70y l:48 i«ifa8t 5 102 6 2 1 1* R YVliams fl R.Wingfield. ThePoet. P. James 88491 Howie 7 S l:2714fast 67 100 8 4 41 4s B Wliamsl2 Leopardess. Ponaghee. Tester 84992 Laurel 1 1-16 I MHIaal "1 1021 1 1 P 21 B Brning fl TenMinntes. t; Sphere. FgCIc*. I 84842 Laurel 1 1-S 1:52 fast 56 100 Wheeled. L Lang 7 Whetstone. Valaelor R. Bachelor 84758 Laurel lm70y l:t:."ifast 44 102 6 S 5 5" L Lang fi Ponaghee. P.bary P.ush. Priimb t S4114 Wdbine 1 1-4 2:04*4fast 57 100 8 8 8 9» L Lane 10 He ion. Hologe. K.Sol. Seal •CAMPFIRE TALES, br. c, 3 95 By Campfire — Jeanne Fouquet, by Bruieur. Trainer, T. 3. Healey. Owner. R. T. Wilson. Breeder. R. T. Wilson 8592G Howio 1 l:tMjtkal 6 105 12 11 IP 111T R Pierce 13 Sumpter. Swinging. Arbitrallon 85832 Bowie 6 f l:21good 61 114 9 9 81 4s J Maiben 11 Senor. Volante. llagship 85657 Pimlico 1 l:29*sfast 4 105 11 10 10* 9" ] Callahn13 SingleFt, YngMartin. Primrose 85629 Pimlico 3-4 1:13 fast 20 118 8 5 5« V J Maiben 13 Volante. Panby. Laddie Ruck 85447 Laurel 11:40 fast 6 10016 6 0* 5*J R Pierce 7 AmnFlag. S.ngleKoot, Clomird 85373 Empire 1 l:39*4fast 10 10110 7 4 2 R Pierce 10 By Hisself. Pio,ue. Goldbeater 85270 Empire Ab 3-4 l:09%fast 13-5 102 6 7 6* 4=2 J Callahn 7 Noah. Peanuts. Emissary S5171 Empire 5 f 31 122 7 6 4U 3* B Mrinelli ■ Watts, SilverFox. Lawless •Eligible for Kentucky Perby. MARTINGALE, b. n. 5 110 By Martinet — Lady Irma. by Sempronlus. Trainer, Wm. Garth. Owner. Wm. Garth. Breeder. A. B. Hancock. 88767 H.cleGce 1 1-16 l:45%fart 17-10 111 4 2 4» 4= D McAffe | T.Sergeant. Thimble. Nose Dire 79267 Belmont 1 l:38Vsfast 12 120 4 7 7 7"C Lang 8 Laurano. Braeadale. Rialto 79097 Jamaica 1 1-1C l:*4fast 8 120 1 2 4 4*1 C Kummr 4 Ordinance. Rialto. Sunsini 78909 Pimlico 1 1-16 1:48 hvy 9-5 120 5 5 5 53 A Johnsn BaaeCaak, KgSmonsSl. Mclest 78759 Pimlico 1 3-16 l:59Vsfast 6 120 1 1 Ink 2"t C Kummrl2 Chacobt. Rev Agent. K. Ss Seal 78706 Pimlico 1 l:38rast 13-5 120 1 2 2* Q J Wallacj 6 SpicASpan. Extermor. Piogenes 78593 H.deGce 11-16 1:45 fast 13-10 122 3 5 5 5" E Ambrse T Golden Rule. Klonelyke. G.enfan 78473 ILdejGce 3-4 I HUktrf 5 122 6 6 6 52 E Barnes 6 LdGranite. Sen. Norris. Sgalong SETTING SUN. ch. g. 6 98 By Olambala— Sunburst, by Banastar. Trainer, T. Lynn. Owner, E. K. Bryson. Breeder. R. T. Wilson. 88714 Howie lm70y IWUffaat 3-2 106 4 4 4 4* J Iyland 4 R.Wingfd. Th..masine. Thimble 88679 Howie 1 1-16 l:4S*sfast 46 107 11 6 4 » 5 J Leylamlll R.-pali.n. I.pardess. T.Sergeant 88586 Howio lmTOy 1 :48=* 7 111 2 5 5s 4- L Morris • Moonraker. Magi,- Wand, BalN a 87800 F.Crnds 1 3-16 1.57*sfast 15 103 10 7 6= 5" J Leyland 10 Chilhovvee. Costigan. Honor 87668 F.Grnds lmTOy l:43%fast 4 106 6 4" 3 J Lcylaml fl Costigan. Lady Belle. Gorget 87457 F.Grnds lmTOy l:44%fast 8 106 7 8 5* 2 J Leyland S Costigan. Rarraenda. MlaaMllaa 87303 F.Grnds lmTOy 1:40 fast 4 105 6 6 0 331 .1 Leylaml fl PrceJames. I.adyP.elle, Ctigan BALBOA, ch. c, 3 93 By Ballot — Betty Dalme. by Sweep. Trainer. W. R. Sallee. Owner, S. Most. Breeder. G. H. Clay. 88768 IL.leKPco lm70y l:43*ifast 10 M 8 4 9 3 F Thdyke S SweepingAway. Millwk. Overall 88586 Howie lmTOy l:4S«sfast 3-2 0T 1 3 3 2= L Lang I Mo.nraker. Magic-Wand. Set. Sun 88538 Howie 7-8 1:29 fast 14 105 2 « 5 3= B Kenndy 7 Arcady. Brims. Clouelland 88491 Howie 7-8 1 :27/sfast Hf 98 4 7 9 1014 J McTgue12 Leopardess, Donaghee. Tester 88314 Jefferson lm70y l:44iifast 7-10 94 3 2 1" 1= G Coooer 5 Barenda. RandRve. Mtifrigla 88007 Jefferson lmTOy l:43*sfast 10 90 3 1 31 3 S Hebert 7 I.adyP.elle, P.ariuda. PrceTiiTil