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DAILY RACING FORM VOLUatE XXXII. NUMBER 104 Entered M so-ontl class matter. April 2. 189C, at the |x *t office at Cbicac*. Illinois, under Act of Mnrrh 3. 1S?». W. J. McMurray. Publisher and General M.wiaander. Hail* Onrins Winter Months. Daily Km opt Sunday Italanre of the Tear. A daily nfl.etion of the American tirf by telepraph. HIEHHMl -OS7 IIARKISON. For l.iisinesg and circulation purposes only This l.lcplinne has no connection with the new* or editorial department* and cannot he oaed to romniui:ii-:ite with them. DAILY RACING FORM PUBLISHING CO. «41 PLYMOUTH COURT • CHICAGO. ILL. 157-159 FAST 32nrl ST.. NEW YORK CITY. N. Y. 50 RICHMOND STRFFT. TA3T. TORONTO. ONT 320 EAST THIRD STREET, CINCINNATI. OHIO 305-307 DECATUR STREET. NEW ORLEANS. LA SI ItSCKIITION RY FIRST-CLASS MAIL: ■ay to November. MrM«tM .00 per month I» ei„|,«.r to April, incli xive $.".00 per month PAYAW.B IN ADVASTB RACK NTMRKItS ItV MAIL. II CKNTS EACH. To lie considered answered, all queries to Ilaily Racing Form must be sent over the full name and with the a.ldregx of writer. The names and .-iddresses are subject to a local and foreign directory test. 98087 is first index of 1926