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KENTUCKY AGENTS The following are the agents licensed by the Kentucky Itacing Commission : I.rennan, Wm. If, for Janus P. Grubb. Ilrooks. Gcortro, for 1-Mward Vbrian. Iln.oks. It. P., for Miss Loretta Brooks. Hale, Clan nee E., for Herbert Shimp. Daniels. John E., for A. Battel*. Good, Fred, for Mrs. tleorge B. Cox. Grifling. J. D., for Audley Farm Montfort and B. I . Jones. Henderson, S. M., for Audley Farm Montfort and B. B. Jones. Hopkins, W. S., for J. C. and C. B. Bright. Hopkins, W. S., for A. A. Kaiser. Howard, Jack, for Major T. C. McDowell. I.oweiistein. Jake, for X. A. Michelson. Madden, John E., for Audley Farm Montfort and B. B. Jones. Monger, Alex, for Jos. Aligeyer, Jr. M.i ice, James, for Otto Torrell. Overton, William, for The Kenton Farms Payne and West, ratterson, H. II., for G. V. Barnes. ratterson. Kimball, for Chas. A. Mills. TerUins. E. II., for Wm. Perkins. Pitt, K, for M. F. Mannion. Porter, Clifford, for P. Coyne. Si" BN, Kay. for Audley Farm. Montfort and B. B. Jones. Squires, B. L., for Audley Farm. Montfort and B. B. Jones. Stuart. J. B., for C. II. Knebelkamp. Shilling. C. H., for Mrs. C. H. Shilling. Theisen. I.. G., for R. C. Frakes. West, Shelby, for 1 . Borgman. Whitlow, John O.. for F. A. Forsythe. Williams, U. D., for Andrew and J. Williams. Williams. P. J., for Andrew and J. Williams. Younc V.. S., for W. F. llausnian.