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Entries and Past Performances PerformancesBELMONT BELMONT PARK THURSDAY JUNE 10 10WEATHER WEATHER CLOUDY TRACK FAST The figures under the heading Rec in the entries below show the best time of each horse at the distance since January 1 1925 no matter where it finished In cases where record was made on other than a fast or good track abbreviations show track con ¬ ditions 9SOS7 IS FIRST IXDrX OF 1926 02186 IS FIRST IXDEX OF JUNE JUNERacing Racing starts at 230 p m Chicago time 130 Superior mud runner x Good mmi runner Fair mud runner M Maidens Apprentice allowance allowanceThe The following abbreviations are used to designate tracks at which time records shown in entries were made madeAkron Akron Akn King Edward KE KEAqueduct Aqueduct Aqu Lagoon Lag LagAurora Aurora Anr Latonia Lat LatBelmont Belmont Park Bel Laurel Lrl LrlBlue Blue Bonnets BB Lexington Lex LexBlue Blue Grass BG Lex Colored FairLF FairLFBowie Bowie Bow Long Branch LB Brooklyn Bkn Maple Heights MH MHChurchill Churchill Downs CD Marlboro Mar MarClarksburg Clarksburg Cla Miami Mia MiaColumbus Columbus Col Mobile Mob MobColwood Colwood Park Clw Mount Royal MR MRConey Coney Island CI Niagara Falls NF NFConnaught Connaught Park CP Orlando Orl OrlDado Dado Park DP Omaha Oma OmaDelorimier Delorimier Park Del Phoenix Phx PhxDevonshire Devonshire Dcv Pimlico Pirn PirnDorval Dorval Dor Haceland Rao RaoDufferin Dufferin Park Duf Reno Jlno JlnoEmpire Empire Emp Salt Lake SL SLErtanger Ertanger Erl Saratoga Sar SarFair Fair Grounds FG Tampa Tarn TarnFairmount Fairmount ParkFP Tanforan Tan TanFort Fort Erie FE Thistledown Tdn TdnHamilton Hamilton Ham Thorncliffa Thf ThfHavre Havre lijHavana do Grace HdG Tijuana lij Havana Hav Timonium Ti TiHawthorne Hawthorne Haw Toledo Tol TolHuntington Huntington Htn United Hunts TTH TTHJamaica Jamaica Tarn Wheeling Who WhoJefferson Jefferson Park JP Willows Park WP WPJuarez Juarez Jua Windsor Win WinKempton Kempton Park KP Woodbine Wdb WdbKenilworth Kenilworth Ken Youngstown Xgn XgnBelmont Belmont Park 1 12 Miles 6 14 Feet FeetFirst First Race 1 Mile MileBellport Bellport Purse PursePurse Purse 1000 3yearolds and upward Claiming Track record Sept 3 1923 133 = 3 3 113 113Todays Todays Ind Horse Wt Rec AWtHan 02436 Rigel Aqu 111 l40m 6 11 02331 Gold Button Aqu 107 140 5 115x730 02331 = Donnavideo 3103X725 02331 Insulate JP 110 140 C 107 720 02331 Sabina 3 104 713 71302336s 02336s Dream of the theValley Valley Bel 119 13S 9 111X715 02441 Papa Blinks M 4 112 713 02441 Play Hour Sar 111 141 4 111 710 02336 Nora Hayes FP 107 l45s 4113X710 01733 Cork Elm Bel 113 141 6107x705 02532 Kiyi 3110X705 02218 Indian Trail Pirn 113 l41 sy G 11GX703 01894 Voshell Bel 110 144 3 100 703 01896 Sweep It M Bel 115 144 3 110 700 02152 Skit 4 112X700 j 95006 Donnelly Aqu 112 140 5 112 700 02259 Anchester JP 101 141 3 110700 02259 Exchequer 3 110 700 02532 Thos Lynn 3 110 700 02331 Sauge M 3 101 700 01865 Better Times 6 111X700 02218 Lombardo 3 110 700 02331 Lady Audrey Pirn 111 139 5 106x700 02331 Lady Raglan 3 109 700 02441 Sonny Lrl 103 143 4 112X700 01572 Mite 3 110x700 110x700Second Second Race About 2 12 Miles Eleventh Running Meadowbrook Steeplechase 2500 added 4yearolds and upward Allowances 024373 Barleycorn 5 142X733 02437 Minata 10 135X730 02437 Damask 9 139X7 02112 Kavel 5 135 7 Third Race 4 12 Furlongs Widener Course CourseLarkfield Larkfield Purse PursePurse Purse 1000 2yearolds Maidens MaidensTrack Track record May 27 1920 3l7i 2 117 02438 Contemplate Bel 117 511f 115 733 02157 Gun Royal Bel 112 51 f 1157tO 02335 Compensation Bel 112 54i 113 725 01831 Gennaine Cliaiive Cliaiivelot lot Bel 115 53r 112 70 02113 Tip Top Bel110 53 112 T1S 02188 Flaherty Bel 10S ff 02217 Grey Mist Bel 114 5 02335 Guinea Hen Bel 113 33 = Donnez Moi 115 Salutation 115 115Mercedes Mercedes E 112 Golden Prince 115 115Brown Brown Bud 115 Aaladay 113 113Mirafel Mirafel 115 Bucephalus 115 115Irish Irish Star 115 115Fourth Fourth Race 1 18 Miles MilesKalvator Kalvator Handicap 1500 added 3yearolds and upward Track record June 10 1921 149 3 94 5 02010 GOLDEN SPIRE HdG 113 131 4 10SX745 02439 3 King Solomons SolomonsSeal Seal Bel 108 150 = 6 116X735 02488 Sanford Tij 93 13014 4 100X730 02439 Chilhowee Tij 126 152 5 118X725 02535 Mirador 4 98X720 98X72002488s 02488s Cloudland Pirn 105 154 4 971715 97134 Flagship Sar 102 153 4 94 710 710Fifth Fifth Race 34 Mile Widener Course CourseGreenlawn Greenlawn Purse PursePurse Purse 1000 3yearolds Maidens Track record June 1 1920 110 3 107 01899 Judicial 11 01762 Bluefish 11 019443 AVashakia 11 02537 Endless 11 01539 Alley Oop 11 02254 Commissioner Eish Eishmann mann II Bel 111 11G 3 117 117nj nj 02259 Salta 117X710 01703 Briarbroom 117 710 01899 Hec 117 710 97395 = Transfer 117X710 02116 Skipalong 112 703 95061 Janesso 112X703 902291 Hclterskelter 11 01862 Blasista Bel 100 115 11 01762 First Hour 11 97144 Great Hopes 11 92839 Alldin 11 02254 Play Tag Bel 11 113 11 02254 Rupert Bel 111 117 11 89319 Lehigh Valley 117 70O 95540 Helvetia 112 700 00960 La Ferte 112 700 02006 Colorful 1171700 117170002537J 02537J Good Boy Bel 101J113 117 700 02537 Ritola 117 700 02258 Thos Paine 117700 00960 Memory Lane 117 Sunbranji 112 112Shannon Shannon Shore 11 Tappy Lappy 11 Sixth Race 58 Mile Widener Course CourseBeechwood Beechwood 1lirse 1lirsePurse Purse 1000 2yearolds Claiming Track record June 4 1926 59 2 113 02186 Athel 114 02489 Medius Bel 10S l00m 10S 02256 Olive Dexter 111 02074 Blaek Agate 10S 02489 = Ennui Bel 110 l00m 101 02335 Embers M 10G 02332 = Blue Fire MBel 101 100 IOC 02438 Broomouey M Bel 113 100 109 02186 Policeman Day 101 02188 Flaherty M 109 02489 Funny Bunny M Bel 10S 101 m 111 111Flitttila Flitttila 111