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: I i e . j I t I . » * 1 1 i » f 1 . Qrrl RAPP 3"4 ,,° Aero Purse. ."t- car-oldsi and upward. Allowances. 01 U lltHbL April 1G, lDl 1:11 1-5 ." l.SO. Index. Course. Dist.Tiine Track. Odds. Wt. St. 5i Str Fin. Jockejr. Started. Order of Fiuish. •SENALADO, ch. c, 3 96 By Spanish Prince II.— Days Over, by OlambaJa Trainer. T. J. Healey. Owner. R. T. Wilson. Breeder. R. T. Wilson. 85920 Bowie U:4B%faa« 61 100 13 9 7 7«3 9 Stevens IS Sunipter. Swinging. Arbitration 85847 Bowio 7-S 1:27 fast E 111 2 3 24 2- J Maiben 9 Sunipter. Dangerous. Cloudland 8574 1 Bowie 6i f 1:20 fast 23-10 113 7 2 1- 1kJ Maiben 9 Sunipter. I.runs. Kangerous 85657 Pimlico 1 4 »5 12 6 74 5: J Wallace 13 SingleFt. VngMartin Primics,. 85600 Pimlico 2-4 l:B%£aat 21-10 111 7 4 2 14 J Maiben 7 Edisto. Slow and Hasv, 85545 Pimlico 3-1 1 :12%Caat 5 113 7 9 S1 8*3 J WaMaca % Courageous. Coldpieee CkrjaaUa 8538G Laurel 3-4 LlPigood 3-4 112 4 6 5 6*3 J Maiben 9 Edinburgh, Edisto. Senor 81841 Laurel 3-4 1 :12Vifast 5 112 6 8 9s 7»1 B Kennel 10 Single Foot. Candv Kid Retire 84270 Aqueduct 1 l:371*fast 8 107 8 6 41 33 J Maiben U Star I.ore , Blue Ridge ■ i. .■ •Eligible for Kentucky Derby. PANIC, b. c. 3 96 By Peter Pan— Miss Hamburg, by Hamburg Trainer. F. Hopkins. Owner. H. P. Whitney. Breeder H. P Whitcev 88743 HdcGce 51 f 1 :06goo.l 9-10 Hi 2 2 21 2 I Parke 7 MaidatArms. Lad.Barl Finland 88632 Bowio 3-4 l:14*.fast ST. M 1 1 l2 Ill Parke T Showy. Everglade. Hidalgo 88572 Bewla 3-4 1:15 fast 13-2f 111 1 1 1« 2" H Stutts 0 George De Mar. Teapot Hidal-o 85847 Dowla 7-S 1:27 last 35 107 3 8 9 9» L McAtee 9 Sunipter. S.nala.lo Dangerous" 85720 Bowie 3-4 l:14:-fast 47-10 112 8 8 7 55J L McAtee 11 Laddie r.u.k. F Id 85014 Pimlico 3-4 1:1: fast 2 115 3 3 2i 31 I Parke 10 Sumpter. Ifl iraFriet-hie Senor 85542 Pimlico 51 f LOT fast 5 112 5 3 2= 1» I Parke. 13 Danby. Bruns, Pogonip 85491 Pimlico 3-4 l:13fast 1S-5 115 7 6 6- 4-3 I Farke 17 Pettiboe ker. Pogonip. I. tn!a 1 ST. VALENTINE, b. g, 5 102 By Theo. Cook— Katriona, by V.oolsthcrpe Trainer. H. Rites. Owner. J. E. Griffith. Breeder. J. E. Griffith 88700 BLcMTea fl f 1% fast 33-10 113 3 2 U 1* J Maib.-n M IPltaps. L 1ft in... r.ll L*a*rw*d 88571 Bow:.- 54fl:»s fast 6f 116 c; 3 2- V J Maiben 12 M elm Morning. Bkawj Haricrau 81710 Saratoga 1 l:4MHco«d 13-5 101 2 2 t ■ Allen 8 0 Welbne, K-linan K O.Nrllll 81492 11:40 fast 5 115 2 1 l-» 1» C Allen 11 Woodliko, I.i iggsLuch in-i l t 11416 Empire Ab 3-4 1:10 fast 12 116 8 8 31 21 W Haiv.vl3FortFle.wer. VulnUn Vatiata J8591 H.deOc3 3-1 Lll5!:ist 28 1094 5 7 6* 10" L Morris 12 Ma. lean, NawB*aaMn 0aaila 69491 II el. Gee 1 1 -16 L47r.mul 24 HI 1 6 6 6:« A Claver 0 Wilderns Push Tin- Cl.n , 69347 il.i.Gce 3-4 l:12%faat 15 112 4 3 ■ :| A Claver 11 Vigil. Dunlin Fly t,y Diy 62028 A lueduct 0-8 1 :00;.f ast 3-2 117 1 3 3* 4 F Keogh 6 Aladdin. Crochet, Blue Bawl THE VINTNER, br. g. 4 115 By Omar Khayyam— Mary Maud, by Irish Lad. Trainer. C. Phillips. Owner, Greentree Stable. Breeder A B Hancock 88537 Lou.,. CI f 1 ifffttCaSt 8 IS 4 3 4»k 2= W Harvey 8 Tester. D.izzl.r. Comixa 88320 J. 1IVison 54 f l:UR-~slow l-_ 120 4 6 7 7- W Harv.y 7 Tangara, Th.Runt, Mujnar.l I. 87917 Jefferson 04 f LO; 11-20 116 I 1 V V C Duel 6 Lc.ngpoint. Moiiisltov Ctim. -t.-r 87799 I 4 1 .Lfefast 3 US 1 1 |1 |1 • puel | Certain. Best Pal Little Visitor 87067 9 Grnds 3-4 1:13 fast 13 5 118 3 1 21 2i C Bui-1 0 Best Pal. Certain Flvina 87450 r.irnds I 1-16 l:46 andfast 6 110 2 2 31 5» W Harvey 0 Chillnvvee. Starbee k. Pustabc.iit •THE BAT. ch. c. 3 M 106 By Broomstick— Fly by Night II.. by Peter Pan. i Trainer. F. Hopkins. Owner, H. P. Whitney. Breeder H P Whitney t*,lV! MlI" ; e 51 f l:i6eood 9-10 .X 6 5 51 0* L M.Atee 7 Mai.l at Arms. l.a.Hi -Hue k. Panic 8.931 Saratoga 3-4 1:13 good 7 115 15 21 23* 23" L McAtee 25 M. Charlie. PasSeul. KyCardinal HM1 Saratoga 51 f 1 :06Slast 8-5 100 6 4 6- 6»i I Parke 10 Stimulus. Br Sugar. Stampdale ZlXH Sara,°Ba 3-4 1 12Vg«,od 6 122 4 4 51 7«J L McAtee 12 Sunny Man. Voltaic, Cloudland 8193. Saratoga 0ifl:07slop 9-5 115 7 2 2« 2» L McAtee 15 Am.anKlug. Dangerou*. Nllenn •ffiixbl "f a K?i4 k"S °° K"°d " 115 5 1 * 3 L McAle* ,S l»««"lw»*. lHueRidte. Mairellua I WILDERNESS, ch. h. 5 115 By CampBre — Genesta. by Broomstick. Trainer. T. J. Healer Owner. K. T. Wilson. Breeder. R. T. Wilson. 83974 1 ajlfiMtt 1 1-8 1 49fast 12 IIS 3 8 8* 6» J Mailmen *.» L.-idkin. SpotCash. K SolnsScal 83737 A.|udu.t 1 l-M 1 l-Hhlkal 4 lis 7 9 :J C J Malaaa II Ww frt, Ckairarfct. Wkitalaaa •MM Belmont :M 1 lltfast 15 PI 9 9 9 6? J Maiben 9 W Counsellor. Epinard. Ladkin ItMl Rarataca Midi Rood n-5 I2t 1 I 4* 1 J Malaaa fl Catlapa. "Jack* Play, knrltu 82280 Saratoga 1 1 8 1 :52*j,slow 17-10 120 2 3 3* 3» J Maiben 4 Klondyke. Sunsini. Mad Hitter 82016 Saratoga H l:54=islow 7-5 119 2 4 4 1" J Maiben " Tfc delap. PlaRulcy. Attnlstan KITS".* Barataaja 1 1-4] l.jouJ 41 120 2 2 3 "J B Marelli C Sly Own. Sunsini, Aga Khan BUN ALTOS, b. g. 4 118 By Sun Briar— Los Altos, by Palo Alto., F. M Bray. Owner, Lilane Stable. Breeder. W. S. Kilmer. MMI Miami :• r 1 iKifast 8 110 3 3 3 1 2s E Ambrse fl Wthmore, Rrae-dalbane. Comixa 88179 M ami 1-4 1:11 fast 11-10 120 7 7 7 T*| E Ambrsc ■ Slow andEasy. BallGec. FinnLag 83135 Maml 5 f l:0." Vast 19-10 116 2 4 3= 33 E Ambrse 7 Comixa. MyrtleRellr. San. Hatch 88001 M.iml 2-4 LHHfast 23-10 112 2 2 21 l1 ■ Ambrse 7 F.raedalbane, Pegasus, Finn I_ac 87911 Miami 5-8 Mfcteflt 12-5 110 3 4 41 4" K Ambrse • Surf Rider. Braedalbane. Comixa 87509 Miami 3-4 I:tt%faat 8-5 122 1 1 l1 V ■ Ambrse 7 Bgcrillo. MeCrimn. B Cpnnion J 86892 Miami 51 f 106ifast 6-5 IIS 1 1 1* P ■ Ambrse 8 InvrMaid. G.Marnier. CupoTea JOY SMOKE, ch. g. 4 112 By Sir Martin— Sweet Brier, by Star Shoot. i Trainer. W. Irvine. Owner, E. F. Whitney. Breeder. 3. E. Madden. 1,5854 Howie 1 2-16 2:02 fast 19 104 I 6 41 7" Tt Pierce It BnieOmnr, PloughBoy. Initiate •MM Howie lm70y 1:18 hvy 1 M 2 1 P 1» C Lang I Opperman. Lieutenant II. 85743 Howie lm70y 1:47 fast 3-5 109 1 1 U 1* J Maiben 4 BallotBrush. Initiate. Batonnier 85686 Howie lm70y l:47%fast 8 105 2 3 31 2» B Mrinelli 5 Batonnier. Initiate. Shuf. Along MMI Pimlico 3-4 1:12 fast 15 106 4 6 5* 5=1 B Mrinelli A.BenAhdcm. M. Whisk. S.Norris 85476 Pimlico 1 1-8 1:52 fast 18 106 4 2 2 IJ J Callahn « Rustic. Initiate. Ten Byck M4I6 Laurel lm70y l:44Hfast 37-10 115 6 3 2* 2 P Walls 0 Bonaparte. Batonnicr. BaltBrb TESTER, b. g. 4 108 By Peter Pan— First Flight, by Throsh. Trainer. 3. F. Richardson. Owner. J. F. Richardson. Breeder. H. P. WhitneT. 88744 II !• Pee I 4 l:12V,gooel 6 107 6 6 4s 4 II Meyers S Noah. Leopardess. PVess Poreen 885:17 1owia *3 f 1 THfast 6 109 3 2 3 1 Is H Meyers 8 The Vintner, Pazzler. Comixa 88491 Howie 7-8 1 :27%fast 5 102 1 1 ll 3* V Weiner 12 Leopards. I onaghee. Dr.OMara MM Howie ft-4 l:12%taat 21 109 4 2 11 2" ■ Humes fl StorNorris, RillOFlynn. Eight | S5853 Howie 1 f l:202ifast 6 105 5 1 11 2" F Stevens 7 Edinburgh, Biglieart, Dry Mood IMN Pimlico 3-4 l:12%fast 37 112 8 6 5i 5*1 H Myers 8 Goldpiece, Cyclops 85588 Iimlico 3-4 1 23 120 8 6 Ok 7«J II Myers 8 Comixa. Vrana. Cyclops 85527 Iimlico 3-4 l:12%fast 22 114 1 6 10JlOi 11 Meyers 15 Lllierwd. Mainmt, D. Thought 85:575 Empire All 3-4 l:0S%fast 6 u9 d 2 5 5» J II Hurke 5 Avisack. Elvina. II. T. Waters ELUEMONT. blk. h. 5 108 By Vulcain— Notasulga, by The Commoner. Trainer. Wm. Garth. Owner, J. S. Cosden. Breeder. H. T. Oxnard. 75196 Iimlico 3 4 1:1 15s fast 2 116 I 3 31 4* C Lang ■ Hildur, Comixa, Champlain 74290 I.aur.l 3-1 l:11%fast 4 111 3 4 2b 4s C Lang 8 S.sAUey, MM, N.Hpshire 7S71I Aqu.- luct 3-4 1:12fast 9-5 112 2 3 3 4«J C Lang 6 Cyclops, Osprey. Miss Star IMSI Saratoca 3-4 l:10«ifast 6 106 1 2 2- 1 C Lang 11 Rocket. KnoHbie. Fair riiantom GREAT JAZ. b. h. 5 10R By Great Britain— Miss Jazbo. by Waterboy. Trainer, T. J. Brown. Owner, C. Wiedemann. Breeder. T. Brown. MMI . : f 1 OiVsfast 71 112 5 4 ." 0" N Parrctt 0 Wthmorc, SnnAltns, Brdalhane 8817! Miami 3-4 1:12 fast 16 111 1 5 4 GJ N Harrett 8 SlowandKasy. HalUJee. Finning MIM Miami l|f lfl|M IS 111 5 6 7 7° M Barrett 7 Comixa. MyrtleBelle. Sun Altos 80788 l.atonia "-1 llH-sfast 28 104 8 9 fil 5J J Heupel 9 ltdalbane. BnersLuck, Iegasus 80602 l.atonia 3-4 l:llfast 8 105 I 3 7 9« W Fronk » l.raedalbane. Crayon. Exodus 80519 l.atonia 2-4 l:ll%good 9-10 104 2 1 l5 l5 W Fronk 5 BorbonBoy, Batterlp. M.Cerina HO:! 18 Latonia 1 137*sfast 10 104 1 4 3 3* W Fronk 7 Betterl.uck, Sunspero, Ten-Lee 80114 Latonia 3-4 l:livfa8t 5 102 3 2 21 2 W Fronk 5 BetterLuck. Braedbane. Comixa ROLAND, b. c. 4 102 By Sweep— Tapiola. by The Commoner. Trainer. R. I. Miller. Owner. Mrs. R. I. Miller. Breeder. H. F. Sinclair. 82713 Saratoga 7-S l:28iiSlop 7-5 115 2 4 4 415 L Fator 4 LgPoint. Btlleloved, Brantome 82i85 Saratoga 3-4 1 :13%slow 60 110 7 6 4k 5| F CollcttiU Baffling. PinnaCare, Reparatn 81578 K-i ! n- ImTOy 1 435sfast 25 100 4 5 5 51J J Smwod C Wilkes-Barre, Iepp, Nose Pive 81457 Empire 1 1 ::»fast 12 110 13 5 610 L McAtee • Nose Pive, Valador, Shai-irock 8I 18 Empire Ab 3-4 l:0S*irast 100 113 1 5 51 4* J Smwood 9 Outline. Lucky Play, Noon Fire 80197 Aqueduct 1 l:37Mifast 15 111 1 3 ink 5" c Halls 5 Brainstorm. Valador, Horologe BATTERSEA. ch. h. 5 108 By Mont dOr — Sunflower, by Rock Sand. Trainer. J. W. Healy. Owner. A. C. Bostwick. Breeder, J. E. Widener. 73951 W.,o.rne 3-4 1:13 sliw 9-10 113 5 2 3= 31 E Kummer • Billy Kelly. Lilt. Planet 73677 IiMval 3-4 l:ll=-ifast 7-5 115 2 1 l1 13 E Kummer 5 N.Hpshire. LastOne, Mkallonge 73536 Dorral H f I lt Mia 2-5 108 2 4 lh V K Kummer • Ablaze, Lilt, Muskallonge 7.5462 H.H nnc-ta 3-4 l:12%fast 3J 112 3 3 3 l1 E Kummer 4 Hildur. Iast One. Peter Tiper WELLFINDER, ch. g. 7 102 By Broomstick — Wonder, by Disguise. Trailer. R. I. Miller. Owner. Mrs R I. MilleT. Breeder. H. P. Whitney. 88766 H.ilKJce 5 f 1:06 fast 44 108 9 7 5 5« F Thilyl el3 St.Vtine. Heeltaps. L.Bmorell. 85831 i:..w... 6 f 1:21 good 17 112 5 4 53 5=i F Colletti 8 Amorlatae. LeoudtL, ByGgle 85740 Howie 6 f 1 JHUfeat l"f Ul 2 2 3= 51 J SmlwMll Eager. Macban. Amor Patriae MM* Iimlico .".-4 IdMtafll 13 104 1 4 5 5SJ J Wallace 9 Mainmast. Leonardo.. Pimdale 85568 lNmlico 3-4 l:12V»fast 7 112 6 1 3« 33 J SmlwMll Pr.Hkman. Pirn dale. Caligula 85527 linilic o 3-4 1 :1234fast 34 1C3 6 2 3 BJJ SmlwMl.". Ltlierwd, Mainmt, PTliouKh! S5107 laurel 3-4 1:13fast 17 102 1 2 41 51 J Smwnrt 7 .lojSmoke, -SilkTassel. TenSixty S4993 1 au. 1 3-4 1 :135sfist IS 114 5 6 5 872 E Legero 14 Wraith, Scoop. Ten Sixty 81800 Liurcl lm70y l:44*sfast 9 104 1 2 4 510 J SmwoM « Guelph, Scoop. Rock Pocket MALAPERT, br. f, 4 103 By Charles OMalley — Nellie Ograh. by Bachelors Double. Trainer. W. H. Bringlor. Owner Seagram Stable. Bred in England by W. B. Purefoy. 81047 Windsor IMISMIM 14 93 2 5 4and 35 L Lang 7 On.Thateher.SpotCasli, Best Pal S0869 FoitErie lm70y 1:49 hvy 27-10 101 4 5 5 51 T Wilson I Batonnier. J.F.OHara. 3ohnFinn 80573 Mamton 1 1-8 1 :55»T.mud 22-5 97 2 6 Cl 5«j T Wilson 7 Spot Cash. Sen. Norris. Calcutta 80436 Hamton 1 1-4 2:08Vsfast 4-5 114 3 3 4* 35i T Wilson 5 Pixie Smith, Sen. Norris. Bicit 80191 Dorval 1 l:40Vsfast 2 99 2 2 2= 22 T Wilson C Crgthorne, C.rassMaid, M.Lloyd TUXEDO, b. h. 5 102 By Sunstar — Togs, by St. Frosqnin. Trainer. P. Davidson. Owner. P. Davidsoa. Breeder. P. M. Walker. 84278 AjtjMttaCt 1 l::.91fast 15 100 2 7 7 7" W Anrson 7 Bowman. Juno, Orcus 83914 A«|u--ilU" t I l:39*sgood. 40 111 12 12 12 12-- H MrinellilJ Malt. Bowman. Sunshot 83582 BataMrt 1 138Sifast 12 105 10 11 11 1P= H Mrinellill Iatban. Bl.Hill. BgsBuchanan 82933 Saratoga 1 1 :40%good 4 110 2 6 6 G15 H Kenndy 7 Comedy, Herriard. MeadwLawn 8»802 Saratoga 7-8 l:29 *.slow 5 108 5 7 7 710 L Fator 7 Bear Grass, Colando. Poor Sport 82413 Saratoga 1 1-8 1 :53fast 10 105 13 3 4«1 B Brning 9 Kellerman, Wdlake, Syl. Spring 79137 Jamaica lmTOy l:43Afast 30 115 3 6 5- 5" E Barnes I Pr Ruley, A.B.Ahdem. PlghBoy 78810 Jamaica lmTOy 1:43 fast 30 97 4 5 5 5» B Hining 5 NoseDive. Fredtown. Roseatell.