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MARYLAND TURF NOTES BOWIK. Md.. April 13. Thomas F. Bourke. of the Illinois Jockev Club, was a visitor of the day distributing the stake blanks for the meeting at the Homewood track. The stakes are to close May 10. J. F. Hayward. secretary of th.- Maryland Racing Commission, was at the course this morning accepting applications lor licenses from jockeys and trainers. Fdward F. Seagram and a party of sports- ■ | men, from Canada, are expected here in a j i few days. Two carloads of horses are on their way from Tampa. They have apparently got lost en route, as nothing has been heard from them in a couple of days. In the consignment is the string of J. W. Pangle. Nat Beyer got in with three horses from New York. ! Lew Williams is looking out after some fresh material for his employer, J. F. Reilly. i The latter is the manager of Jack Delaney. F. Marlow shipped his string direct to New York from Bowie. J. F. Richardson was busy receiving congratulations from his friends among the horsemen, on the arrival of a bouncing baby [ daughter at the Richardson home in Balti-I more, yesterday. Jack Keene and Dr. II. M. Patterson, whose stable reached Havre de Grace today from Kew Orleans, came on here for todays sport. William Frederick, a sports writer of New i Orleans, was seen on the clubhouse lawn. ! G. W . Foreman claimed Drumbeat out of the third race for ,000. James F. OHara, general manager of the Southern Maryland Agricultural Association, expressed himself as more than pleased with: the success of the Bowie meeting. He said that from the beginning it had been better j than any spring meeting that had gone be-1 j Core. The following were the claims made at | Bowie : Night Shade, by F H. SmfMi. Sl.r.OO : ! |St. Valentine, by W. J. « uvens, H.6#g; opper-; man, by F. M. Kelly. J.j.iOO ; Wilk.s-Barre. by F. L. Snyder. ,000 ; Volcano, by C. Smithson, ,000; Senate, by F M. Kelly. j ,000: Jimson, by II. Cooper, ,200; Noon, ; by J Frick.-r. ,0i ; Ounny Sa-k. by Fred j Hayes. ,500; Sun Rajah, by F H Smith.; ! fS,Mt; Drumbeat, by C. W Foreman, ,000. I |