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BELMONT TURF GOSSIP NEW YORK N T June 9 9After After the running of the Oaks Earle Sande was presented with a cup that he had won in a popularity contest that was con ¬ ducted by the National Turf Digest The presentation was made bv Mayor Jimmy Walker WalkerThomas Thomas C Campbell was a visitor from New Orleans Mr Campbell is a regular summer visitor and is as much at home in a New York paddock as he is at the Fair Grounds in New Orleans OrleansThe The handsome silver salver which was offered for the Oaks by the Westchester Racing Association was presented to Mr Jeffords by R T Wilson the senior stew ¬ ard who said In the absence of our president it affords me great pleasure to present you this beautiful trophy and I congratulate you on the possession of such a fine filly I am sure that this trophy will promote pleasant memories of an occasion that should be recalled with satisfaction Mr Jeffords expressed his thanks and hur ¬ ried off with the salver in a green bag to show it to a group of friends who were waiting expectantly in the boxes boxesThe The veteran trainer Scott Harlan had hadEdith Edith Cavell in first class trim for the race raceand and Coltiletti rode her strictly to orders ordersThe The race was worth 11900 in money Mr MrJeffords Jeffords now has two legs on the Singleton SingletonI I Cup So has P A Clark who was repre 1 sented in yesterdays race by Laura Dianti I DiantiI which he had leased for the occasion from the Belair Stud