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PICTURESQUE . . HAVRE DE Ok GRACE OPENS « TODAY w m ■ Second of Spring Meetings in Maryland to Be Inaugurated * ■ Quality and Quantity Represented in Overnight Entries for Harford Handicap, 0,000 Added, Initial Stake Attraction • HAVRE DE GRACE, Md.. April 1.1. — The Harford Agricultural and Breeders Associations spring meeting for 1926 will begin tomorrow under most flattering conditions. A good card, a fast track and the promise of halmy and springlike weather will prove a magnet strong enough to bring out a bumper crowd to Havre de Craces picturesque course. The stables here are filled with some of the best horses in the country. A big delegation arrived during the past few days from New York, among them Thomas Healey, with the eastern division of the R. T. WRson and W. J. Salmon horses, and Max Hirsch. with Sarazen. James Fitzsimmons has reserved stalls for a dozen of the Belair Stable racers that he is shipping the first part of next week. George Conway, who is handling the Glen Riddle horses, is here, quartered in the big barn at the top of the stretch. Mrs. W. M Jeffords string, in charge of Scott Harlan, shipped direct to Pimlico, but will van whatever horses they will start in stakes during the meeting. Jimmy Rowe will have something like forty of the Harry Payne Whitney horses here and H. O. Bedwell is here with a big band from his farm at Laurel. Shelby Burch brought over the entire outfit from Bowie and Preston Burch will send - 8 a. 8a division division of of the the Nevada Nevada Stock Stock Farm Farm striiiK string 8a division division of of the the Nevada Nevada Stock Stock Farm Farm striiiK string lover from Pimlico. All of the horses in this I stable shipped in splendid condition from Tijuana. The A. C. Bostwick and J. K. L. Ross stables are also on the grounds. There are a number of fast two-year-olds anions the youngsters imported from England by-Ross last year. SINGLE FOOT TOP WEIGHT. The feature of the opening days program will, of course, be the running of the 0,000 Harford Handicap, a dash of three-quarters for three-year-olds and over. Of the forty-seven nominated, no less than twenty have accepted and are programmed as starters. Single Foot is top weight at 121 pounds, and then follow Noah at 121 and Joy Smoke at 119. They scale down to 95 pounds, which has been assigned to Chocolate Soldier. Others who are named to go are Wilderness. Gay Comet, I,oved One. Mr. Pepp, Lounger, Rock Man, Golden Rule, Sunsard and Cudgeller. Four of the races are at sprinting distances and the other three call for a journey over a route of ground. Special trains will be run from Baltimore, Washington. Philadelphia and New York, and a tremendous gathering is looked for. Many parties, who are coming from these cities, have reserved boxes and general manager Edward Burke looks for the greatest opening in the historv of the club. REWARD FOR BRUMS. The new rule established by the Maryland Racing Commission will go into effect at the Havre de Grace meeting. The breeder of I any winning horse in a race will receive 0: in a stake race 00. If the winner is Maryland bred, twice that amount goes , to the breeder. The following is the rule in full: Every applicant awarded a license to con-■ duct a racing meet within the state of Maryland from and after the date of this j rule shall by the acceptance of such license be deemed to agree as a condition of the , grant thereof, that such license shall, within j thirty days after the expiration of each meet, : pay to the bredeer of each horse winning j a race at such meet, if bred in the United I States, Canada or Cuba and to the importer, if bred in any other country, the sum of j 0, if the race so won shall be an overnight ! event, and 00 if the race so won shall be : a stake, provided that if the horse so win-i ning shall be a horse foaled within the state of Maryland the amounts so to be paid to i the breeder shall be double the amounts | above specified in each instance ; if the breeder or importer of any such winning I horse shall not be living at the time of such i race no such payment shall be required. These payments shall not be deducted from the amount of the purse ; nor shall they be required when the purse includes an award to the breeder equal to or greater than the I above amounts. All claims or questions arising under this rule, at any racing meet, as to the breeding, importing or foaling of any winning horse, shall be decided by the license ; holding the meeting, and affidavits in sup-j port of any such claim may be required be-I fore payment thereof, and in all such cases I the decision of said licensee shall be final ! and conclusive as to any liability under thia i rule.