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Entries and Past Performances TIJUANA WEDNESDAY, APRIL 14 WBATaUBB CLOUDY; TRACK FAST. The figures under the heading "Rec." in the entries below show the best time of each horse at the distance since January 1, 1925, no matter where it finished. In cases where record was made on other than a fast or good track, abbreviations show track conditions. 9S0S7 IS FIRST T?JIEX OF 1926. 00103 IS FIRST INDEX OF APRIL Racing starts at 1:40 p. m. Chi. -ago time, 3:40. ® Superior mud runner. XGood mud runner. :: Fair mud runner. M Maidens. * Apprentice illowance. The following abbreviations are used to designate tracks at which time records shown in entries were made: • Akron Ak 4Kirg Edward K Aqueduct Aq Laroon Park Lr Aurora As tLansdowne Park ...LP Belmont Park BP Latonia La Blue Bonnets BB Laurel Ln Blue Orasa BG Lexington Lx Bowie Bo tLong Branch LB Brighouse Park Bs Maple Heights MH tBrooklyn Park Br Marlboro Mb Churchill Downs... CD Miami Mi tColumbus Ce tMobile Mo Coney Island CI Mount Royal MR Ccnnaught Park CP tNiapara Falls NF tDufferin Park Du Omaha Ore ♦Conneaut Lake ....CL Orlando Or Dade Park DP Phoenix Pb *Delorimier Dl Pimlico Pn Devonshire De Raceland Rd Dorral Do Reno Re Empire Em *Salt Lake SL Fair Grounds FO Saratoga Sa Fairmount Park FP Tampa Ta Fort Erie FE Thistle Down TD Hamilton Hm Thorncliffe Tk rHastings Park HP Tijnana Ti Havre de Grace HG tTimanium Tm Hawthorne Hw Toledo To Havana Hv United Hunts TTH Huntington Hu tWheeling Wh Jamaica Ja I Willows Patk WP Jefferson Park JP Windsor Wl tKempton Park ...KP Woodbine Wo Kenilworth Ke 4Toungstown To IttrsavaaOM half-mile track. Tijnana Mile Track. First Race — 4 1-2 Furlongs. Ptir-e H». 3-vear olds and upward. Claiming. Track rerord: March 2.1, 1924 :.VH.. - US. Todays lata. H..rse.v.PostPos wt. Heo. A.Wt.lian. 99370 Somiv P.unnv. HI MM :54--. 4 110.72.- 00696 Belle Wood. 1 . .Ti 101 :53V. 4 108. .720 99442 •Shasta Rally ML 7 Ti 104 :.-..-."■, 3 107.715 00696 New Pink. !l ...TI 111 :55 i 110. 710 00521 Cluwar Ml. .I.Ti 112 :.-.«4f, 4 1 OS . . 7 1 i . j 99985 Radiant Light. Ml 112 :5»! 5 105 ■715 00696 Mel adden. 5 . Ti 11» :5H" -,s 4 105x705 00277 irev Kock. 11. Ti Km! :5S 4 110. .705 00689 »Bav Man Ml. l» 3 102 700 J 00689 Japidee Ml. 12Ti 96 :57.-.sy3 97. 700 0 C0696 •Chirk 14.11 ML 13 Ti 105 5s,s 4 105.700 1 99048 Miss Viora ML ti Ti S 95. .700 00689 Kerry IM.kM.atML 4 8 102. .700 Second Race — 5 1-2 Furlongs. Purse 00. I year olds aud upward. laimin. Tra.k rerord: Jan 19. MM l:04*r. 4 SM.J I 00575 ... ksure. 4 ...III! 10! 1 :074.. 4 11.1 725 C0698 Sly PSB, 7 |i lal M* •• 108x720 • i 00306 •Mom astir. 6 Ti 111 LOS 7 108. .715 j 00133 Chief Arrhee. 2.. 5 ILL- 71 I 00632 •Hlue Miss. 5. . . Ti lO.l 1 :m , 5 100-705 i I 00698 •l.iltle Tokalon.STi !»!• 1:08 4 100. .700 » j 93744 • ustle Crown 1 Ii 90 1:10H 7 IsltlsM i I 00698 i. k Ma, ::. Ti IM imc. M ItSxOW 1 . i j J 0 1 • i » i 1 Third Race— 1 Mile. Purse 00. 1 year-olds ;.nd upwa-d. Claiming. Track rcord: .Ian. 20, 1924 1:1754 •" •• I 007361 Thai ...TI 113 1 :424and I IO.V.725 00660 •ltemorerarefiil. »!.. Om KKJ 1 45 7 107 720 00736 Kreei utter. 4 . .Ti 108 1 :43:V. 11 105 715 00697 Pop Ryan. 9 Ti MB 1:40% 4 112x710 0O736J Star Cloudy. 7..Ti 113 1:14-. I 107 ■ 705 C07363 Marine Corps. 10 Om 114 1:42,, I 112. .IM 007353 sallas Paige. 2. .Ti KMi 1:45-. 6 105-700 00244 •Hiddledee. 1 ...Ti 102 1:42.. 9 105 700 00471 Mint .lulep. | ..Ti 104 1:444-. •. MS. .74M 00697 •tileuzar. 8 Ti 113 1:43% 7 98 701 Fourth Race— 1 Mile. Purse 00. 4 year-olds and upward. laimii.g. Tra«k re.ord: Jan. 20, 1924 1 :37 .-, 5 90 1 00699 •Klhel Prown. 2 Ti 103 I 124.-. I MS4 725 00694 •Hooneville. 9. . All 10.1 1:11", !» 107- ::. » 00688 : *Io tor Macs. 7.. 9 107 715 00522 Heme, 1 Ti 110 1 13-. 5 112 710 00660 •IJamp. S Ti 10s 1:49% 4 105 705 00734 BlStS Pat. 4 8 108. 7o5 -* 00476 •Colonel Lit. 5 . .Ti 115 1:44% 9 107.. 70.5 0030S Manniklu II.. K.Ti 107 1:43 -. ■ 115 ■ Tti.i 00577 Hal Wright. 10. Ti 113 1 : 12 • , 7 Il2-7t0 C0439 Delectable ll.iMl. 3 TI 111 1:41% 7 108 700 Fifth Race— 1 Mile and 70 Yards. Calgar Claiming 1 1 a iiL. a p. Purse ,000. :: ytsr SSSS and upward. Track re.ord: April 4. 1!20 1:41% — 8— 120.1 00634- KEEP THOlLHI. 8 Ti loc. 1 :43 5 1 10 - ::«5 9£014 Ceylon Prin.e, ITi 101 1:43% I 102. 725 00702 Pathan. 2 Ti 104 1:44% 5 MS. 72 l 00634 Mi la. Iirino. 3..Ti 122 1:43.-. 6 98-715 00438 Contusion, 4 .Ha Md 1:43% B : h. . :ij Sixth Race— 3-4 Mile. Purse 10. 3-year olds mid upward. t iaiinng. Tra.k re.ord: Pel.. 19, 1925 ! 10-, 4 120. 00635 Whiff, rj la IM 1:13% ft 133x731 00515 BfeajBsata, i 7 tis ._t 99936 Shasta Express. 3 Ti 103 1 :13r. 4 108 - 715 00699 *Bronco ;irl. O.Ti 99 1:14% 3 96-710 00395 Smart Horse, 10. Ti 113 1:14% 4 113:: 705 00432- •Alice limine ML 4 TI 38 1:14% 3 90.705 98427 Tom Craven, 7Ti 105 1:13% 7 113. 705 98618 Arrhie Alexander. 2 Ti 112 1:13% 10 |U ■ 70O 00699 Hard Dealer. 8KP 110 1:141 3 106. 700 00515 Mayor House, ft.. • Om 112 1:16 10 IMXTftf Seventh Race — 3 4 Mile. Purse 00. 3-year olds and upward Claiming. Track rerord: Feb. 19, 1925 1:10 * :, -4 120 1 99410 The World. 5...Ti 114 1:13% ■ 114 -725 00606 BsrataUt 11, an 99112-:. ft 107.. 720 00664J Star Must, 7 Ti 331113% 3 92. .715 00664- Cross How. 3. Ti 101 1 12"t. I 97x710 00368 Spanish Star, lWi 133 1:14% 3 97. .705 00679 Al Hotfoot. 4..Ti lift 1:13% ■ 114x700 00436 Merry has.-, 2Ti 103 I:1S%S 3 97 .438 Eighth Race — 5 1-2 Furlongs. Purse O0. 3 year olds and upward. Claiming. ! Track laeasft: Jan. 19, 1924 lo-i4 -4 -lot... « 00095 Danie, 5 8 93-725 00695 •Cedrir. 2 Ti 113 LOSis 6 108 720 00700 Pennon. 3 6 113x715 00437 Miss Nnnry. 9MH 110 1 0H-. 4 110. .711 00700 Malarha. 4 ...Ti 111 1 :07::, 4 110. .705 00695 .MisK Omoiid. 8. Ti 102 LOS 4 105-705 995C0 Kovesroist. 11. Om 112 1:0s 7 108-705 00696 Combustion. 10. Ti 97 1 :0 5 109 705 00514- •Africa*, I Ti 112 1 :08 7 103. .Zftft .0214 8iniling, 1 Ti 10. I IS; 3 111 - ."O 00695 •lorhidd. 11. 7 . T. 107 I 0.1 :t S3X**3 00274 •Hairgans Ucir.13 !» 10 • "•«