Omaha, Daily Racing Form, 1926-06-10


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OMAHA OMAHA NEB WEDNESDAY JUNE 9 192G 1 Mile Sixth day AkSarBen Exposition Co Spring meeting of 28 days Weather clear Steward Representing Nebraska State Racing Commission N J Ronin Presiding Judge Dr F W Ashe Associate Judges P Reed and C L Trimble Starter J Donovan Racing Secretary U L Trimble Racing starts at 215 p m Chicago time 1S p in W indicates whip S spurs B blinkers Fig ¬ ures in parentheses following the distance of each race indicate date track record age of horse anil weight carried Indicates apprentice allowance FIRST RACE 5 12 Furlongs May 31 1924 105 6 107 Purse 600 3year olds and upward Maidens Claiming Net value to winner 480 second 85 third 35 Index Horses AWtPPSt Str Fin Jockeys Owners Equir Odds Strt 0256l ROYAL KISS w 3 91 1 4 5 4 li I O Mazoue Mrs AV J Potter 43010D 43010D025ClAVIKIUP 025ClAVIKIUP PAPOOSEw 4 101 2 2 41 2 2 2 AV Imiff R Emmert 370100 02428 BEN KRIPP WB 3 101 4 5 3l lh 3 3 AVallis AV M Ritter 3SO100 02067 SIS HOTFOOT w 3 100 8 8 7 G1 5 41 C Rails J A Gordon 1770100 95939 H601W025I8 CONSOLATION WB G 111 3 7 10 S1 6 5 C Grnwd Glover Kims H601W 025I8 FERN WB 3 931110 91 9 8 G F Taylor J A Hall 630100 2UO10087776CHESTER 02518 MAY D w 5 107 9 6 in 31 4s 7s V Dennis J A Dennis Sons 2UO100 87776CHESTER CLARK w 4 106 7 11 11 10 9 8 R Conlly R H McCrosson 2710100 84008 EVENING IDOL w G 111 10 1 Gl 5 7 9 J Schaffer F Smith t900l 02368 SAYER M w 4 110 6 9 8 71 10 10 H AAest R M Hollenbeck t 00544 IMPERIAL w 3 110 5 3 2 11 11 H H Hay C E Groves 1130100 fMutuel 1130100fMutuel field Time 24i 50 109 Track fast 2 mutuels paid Royal Kiss 1180 straight 520 place 440 show AVikiup Papoose 460 place 341 show Ben Kripp 60 show showEquivalent Equivalent booking odds Royal Kiss 490 to 100 straight 160 to 100 place 120 to 100 show AVikiup Papoose 130 to 100 place 70 to 100 show Ben Kripp 80 to 100 show showAVinner AVinner 15 f by Royal II Caress by Dick AVelles trained by AV J Potter bred by Mr Jerome B Respess RespessAVent AVent to post at 216 At post 2 minutes Start good and slow AVon easily second and third driving ROYAL KISS came on the outside of the leaders at the stretch head and raced into the lead to win going away AVIKIUP PAPOOSE raced close up from the beginning but was oiitfinished by the winner BEN KRIPP was always prominent MAY D tired IMPERIAL was running well when he was placeScratched sharply pinched off and knocked back to last place Scratched 01094 Louie Fallon Ill 01716 Buells Lily 106 106Overweights Overweights May D 2 pounds Imperial 5 SECOND RACE 58 Mile June 27 1925 100 5 110 Purse 600 3yearolds and upward Claiming Net value to winner 430 second 85 third 35 Index Horses Vi 2 Str Fin Jockeys Equiv Odds Strt 02290 BALEFULL wn 3 113 5 3 3w 6J 41 2 1 L Neal L Hector 02290 STAMP w 7 109 7 2 2w 3 2i 11 2 IV Mclnfe Fort Garry Stable 02291 MAHALEY w 5 99 6 7 7w 21 1 3 31 O Mazouo J M Palmer 02290LOArE PIRATE w 4 105 3 4 1 3 = 4 4 i F Moore Battle Axe Stabla 02367 WE MGOMERYws 13 101 S 1 1023GG 4 Gi 5i 5 L Dye Mrs C B Irwin 023GG FURIOUS BILL WB 6 109 2 6 7 = 5 G Gi D Hardy J L Walker 02291 MARY DEAR ws 4 104 15 5 72 7 71 V Wallis C E Brown BrownS 02319 CEDRIC WB G 109 4 S S S S S E Xeal R Hall 2300100 2300100Time Time 24 48 S 101 Track fast 2 miituels paid Baleful 2440 straight 1260 place SCO show Stamp 2180 place 710 show Mahaley 4 GO show showEquivalent Equivalent booking odds Balefnll 1120 to 100 straight 530 to 100 place 330 to 100 show Stamp 1140 to 100 place 270 to 100 show Mahaley ISO to 100 show showWinner Winner Br g by Fulletta Balerian by The Commoner trained by L Hector bred by Mr C W Clark ClarkWent Went to post at 247 At post 1 minute Start poor and slow Won easily second and third driving RAIEFULL took the lead in the stretch snd won going away STAMP was close up all the way but tired after taking the lead MAHALEY showed the most early speed but tired slightly FURIOUS BILL and MARY DEAR had but little chance at the start startScratched Scratched 02fi205Portcr Ella 101 02367 Mary Hogan 93 02239 Josie M 99 99Overweights Overweights Balcfull 4 pounds THIRD RACE 58 Mile June 27 1925 100 5 110 Purse 600 3yearolds and upward Claiming Net value to winner 480 second 85 third 35 Index Horses i 2 Str Fin Jockeys Equiv Odds Strt 02290KARONGA WB 4 10 53 11 1 1 1 O Mazoue C P Sneed GO100 GO100023G6TUBBY 023G6TUBBY A wsB S 112 64 3 2h 2s 2 E Cpenter II Record SCO10 02368 WALDOUT WB S 104 37 5 4s 4s 31 II West P Kelley 2250100 2250100023G7COL 023G7COL PAT w G 103 2 1 2 5 3 5 4U G M thews G F Jenkins 730lflil 02470 LADY BARRETT ws 4 101 4 G 7 G 6 5 J C Rails H E Cassity 11W100 02471 PICKENS w 3 101 7 3 8 8 7 f W Lamon W G Thompson 1S5010D 02291 LADY OXFORD w S 107 3 2 4 J 53 5h 7 L Mills Willie McDonnell 1270100 02368 DODE ADAMS w 10 101 1 5 61 71 8 8 C Corbett M Shores 200010 Time 200010Time 23J 48i l01 i Track fast 2 mutuels paid Karonga 310 straight 280 place 2CO show Tubby A 400 place 320 sihow Waldout GOO show showEquivalent Equivalent booking odds Karonga CO to 100 straight 40 to 100 place 30 to 100 show Tubby A 130 to 100 place 0 to 100 show Waldout 2CO to 100 show showWinner Winner Ch f by Runnymede Brvslau by Uncle trained by C P Sneed bred by Mr Adolph B Spreckels SpreckelsWent Went to post at 1S At post 4 minutes Start good nnd slow Won easily second and third driving KAUOXGA rushed into the lead in the first quarter but was tiring fast at the end TUBKY A raced gamely and was gaining on the winner at the end WALDOUT also gained steadily COL PAT tired tiredScratched Scratched 02518 Miss Lane f 3 02519 Runpreserve 101 02170 Midnight Stories 100 100Overweights Overweights Tubby A 3 pounds Col Pat 1 Lady Oxford 3 Pickeus 1 FOURTH RACE 5 12 Furlongs May 31 1924 105 J 6 107 Purse 700 3year olds and upward Claiming Net value to winner 560 second 100 third 40 Index Horses tt M Str Fin Jockeys Equir Odda Strt 02472s AT HOTFOOT w 5 101 49 S A 2k 1J F Taylor Mrs M Mclntosh 7WU 01217 RAMBLE B 4 10S G 5 5 1 S1 11 2 G Mthews G F Jenkins lOMlOO 024 73 VIOLA BURTON AS3J10 S G 7l fit 5 t L Dye Mrs C E Irwin GM100 GM10003300s 03300s DON K v 3 05 9 3 4 21 3J 4J E Neal Mrs A Neal 330W 0247 0247SCLARENCE SCLARENCE A n 5 113 3 4 3 71 5 G Ury Cornhusker Stabla SIClOsl SIClOsl01720BELLE 01720BELLE H A B 4 108 7 7 1 1J 4 6 R Cochrn W Mikel Sons GOO10 95941 UNCLE SETII v 4 107 51 21 5 Gi 7s S Holecko J W Robinson 207010 207010O2472 O2472 BRANDEIS v 5 113 2 2 61 S Ss S A Roach B Johnson 83010 0148GTRAPROE V31001S 9999 II West B Creech S701OT Time S701OTTime 23 48J 108 Track fast 2 mntnels paid Al Hotfoot 1780 straight 9SO place J20 show Ramble SOO place 72O show Viola Burton 720 show showEquivalent Equivalent booking odds Al Hotfoot 790 to 100 straight TOO to 100 place 210 to 100 show Ramble 330 to 100 place 2CO to 100 show Viola Burton 200 to 100 show showWinner Winner Br g by Stmprolus Edna K by 15onus Res trained by R M Hollenbeck bred br Mr L L Allen AllenWent Went to post at 344 At post 1 minute Start good and slow Won driving second and third the same AL HOTFOOT began slowly but gained steadily and finishing fast caught lnd defeated KAMBLE near the end RAMBLE raced into the lend on the stretch turn but could not withstand the rush of the winner VIOLA BURTON finished fast DON K tired in the stretch BELLE II showed the most early speed but tired tiredScratched Scratched OlOVlCornflower 114 02370 Old Tom 103 023C9 Coquina 110 Overweight Brandeis 2 pounds Continued OB twelfth pge OMAHA OMAHAContinued Continued from ninth page FIFTH RACE 34 Mile June 3 1924 111 4 103 AkSarBen Queens Plate Purse Purso 1500 3yearolds a = d upward Net value to winner 1200 second 2COthird 100 Index Horses AAVtPPSt J i Str Fin Jockeys Equiv Odds Strt 02474PIRATE GOLD vn7112 7 4 Si I F E Smith W M Clem 02474 LOKD JULIAN wn T 114 13 S Cl SI 3 2 AV Mclnf T W Marchbank Marchbank5i 02474 CENTIMETER vsnSlCS 510 5i 1 I r A Swift W If Clem 02 173 PUBLISHER w 4 110 2 3 41 t 41 41 pk Cochrn V Mikel Sons 7SO100 02474 RGH AND UDYwB 5 10 10 1 12 11 T 55 F Taylor C O Kindle f 1710100 171010011SO100 309 = DELECTABLE w 5 109 9 G 71 C 55 Ct j Gerrity W Tobiar 11SO100 11SO100J14SO100 02471 FLICKER WB 3 IOC 4 9 11 P Si 7 V AVallia Mrs C B Irwin Irwin9l J14SO100 02474 RfNOLATHE WSB 4 101 1 H 9l Si 91 S L Dye Mra C B Irwin O2432 BARN DOLLAR w 5 106 t 7 14 IS5 10 3 33 S Holecko J W Murchbank Murchbanklh tt 02 9RAIS KOYALwsB 5 511311 113 11 5 lh 4 4h c1 10 G Mthews C P Jenkins 440100 02473 wL JTDGE uu PRYOR i ivy w S 105 r 1 10 10 12 11J C Kails n li Baker BakerSi 1710100 171010002474SGAD 02474SGAD WB 4 107 C 12 1202292EDMON Si 71 11J 12 J Guy Mrs W J Potter 820100 82010002292EDMON 02292EDMON WB 4 108 S 2 2 12s 13 13J II West B Creech 1170100 117010002470HCREMLIN 02470HCREMLIN WB 7 107 12 14 135 14 14 11 W Kenn Mrs T Kind la t ttMutuil tMutuil ficd JCoupled as Mrs C B Irwin entry ftJ AV Marclibauk entry W M Clem entry Time 24 48 113 Track fast fastSr Sr nuiliHli paid W M Clem entry 2400 straight 0 place 840 show J W Marcbbank entry 520 place 3SO fhow fhowEquivalent Equivalent booking odds V M Clem entry 1100 to 100 straight 240 to 100 place 320 to 100 bhttw J AV Marcbbank entry ICO to 100 place 00 to 100 show showWinner Winner rr g by Rock Aicw Gold by Golden Carter trained by A I Reynolds bred by Mr Arthur IJ Hancock HancockWent Went to iwst at 417 At post 2 minutes Start good and slow Won easily second and third driving PIRATE COllt came fast through the last quarter and taking the load in the stretch won s nr away LORD JTLIAN was on the outside must of the way but finished resolutely CENTI ¬ METER showed much early speed ind raced into the lead but tired PUBLISHER ran well but tired sHvhtly in the stretch ROUGH ANI HKAHY closed a big gap EDMON and GAD tired badly RAN JAIS ROYAL set the pace briefly and quit quitrTitrhed rTitrhed Winr Brilliant 110 02370Li7ette 10 01501 Rockford 103 02471Red Head 96 96Overweight Overweight Pirate Gold 5 ponndl SIXTH RACE 1 116 Kilos June 21 1923 146 6 113 Purse 600 3yearold and upward Claiming Met value to winner 480 second 85 third 35 AAAtPlSt AAAtPPSti 14 Ji i Str Fin Jockeys Owners Equiv Odds Strt s 7 111 7 4 2 I1 1 1 V Il G Mthews G P Jenkins Jenkinsw ISCI BLUSH w 3 100 G 5 1 1 2i 2 1 21 2 C Rails R L Baker Bakerw 52I MARVELITE w 3 100 2 2 31 3i Sl 3 35 P Taylor G Roman Romanw 02521 SCARE CROW w G III 5 G 41 4 41 4 4 = H AVest B Creech 2 2S7I 7I = RKEECHLOADR RKEECHLOADRoir w 5 111 3 1 5 5 5 5l 5T L Dye Leslie Stable 750100 750100OIr oir 7 GLOOM GIRL GIRL01U w 4 100 1 3 G G4 G 6 G M Hurn J C Studebaker 1010100 101010001J9S 01U 01J9S 8 WH1PSAW w 5 IM 4777777 C Corbett J R Porter 3470100 3470100Time Time 24 49Vi 114 141 148 Track fast fastS S mulMl paid Lugs 100 straight 340 place 280 show Blush 360 place 300 show Manelite 340 show showi i tnialeiit lurking odds Lugs 100 to 100 straight 70 to 100 place 40 to 100 show Blush 80 to KKi place 0 to 101 show Marvelite 70 to 100 show showWinner Winner B g bv Rube Princess Thori e by AVooMhorpe trained by G F Jenkins bred by Mr J AV Parrishl ParrishlWent Went to post at 440 At post 1 minute Start good and slow Won easily second and third driving LUGS while under restraint raced into tlie lead on the back stretch and easily held BLDSH tnfe to the end The latter set the early pace and finished gamely for second place MARVELITE raced vell all the wav SCARE CROAA showed improvement BREECHLOADER ran one of his bad races SEVENTH RACE 1 Mile Sept 20 1924 138 5 106 Purse 600 3qearoUs and upward Claiming Net value to winner 480 second 85 third 35 AAAtPPSt1 4 Str Fin Jockeys Owners Equiv Odds Strt O2ii = EL MIRASOL WSB 3 97 5 4 3i 2s I1 11 11 H AAest Griffin Edwards 130100 130100O91 O91 JESSIE LEE wn 3 90 3 3 I I1 2 2 2 = O Mazoue R L Baker 410100 410100025lis 025lis RED MILL w 5 111 G G 5 3 3 3 3 H Hay G AV Fritz 430100 02520 CANCELLATUN wn 5 105 1 2 2 4 1 4 4 4 C Corbett Emeryville Stable 670100 670100O247IFLOWR O247IFLOWR OF EDENw 3 S5 4 5 G G G G 5t v Imigr R Emmert 1300100 02 90SILArER STVTE w3 93 2 I 4 5 54 5 G M Hurn Mrs C B Irwin S70100 S70100Time Time 24 48 i 114 143 Track fast 2 mutuels paid El Mirasol 400 straight 3OO place 240 show Jessie Lee 380 place 260 Fhow Red Mill 2 show showEquivalent Equivalent booking odds El Mirasol 130 to 100 straight 50 to 100 place 20 to 100 show Jessie Lee IK to 100 place 30 to 100 show Red Mill 40 to 100 show showAVinner AVinner Br f by Cataract Adoration II by Neil Gow trained by J Edwards bred by Mr John H Rosseter AVent to jiost nt 520 At post 1 minute Start good and slow Won driving second and third the same EL MIRASOL took the lead when called on and held it despite racing wide on the stretch turn and losing ground JESSIE LEE set a good pace and finished resolutely RED MILL raced well and finished close up upScratched Scratched 02504 The Colonel IOC 02201 Charluat Ill 02214 Martin L 111 111Overweight Overweight El Mirasol 2 ounds FREE Last Minute Specials Call Daily Racing Guide WABash lH

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Local Identifier: drf1926061001_9_2
Library of Congress Record: