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HARVEY AMES, Inc. I.AIU.K BI.DG. BUOAmVAY AT 02D ST. NEW YORK CITY j WON ! ! | Yesterdays "Harvey Transaction," and the only horse advised, won easily at good odds. After the fourth race at Bowie was official yesterday, this office was notified that another winner at good odds is expected today. "Harvey Transaction" Today Subscription, 00 in adtaiicc b telegraph or In person. The only way to atoid unnecessary regrets, is to deal direetly with this office. TELEPHONES: CIRCLE 2591 -2592-2593-5749-1 434-1 435 LIEUTENANT FARRELL. .80. Won Above -was the only horse I pave yesterday. Wire my share. Another goes today. Konday I Gave: ZE0D. 4.20. Won Saturday I Gave: JOHNNY CAKPBELL. 4.70. Won Friday I Gave: ZE0D. 7.10. Won I send one a day. and a good one. My t?rms are: Wire to help pay expenses. and wire winnings of after horse wins. No other terms accepted. I have given honest service for fifteen vears. Wire at once — should pay limit. E. FLETCHER Jamaica. New York CLOCKER N. ROGERS TURF WEEKLY Bold at all newsstaads. 35c. TODAY 8 FREE CODE: HAVRE DE GRACE— Brazil -Wood -Beef HUNTINGTON — Toledo -Peas -Cement BIG TREAT TODAY An unusual event goes today at Havre de Grace. Thi» horaa has been set in a so -called particular place. Shrewd folks are handling this affair. And this horse should pay plenty and then a hatful. Special terms. .00 in advance. Sand by telegraph or in person. City clients, please call. Bend all remittances to: ROGERS PUBLISHING COMPANY 1672 Broadway, New York City WEEKLY RACING GUIDE A PICTORIAL OF THE TURF PUBLISHED EVERY FRIDAY WEEKLY RACING GUIDE is sold strictly on its merits as a publication that picks the winners. Its regular features include HORSES READY TO WIN SELECTIONS. CLOCKERS SPECIALS. BEST WORKOUTS TIMELY PICTURES. DAILY CODE SERVICE and other valuable data for race followers. ON SALE AT ALL LEADING NEWSSTANDS FREE CODE SPECIALS FOR WEDNESDAY: HAVRE DE GRACE — Starter-Mile-Place. HUNTINGTON— Apprentice - Blinkers - Bridle. TIJUANA— Owner-Mile-Handily. WEEKLY KACINU GLIDE 25 Cents a Copy DAILY RACING CHART, Inc. IM HLISHKRS 107 East S2nd Street New York, X. Y. MASTER CLOCKER TODAYS FREE CODE: HavTe de Grace -Lament — Albany -Fold -Flow -Flow GARS TODAYS FREE CODE: Havre de Grace — Georgia Box Snow Ivory , : j j I i j ! ; 1 : PARLAY JOE ■ODssffl ES THK BEST POLICY YES, I AM PROLD TO BOAST OF THIS: HONEST DEALINGS LEAD TO THE ROAD OF SIC FSS Successful men in all kinds of business are those who are speculators. YESTERDAY 8 PARLAY: Red Rocket, .10, Won Fornovo, .30, Won Yesterdays parlay was an overwhelming success. I have performed miracles, and all my clients cannot deny this. It again proves the ability I possess, furnishing information that is worth while. Can you realize what I have done? And. if you were a subscriber, what a fortune would have been yours! Well, it is not too late, for today I have another parlay that has been prepared for me weeks in advance fcr todays event: money, energy and shrewdness have been no object on the part of myself or my connections to perfect this parlay for todays races. Everything is in readiness gentleman players, for this parlay to win. You cannot allow an opportunity like this one to pass you by. becanse the result of this parlay should startle the racing world. Yes. gentleman players, it is all over but the shouting. Do not delay, but rush your subscription fee immediately. Again. I cay to you. that action speaks louder than words, and action is what you are going to get today. TIIKRE ARE FOUR DAYS LFFT FOR SIBSt RIBFRS TO TAKE ADVANTAGE OF MY SPECIAL OFFER. 10 PARLAYS FOR 0.00. Do not wait for tin- last minute to subsrribe; pet in on one of the best offerings eter presented to you. Do not forget, TEN DAYS FOR TEN DOLLARS. MY PAST RECORD IS A GUARANTEE FOR THE FUTURE MONDAYS PARLAY: SEA MOSS 0.30, Won GREEN BLAZES . 5.90, Won SATURDAYS PARLAY: DANCING FOOI 4.30, Won PADLOCK $ 6.00, Won FRIDAY S PARLAY TRIBUNE 5.50, Won BUTTERCUP $ 5.00, Won THURSDAY S PARLAY: MISS ROSEDALE. 2.00, Won RED ROCKET $ 9.00, Won WEDNESDAY 8 PARLAY: NAT EVENS 0.30, Won BLACKSMITH ....$ 8.10, Won TUESDAY S PARLAY * MUNGO 3.80, Won CAREFREE 1.90, Won MONDAY S PARLAY- JOHNNY JEWELL 1.10, Won TITINA $ 9.00, Won SATURDAY S PARLAY- ATOMIN 2.20, Won JULIE 4.10, Won FRIDAYS PARLAY: CLIFF 3.80, Won NIGHT SHADE ....$ 7.80, Won THURSDAY S PARLAY: HOT PEPPER 5.20, Won CARE FREE $ 7.80, Won WEDNESDAY S PARLAY* NORTHERN STAR, 1.20, Won ATOSSA $ 8.20, Won TUE8DAY S PARLAY* LITTLE TOKALON, 6.60, Won LARDI 1.40, Won MONDAYS PARLAY: DR. CARDENAS . . 1.80, Won BROWN BETTY . . 7.10, Won If you are interested, rush your subscription of ten dollars 0.00 for ten days service, by West-era Union or Postal Telegraph, with correct name and address. u Parlay Joe " 151 West Forty-Second Street, Suite 1218 New York, N. Y. 1 FAMOUS TURF BUREAU gy 0.00 FOR SIX WINNING PARLAYS -* ALL CLIENTS MUST RECEIVE SIX WIN PARLAYS FOR THEIR TEN DOLLARS-NO ADDITIONAL CHARGE WHATSOEVER. STRICTLY TWO HORSES EACH DAY TO ALL CLIENT8. WHETHER IN THE CITY CR CUT CF TOWN. WE HAVE OPENED A CHICAGO OFFICE FOR THE CONVENIENCE OF WESTERN SUBSCRIBERS. YESTERDAYS PARLAY. Lieutenant Farrell, .80, Won Drumbeat, ,40, Won * 0 TO 1 WIN PARLAY TODAY -*fl "OPKMXi DAY AT HAVRE DE GRATE. TWO WINNERS. LIBIT OIHIS." Released to everybody upon receipt of 0.00. No waiting. No delay. Out of town as well as city clients will receive the advertised two horse parlay upon receipt of 0.00. Todays two horses should prove the easiest winners of the season. Do not pass up these two safe turf investments. Under i no consideration should you miss todays limit parlay. Advertised horses released to everybody. MONDAYS PARLAY* iREEN BLAZES HUt, Won MLSKALLONOE .30, Won SATURDAY S PARLAY * JOHNNY CAMPBELL 4.70, Won DANCINt; FOOI 4.30, Won FRIDAYS PARLAY: ZEOD 7.10, Won FRENCH LADY 9.30, Won THURSDAYS PARLAY: KEI ROCKET $ 9.00, Won MISS ROSEDM.E 2.00. Won WEDNESDAY S PARLAY: NAT EVENS 0 JO, Won MACBETH $ 7.30, Won NOTICE! NOTICE! — Why send your money thousands of miles away and. after waiting weeks for service, receive odds-on favorites when you can sutscribe to our Chicago office and receive prompt and courteous service? Chicago clients, call in person. If out of town, remit 0.00 via Western Union or Postal Telegraph and receive six winning parlays. Chicago office open from 9 a. m. to 4 p. m. FAMOUS TURF BUREAU ROOM 412. ASHLAND BLOCK. RANDOLPH CORNER CLARK STREET. CHICAGO. ILL. Offices in New York and Baltimore , Earl Gregory 123 WEST MADISON ST.. SUITE 920. CHICAGO. ILL. .00 D A 1 1. V 0.00 W K Kkl.V WINNERS! WINNERS! OUT OF LAST EIGHT TRANSACTIONS SIX WON, ONE SECOND AND ONE THIRD YESTERDAYS TRANSACTION: DRUMBEAT .40, Won TODAY— AT HAVRE DE GRACE— TODAY BIG SPECIAL HORSE GOES I have many live ones that I will release starting today at Havre de Grace. My connections advised me to go the limit on todays transaction, as every precaution has been taken to make todays transaction one to be long remembered. This horse has not started as yet this year, and has been worked privately and, with good luck, should reward us with liberal odds. Enough said. Subscribe at once. My within reach of who wants first-class information. Out I terms are anyone of town clients, use Western Union or Postal Telegraph service and receive service at once. NO WAITING — NO DELAY. City clients, call at my office. FOLLOW DAILY RACING GUIDE— FIRST WITH THE LATEST