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OMAHA ENTRIES Th figures under the heading Rec in the entries below show the best time of each hone at the distance since January 1 1925 no natter where it finished In cases where record wax made on other than a fast or good track abbreviations show track con ¬ ditions 9S S7 IS FIRST INDEX OF 19SC 0218 IS FIRST INDEX OF JUNE JUNEWeather Weather clear trark fast fastRacing Racing starts at 215 p m Chicago time 315 0 Superior mnd runner x Good mnd runner Fair mud runner M Maldccs Apprentice allowance allowanceThe The following abbreviations are nsrd todefcipnate tracks at which time records shown in entries were made madeAkron Akron Akn King Edward KE KEAqueduct Aqueduct Aqu Zagonn I ag agAurora Aurora Anr Latonia Xt XtBelmont Belmont Park Bel Xanrel I rl rlBIuo BIuo Bunnets BB Xcxington I Ier er erBlue Blue Grass BG Lex Colored Fair FairBowit Bowit Bow Long Branch LBBrooklyn LB LBBrooklyn Brooklyn Bkn Maple Heights MB MBChiirchill I Chiirchill Downs CD Marlboro Mai MaiClarksburg Clarksburg Cla Miami Mia MiaColumbus Columbus Col Mobile Moa MoaColwood Colwood Park Clw Mount Royal MR MRConey Coney Island CI Niagara Falls NF NFConnaupht Connaupht Park CP Orlando Orl OrlDade Dade Park DP Omaha Oma OmaDelorimier Delorimier Park Del Phoenix Phx PhxDevonshire Devonshire DOT Pimlico Pirn PirnDorval Dorval Dor Raceand Rao RaoDnfforin Dnfforin Park Dnf Reno Kno KnoEmpire Empire Zmp Salt Lake SL SLErlanger Erlanger Erl Saratoga Sar SarFair Fair Gronndc FG Tampa Tarn TarnFairnv Fairnv unt Park FP Tanforan Tan TanFort Fort Erie TE Thistledow Tdn TdnHamilton Hamilton Ham Thorncliffe Thf ThfHavre Havre do Gt ceHdO Tijuana Tij TijHavana Havana Hav Timorium Ti TiHawthorne Hawthorne H r Toledo Tel TelHuntington Huntington Htn United Hunts TTH TTHJamaica Jamaica Jam Wheeling Who WhoJefferson Jefferson Park JP Willow Park WP WPJuarez Juarez Jua Windsor Win WinKempton Kempton Park KP Woodbine Wdb WdbKe Ke nil worth Ken Youngstown Tgn TgnOmaha Omaha Mile Track TrackFirst First Race 58 MUe MUePurse Purse 000 2yearolds Claiming ClaimingTrack Track record June 27 1925 100 5 110 110Ind Ind Horse Horse023C Wt Ree AWtHan AWtHan023C 023C Lou Mark 2 92 725 725O2 O2 02288s 8S = Assault 1 10 ° n 0236js Ignore Inlander InlanderM M 3 90 02288 Marietta 6 104 710 02288 Argali 4 90 700 02365 Kthelat M 5 103 700 Second Race 5 12 Furlongs FurlongsPurse Purse 600 3yearolds and upward Claiming Track record May 31 1924 105 107 10702518s 02518s Servitor 2 JP 107 107 9 110X725 02429 Julia Lee 3 CI 101 l07s 4 109X720 01 82 Soquan 1 Tij 112 107 4 109 713 02562 End Man 9 Hav 110 100 9 114X710 02290 Olympian Kins G Tij 110 107 11 105X705 02561 WinchpHtcr 4 Tij 110 103 8 110X700 02559s Lady Flapper M Mg g 7 105 695 69502367s 02367s Matinee Idol 10 Tij 100 107 11 109X000 02519 Nancy Winet 12 G 104X690 01996 Good Time lCTij114 103 7 110X 90 02561 Senator Crow 5 10 110 G85 01995 Full Moon 7Hav 102 108 8 100X685 02609 Lady Barrett 11 Oma 110 109 4 10i6S5 02366 Glenn 13 Oma 105 1033 10 105X685 02559 Bucks Smile 14 4 110 685 02367 Mary Hiigan M 15 Tarn 93 109 3 956S5 956S501979s 01979s Olympiad 17 7 110XC85 110XC8502559s 02559s Dan Hogan 18 6 105X685 105X685Third Third Race 5 12 Furlongs FurlongsPurse Purse 000 3yearplds and upward Claiming Trark record May 31 1924 105 6 107 10702563s 02563s Big Sapp 3 Oma 107 107 G 109X725 109X72501442s 01442s One Gold Buck 1 3 107 720 02289 Times 1p 4 Oma 107 107 5 100X715 02563 Hence 0 Hav IOC 103 5 108X710 108X71002291s 02291s John A Scott Jr 8 Hav 115 107 9 116X705 00784 James B Brown 7 Hav 107 110 7 103x705 02563 Malthus GOma 115 108 5 107 695 71112 Ziicliariah 2 M 7 100 690 690Fourth Fourth Race 1 Mile MilePurse Purse 000 3yearolds and upward Claiming Track record Sept 20 1924 138 5 106 02 64 Wool Lady 7Tij 100 110 5 99X725 02504 = Jolly Cephas S Oma 102 l46m 9 101X720 02612 Whipxaw 3 Jua 110 143 5 104X715 104X71502524s 02524s Fortv Two 5 Htn 104 143 5 109X710 02289 Joxie M 6 Oma 109 142 6 99X705 02564 Tulsa 4 Anr 110 144 9 109700 02523 Marctlla Boy 12 Tij 103 142 8 109 695 01376 Tom Saunders 11 10 109 695 695O2559 O2559 Ponza Uay 1 7 99X600 02565 Kosrfield 2 10 104 690 02559 Shamrock Flower 9 8 109X690 00312 Walter Dant 10 Oma 114 142 11 114X690 114X690Fifth Fifth Race 34 Mile MileSchumann Schumann Hoink Purse PursePurse Purse SOO 3yearolds and upward upwardTrack Track record June 3 1924 111 t 103 10302430s 02430s UtKKN CATHER ¬ INE 5 Tij 105 12 5 105X71 02173 = M la hririo 2 Tij 111 15h 113X715 023701 Lizette 1 Oma 99 13 7 105X710 02363 C iuina 4 Har 95 13 4 10GX705 02473 Sweettfrass 7 Tij 99 4 103 700 02471 Rod Head GJP 100 15 3 103X 95 023691 Dr Larrabop3JP 117 15 3 98X695 02471 Durham M 8 3 93 690 690Sixth Sixth Race 1 116 Miles MilesParse Parse 700 3yearolds and upward Claiming Track record June 21 1923 146 G 113 01563 Spirea 6 MH 103 14 5 104 7J 02371 Gail Ford 7Hav 107 148 G 99X723 02522 Wonder Light 8 DP 10G 149 4 101X715 101X71502371s 02371s Lord Vargrave 11 Htn 110 148 4 106X710 02524 Article X 12Tam 101 148 7 103X70T 103X70T02521s 02521s Lierre 4 Lat 102 147 6 109X7CO 02522 Whizun 2 Rac 03 149 4 104 515 02522 Zealot 1 Tij 101 147 7 10JXW0 02475 Colonel Wagner 3 CI 91 146 5 10IX6S5 02524 Montona 5 Tij 103 145 10IXGS5 02521 Ponimoi a Oma 10S 149 5 109X635 C2176 Ollie Palmer 10 Seventh Race 1 MUe Purse 000 3yearolds and upward upwardTrack Claiming Track record Sept 20 1021 133 a IOC 02476 Zanzibar 10 MH 108 139 5 109 725 02523 Pop Ryan 5 Tij 112 142 4 112X720 02367 Bethlehem St el 7 JI 104 143 99 715 00106 Fondle M IlOma 110 141 7 111 710 02564 Smart Guy 2 JP HE lJ3 i II 101X705 02476 Queen Maronla 3 WX700 02521 Mainspring G CI 101 139 5 1 Oil X 695 695r 252S Collie Tokalon 8 02523 Collie Tokalon 8 r 109X095 01933 Weary Dick 9Oma 109 112 7 114XUDO 01998 Montdale 1 Jua 117 14S 02289 Ruddy 4 Oma IOC 141 141955S5 955S5 Pinecrest 12Oma lOIt 1M3