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JQAILX" RACING FORM BOWIE • Copyright. 1926. by Daily Racing Form Publishing Co. EOWIE. KD. TUESDAY APRIL 13. 1926. Prim e Georges Park fl Mile. Eleventh and last flay. Southern Marytau.l Agricultural and Fair Association. Spring meeting of 11 days. Weather clear. Steward Represent ins Maryland Slate Racing Commission. Ceorge Brown. Jr. Jmlge-at-Large. tarlus M. d# Ganuendia. Inspector General. W. Hradley arr. Steward*. P. J. Miles. Baker Waters and «.e, rge Brown. Jr. Judges. John P. Turner. J. H. Andersou. Joseph MiI.ennan and John B. Campbell. Starter. James Milton. Racing Secretary. Joseph M. L.nnan. Racing starts at 2:30 p. ra. Chicago time. 1 :.0 . ra.t W indicates whip. S spurs. B blinkers. Figure* in parentheses following the distanee of each race indicate date, track record, age of horse and weigh carried "Indicates apprentice £fW7-i O FIRST RACE— 6 1-2 FuTlongs. Rot. 17. 1984— 1:19— 6—109. Para 200. 3-year-olds 99 4 3-%J and upward. Churning-. Net value to ninner 50: second. 00: third. 00; fourth. 0. Indei Horses AWtPPSt % % Str Kin Jockeys Owners Kquiv. Odds Str t 0fl6I0MiM NCAN wsa 7 109 8 4 31 H I* 1* W Smith C Turner 1V.-100 ll«:i«t,ri!KKMVSN w 4 1001 :: 5 4 4i I" 2» J Josiah Mrs W H Denham 3710-100 «»0«;i6«C M.ATTA w«4 110 7 2 I* ll 21 31 J Tamaro J Ncchamkin 455-100 KM sK V SAND w 7 109 6 1 I* 3l 4* 4» I Frogtte Mrs ■ Trueman 510-100 0070* GEN CADORXA w 9 111 4 3 8 i"6» 5" C I.anff ■ Remus 1150-100 4MI5KS TARNHKLM WB 3 103J 5 « 54 5* 6J 6"* 1, Lang Mrs B M McEachren 3305-100 lOlit* IOl.H STAR w 4 111 I 8 7» 61 71 7« I. McAtee J P Richardson 625-100 "OTMJIMMY I.KDWN VI I 9» I 7 6 8 8 R l Rrown J K Beal 5755-100 Time. :24. .49%. 1:14%. 1:21%. Track fait. mntnels ps d -Cooncan. .70 straight. .10 place. .50 show; Freemason, 0.90 place. .70 •how: Calatia. HO show. Kquivah-nt booking odds — Cooncan. LVi to ICO straight. .".."» to 100 pace. 2.5 to 100 show; Freemason. Mr. !■• KM plat*. Ml to 100 show: .alalia. DO to 100 show. Winner B. . g. by Bryu Mawr Toastrack. by Singleton trained by J. Chambers: bred by Mr. Thomas Clyde. Went to no* at 2:29. At jsjst 2 minutes. Start good and slow. Won handily: second and third driving. KIDMAN ra.-ed under restraint to the last turn, then responded gamely when called on and. BsMSjSsjg GAI.ATIA in the final sixteenth, won going anay. FKKK.M ASOX. after raring close up. finished with a ru-h liiruugh the stretch. GAI.ATIA tired after showing the most early speed. SEA SAND had M mishaps. i.KX. i ADOKNA ran well. |WI a i tghts Freemason. 2% pounds. ;en. Cadorna. 2: Tarnhelm. 1%: Pole Star. 2. AAI7QA SECOND RACE— 6 1-2 Furlongs. Nov. 17. 1924—1:19—6—109. Purse ,200. 3-year-olds jj 4 AJ and upward. Claming. Net value to winner 50. second. 00; third. 00; fourth. 0. Indev llors.-s AWtPPSt i4 % Str Fin Jockeys Owners Kquiv. Odds Slrt Mitt *tt*n IrTTrTt ITT w» 10 109 14 41 5» 2 1 W Harvey W Constantino 7KT-100 00640*1. IK.lTT rill! I— f *tl 2 6 6» 6» 4J 2»*V Stott Mrs A Davis 390-100 04I6S9-POOR SPORT wb 6 110; 8 S 8 7* 5* 3l A LacaawS l-larningo Farm Stable 915-100 •4I640 CVVE WOMAN w 5 1091 6 S 24 2J .4 4S F listings T Sullivan 625-100 HO« 40" MiiHSiix »i 1 11- 4 « 51 4» 6- 6» D Fr-.gtte W C Trover 650-109 00479 KT OK MRCI II. WB 4 112 7 1 I* ,T J» C5 K Auibrse J ■ Da via 220-100 .0689 OAJUI w 4 114 I 7 71 8 8 7 Q Mangan D E Van AVinkle 5365-100 4HJ47K K1I.AIKV wb 6 109 3 3 V 1" 1" Fell.V Walis O K Pruett 3125-100 I man—Hill i for foul Time. :23%, :4$%. 1:14%. 1:21%. Track fast. mimiel, p. i.l Licutenaet Farrell. .80 straight. . H place, .50 show; Poor Sport, .00 place. $ : 70 show : t ave Woman. .60 show. Equivalent booking odds- lieutenant Farrell. .tt»0 to 100 straight. 14". to 100 place, 75 to 100 show: P.H.- Spoil. 200 lo 100 pace. H5 to 100 show: Cave Woman. 138 to 100 show. Winner — Oh. B. by Campf ire— Keticella. by Heywood trained by A. Davis: bred by Mr. Richard T. Wlson i. Went to |w»st at 2:57. At post 1 minute. Start good and sow. Won driving: second and third tffea imp AVOI Kl AUK followed the early leaders on the inside until entering the stretch, whpre be c.ime on I lie outside and. responding gamely when called on. swerved to the inside when taking the lead, .atising KM.AIKA to ros-s her legs and fall. For this be was disqualified. I.IBCTKXANT FAR-KKI.I. was repeatedly cut off in the first half mile, but closed a gap and finished gamely when clear. POOB SlORT cl.e»ed a big gap. but finished in clone iiuarters under weak riding. CAVK WOMAN tired in tie- last eighth. HOBSON was eased up when KII.AI KA fell. KMHI1T OF MKRCI II. quit after going a half mile. KI1.ACK.A s.-t a good l ace to the stretch. Orerweights Poor S|»ort. 1 % pounds: Cave Woman. 22: tiarr. 2. ~v _r »» * -g THIRD RACE— 1 1-16 Miles. Nov. 25. 1915 — 1:48—4 — 116. Purse ,200. 3-year-olds and UU 4 £ M- upward. Claiming. Net value to winner 50: second. 00; third. 00; fourth, 0. Indev Horses AWtllSt1! % % Str Kin Jockeys Owners Kquiv. Odds Str t »Oj5Ml lllMHKAT wb 5 107 1 I 41 4 « 1» I5 !■ J Tamaro K P Summerfield 230-100 00«7I Il.KKTWOOD WB 4 111 5 5 5 I 5 4 21 O Clelland R Pendinff 295-100 OO709 KOKKMAN w 3 104 4 4 34 2 3* 3J 1*1 W Harvey J A Coburn 550-100 00708 " »M VCHCT1I w 6 103 S 1 la 1 2* 2 4 V Stott T ■ Smith 260 100 00709 CRI-.H DCBNKll wb 3 91 3 2 2» 2J 4« 5 5 O Brown J ■ Beal 1675-100 Time. :24%. :50. 1:15%. 1:44%. 1:51. Track fast. t- mutucls pnid Drumlieat. .40 straight-, .0« place. .20 show; Fleetwood. .70 place. .50 eh.w Foreman. .90 show. Huinvslenl iMwikiag «lds Drumbeat. 220 to 100 straight. 50 to 100 place, 10 to 100 show; Fleetwood, 85 lo liHI pla-e. -.Ti to 100 show: Foreman. 45 to 100 show. Winner Ch. g. by Trompe la Mort -Aguier, by Clifford trained by W. Wright: bred by Mr. A. ■tflsSSBIJ I. Went to post at "-29. At post 3 minutes. Start good and slow. Won driving; second and third the. same HKIMRKAT was under restraint through the early racing, then raced into the lead and ap-l earcd an easy winner at the head of the stretch, but was tiirng badly at the end and barely lasted to win. FI.KKTWOOD was under stout restraint tn the stretch and. finishing with a great rush when called on. w. old have won in another stride. FOREMAN ran in improved form. MACBETH tired near the . ml after having set a fust pare to the stretch. FUED III i.NKK was raced into exhaustion following MAI KF.TH and quit badly. Overweights Foreman. .". |xunds; Ma lieth. 2. /l/lfOO FOURTH RACE— 1-2 Mile. April 5. 1924— : 47%— 2— 109. First Running BOWIE KIN-JJ 4 A£i DERGARTEN STAKES. ,000 Added. 2-year-olds. Allowances. Net value to winner ,360: second. 00: third. 00: fourth. 00. Index Horses AWtPPSt % Str Fin Jockeys Owners Kquiv. Odds Strt •0610 KKI ROCKBT w 119 2 1 D D li V, Smith Pastime Stable 305-100 «06«6:l5K.s-T CltlKND w 119 : 2 2» 2J 2 C Turner A W Reinhart 110-100 4 0637 BOBBY JONKS w 117 4 3 3 3* 3 C Robson Capital Stable 455-100 004 40 iJACK HOROAN w 113J 1 5 4* 41 4 I. Morris International Stable 1085-100 •0610K.DITH D wb 111 5 4 5 5 5 C Lang New Jersey Stable 1375-100 Time. .23%. :48%. Track fast. S2 miitucls paid Bed Rocket. .10 straight, .90 place, .:J0 show; Best Friend. .50 place. 20 show: BwMsf Joues. SO BBSBV. Equivalent IsswMssS xlds Red Rim ket. 305 to 100 straight. 45 to 100 place, 15 to 100 show: Best Friend. 25 lo 100 pace. 10 to 100 show: Bobby Jones. 40 to 100 show. Winner l.r c. by Mont d Or II Edna Marie, by Knight of the Thistle trained by J. H. Daven-poit: bred by Mr. H. ssBtMMB. Went to post at 4:01. At |s»st 1 minute. Start good and slow. Won driving: second and third the same. RED ROCKET took the lead at r.nce and. setting a fast pace throughout, finished gamely ami licld BEST FR1ENB safe under good riding. BEST FRIEND raced in nearest pursuit all the way and fiuishl is— *■!■ lj. hut could not overcome the winner. BOBBY JONES slipped through on the insde in tin- final quarter and finished gamely. JACK HORCAN was going well in the final strides. Scrat.he.1 H0ti."r7 iFlorian. 116: Captain Kettle. 112. Overweights Bobby Jones. 5 pounds; Jack Horgan. 1 K : Edith P.. 2. AA9° FIFTH RACE— 3-4 Mile. Nov. 20. 1924— 1:12%— 3— 106. Purse ,200. 4-year-olds and j?j? 4 +d*y upward. Claiming. Net value to winner 50; second, 00; third. 00; fourth. 0. Index Horses AWtlPSt % % Str Kin Jockeys Owners Kquiv. Odds Slrt MM4** T. VAI.KNTINK w 6 110 4 3 2J 3» 21 1» J Tamaro W J Owens 120-100 00554 CANISTKi; w 4 107 2 6 41 4l 3 2J V Horn Joaquin Stable 335-100 00«70 MlNC.o wb 5 116 3 1 l« ll lh ".- W Harvey Mrs A Swenke 970-100 OOC70,BKD IKNNANT w 4 110 I 4 5i 6 51 4J B Thpson Mrs B McKachren 540-100 00670 LEONARD i wb 5 111 « 5 6 51 6 a J I.eyland J Arthur 1030-100 97-197 BRUXS wb 4 115 5 I 31 2 41 6 L McAtee J F Richardson 1040-1JO Time. :23, :47%. 1:13%. Track fast. mntuels ]iaid St. Valentine. .40 straight. S.I.OK place. f..40 show; Canister, .60 place, $::.00 show MuiiL-o. $:: 00 show. Kquival-nt l«oking mlds- St. Valentine. 120 to 100 straight. 50 to 100 place. 20 to 100 show; Can Istcr. *0 t- KKI pla.e. ■ to 1 H show: Mungo. 80 o 100 show. Winner — B. g. by Th -o. Cook Katriona. by WoolsthoriK- itrained by G. C Brenton; bred by Mr. J. I! l.nffithl. W.-nt to i«»st at 4:29. At | os| fi minutes. Start good and slow. Won driving, second and third the same. ST. VALENTINE was taken tuick and saved to the last turn, then gained fast when entering the stretch snd. passing Ml N ;o, finished gamely and ouutjyed CANISTER. The latter, on the inside in the early racing, came very wide when entering the stretch, but finished fast and gamely. MINiiO was much used in setting the pace and was tiring through the stretch. RED PENNANT was cut off LEONARD .. was going fast in the final strides. Scratched 0OK7O Arbitration. 110. /■/■TO 4 andUCTH RACE— 1 Mile and 70 Tarda. April 10, 1919— 1:46%— I— 107. Purse ,200. 3-UvP 4 m4 year-olds and upward. Claiming. Net value to winner 50; second, 00; third, 00; fourth. 0. Index Horses AWtPPStVs % % Str Fin Jockeys Owners Kquiv Odds Slrt 00642 :,niRNOVO wb 8 103 2 7 6« 6» 4» l»l V V Stott W J Kramer 63-100 00442 PADDY HIHsU wb 3 931 3 4 2| 1* 1* 24 2 1., Edwrds J Wilson 1475-100 00639 BODANZKY w 8 1081 7 5 61 3" J" 3* 3« W Smith C L MagTUder 525-100 00587 ZAMA wb 5 1061 1 1 11 2*1 2" 4* 4«1 D Kro«tte T Kengla 1166-101 00553 JL.ST CI.AKK w 1 87 4 2 3» 4» 6 6» 6» O Clelland ■ Pruett 1365-loa •0706 WOmMJOmM wb 1 901 6 6 7 7 6» «• M McGgle J K Richardson 4585-100 •0638 BBKKR.S AHEADwb 2 90 5 3 41 51 6» 7 7 0 Brown W J Kennelly 1.T75-100 Time. .26. :50%, 1:16. 1:43%, 1:48%. Track fast. mutuejs paid Kornovo. 30 straight, .60 place, 241 show, Paddy Hynes, .90 place, 30 show. Bodauzkv. .90 show. Equivalent Itooking odds- Fornovo. 65 to 100 straight. :i0 to 100 place, 10 to 100 show; Paddy Hynes. 34T. t.» KM place. 165 to 100 show ; Bodansky, 45 to 100 show. WmiM-r ■. g. by Kcooea— May Dora, by Uidor trained by ;. W. Campbell; bred in France by Mr. John Sanford. Went to post at 5:01. At post 1 minute Start good and sow. Won easily: second and third •IriMOg KOK.NOVO was far back in the early running, but gradually improved his |MMition snd, easily racing into the lead in the stretch, woa in a canter. PADDY HYNES saved ground where posaibl- and nr-d after racing into a long lead, bat outstayed BoHAN/.KY. The latter finished gamely. ZAMA Mhuwed the aaost speed for » hl]f Bj|P. S,ratcbPd l0OTO8Mu*kaionce. 110; 00640 Muriel S. 90. Overweight* Paddy Hynes. % iwund; Bodauzky, 3%; /aaia. 1 14 ; Forlorn, %. slATPt SEVENTH RACE— 1 1-8 Miles. Nov. 17. 1924— 1:55%— 3— 106. Pursa ,200. 9-year-oads "" I astl and upward. Claiming. Net value to winner 50; second. 00; third, 00; fourth. 0. Index Horses AWtPPSt % % % Str Kin Jockeys Owners Kquiv. Odds Strt 00672S»YOSHIMI w 7 113 3 2 41 1* 1« 11 1* B Thpson D Ijiwrence 260-100 9MM*OATLT w 5 110 4 4 2"* 21 5 * 2 * 21 V Stott R V Haymaker 430-100 00G43 HICKORT w 7 106 1 1 21 41 3l 3 L Ung J IT Watson 1175-100 0053«*KD PKNDI.KTONf w 6 106 2 3 6 5» 2l 4« 4 J Tamaro P P Bobie 210-100 00711 SANDPII.K w 4 109 6 6 11 6 6 51 5» D Krogtte Q W I,ee 1260-100 00643MYSTIC w 7 115 5 I 5 3* 41 6 6 W Smith W I Mafruder 785-100 Time. :25%. :51%. 1:17. 1:44%, 1:59. Track fast. mutueU paid Yoshimi. .20 slraight. $."1.40 place. .60 show; Cayly, .70 place. $.1.10 show: Hickory. .10 show-. Equivalent booking odds Yoshimi. 2X to 100 straight, 70 to 100 place, 30 to 100 show; iayly, 1.55 to 100 place. «5 to 100 show; Hickory. 155 to 100 show. Winner It. g. by Ballot 4ioId I-ady. by Coldcrest trained by D. I*wrcnce: bred by Mr. C. H. Berr manl. Went to post at 5:33. At post 1 minute. Start good and slow. Won driving: second and third the same. YOSHIMI raced into the lead on the last turn, hut had to lie hard ridden to outfinish ;.YI.Y. The latter was taken back anil saved to the stretch, then res|ionded gamely wheu called on and wa* wearing the winner down with every stride. HICKORY was a forward contender all I he way and fought the finish out stubbornly. KD PENDLETON tired after racing into a prominent position. SAN DPI LR had no mishaps. MYSTIC quit. Scratched 005H7 Duckling. !«»: 00711 Harrisii, 106. Overweight — Ed Pendleton. 2 jiounds.