Latonia, Daily Racing Form, 1926-06-10


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Entries and Past Performances PerformancesLATONIA LATONIA THURSDAY JUNE 10 10WEATHER WEATHER CLEAR TRACK FAST The figures under the hsading Rcc ia ths entries below show the best time of each horse at tho distanca sinca January 1 1935 no matter whera it finished In cases where record was made on other than a fast or good track abbreviations show track con ¬ ditions 9SOS7 IS PIRST IXDEX OF 1926 021SC IS FIUST INDEX OF JUXE JUXEIlacin Ilacin starts at 200 p in Chicago time 200 0 Superior mini riinnor X Good mud runner Fair mud runner M Maidens Apprentice allowance allowanceThe The followins abbreviations are used to designate tracks at which time records shown in entries wen made Akron King Edward Aqueduct Lagoan Aurora Latonia Belmont Park Laurel Bluo Bonaels r rBlue Lexington Blue Grass Lex Colored Fair FairLong Bowis Long Branch Brooklyn Maple Heights Churchill Downs DownsClarksburg Marlboro Clarksburg Miami Colum mi 3 Mobile Col wood Park Mouut Royal Coney Island Niagara Falls Cornaught Park ParkEalo Orlando Ealo Park Omaha Bslorimier Park Phoenix Devonshire Pimlico Dorval Raceland Dafferin Park Roso Empire Salt Lake Erlanger Saratoga Pair Grounds Tampa 2aJrmiunt Park Tanforan Fort Erie Thistledown Hamilton Thoraclif fo Havre de Grace GraceHavana Tijuara Havana Timotiium Hawthorne Toledo Huntinjton United Hunts Jamaica Wheeling Jefforori Park Willows Park Juarez Windsor Kcmpton Park Woodbine Kensl worth Youngstown Latosia Mile Track TrackFirst First Race 31 Mile MilePurse Purse 1400 yciroMs anil upward Claiming 11rack record June 20 1924rl0 J i 3 107 107lodiys lodiys lodiysI I nil IlnrscPnstPos Wt IP V A WMTnn 02552 = Krier Hill 15 Lat 100 112 4 110j725 01735 Golden Lynn I FG 91Jl14 4 105X720 105X72002552s 02552s Ponsettia 10 CI 102 1T2 4 103 715 95855 McCiilloch 1CI 102 112 S 410SX71J 02131 Molly Itoy S CI 110 l12Hi 103X710 01951 Chiva 11 Haw 119 1143 C 103X705 020321 Tamale Dick 14 Aur SO 112 = 3 103 705 7059COS7 9COS7 ranburv Cross 17 CI 102 112 3 9S705 83685 Km 10 MII 112 Il2 i 4103X705 01735 Kittic Jim 2C1 110 110 5 10SX70J 02131 Thats the Time Haw 101 114 4 103 700 97408 Itptty Star 4 CI 9G 113 = = 4 108X700 02506 Galloping Shoes 5 CI 108 110 4 113700 113700019SG 019SG KiiiKlehaml GCI 112 113 4 113 700 02083 Luckv Donna M 7 CIt 100 llGi 3 103 700 01471 llosa Greener i Haw 09 1133 4 108X700 01611 K5d ISoots M 12 Mia lor 113 3 OS 700 0135 Little Ccok 18CI IW iWVi 3 DSX700 DSX700Second Second Race 34 Mile MilePurse Purse 1400 rv arolils and upward Claiming Track ucord June 20 1921 U091i 3 107 10702133V 02133V Irudv 15 CI 110 114 4 105 021311 Jee 11 CM 101 l13 = sv 4 10SX720 0211 Nell Jo 4 rC IOC 114 r 10SX715 02351 John HasiMV SiCI 103 112 T 108X710 01050 Wajionoea 10 MH 105 112 = 5 4 113X710 02459 Brunswick 13 I it 11011116 S 113 710 02082 = Trinket IS 3 118X705 02131 Alpine 17 FI 100 11 3 9SX705 01805 Tire Hoy 12 Lat 10Sl12fi T 113X705 99573 ill Hare 1 KC 105 110 s 3 103X700 01735 Jaiic C 2 CI t 110 3 9S700 02351 Antiquarian 3 CI 9S 1113 4 103X700 C1057 FlyitiK SpaiW 5 CI 100 114 = 3 93X700 93X700i i in o5 Miss Hume G CI 115U18s 3 93X700 01738 Disieway M 7 3 98 700 54400 Kay Jr 8 CI 109 112 o 113X700 97403 Wayward M 14 Lat 96 114 Vf 3 93X700 93X700C2351 C2351 Medina 1C JP 107 114 = 3 5 108 X 700 700Third Third Race 5T8 Mile MileHyde Hyde Park Purse Purse loOO 2yearolds Maidens Colts and andGeldings Geldings Track record June 23 1923 59 2 1 110 02135 Jock G 11G 11G725 725 02457 = Florida Gold 11 11G72511G720 CD 11G 101 = 3 11G 11G720 720 Pusv Day 14 Lat 11C 103 116 715 02275 John William II IIS S Lat 11G l03 = f 110 710 02457 Ali Khan 17 Lot 110 l02 = i 115 705 02275 Ortlieb 18 Lat 110 103 11GX705 02275 Pm ridge 13 Lat 11C lOlvs 115 705 02076 OKeefe 4 11G700 01330s llydromel 5 11G700 01874 Creek Indian 1 CI 115 l03 = f 110 700 03275 Step In 2 CI H5 102 110700 02157 Peace Milker 7Lat 110 104 111 700 01071 Fast lMick 9 115 700 01320 Parmelee 10 11 6 700 700lit Tryout 3 lit lleggar 15oy 12 12Indian 110 Indian 15 11G ISrumficld 1C 115 Fourth Race 1 116 Miles MilesPurse Purse 1500 5ycarolds and upward upwardTrack Track record Oct 0 1924 l42ii 025543 PHIL McCANXi 4 Lat 112 14S 02251 Valley Light 1 C250G Hilly IClairT 2 01 112 14 4f 5 112 720 7200255S 0255S AVatchful A Haw 102 145 5 112X715 112X7150245S3 0245S3 Inly Myra S CD 107 150 = 3 G 107X710 107X7100250G 0250G Alloy 7 CI 102 14 1 4 115 705 02458 Loncciminps 5 Lat 103 14GJ3 4 107X700 02084 Hcrby Coles G Tij 112 140 5 107X700 107X700Fifth Fifth Race 34 Mile MileMt Mt Auburn Purse PursePurse Purse 1700 3yearolds and upward Allowances AllowancesTrack Track record June 20 1924 1093 3 107 j 02278 = Traymore S Lat 102l14 = is 4 114 723 02277 1ijreon Wing II 10 CD 1001112 3103X720 92265 Tilka 2 4 108 715 71502509s 02509s Dawn of Tomor row 1 CD 102 113 3 9GX710 02355 Champ De Mars 9 3 990703 01911 Cupids Curse 7 HdG 109 114 3 100 705 02130 = Count Sprack M 5 4 108 700 01910 Fire On 4 CI 102112 4 108i700 01285 Ed Burke 3 CI 112 112 3 99 700 7009G412 9G412 Diaiiella G Lat 104 Ifl3 = 3 3 9G700 01243 Fairy Lore M 11 Sar 100115 3 97 700 700Sixth Sixth Race 58 Mile MilePurse Purse 1500 2yearolds Fillies Claiming Track record June 23 1923 59 2 110 02507 Myrtlc Caldwell G Lat 101 l03s 105 725 725C2174 C2174 Wood Nymph S CD 107 101 110 720 02087 Pompano 1 103 715 7150113G 0113G Singing Cricket 7 110X710 110X710C2354 C2354 Itosetta StoneM 2 Lat 103 101 is 107 705 02505 Foreclose M 4 Lat 115 l05s 111 700 01808 Lillie L M 5 CD 103 103 93 700 Margaret D 3 i ° ° Seventh Race 1 Mile and 70 Yards Purse 1SOJ 3yearolds rnd upward Fillies and r Mares Claiming i Track record Nov 3 1917 l4ls 3 120 02353 = Spanish Rose 3 I Hav IOC 14215 5104X725 5104X7250250GS 0250GS 0seila M 7Lex 95 l48h 3 92 720 02510 Lady Von 2IAX 95147 3 3100X713 025C6 I51ack Grackle G CI 99144 5103 710 02353 r Midnight Kose 1 r CI 93143 4 100X705 02276 Frances Hock 5 CD 95140 3 100 700 02353 Vivamliere 4 4 105 700 01956 Allaire S CI 93 14C = 3 3 91X700

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Local Identifier: drf1926061001_7_2
Library of Congress Record: