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Entries and Past Performances HAVRE DE GRACE WEDNESDAY, APRIL 14 « WEATHER CLEAR : TRACK FAST. The figures under the heading "Rec." in the entries below show the best time of each horse at the distance since January 1, 1925. no matter where it finished. In cases where record was made on other than a fast cr good track, abbreviations show track conditions. 9 »0s; is FIRST INDEX OF 1926. 00403 IS FIKST INDEX OF APRIL II:.. -hit starts at 2:30 p. m. Chicago time. 1:30. $ Superior mud runner. X Cood mud runner skFMr mud runner. II Maiden. • Apprentice allowance. , The following abbreviations are nsed to design.ite tra ks at which time records shown in entries were made: +Akron Ak 1King Edward Ki Aqueduct Aq Lagoon Park Lg Aurora Au Lansdowne Park.... LP Belmont Park BP Laton a La Blue Bonnets BB Laurel Lu Blue Grass BO Lexington Lx Bowie Bo tLong Branch LB Brighoiise Park Bs Maple Heights MH ♦Brooklyn Park Br tMarlboro Mb Churchill Downs CD Miami Mi ♦Columbus Co tMobile Mo Coney Island CI Mount Royal MR Connaught Park CP tNiagara Falls NF +Coi:neaut Lake CL Omaha Om Dade Park DP Orlando Or tDelorimier Park Dl tPhoenix Ph Devonshire De Pimlico Pm Dorval Do Raceland Rd •"Dufferin Park Du Reno Re Empire Em tSalt Lake SL Fair Grounds FG Saratoga 8a Fairmour.t Park FP Tamna Ta Fort Erie FE Thistle Down TD Hamlton Hm Thorncliffe Th ♦Hastings Park HP Tijuana Ti Havre de Grace HG tTimonium Tm Hawthorne Hw Toledo To , Havana Hv United Hunts TJH j Huntington Hu tWheeling Wh I Jamaica J a tWillows Park WP Jefferson Park JP Windsor W: ♦Kempton Park KP Woodbine Wo ! Xenilworth Ke tYoungstown Yo j t Designs tea half-mile tr;;c*. HavTe de Grace Mile Track. First Race — 1-2 Mile. Purse ,200. 2-y ear-old*. Colts and Geldings. Maidens. Track record: April 22, 1922— :47— 2— 116. Todavs Ind. norseandPostr «. Wt. Rec. A.Wt.nan. 0O6372 Golden Pennant, 5 P.o 118 :50=j,s 118. .730. 00637 Master William. 11 RoHS :.-.0%s 118V72". 00581- Willie K. 2. ..IP 118 :48*i 113X720 0610 Fly Hawk. :t..Ro MM :.r.1m 118. .71." 00403 Cumdrop. 7 Bo 118 :54h 118. .710 98652 Press Cant. 4... 118.. 703 I Frank Andrews. 10 118 I Cold Coin. 0 U8 Arch. 8... 118 I taste H.. l us I Pal McCec. 9 118 Landlord. 12 118 I Second Race — 3-4 Mile. Fwae ,200. I olds ami upward. Claiming. ; • Track record: April 21. 192.V 1:11 — 4-129. 98940 Contract. IS 124 1:12 4 110x73."! 0D613 Johnny Jewell. 17 FG 113 1 :13% I 119:;:730 , 00611- Crnnd Bay, 20. Bo 1 13 l 14 3 97. .72.". 05441 am, 3 IPlMl:lt% 3 10." . .720 O0C67 •Jolinnv Campbell. 14 la 10411 :13=f. 4 117x71.". 99951= •Cinnamon. ■ . .FG 10". 1:15.-. 4 103. .710 97344 Rong.s. r. Sa KM! 1 :14V; 6 116X710 00445 Teluride. 1 . . Mi 100 1 :14o 3 106. .710 00613 lxr.l Italtimorell.. 3 CI 109 l:122i I 116X710 00582 Dr. Charles Wells. 4 Im 97 1:14V, 8108x70". 00031 Lupine. 10 BP 106 1:12% 4 1 0.r X 70.". 00667 McCrimmon. 11. Mi 110 1:13 4 112.70.". 99343 • Chief James. 16Ja 115 1:14% ■ 114x70". 99342 Spearo Ml. HM1 MB 1:14% 3 100.70.". 00611 Glance M. 1S.IP 112 1:14 3 107x700 00404 «Babv I. a tie. 13 DP 107 1:12% 5 98x700 00030 llankv Rice iM. 1U .IF 116 1:14% 4 114. .700 97339 Lad v. 9. .Lu 103 1:15% 3 104.701 00611 Exchequer. 7 . ..IF 112 1:14% 3 104. .700 00552 Old Guard. 6...JF 108 1:16% S 102.. 700 Third Race — 5 1-2 Furlongs. Tip Top Pane. Purse ,200. 3 year old«. Track record: April 16. 1921 -1 :05%— 3— 108. 00407 Harass. 1 Mi 110 1 OS 114.740 00668 Timmara. 5 ...Ja 113 1:06% 11 2® 735 97540 Cntrifugal. 2. .Lu 109 1 :10%sy 106x730 95417 Back Man. 4. ..Sa 122 1 :09%h 116. .725 97309 Chocolate Soldier, 3 fa IIS 1:07% 109.720 •0405 Punjab. 7 RR 115 1:06 106.. 715 Stony Man, 6 104 Fourth Race— 1 Mile and 70 Yards. Chester Purse. Purse ,500. 3 year olds and upward. Allowances. 1 Track record: April 25, 1925 — 1:42—4 — 112. 00480 TESTER. 5 5 114X740 00669s Cudgeller. 4 ...Ke 111 1:44% 4 108X730 00533s Commissioner. 6.. Pm 122 1:44% 4 106x725 97211 C.olden Rule. 2Wo 117 1:46 6 115X720 00641 Prince Hamlet. 1 Ro 108 1:47% 5 106X715 00480 Lieutenant II.. 3 Ke 107 1:41% 6 106+710 Fifth Race — 3-4 Mile. Fourteenth Running Harford Handicap. 0 010 Added. 3-year-olds and upward. Track rc.rd: April 21. 1925-1:11—4—129. 97497 Jot Smoke. 3..HC 117 1:12% 5 119X750 00585 Noah. 7 Ja 120 1:11 4 121X745 00480 Senator Norrfs. 6. Pm 117 1:12% 5 116X740 00480s Single Foot. 9..I.U 112 1:12 4 124x73". 00669- lounger. 15 ...JP 10S 1:12% 5 109X730 C06693 Cudgeller. 20 ..Ro 110 1:15 4 104X.25 99901 Sunsard. 19 ...Mi 110 1:11% 4 115x720 00668- Cinema. 5 . . . .IK! 112 1 :14% 3 96X715 97540 Centrifugal. 1 . Pm 117 l:15%m 3 99X710 97497 Wilderness. 2. .Ja 120 1 :13% 6 112x705 99453 Mr. Pepp. 14 Mi 111 1:12 4 107®705 96417 Rock Man. Ifi.HP. 117 1:16 8 105. .705 9T13i: J. Fred A.. 8 HG 120 l:14%m 4 105X705 97211 Colden Rule. 17.. Hm III 1:12% 6 112X705 97496- Loved One. 11. Em 115 1:11 %sy 4 103X700 97309 Chocolate Soldier. 10 HC 112 1:13% 8 95.700 00555= Extra Rrv. 13. Aq 98 1:12 4 100X700 99310 Cav Comet. 4. Mi 114 1:12% 5 107.. 700 97105* Poilv McWiggles. 18 Ja 106 1:12% 4 104®700 97343 Topboot. 12 ...Pm 95 1:13% 6 100X700 Sixth Race— 1 1-16 Miles. Purse 200 3-vrar-olds and upward. Claiming. Track record: Sept. 18. 1920-1 :44%— 3— 138. 99535 Carol. 7 Mi 120 1:45% 6 117X73". 0O614 RItie Hill. 6 ..RP 112 1:46%S 5 107x730 9989S3 •Diagram. 3 . . . Aq 107 1:46 6 102X725 9946€3 Duckweed. 2. . .JP 96 1:46 4 111+720 00671- •Clique. 4 II w 111 1:47% 4 103x715 00S70- Traveller. 1 . . Mi 100 1 .46% 3 101. .710 05555 Kanduit. 5 ...Hm 106 1:47 4 106X705 Seventh Race — 1 1-8 Miles. Puree .200. 3-rear-olds and upward. Claiming. Track record: Sept. 27. 1919— 1:50— 6— 126. 0D672 Spugs. r. Ja 114 1:56% 8 109X735 0061£3 Dream of the Val- lev 1 Mi 108 1:53% 9 105x730 00586 Modesto. 4 ....DP 102 1:53% 4 101x725 00671 Man Ellen O., 2. .. JP 103 1:53% 5 102®720 OOO06 Quotation, 5 ..JP 105 1:53% 6 107x715 03614 Modo. 3 Wi 107 1:54% 7 104x710