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DAILY RACING WORM VOLtrUE XXXI. NUMBER 149 Entered its second -rl:iss matter. April 2. 18S6. a* tlie : •- . " re at Chicago, Illinois, under Act »f H irrli S 1ST9. W. J. McMurray, Pnblisher and General ftUaacer Knllr Ruling Winter Months Dallj Except Sundsjl Balance of the Tear. A Unlj Il .m- -liun of the Anwrtcus Turf bjTelecrarh DAILY RACING FORM PUBLISHING CO 441 PLYMOUTH COTTRT - CHICAGO. TLX. 157-159 EAST 32nd ST.. NEW YORK CITY. N. Y 60 RICHMOND STREET. EAST. TORONTO. ONT 820 EAST THIRD STREET. CINCINNATI. OHIO SlItSntllTION I1Y F1UST-CLASS MAIL: al.-iy to November. Inclusive 00 per month fccccuiber to April. Inclusive 00 per mouth PAYAIILE IN ADVANCE. IMS MMUERS H* MAIL, 15 CENTS BACH. TELEPHONE 20Si HAItUISON. For business rind circulation purposes only. This telephone no connection with tbe news or editon:il departments and cannot bo used to communicate with them. 86508 is first index of 1S25 r~ ■ ■ - —