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HAMILTON HAMILTON ONT WEDNESDAY JUNE 9 1926 1 116 Miles 6S Feet First day Hamilton Jockey Club Spring meeting of 7 days Weather clear Steward to Represent Canadian Racing Associations F Nelson Stewards of Meeting J B Camp l ll and J Henderson Judges U S Gillies and J McLennan Starter Marshall Cassidy Racing Secretary A It Louden Racing starts at 230 p m Chicago time 23O m W indicates whip S spurs B blinkers Fig iire in parentheses folloxving the distance of each race indicate date track record age of horse and weight carried Indicates apprentice allowance j 02600 and upward Claiming Net value to winner 700 second 200 third 100 Index Horses AWtPPSt Ji Str Fin Jockeys EQUIT Odds Strt 02IG8 CAMOUFLAGE WB 10 101 11 1 3l 3 1i 1 W Munden J J Meyer Meyer2i 022KI GLIMMERING w 3 CS 12 6 6023I9 2i l = t 2 = 2J R Ieternel O P Burkhart 215100 023I9 DR CHS WELLSwR S 107 S 7 5 J 41 35 3 li Moore W S Murray tH45100 0209VQIARTZSINTEII WB 3 92 2 S 61 5 5 4l O Brassa Seaffram Stable 525100 5251007J U73S2 SEA CREST w 3 102 4 2 295153JOHX 7J 7i 71 5 S Stretton B Robertson 4133100 4133100li 95153JOHX PINEGNwB 3 102 5 5 li 2s 4 G1 A Claver K E Wilson S7SO100 S7SO100Sl SIMPLETON II WB 3 102 7 3 3AL Sl G1 GJ 7i B Thpson P Gorman t AL HODDER w3 92 312 12 12 10l S A BcrftJr A C Stable 5255100 89371 DANCING PAWN w 3 90 G 10 9 J 9J 9l 9i T Maciver Riverdale Stable 5945100 5945100H1 744 i HARDMAN wn 5 104 911 H1 10s 11s 10 = M Wward H C Hunter 4173100 Ii4 PLYING PORD w S 109 10 9 10J 11s 12 11 = R Punshn Mrs W Russell t 13285 KICKSVWICKSV w S 102 1 4 4 S S 12 V Stott J E Smallman 1063100 1063100fMutuel fMutuel field Time 23i 49 l08s Track faat 2 mutii ls paid Camouflage fi3O straight 300 place 3GO show Glimmering 370 place 305 Khow Dr Charles Wells field 75 show showEquivalent Equivalent liooking odd Camouflage 21i to ICO straight lTO to 100 place 80 to 100 show Glim ¬ mering 8 to 100 place T2i to 100 show I r Charles Wells field 87Ji to 100 show showWinner Winner B g by Star Shoot Busy Maid by Meddler trained by W Livingston bred by Mr John E Madden MaddenWent Went to pot at 23i At post 3 minutes Start good and slow Won easily seeond and third driving CAMOUFLAGE took the lead after going an eighth and drew away through the last eighth GLIMMERING raced JOHN FINNEGAN into early defeat and took the lead but was unable to with ¬ stand the rn h of the winner DR CHARLES WELLS raced wide on most of the turns but finished well ilTAKTSINTER tired JOHN FINNEGAN set the early pace and tired HARDMAN came extremely wide when rounding the last turn turnScratched Scratched 022S2ISenate 09 013TO Skirmisher 101 023GO Sister Sue 302 023GO Scraps 104 00303 Rock Sugar 09 09Overweights Overweights Glimmering 1 pound John Finnegan 3 Flying Ford 5 KicksyWicksy U SECOND RACE 58 Mile June 25 1913 59 i 3 108 Purso 1000 2yearolds Claiming Net valuo to winner 700 seocnd 200 third 100 Str Fin Jockeys Equir Odds Strt A REGAL w 107 7 G GIS47I 5i 4 4 = lh R Moore C Ferraro 7071100 7071100li IS47I SIGAR MASTER wn 99 2 1 102ir li ink ij 215 reternel Nevada Stock Farm Sta HSO100 HSO100Gl 02ir 02ir8JEDA 8JEDA C w 93 1 2 2OlOfiS Gl G 5 3 J Maciver M Gorman 933100 OlOfiS SPARKLG WATER WB 107 4 3 30235K 23 2l 2J 4 P Smith AVoodlawn Stable 235100 0235K SWIZZLE wn 97 3 5 5OI9G2 34 5 s i 5l W Munden J K L Ross 325100 3251004nk OI9G2 COURTING wn 101 6 4 4nk Eat ct G i B Thpson A J Salmon SSOlOO SSOlOO7nk 02208 SARMATIC w 107 5 7 7nk TU 7J 7 O Brassa SeaBram Stable 1183100 1183100S 02233 02233INDEMNITr INDEMNITY w 94 S 3 S S Sa S S51 S K Sutphin E T Whitney 415100O338 435100 02338 PICKLE w 10V 9 99 9 9 9 9 fl H Thomas J Farrell 0915100 0915100Time Time 24 49i 102 Track fast 2 iniituels paid Aregal 1613 straight 700 place 470 show Sugar Master 1770 place ST3 show Eda C 800 show showEquivalent Equivalent booking odds Aregal 707 to 100 straight 2TO to 100 place 133 to 100 show Sugar Master 78T to 100 place 337 to 100 show Eda C 00 to 100 show showWinner Winner B c by Allumcur Rhajes by Sardanapale trained by C Ferraro bred by Mr Willis Sharpe Kilmer KilmerWent Went to jK st at 309 At post 2 minutes Start good and slow Won driving second and third the same ItKAL worked her wav up on the outside after being outrun early and wearing too leaders down outstayed the tiring SLGAR MASTER The latter IxgJn fast and raced SPARKLING WATER into defeat but tired in the last sixteenth EDA C lacked early speed but came resolutely through the stretch SPARKLING WATER ran veil for threeeighths and tired SWIZZLE had no mishaps INDEMNITY ran jKXirly PICKLE was good as left leftScratrhed Scratrhed 02rlI IIeartache 112 Forest Echo 107 107Overweight Overweight Pickle li iHMinds THIRD RACE About Z Miles Mount Hops Steeplechase Purse 1400 4yearolds and upward Claiming Net value to winner 1000 second 250 third 150 A Wt PP St 4 S 12 13 Pin Jockeys Equiv Odds Strt ENT SEAS w 9 H7 G G 3 2 2 2 A Kelly W G Wilson GOIOO jri 90CAVENDLSH w S 13 3 I 1 1i 1i 1 W Borffan P Colahan 3SO1 02027 02027CROCKING CROCKING HORSE w 9 133 4 a 2 3 3 3s 3 E Groves Lud ato Parm Stable 925 1M 02090 AMMUNITION w 11 133 1 3 G 51 4 40 i j Wkbrn A Cosa 7SO100 7SO100nMo nMo jifi IVA i s w 9 132 5 4 4 4 t 03 5 5i C Roach J Hatnmoml 231010 231010ws ws 9 135 7 7 7 7 G G G P Watkina Lymeru Stable 2443100 02092 COME JNGRAHMw S 132 2 2 51 G L rider P Preece Winburn Stable 44CO103 44CO103Time Time 424H Track fast 2 mutuels paid Lieutenant Seas 3O straight 275 place 290 show Cavendish 340 place 330 show Rocking Horse 320 show Equivalent booking odds Lieutenant Seas 00 to 100 straight 37 to 100 place 43 to 100 show Cavendish 70 to 100 pace 75 to 10O show Rocking Horse CO to 100 show Winner B S 1 J Maraja j Honeymoon by Matchmaker trained by W G Wilson bred by Mr Richard T Wilson WilsonWent Went to i ost at 341 At post 4 minutes Start good and slow Won driving second and third the ame IIKITBXANT SEAS was saved until in the last turn of the field then gained slowly when called on and in a hard drive just managed to get up in the final stride CAVENDISH set the pace half of the field jumped well and finished reso ¬ lutely yhen challenged ROCKING HORSE was always outpaced but was easily best of the others AMMUNITION unseated his rider before the itart and jumped over two of the obstacles before beinj caught then raced well COMMODORE INGRAHAM lost his rider at the twelfth jump FOURTH RACE 34 Mile Juno 19 1 11 111 S 113 Salisbury Handicap Pursa 1200 3yearolds and upward Net value to winner 800 second 250 third 150 Index Horses AAVtPPSt 4 Str Fin Jockeys Equir Odds Strt 02464GOLD ROCK WB 5 100 4 1 1 1 1 1 G Taylor C L Whitinff 02514 ROBT MAXWELw 4 104 5 4 3 3 3 2t W Munden II Neusteter 02285 02285SDIGIT SDIGIT WB 5 112 3 2 2 2 2 J 3J H Ericksn Seagram Stable 02285 NINE SIXTY w 3 93 2 3 4 4 4 4 S Stretton Mrs J L Brannon 97300 BEGONIA vr 5 102 1 5 5 5 5 5 B Thpson H E Hunter Time 23 M l14 l14i i Track fast 2 mutuels paid Gold Rock 1370 straight 330 place 230 show Robert Maxwell 270 place 220 show Digit 225 show showEquivalent Equivalent booking odds Gold Rock 585 to 100 straight G5 to 100 place 13 to 100 show Robert Maxwell 35 to 100 place 10 to 100 show Digit 12 to 100 show showWinner Winner Ch g by Half Rock True Gold by Goldcrest trained bv T J Donahue bred by Mr C L Whiting WhitingAVent AVent to post at 419 At post 1 minute Start good and slow Won driving second and third the same GOLD ROCK showing the most speed from the start raced into the lead soon after the start and saved ground whenever possible but had to be ridden hard to outfinish ROBERT MAXWELL The latter lacked his usual early speed and was forced to race on the outside but eame fast and gamely through the stretch and outfinished the tiring DIGIT The latter ran well but tired in the final drive NINE SIXTY showed speed BEGONIA was always outpaced outpacedScratched Scratched 01513 Laddie Buck 107 02514 Arno 112 112Overweight Overweight Nine Sixty 1 pound FIrTH RACE 1 18 Miles June X 1912 150 5 115 Eiehteenth Running HAM ttTON DERBY STAKES 4000 Added 3yearolds Allowances Net value to wia ner 3540 second 600 third 300 fourth 100 Index Horses AWtPPStU 1A i Str Fin Jockeys Eiuiv Odds Strt 02467TOKEN w 114 4 4 2 2 1 1 5 U reternel Green Briar Stable tl 100 10002466SOUTH 02466SOUTH WIND w 103 3 3 3 k 3 31 3 21 L Schaefer Green Briar Stable t t02143PUNJAB 02143PUNJAB WB 122 214 4 J 4 4 3 J Maiben W J Salmon 193100 02143 GAFFSMAN w US 1 2 I1 2 H 2 J 410 H Ericksn Seagram Stable 150109 99853 99853JHERKERT JHERKERT WB 110 5 5 5 5 5 o 5 F Smith Beacom Manor Stable 1703100 fCoupIed as Green Briar Stable entry entryTime Time 25 50 115 141 lS5i Track fast 2 mutuels paid Green Briar Stable entry 590 straight 300 place no show mutuels sold soldEquivalent placeWinner Equivalent booking odds Green Briar Stable entry 195 to 100 straight SO to 100 place Winner B c by Pennant Remembrance by Hamburg or Broomstick trained by G S Mitchell bred by Mr Harry Payne Whitney WhitneyAVent AVent to post at 451 At post 3 minutes Start good and slow Won easily second and third driving TOKEN followed the early pacemaker closely for the first half mile under restraint then raced into the lead and saving ground on the stretch turn held sway for the remainder of the race SOUTH WIND moved up gamely from the turn out of the back stretch and forced PUNJAB wide on the turn for home but finished gamely and outstayed the latter PUNJAB lost ground on the stretch turn and was held safe through the last eighth GAFFSMAN set the early pace but quit badly after goins tireequarters HERKERT was outclassed outclassedScratched Scratched 02362 Fatal Dart 104 024G7 Hot Pepper 115 SIXTH RACE 5 12 Furlongs July 24 1915 105 4 101 Purso 1000 3yearold and upward Net valuo to winner 700 second 200 third 100 Index Horses i V Str Fin Jockeys Equiv Odds Strt 02238 FLINT w 7 103 11 4 497344MARGARETTA 21 2 2 H L Schaefer J II Shea SheaH 13371100 97344MARGARETTA E w 4 102 G 1 H H ink 2 O Brassa M Grant tll6510 13371100tll6510 02360 GAFFER TB 3 1021 s 2 5 k si 4H 3t V Stott J M Collins Collins9J 15510i 01242 THE MISSUS w 3 102 12 9 9J 7 G1 4h B Thpson Mrs J I Brannon 02359 SHINING LIGHT WB 5 103 7 6 6 k 51 515 5i F Smith Beacom Manor Stabl 01403 TARXHELM WB 3 93 9 12 12 9 9 61 R Peternel Mrs B McEachren McEachren8J 02207 ORPELINA w 4 102 1 8 8J 6 Sl 71 M Wdwd J C Moore 03238 HELEN BUCK vr 4 102 4 7 793437IMISS 7 101 10 = 8 J Losan L W Johnson 93437IMISS ETTA r 1v c 4 41 7h 91 J Maciver P Colahan 01572 SKY FLIGHT t 1 1u Wi WB 3 93 2 5 31 3 S S1 10 = A BcrftJr J Beala 43 10fl 96826 TROUTUNG w 7 102 3 10 10 11 1H ll llill lls S Stretton C Miller MillerII1 t 01920 SIRIUS w 5 104 10 11 11 II1 12 12 12 R Moore Ludgate Farm Stable S390100 tAdded starter fMutnel field fieldTime Time 24 50 109 Track fast 2 mutuels paid Flint 4105 straight 1550 place 513 show Margaretta E field 1020 place 3SO show Gaffer 320 show showEquivalent Equivalent l ooking odds Flint 101 7i to 100 straight 75 to 100 place 1371 to 100 show Mar ¬ garetta E field 410 to 100 place 00 to 100 show Gaffer CO to 100 show showAVinner AVinner Cli g by Pebbles Firefly by King James trained by P E Fitzgerald bred by Mr James Butler ButlerAVent AVent to iiost at 520 At post 3 minutes Start good and slow AVon handily second and thrid driving FLINT was closest up from the start and passing MARGARETTA E in the last eighth won going away MAROARETTA E set a good pace from the start and saved ground where possible Imt tired in the final drive GAFFER began in a tangle and had to race wide on most of the turns but finished fast SHINING LIGHT raced well SKY FLIGHT showed earlv speed speedScratched Scratched 023593Lic iitenaiit Farrell 10S 024CO Eyelash 103 02500 HeiratLaw 10S 02281 Best Shot 101 02283sRhiiiestone 102 102Overweights Overweights Flint 1 pound Gaffer 3i Sirius 5 SEVENTH RACE1 116 Miles July 39 1923 145 6 104 Purse 1000 3yearolds and upward Foaled in Canada Claiming Net value to winner 700 second 200 third 100 Index Horses AAVtPPSty il 4 Str Fin Jockeys Equiv Odds Strt 01963 FLUFFY RUPLESw 5 107 4 2 IJ 1 1 J 21 1 R Peternel F Gilpin 1503100 01 J17HERETRIX w 3 99 2 1 21 2 2k 1t 2 1 S Stretton C Millar 330100 0251 5 = ROYAL PEARL w 4 in 5 3 51 51 G S1 3 B Thpson H G Bed well 2 310i 310i02095i 02095i = CATAMARAN w 5 103 8 G 7 7 7 5 t 4 R Moore J E Smallman 02517 HP OF PRHECYw 5 9S 7 7 6 G1 5i 6 C k A BcrftJr Mrs J McTlmurray H40100 H4010002361s 02361s JUST IN FUN w 3 102 1 5 3 41 4 4h 6llJ Logan J C Fletcher 915100 02179 AVEDG PRINCE ws 7 11 88 S S 8 71 J Ford J A Gibsoi 02028 EYNG BOY w a 113 3 4 4 y 3 7 S J D Mney A C Stable 21SO1W 21SO1WTime Time 24 J 50 115 143 151 Track fast 2 mutuels paid Fluffy Ruffles 3210 straight 340 place 540 show Heretrix 570 place 810 show Royal Pearl 340 show showEquivalent Equivalent booking odds Fluffy Ruffles 1505 to 100 straight 320 to 100 place 170 to 100 show Heretrix 185 to 100 place 305 to 100 show Royal Pearl 70 to 100 show showAVinner AVinner B m by Knights Differ Frou Froti by Meddler trained by F Ringer bred by Mr J C Fletcher FletcherAVent AVent to post at 00fi At post 3 minutes Start good and slow Won driving second and third the same FLUFFY RUFFLES set a good pace under slight restraint in the early running then re ¬ linquished the lead momentarily at the eighth post but outfinished HERETRIX and got up again in the last few strides HEKKTKIX raced close up from the start and took a slight lead in the stretch but his rider was of little help in the final drive ROYAL PEARL was in close quarters for practically the entire nice and tired in the final drive CATAMARAN finished fast BYNG BOY quit