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TIJUANA TIJUANA MEXICO. TUESDAY APRIL 13, 1926. il Mile One hundred and twentieth day. Tijuana Aarfcej Tub. Winter mwlinc of at- rit ]•_*.", days. Weather cloudy. Pnsidiue Steward. F. Nelson. Ass. .iute Stewards, J. V. Coffr.itfa and L. J. Rose, llacing Juds.-s. , :. W. S hilling. J. S. Rotbert and F. McKenney. Starter. Marshall Cassidy. Racing S.-cretary, ;. Y. | ■ Bcl.illin;. Itaeine starts at 1:40 p. in. iCbi -aso time. :.:40 p. m. W indicate* whip. I spurs. B blinkers. Fic- ■ r -» ia parentheses following the distance of each race indiiate date," track re. old, age of horse and Weight carried Indicates apprentice allowance. lATQQ FIRST RACE— 4 1-2 Furlongs. March 23. 1924— :53V,— 3— 118. Purse I799. 2-yoar-olda. ■ W 4 o3«L Maidens. Net valuf* to winner £490; second. |140; third, «T4. Index Horses AWtlMSt K. Str Fill Jmkeys tiwnera Knuiv Odds Sir t ••658 SII.VKP. MAPLK w 196 2 3 •» 1« 1» I* R Jones S Polk 799-19* •0512 PKPPKK SHUT 14C 3 1 44 44 3 *• 1 Neal Mrs ti M An.ler»..u TI9-109 ••658-CLT.1ACAN w lb* 4 2 31 2» 2* »«1 U Philpot T U.rning 4.VO-140 I j , ! j i j ■ | I I j l I j | I I I j i I j l ; ] . j I j i , ■ | 00658 WOin WATNK wb 110 K 5 6 6 5 4« F J Baker Mrs O ■ Abbott 230-100 95:983 JtNK KI.IZABKTH w 11 16 1J ■. 4k 54 H White tlolden State btabU 159-100 00182 SlNKJST w 197 5 4 51 54 6 6 J Smith B Long: 1909-100 Tisne. :t4*s. :»»4. :»«• Track fast, mntoels paid Silrer Maple. Sn; «n straight. ,234 [dace. . SO shew; Pepper Shot tfi 20 t lac«, ?::.«0 show: t uliacan. 37! 80 show. Kunivalent lNK»kiiiu «lds — Silver Maple. 7 * t.. 100 straight. 2*10 to 100 place, 140 to 100 show Pepper Shot. 210 to 100 place SO to KM show; t uliacan. 90 to 100 show. Winner B. f. by Heaeywovd Knbelda. by Montgvmerv trained by S. Polk: bred hy Mr. F Bsrfc- nelli. Went t« swst at 1 :4J. At post 4 minutes Start rood and slow for all bnt JANE ELIZABETH Won easily: second and third drivini; SILVER MAPLE raced into a Rood lead when turning for home and easily held it to the end. PBPPKB SHOT raced well and ouf.-amed TLIACAN a the final drive. n r latter raee.l in cl «est early [Hi.Mut. but tired. JANE ELIZABETH began badly, then rushed into tin- lead, but 1 red in the stretch. Dciati bad Forest Kirn:. 113. flfl7i4 SCC0ND AACE— 3-4 Mile. Feb. 19. 1925— 1:10«»— 4—120. | Purse «9. 3-year-olds and "v ■ •oF* upward. Clainun Ne: value to winner MM: second. 8120: third. 880; fourth. 0. Index Horses AWtlMSt ■, i, Str Fin Jo. keys Owners Eqniv Wds Si r t r0687»BLACK PAT tv» I 108 8 I 1 |« H 1« F J Baker J piene 210-100 00630 B1t]Wn; wsn i 111 10 7 3l i!1! ::• 2 R Mcllugli Mrs -F Wripht 1640-100 00661-CON;itKSS H AI.I.wb 4 K8 6 I P 4i 4 31 J Smith W .1 Murphv 1 W-1W0 00574 CKNUAl. ITtTF.ll Brill] -» 2 2J2 S 4 Q Philpot V K Hunte, ■ Son OB-BN 00574 M11 N1.;HT BELL, w •. L 9 12 4 l 5- 5» 5 W Hburn A P Dick, v 2920-100 0C687-COOMHS wb 8 111 2 5 6J6" V 6* J CtRniile 1. Hankins 103J-WW 00396 DMKliA w I M 1 I 9J Si7 7] ■ Fator Ict lit-r .t Wise 940-100 00696,1KKP MCI *»:: M IN 7 7i 8: XI K X«SMS W ■ Heath 8.10-100 006K7 SALT SHOT Sf 5 Nt 7 H s SJ ■»? «ii ay Hol.son B Y Barton fvOO-WO 00602 LAS TRANCAS ayft | R4JJ 5 12 11".|* 10- 10- W Renn .1 PauUun t 04X89 LITT1.K RKB ay 1 9113 11 12* IP 111 IP V Bntine V H sk v f w» ROMALIXi ar 6 BS :: I:: 1.: H 12- 12* It Neal Cowdell and McAvoy t 00C89 BI.CL CANYON wb S 105 11 S Ms 12 I1.: 1:1 W Molters C Homing 1210-10 ■fMutnel field. Time. :24, :4«. 1:14. Track faat. S2 mutuels paid Black Pat. .21 straight. . St place. $.T.60 show; Bi-wic 1. IK place. .«0 show; Congress Hall. IK sliow. Kquivalent Isstkiii!; odds Black Pat. 210 to 1«0 straight. 140 to 100 place. SO to 10O show Bic»iK. 450 to 101 pla.e. M| to 100 show: t bansjacsaj Hall. TO to KM show. Winner Br. jr. by Dick Finnell Pattie Black. I.y Warner trained by J. Pierce: hre | bv Messrs. Million A tirejroryi. Went to post at 2:07. At post 4 minutes. Start gnaa] and slow. Won easily: secmd and third drivin;;. BLACK PAT set a tfood tm«-e all the way and easilv drew awnv in the stretch lUliVVK. raced well and hed ONORKSS HALL safe f.«- se, .mil pla.-e. The latter raced close up and finished Samely. CRNKKAl. FRYKR showed sped, but tir»d. Scratched OtKHWOld Red. 108: OK«»7 ilcnur. 10:;. Overweights — Black Pat. 1 pound : Orac.-n. 2: Las Train-as, S; Little Iteb. .!: Blue Canyon. 1. ■ ■ATTs THXED AACE— 3-4 Mile. Feb. 19. 1925— 1:10*,— 4—126. | Pnrse 00. 3-year-olds and WH •_»•_■ onward. Claiming. Ne: value to winner 50; socond. 30. third. 0; fourth. 0. Index Horses AWtPPSt , % Str Fin Jockeys Owners E.|iiiv. Odds Strt 00698FILL MOON w S 110 4 4 34 ?.- ]n 1« R McHugh Mrs J C.entile 690-100 00632 CIBA wsb I 105 I 6 t* «- 41 2" J Crgmile I. Hankins 1540-100 00688 MISS PAICE wl 6 105 7 7 S 8 7 Q P. Creese K ■ Carpenter 500-100 0O6S8 KAHY DOLL wb I 101 2 3 21 2* :. 4 W Bniine W 11 Askcv 1940-100 00698 LCCn LOP w 1 105 1 2 1 lJ : B T Hexham Mrs M Shockley 11M-100 00688 CANCKLLATION wsn 5 105 5 3 6* 5J 51 61 J Philpot Kmeryville Stable 370-100 00632 MISS EMMA O. w 7 110 6 5 7» 7 8 7J H Klston J F burke- A Son 500-100 00695 MARIF, K. W3B o 106 $ 1 4- 4i «J S W Molters T J Ogle 220-100 Tim*. :13S. :*•. M4*i. Tiack fast. F2 mutuels paid Full Moon. 5. SO straisht. .64 place. hB1.20 show; « uba D 40 plac - Ml slww Miss Paie. hB"!.. SO sliow Btfuivalent booking odds Full Moon. 030 to lilt straight. 180 to 100 place. GO to 100 show Cubn 420 to 101 place, 1811 to 10. show; Miss Paie. :hj to 100 show. Winner Blk. in. by Dick Finnell— t aller Osj, by Oddfellow trained by Z. Harriott : bred bv Mr. MeBrayer Moore i. Went to r*»st at 2:32. At post 1 minutes. Start sootl and slow. Won handily: second and thinl driving. KlLL MOON raced clone up from the start and. coining fast throiiRh the stretch, nun sjntes] away. CIBA closed a ffap and finished bast. MISS FAMSI finished with a rush on the outsid.- BABY DOLL wn» in a pocket ou the back stretch, but raced well. LlCKY LOT showed early speed. MAItlK K. had no excuse. Scratched 00687 1 Rosa Atkin. 10". Overweights — Baby Doll, 4 iwumls; Marie K., 3. nfll-Tsrit FOraTH BACX— 1 Mile. Jan. 20. 1924—1:37—5—90. Purse 00. 3-year-olds and Wl OvF upward. Clainuag. Net value to winner 50; seoond. 30; third. 0; fourth, 0. Index Horses AWtPPSt , «... % Str Fia Jmkeys Owners Eluiv Odds Str t 00697 PLE.VTYCOOS w 6 109 I 7 « 3: 4 4 l»k ] Sylvia E ■ Watson 440-100 04MJ94 STAR CLOCDY w i 107 7 4 5» 7« 5* 3" 2 i H White D I ennison MMH 00699 MARINE CORPS wb 8 112 14 6 7 5- 2 2J 3i T Burns Wendel and M dor •3»-ltHl 00523 HACKAMORF. wsK I 115 1 1 2J 2« 31 f 4 R McHugh R Campbell 102D-1O0 04M531 -KINETIC wn 8 110 4 I D 1» 1» U 5 It Neal W M Hickey 23-,0-1O0 00700 = IKK HARYKY ws 8 113 9 3 3" 4* 6U b- C- R Jones A Jones and Bro 3-100 00700 KLl K DALE w 6 110 8 5 4* 64 7» 7= 71 G Philpot M K ThompsoR 510-100 00317 OLDS BOW w 8 HO « 8 S» 8« 8* 8» 8» W Bntine M Barnes T070-100 •0577 PRAISEWORTHY w 5 107 I 19 10 10 »» 9» -» T Hexham F.mervvillj Stable 1940-100 00522 FREECI TTF;k wl 11 107 2 • 9» 9 10 10 10 R Creese H C McConnell 400-MW Time, :25, ;50, 1:16. 1:43VS. Track fast. mutuels paid— PIcntycooR. 0. SO straight, .80 place, 0.*U3 show: Star Cloudy 0 40 place 8.40 show: Marine Corps. 0.20 show. Equivalent booking odds Plentycoos, 440 to 100 straight. 290 to 100 place. 4:40 to 100 show Star Cloudy. 420 to 100 place. 820 to 100 sliow: Marine Corps. 910 to 100 show. Winner — 4*h. g, hy Polymelian Farimond, by Fariman trained by E. E Watson- bred by Mr William R. Coe. Went to post at 2::V.. At p«st 4 minutes. Start jtoor and slow. Won driving: second and third the same. PIJCNTYCOOS moved up rapidly after going a half and. finishing fast, held STAR CLOCDY ssfe in a hard final drive. The lstter made up ground and finished resolutely. MARINE CORPS raced gamely, hut tired iu the last eighth. HACKAMORE ami IKK HARVEY tired. KINETIC set a "ood pace to the last eighth and gave way. FREEClTTEIl and PRAISEWORTHY were off badlv Scratched 0OC.4 l Bo. neville. 107. €€*-t FIFTH RACE— 1 Mile and 70 Yards. April 4. 1926— l:411i— 5— 120. Purse 00. 3-year-] J" 4 • 4 olds and upward. Claiminf. Net value to winner 50; second. 38: third. 0; fourth, 0. Index Horses AWtPPSt 4 U ** Str Fit: Jockeys Owners Kquiv. Odds Strt ••704 ROYAL OAK wb 6 112 1 1 V H H 1» 1= D Neal A M Kosenstirn MO-100 00461 CHIAPAS wb I 102 | 4 41 2* 24 2= 2 H White Mrs L R Knifong -.340-104 0A69I iHAKDALID w 5 113 T 3 4» 4« 31 85 G Philpot OConnell 330-100 00704 ZEALOT wb 7 108 2 2 2S 31 31 4= 4* T Hexham J Coffev 610-10 00688-DKLH1 GIRL wsb I I I I ■ 9 5i« 5i 51 R Jones Cr Williams 740-100 04439 ZINO w 6 10S 4 5 61 6» ■»• 6« 6« R Cr*-ese W Scuitto 300-100 00694 » DUMBFOUNDER wl 7 104 5 I 7 7 7 7 7 J Crjjniih! C H James 1640-100 Time. :24. :«S. 1:145». 1:41. 1:45*,. Track fast. mutuels paid- Royal Oik, .20 straight. .2t plaiv. $.3. 20 sliow; Chiapas. 6.60 place. $.",.80 show; Bardalid. $.1.40 show. Equivalent booking odd* Royal Oak. 210 to 100 straight, 110 to 100 place, 60 to 1 M show Chiapas 730 to 100 place. 100 to 100 show; Bardalid. 70 to 104 show. Winuer B. g, by IVrrilldon— Jueeu Rashti. by Burgomaster trained by C. Brown: bred by Mr. I ewik i. a: tin Went to |K st at 3:21. At post I minutes. Start good and slow Won easily: second and third driving. ROYAL OAK took the lead at once and easily kept it all the way. CHIAPAS raced in losest pursuit and easily held BAKDA1.1D safe. The latter raced well and finished gamely. ZLAMJT tired Overweight- Chiapas, 1 i»ouud. AilTQS SIXTH RACE— 5-8 Mile. March 7. 1926— : 59— 6—114. i Purse 00. 3-year-olds and un-W 4 OO ward. Claiminff. Net value to winner 60; second. 60, third, 0. tatlni Horses AWtPPSt + U Str Fin Jim keys owners K.juiv. Odds Strt 00319 I.AVICNK wn 3 109 « 5 4* 4« 21 V ■ Creese R Kassel 260-100 OOA63 S1NXV MAID w 3 102 3 1 5* C» 6« 2* H White Mn» II C Seburn "140-lot 00663 FRIEND JOE w I 106 5 7 6* 5» 54 :,» Q Philpot p McNeil 1340-100 »7«I4 IXN K. w :: 117 7 3 HI U 4» D Neal Noal At Bartholomew 450-100 00319-KALIKO w I 109 3 2 2» 2 34 5 It Jones C Holly 110-KM 00663-1 CESS DARRKLL w S 196 8 4 3 31 4" 6« T Burns S Christensen 1030-100 00211 MISS OMAHA w .! 10J 16 P 7« 7- 71 J Sinston J M Singk-ton ti36O-10 ••664 BROWN SKIN wb 3 KB 4 I 8 S 8 S A Prgrass O P Sherman 3460-100 Time, :23*i, :48. 1:00S. Track fast. mutuels paid — I-avigne, .20 straight, .60 place, . 80 show; Sunny Maid, 5.30 place, .80 show . Friend Joe. $.~ .00 show. equivalent liooking odds Iivigne. 260 to 100 straicht. ISO to 100 place, 90 to 100 show Suony Maid. 660 to 100 place, 2W to If* show. Friend Joe, L50 to 100 show. Winner — Ch. g, by Hessian or St. Rock Atala, bj Star Shoot trained by G. W Glick- bred br Mr. John K. Madden. Went to post at .!:4G At post 1 minute. Start good and slow. Won handily: se.-ond and third driving. LAVIONH came fast in the stretch into the lead and held the others safe at the end. SUNNY MAID closed a gap and finished with a rush. FRIEND JOE also made up grouud and finished fast DON K. set a fast pnee, but tired after going a hall mile. KALIKo and PRINt ESS DARRKLL rau well to the stretch. Overweight — Princess Darrell, 1 pound. fk/rfOQ SEVENTH RACE— 1 1-16 Miles. March 25. 1926— l:43«s— 7— 116. Purse 00. 3-year-VVt «Jt7 olds and upward. Claiming. Net value to winner 60; second, 60; third, 0. Index Horses AWtPPSt K U. % Str Fin Jockeys Owners h.juiv Odds Strt ••636 STUMP JR. wb 6 109 6 6 1» V ll ll ll H White Mrs I. R Knifong 510-109 .111529- iliALI.IM wn 6 m 2 2 31 3» 2» 21 21 1 Htamer A Brent 250-109 00693 MARVEL1TK w 3 97 4 1 2| 2 3» 3» 3«l R Jones Q Roman TOO-100 OO.tSOlVNHRASKA I.ADwsB0g 5 5 $■ and• 5« 4 4 G Philpot » OConnell 319-190 005291!DOC M -MAIMS W4H34246 6 6 6 6»D Neal Mrs L Hector 740-100 •0701 iBltlOHT IDEA wb 4 107 1 2 4s 4» 4 5» 6 J Sylvia J Kckert 930-100 Time, :24, :48S, l:15»i, 1:40, l:47Vi. Track fant- nintnels paid -Stump Jr., 2. 20 straight, .80 place, .4H» show; Rallim, .* place, .40 show; Marvelite, $.3 40 show. Bnuivalent Itooking .Mid- Stump Jr . 510 to 100 straight. 190 to 100 place, 70 to 100 show; Rallia 140 to 100 place, 7*1 to lv show; Marreiite, 70 to 100 show. Winner B. h. Hy UaMca Maxim 4;reeu Dawn, by ireenan trained by L R. Knifoog- bred by Mr Thomas M Murphyi. Went t.» po,.t at 4 07. At post 1 m.nute. Start goo i and slow. Won easily; necossl and third .driving. ST1.M!* Jit took the Vad after g-iine a "juarter and easily held the ra.-e «are to tbe finish. . RAU IM mad- a »•«■• stretch challeaCe. but conld not reach the wiener. MAKYKLITK raced well nil 1 the way NHKRASKA LAD mad.- up .w gronnd. BRKHIT IDEA tire4. . Overweight Bnglit Idea. 2 pounds. AAT/IA EIGHTH RACE— 3-4 Kile. Feb. 19. 1W6— 1:10S— *— !* • *"«• K™- 4-je*r-old» and W # IV upward. Claiming. Met value to winner 90; second. 40; third, 0. Indn Mors.-* AWtlISt * 14 St r Fin Jockeys Owners Kquiv. Odds Str t J.052O SKKKNA w 5 10R 7 1 1= I* 1» ft* Q Pliilpot W M Walkor 940-100 ©65"9 -CHOPSTICKS vi 5 115 6 4 ?J 2* 2« 2» J Sylvia B B Watson rAI-WO !i9«;UO H KKANK WB 1 11" 4 2 P :VJ 4= .1= J Deford Bronx Stable 1030-100 005t« PICNIC wi 7 1W .1 r, r.J ?.- 31 4- D Neal C A Burprett 140-PHt OOStSCHKKN BPKING wb 6 108 2 i Rh f«i Bl $■ It Jones Kane and Zeiglfr COO-100 00525 COFFIKI.I w 10 110 5 7 7 7 7 ♦I"1 T Hexham C Sawyer 172O-10T. 00871 NOKVnLO w 6 110 1 3 41 4 ti1 7 II White R M Hollenbeik MMM Time. :23*i. E«£ l:12*i- Track fast. ?2 iinitm-ls paid- Serena. 0.80 straight, .40 fUtt, .40 show; Chopstirks, $."..40 place. fc .20 ►Don. Be Frank, $.".20 show. K |iiiTalent Uookinc cKlds-Serena. .MO tn 100 straipht. 270 to 100 place, 120 to 100 show; Chopsticks, 170 to 100 pla.e, CO to 100 show: IV Frank. 100 to 100 show. Winner C h. in. hy Sir John Johnson Catherine Larson, by Ben Strome trained bf W. M. Walker; bred by Mr. U. C. Went to post at 430. At post 1 minute. Start pood and slow. Won driving: second and thin] the same SKKKNA 1« d from he start and held her advantage jramely in the stretch. CHOPSTICKS drew on even terms with the leader when appsaarMBf ihe stret. h and then ran very wide, but inade a fast finish. BE FRANK closed up ground and finished resolutely. llCMC tired near the end. NOR mU quit badly. Scratched Ml Duty Boy. 110. __ A AT A "1 NINTH RACE— 1 Kile and 70 Yards. April 4. 1926— 1:41S— 5— UK Purse 00. 3-year-jj 4 A olds and upward. Claiming-. Net value to winner 00: second, 60: third, 0. Index Horses AWtlJ-St1, "j % Str Kin Jockeys Owners Kipiiv. Odds Strt 00690 RKTTY MAI.itXKV w 4 107 5 2 1*1 lS Is 1= 1" H White Iiwry Bros 720-100 00489-HKKKCHLOAI K wb ." 107 2 4 SJ :.* 3- Q 2» R Creese I.eslio Stable and10-100 00702 KATINKA w 6 106 i 6 6 41 4* 3« :: W Molt.:s J Korjruson 4G0-1M 00690 HOLLY BOY w 5 109 3 3 5j 5» 7l 51 4" J Sylvia K K Watson C00-K« 0690:PKKHAPS Mil 1 1 21 2 2» 4i 31 ■ Jones " ■ Brown 730-1 0i 00636 TKAINBT wb 5 112 S 8 7:; 6!" 6* 6J fi" K Baliss W St Vincent 920-10 00690 CI.KOS HKSTKHwb " 90 7 7 8 8 7= 71 7" - C, Pliilpot A A Baroni 360-100 004 73SPKAU SHOT w 5 113 4 I 4» 71 8 8 8 ¥ J Baker Mrs ti H Abbott 4. 0-101 Time. :23«i. :484. 1:13«5. 1:40V 1:44«5- Track fast. paid Betty Maloney, 0.40 straight, .60 pla.e, . SO show: Bree. -hloadt r, .40 pla.e. $ ;.00 sh ; Katinka, $.!.0O show. Equivalent Isvking odds Betty Mul.n.y. 720 to 100 straight. 280 to 100 place. 140 to 100 t-how : Bree, hloader. ::70 to 100 place. 200 to 100 show; Katinka. 80 to 100 show. Winner B. f. by Athelins 11— tlladiola. by Bark Ronald trained by J. A. Lowry: bred by Nevada Stock FiirnO. Went to post at 4:.".2. At post 1 niinr.te. Start good and sow. Won easily: second and third , : driving. BKTTY MAI.ONEY took the lead quickly and ca-ily held Ihe race safe all the way. BKKKfll-LOADER moved up swiftly after going three-quarters, but was tiring at the end. KATINKA was in a jam on the first turn, but raced gamely afterwards and finished fast. PERHAPS tired after racing losest up to the last eighth. Scratched OOandMT-Kl id. 10.".: OCT, 17 Lola Montex, 94. Overweight- Trapnet. 2 p .unds.