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OMAHA OMAHA, NEB., Wednesday, June 3. 1925.— Ak-Sar-Ben Park. First day. Ak-Sar-Ben Exposition Co. Spring Meeting of 22 days. Weather clear. Steward representing Nebraska State Racing Commission. N. J. Ronin. Presiding Judge, Dr. F. W. Ashe. Associate Judge. C. L. Trimble. Starter. A. D. McKnight. Racing Secretary, C. L. Trimble. Racing starts at 2:15 p. m. Chicago time, 3:15 Qfif 9 FIRST RACE— 1-2 Mile. June 4, 1924 JUUO-, tjf f TTt] Purse 00. 2-year- olda. Allowances. Net vain* to winner *80, second. 5; third, 5, Eq. Odds Ind. Horse. Wt. Fin. Jockey. Straight. 89654 Captain Seth 115 1 C Gross 40-1011 88754Dwod Blaze I 7 2* J Smith 550-100 8856S Private Seth 107 3 R Buckley 920-100 | 88731 Miss Ida Brnlll 41 W Primrose 5X.O-100 88800 Flaxseed 107 5" E Taplin 1230-100 87318 FrVes Lurline 102 6" R Pelletier 4560-100 86938 Aubn Welch 105 7 L Steinhart 3040-100 Time, 50. Track slow. mutuels paid — Captain Seth. 81 straight. 40 place. .40 show; Driftwood Blaze, .80 place. 60 show; Private Seth, .0 show. Equivalent booking odds — Captain Seth. 40 to 100 straight. 20 to 100 place, 20 to 100 show; Driftwood Blaze. 40 to 100 place. 30 to 100 Bhow ; Private Seth, 50 to 100 show. Winner Jones Stock Farm Stables b. c, by Seth — Keep Moving, by Yankee trained by B. A. Jones; bred by Mr. Benjamin A. Jones. Went to post at 2:22. At post 4 minutes. Start good and slow. Won easily; second and third driring. Orerweights — Miss Ida Brown, 4 pounds; Private Seth, 2. I Qflfi? SECOND RACE— 3-4 Mile. June 8, .JUUOO 1924—1 nj—* 103. Purse 00. 3-year-olds and upward. Claiming. Net value to winner 80; second, 5; third, 5. Eq. Odds Ind. Horse. Wt. Fin. Jockey. Straight. 88781Brazos 110 1* C IlaiMiiith I.. -191 89315- •Horinga 105 2 S Holicko : I -1 J 87871!It US 31 J Si.igleton DDt-M 84118!Leola May 110 4» H Munlock G3IO-10J 87453 Hebe Flower 99 5 L Steinhart 2160-100 85730 Bittern 110 61 R Mellugh 1630-10 85196 Colando 115 , E Marrow KW-Nt 88481 Margt White 103 8» V Wallis 51-1 82438 Dan Hogan H" 9 J Glass 7040-100 80445 Clip 1M UnsdrdiJ Bolls56i0-100 Time, 1 20. Track slow, 2 mutuels paid— Brazos, :0 straight. .20 place. $.1 Dj sho* ; Horinga, .40 place. 4U show; It. 40 show. Equivalent booking odds Brazos. 430 to 100 straight. 110 to 10a place, 80 to 100 show; Horinga. 120 to 100 place, 70 to 100 show; It, 170 to 100 show. Winner— R M. Hollenbecks b. g, 10. by Dr. Sonntag— Belle Hilton, by L. I. Davis trained by R. M llollenbeck; bred by Mr W. Tiniiii-l Went to |Kist at 3:52. At post 1 minute. Start good aud slo.v. Won driring; second and third the same. Scratched SSS42Jay Roberts. HO; s-sTsj p,.e o., 105; 87496 Maurice Mulcahy.115; 82041 Ui Drole, 110. over-w eight Bebe Flowers, 4 pounds. 0 w 0 034 THIBD RACE— 3-4 Mile. June 3, 1924 —1:11%— 4— 103 . Purse 00. 3-ycar- olds an.l upward. Claiming. Net value to winner 80; second, 5; third, 5. Eq. Odds Inn. Horse. Wt. Fin. Jockey. Straight. gSiriolle-Hnut Girl 105 ll II Els-ton ffMM 88627lliula Vista 100 2" L Steinhart IMO-tN 88295Sar. ho Pansy 110 3=1 V Wallis 21".0-10i IMMH of the N"rt!iU3 4 A R.nliigiiez BsVIM 1888.14! Nan McKinyllO S1 C McCorklo Co-llW S8K12 Chlliwack lor. 5SJ Smith DsVM 1 i 88075 ill .wry 115 1U p Martirez 92 -lt» KS842 Louis 118 I J Maranwlle 6J -1I» 180777 Joeio M. 110 9 J Ogle 4JS70-100 I Time, 1 19. Track alow. I mutuels paid — Chestnut Girl, 6.60 straight, 80 place, 60 show; Chula VUta. 7.00 place, 4.80 show: Sancho Pansy. .80 sl.ow Equivalent liooking odds — Chestnut Girl, 730 to 100 straight, 2!0 to 100 place, 180 to 100 show; Chula lVsta, 1280 to 100 place, 640 to 100 show; San.t;,, Pansy. 340 to 100 show. Winner— AkSar Ben Stables ch. f. 4. by Ballot — Syrinea. by Cesarion trained by B. McClain; bred by Mr. J. B. Gorham. Went to post at 3 16. At post 2 minutes. Start good and slow for all but Chula Vista. Won easily; second and third driving. Scratched — KK5»SFernandos, 110: 8S844 Marlon North. 110: 87867 Old Sinner. 115; 88.127 Pop Shot, 100: 84245 Regular Girl, 100; 88759 Woodie Montgomery, 110. Overweight — Louis, 3 pounds. 90035 FOURTH RACE— 5 1-2 Furlongs. May 31 , 1924— 1:05%— 6— 107. Purse 00. 3-year-olds and upward. Claiming. Net value to winner 80; second, 5; third, 5. Eq. Odds Ind. Horse. Wt. Fin. Jockey. Straight. 88704 Lady Gorham 109 1» C Greenwood 120-100 88844*Miss Nantura 104 23 E Pdergass 11:M"0 88784 Miss Emma G.109 3* J Schlatter 810-100 88838 Picnic 114 4« C Mdorklo 310-100 88647Star of Eve 104 51 V Wallis 2450-100 86860 Zigzag 104 6 J Smith 1820-100 85827 Ktucky Smilo 109 7J R Guthrie 4300-100 86.132 Malthus 114 81 II Marrow 7060-100 88841 -Brimstone 114 9J W Inmroso 6040-100 88833Recruit 109 10 J Kiiuda 93il-100 Time, 1:09. Track muddy. mutuels paid — Lady Gorham. 40 straight, .40 place, $.1 0 show; Jliss Nantura, . to place, .00 show; Mi*s Emma G., .40 show. Equivalent booking odds — Lady Gorham. 120 to 100 straight, 121 to 100 place, 9i» to 100 show; Miss Nantura, 290 to 100 place, 150 to 100 show; Miss Kmina G . 120 to 100 show. Wmnei-— G. Drumbellera ch. m. 5, by Frizzle — Mexilow. by Mexican trained by D. Cannon; bred by Mess.s. Bros.. Went to pot at 3:46. At post 1 minute. Start good and slow. Won easily; second and th.rd driving. Scratched— SS704Lord Allen. 114; «si3 A] Hotfoot. 109; 8S7WTlD» and Tide, 109. Overweight — Zigzag, 4 pounds. Qf03fi FIFTH RACE— 5-8 Mile. Sept. 20, vuuuu 2„ 1922— 1 00,— 2— 120. Speed Inaugural Handicap. Puise ,000. 3-year-olds and upward. Net value to winner 00; second, 25; third. 5. 89352 Idle Seth 104 1-J E Taplin tl29-10» H8672 My Reverie 107 2» C Oreenwd 13J-100 894121, ..a Marcellial07 3 C Gross t 88673 Runolatho 99 4* E Edwards 520-100 88181 Contimeter 109 5 II M irn.w 3760-100 88782 B. of Eliztn 102 6 I. Steinhart 4140-100 88109 End Man 14 7 A Rodriguez 3949-100 tCoupled as Jones Stock Farm Stable entry. Time, 1 01%. Track muddy. mutnels paid —Jones Stock Kami Stable entry, 40 straight. 40 place. SO show; My Reverie, hB fit! place. Ml show. Equivalent booking odds Jones Stock Farm tSable entry. 120 to 1H straight, 20 to l»l ptMV, 40 to lis how; My Reverie, 30 to 100 place, 50 to 100 show. W nner— Jones Stock Farm Stables b. g. .1. by Seth li kinniny. by Cesarion trained by B. A. Jones: b-ed 1 y Mr. iteiijainin A. Jones. Went to post at 4:27. At post 2 minutes. Start good and slow. Won ridden out; second aud third driving. Overweichts End Man, 1 pound; Centm.eter, 2. *a 90037 SIXTH RACE— 1 MUe. Sent. 20. 1924 fvuui _1:38_6_106. Purse 00. 3-year-olds and upward. Claiming. Net value to winner 80; second. ;S5; third, 5. E i. Odds Ind. Horse. Wt. Fin. Jockey. Straight. 87468"Arravan Ml 1 C 11 unxw tli 200-100 88848 The Lamb M 2J R Mcllugll 120-100 8«417"Dustproof 101 3» II Elston 550-100 Continued on twenty -second page. OMAHA Continued from thirteenth page. W 4 L Steinhart 92O-10e t»199 Ilronston 107 t." T Buckler 3S4 1-100 | 88S0S Doratetlo 104 6" C McCorkle 9681-100 «87Sn Zinc 1 * fl E Tuplin 176O-W0 Is 780 Walter Dant 90 S M Kdwards 4490-100 Time. 1451/,. Track muddy. mutrels pitd— Arravan. 00 straight, 40 place. 00 shov. ; The l-uinti. 13 20 place, 00 snow ; Uustl roof. S3.0J show. Equivalent booking odds — Arravan. 200 to 100 •tralght. 70 to 100 place. 30 to 100 show; The Lamb. 00 to 100 place, 30 to 100 show; Dustproof, 60 to 100 show. Winner— It. M. Hollenhecks b r. 11. by Broomstick — Sallie of Navnrre. by Henry of Navaire trained by R. Hollenbeik; bred by Mr. Harry Payne Whitney. WeDt to post «t 4ri8 At post 2 minute. Start Kood and sliw. Won driving; 6econd and third the same. Scratched -SS06 Restful. 94. Overweights -Dustproof, 2 pounds; Ilronstoa, 3; Zing, 3. seventh race— i Mile. Sept. ». 9nma UUOO 1924_i 38—6—106. Purse 00. 3-year-olds and upward. Claiming. Net value to winner 80; socond. *»5; third. 5. Ill Odds Ind Horse. Wt. Fin. Jockey. Straight. 88848Whito Lights 91 U V W.illis 280-100 »7916,Kmaxt Guy 99 2=1 I. Steinhart 130-100 88735 Tis Seth 108 3« C McCorkle 410-100 88801 "Tho Colonel 99 4« 8 Hottest* 10O-100 88803"M.irinikin II 99 B» F Taylor 1760-1CO 87840 T. illlonneur 107 6 C llreenwd 21W-100 8319 Rogon Jr. 107 7» H Mates- 2290-100 84306 Pulygamist 109 8 11 Mwdock 6840-100 Time, 1:45H. Track muddy. mutuels paid— White Lights. 00 straight. SO place. . SO show; Smart Cuy, 40 place, 40 show; Tis Seth. 00 show. Equivalent looking odds — White Lights. 280 to 100 straight. M to 100 place, 40 to 100 show; Smart tiuy. 70 to 100 place, 20 to 100 show; Tis Seth. 30 to 100 show Winner O. H. Abbotts b. f. 3, by Over There — Merry Thoughts II., by locle trained by E. ItcCown: bred by Mr W. R. Coe. Went to post at 5:22 At post 1 minule. Start good and slow. Won driving; tceond and third the same. Scratched MM Rocky Mountain. 104 Overweights lolygamist, I pounds: White Lights. 1; Itogon Jr., 2; Tableau dHonneur. S.