untitled, Daily Racing Form, 1926-06-10


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ESTABLISHED 1923 ESTABLISHED 1923 REGENT PARLAYS Amsricas Turf Service De Luxe RACING INFORMATION OF THE HIGHEST CALIBER 246 Fifth Avenue Suite 291 291ONCE New York City ONCE A CLIENT ALWAYS A CLIENT CLIENTYou You have subscribed to the rest now subscribe to the best YESTERDAYS 500 POOL HORSE HORSESTORM STORM KING 41 Won YESTERDAYS 1000 REGENT TRANSACTION TRANSACTIONCAMOUFLAGE CAMOUFLAGE 630 Won Tuesdays Release 500 Pool Horse Mondays Release 500 Pool Horse HorseSPECKLED SPECKLED BEAUTY 880 Won DOLLY BAY 1020 Won 1000 Regent Transaction 1000 Regent Transaction TransactionDANGEROUS DANGEROUS 151 Won SEA FAIRY 1753 Won WonDO DO NOT MISS TODAYS TRANSACTIONS TRANSACTIONSNOTICE NOTICE SPORTSMEN Pay absolutely no attention to imitators nor competitors who offer you superfluous service and inferior getrich propositions which never mature at ridiculous prices Fay for one winning day and cash and not for ten or fifteen or thirty days service re ¬ ceiving dream limit parlays which never hit If THIS SERVICE cannot make YOU WIN in ONE DAY then go back to your dops sheet for there is no service in New York Chicago and Cin ¬ cinnati that can make you win Folks again I beg to advise that this service has released more win parlays than any other service in New York bar none This is a FACT and not an ILLUSION ILLUSIONSUBSCRIBE SUBSCRIBE SUBSCRIBE SUBSCRIBEAnd And receive your information upon receipt of your money transfer We offer no excuses no alibis We are never oversubscribed nor do we give 50000 specials for regular releases releasesIf If in town call at office from 930 a m to 4 p m If out of town wire by Western Union or Postal Telegraph 500 for Pool Horse or 1000 for Regent Transaction Address all communications to toREGENT REGENT PARLAYS 246 Fifth Avenue Suite 291 New York City

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1920s/drf1926061001/drf1926061001_19_10
Local Identifier: drf1926061001_19_10
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800