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STATLER HOTEL HANDICAP Captan Hal Assigned Crusher of 137 Pounds in Saturdays Fea ¬ ture at Fairmount Park COLLTXSVILLE 111 June 9 Captain Hal despite the crusher of L Li7 ° i7 pounds is considered a certain starter in the Statler Hotel Handicap the feature of Saturdays program at Fairmount Park The complete list of weights for this 5000 added feature follows Horse Wt WtCaptain Horse HorseJubal Captain Hal 137 137Kin Jubal Karly Kin Nadt 130 130San Harden Hose San Utar 120 120Sanford ISobby Sanford 120 120Osprey Nettie Sweep Osprey 119 119reanuts Lad o Mine reanuts 118 118loon Postillion loon Companion 110 110Senator Uoycrofter Senator Norris 110 110Sunsard Little Visitor Sunsard 115 115Irince Nassau Irince of 1ourbon 115 Sporty McUce Kentucky Cardinal 113 113Tray Manlonian Tray more 11 11Sir Pigeon Wing II Sir Peter 113 113Tangara Orpheus Tangara 112 112Lounger Childs Play Lounger 112 112Sun Co Foin Sun Altos 112 112Lieutenant Grand Dad Lieutenant II 110 110Nose Scamp Nose Dive 109 109Honrniore Lingetto Honrniore 109 109Ieau Counsellor Connolly ConnollyTeak Ieau Untler 109 109Nocturnal Teak Nocturnal 10S 10SSpie Chief Uncas Spie and Span 10S 10Sireat Percussion ireat Sport 108 108Columbia Manzama Columbia 10S 10SLong George De Mar Long Point 107 107Display Spread Kaglc Display 107 107Jraeme Dolly Seth Jraeme 107 107John McTinkle John T I 107 107Light Token Light Carbine 107 107Pricemaker Captain For Pricemaker 107 107rlondin Toreher rlondin 107 107Lothermel Prince Hamlet Lothermel 100 100Starbeck Harlan Starbeck 100 100Capistrano Alleghan Capistrano 100 100Sir Unssell Gardner GardnerDenizen Sir Leonid 100 100Statler Denizen Statler 100 100Stanwix Skivesdale Stanwix 100 100Take Itobs ISest Take a Chance 100 100Overall Itelle Overall 100 100Iriarbroom Timothy Iriarbroom 100 100Hiding Despot Hiding For 105 105ISuttons Fire Under ISuttons 105 105Lathrop Darid L Lathrop 105 105Crandprc Devon Crandprc 105 105Cotlogomor Dr Cardenas Cotlogomor 105 105Cuilstxirough Miss Meisc Cuilstxirough 105 105Star J udge Pa i ley Star of Gold 105 105Harpenden Mike McLukc Harpenden 105 105Just Fenman Just David 105 105Itnck Girl of My Heart HeartMartha Itnck 105 105Dr Martha lloos Dr Clark 101 101Scths George ONeill Scths Alibi 1O1 1O1Ocean Lady Riisch Ocean Current 10 10Thomasinc Hed ISanner Thomasinc 104 104Prince IJride o the Wind WindAlloy Prince Charles 104 104Pigheart Alloy Pigheart 101 101Fabian Lady Itraxtcd Fabian 104 104Acrostic Caloosa Acrostic 10 10Moss Major Seth Moss Fox II 104 104Zeppelin Princess Pan Zeppelin 104 104Abstract In Hounds Abstract 104 104Klanc Arembee Klanc Seing 104 104Max Harry Carroll Max Prick 103 103Dedans Col Hoard Dedans 103 103The Hattle On The World 103 103Stampd Itrazen Stampd le 103 103Wampee Tcton Wampee 102 102Itrushaway Uncle Parks Itrushaway 102 102Powhatan Kdward Gray GrayIten Powhatan 102 102Champ Iten McGraw Champ De Mars 102 102Lardl Mad Hoy Lardl 102 102Cudgeller Drumbeat Cudgeller 102 102Flag Golden Ilillows Flag Lieutenant 102 102AH Over Fire AH Itaba 101 101Penalties Penalties accrue June 0