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AURORA AURORAAURORA AURORA ILL WEDNESDAY JUNE 9 192C Exposition Iark 1 Mile Eighteenth day Exposition i Park Joiky Cluli Spring meeting 27 days Weather clear Stewards M NntluiiiMiii M X Maifarlan ami K Henry Placing JuJgrs K A Leigh V Dunne A K Islamhard and C CainiMau Racing Secretary C F Henry Racing starts at 21 p m Chicago daylight saving time W indicates whip S spurs E blinkers Flff ures in parentheses following the distance of each race indicate date track record age of horse and weight carried Indicates apprentice allowance FIRST RACE 5 12 Furlongs Sept 22 1925 105 4 112 Purse 800 3yearolds and upward Claiming Net valuo to winner 550 second 150 third 75 fourth 25 Index Horses AWtPPSt Vi Vi Str Fin Jockeys Owners Equiv Book Strt 021182MY MARY w 4 109 12 4 ink is iJ 11 L pichon J McCarthy McCarthy3h 4GO109 02159 BROWN BETTY w 4 113 3 3 3h 21 2 2 R Mozer A M Jacobus JacobusGnk 210100 02442 = FLOY LILLIE w 4 113 1 7 Gnk 5h 4 3k D Smith W M Cain Cain2i 320100 02192 CHS WHITNEY wn G IIS 11 1 2i 3 31 41 E Hward Illinois Stabl 11SO100 02337 REALIZE w 4 109 5 8 71 41 5 k 5 R Barnett C II Trotter 4000100 02192 QUEEN BESS w 5 113 4 2 2021582MEDDLG 4 G k 711 G H Hutton R Barnett 3070100 021582MEDDLG SETH WB 5 112 711 51 7 GI 7t J Roberts B Suhr 5SO100 99307 HOT DOG w 4 108 10 12 11 11 S 81 S Banks Mrs H Mole 12050100 02158 SOLMONS KILTSw 5 110 2 6 91 9 10 9 C E Allen H E Arnold 56SO100 56SO100i 004113NEPTUNE WB 5 114 810 81 8l 91 102 W Charles Midway Stable StableIfli i 1SSO100 01295 J G BICKEL w 4 111 9 5 Ifli iQt n ii p Kehrt J L Paul 1SSO100t t 96782 PEPPERDAY iv 4 113 G 9 9fField 12 12 12 12 C Gross J J Holtman t tfField fField Time 23 47 107 Track fast 2 certificates earned My Mary 1120 straight 580 place 300 show Brown Betty lSO place 300 show Floy Lillie 280 show showEquivalent Equivalent booking My Mary 400 to 100 straight 190 to 100 place 50 to 100 show Brown Betty 140 to 100 place SO to 100 show Floy Lillie 40 to 100 show showWinner Winner B f by Peter Quince Marbles by Lissak trained by R Williams bred by Mr Thomas Piatt PiattWent Went to post at 215 At post 3 minutes Start good and slow Won handily second and third driving MY MARY took the lend while rounding the far turn and held the race safe to the end BROWN BETTY was crowded back while rounding the far turn but recovered quickly and easily raced into second place in the stretch FLOY LILLIE worked her way up next to the inner rail in the stretch and finished fast CHARLES WHITNEY tired in the final eighth REALIZE was going well at the end endScratched Scratched 02117 Lady Abbott 107 02443 Maude Harvey 113 00674 Scotland Forever 110 02337 Patrick Sarsfield 110 02261 May Prosper 105 105Overweight Overweight J G Bickel 1 pound SECOND RACE 58 Mile June 22 1925 58 4 115 Ottawa Purse Purse 1000 2yearolds Allowances Net value to winner 700 second 200 third 75 fourth 25 Index Horses strFin Jockeys Eqtiiv Book Strt 023382THE HOVEL w 103 7 4 31 2 1 22 I1 W Stmper C E Durnell 3JO100 02492 2BIDDY SHIPP w 103 1 1 H 1 1J 2 = C E Allen Paradise Stk Fm Sta f 20010 02338 POLYFENA WB 104 32 51 4i 3 3 W Anrson E J OConnell 15SO100 02338McDONOUGH 15SO10002338McDONOUGH w 112 8 6 4i 51 5 41 H Church Ruttcr Bros 1SO100 02160 EMBRYO w 109 4 3 2 31 4i 51 H Hutton Paradise Stk Fm Sta t 02264 JE ANNETTE S w 103 G 8 7l G1 GO Gl W Watson J Schreiner 970100 02160 TAMEA iv 103 2 02338 STARZELLA w 106 5 tCouplcd as Paradise Stock Farm Stable entry entryTime Time 23 101 Track fast 2 certificates earned The Hovel 880 straight 360 place 240 show Paradise Stock Farm Stable entry 280 place 220 show Polyfena 340 show showEquivalent Equivalent booking The Hovel 340 to 100 straight 80 to 100 place 20 to 100 show Paradise Stock Farm showWinner Stable entry 40 to 100 place 10 to 100 show Polyfena 70 to 100 show Winner B f by Kildare II Lamcote by Indian Hunner trained by C E Durnell bred by Messrs Dale Dalziel DalzielWent Went to post at 241 At post 1 minute Start good and slow Won easily second and third driving THE HOVEL close up from the start passed BIDDY SHIPP in the final eighth and won going away through the last seventy yards BIDDY SHIPP showed the most early speed but tired when challenged by the winner POLYFENA ran well and held third place safe through the stretch run McDONOUGH raced very wide when rounding the stretch turn but finished resolutely EMBRYO tired tiredScratched Scratched 02338sMayor Behrman 106 02204 Dick 109 Pat Field IOC Popularity 103 THIRD RACE 34 Mile June 23 1925 112 3 108 Parse 800 3yearolds and up ward Claiming Net value to winner 550 second 150 third 75 fourth 25 Index Horses AWtPPSt Ji Vi Str Fin Jockeys Owners Eqniv Book Strt 02340ROCKET w 7 106 4 1 It l i I2 1 W Anrson E J OConnell 11010 110102nk 02340 FINDAY w G 103 9 2 2nk 1 21 2nt H Hutton p Hayes 1110100 11101003h 02340 McCRIMMON w 4 106 6 3 302220CHESTERBROK 3h 41 3k 31 W Bog ski Mrs F Farrar 1410100 02220CHESTERBROK WB 7 103 7 G 51 31 4t 4i J Donson S McNeil 1040100 023412 VARIATION w 5 113 10 10 71 6 52 5i J Judy J Hayes 530100 5301004H 02119 PANOREL w 5 103 1 7 4H 5t 51 6 L Pichon C R Aldrich 330100 02443 2BULLET PROOF WB 9 114 8 9 10 10 Sl 71 E Hward C B Shafer 1030100 10301009l 01950 JAUNEBAR w 7 110 5 5 502260SPECIALIST 9l 95 72 S R Mozer C W Hall 9GO100 9GO100gi 02260SPECIALIST w 3 96 2 8 801901WOODY gi 71 9ij gij w Barr Sunset Stable 4190100 01901WOODY WB 4 113 3 4 61 SnklO 10 W Dellow Detroit Stable 4470100 Time 23 47 113 Track fast 2 certificates earned Rocket 420 straight 360 place 320 show Finday 700 place 520 show McCrimmon 500 show showEquivalent Equivalent booking Rocket 110 to 100 straight SO to 100 place CO to 100 show Finday 250 to 100 place 160 to 100 show McCriramon 150 to 100 show showWinner Winner B g by Broomstick First Flight by Thrush trained by E J OConnell bred by Mr Harry Payne Whitney WhitneyWent Went to post at 305 At post 2 minutes Start good and slow Won handily second and third driving ROCKET took the lead at once and setting a fast pace throughout won by a safe margin FINDAY raced closest up on the outside of the leaders for the entire race and finished fast McCRIM ¬ MON saved ground on the stretch turn and finished fast and gamely CHESTERBROOK ran a good race poorlyScratched and finished close up VARIATION raced very wide on the last turn and began poorly Scratched 02443 Rosamond 10S 02220 Karachi 103 01803Albert L 105 02495 Tender Seth 103 01281 Hnon Pine 108 108Overweights Overweights Bullet Proof 1 pound Specialist 5 Woody 1 fcOCTOO FOITRTH RACE 5 12 Furlongs Sept 22 1925 105 4 112 KanesviUe Purse Vr rfOO Wf Purse 1000 3yearolds and upward Allowances Net value to winner 700 second 200 third 75 fourth 25 Index Horses AWtPPSt StrFin Jockeys Owners Equiv Book Strt 02444 SANOLA w 5 113 8 4 1 21 2 1 11 W Anrson Sanola Stock Farm Sta 110100 02222 AGNES CALL w 4 103 10 2 202444RED 4 3 Ih 2l A Pickens E P OMeara 7GO100 02444RED HEART WB 3 101 4 5 7 G3 51 31 H Hutton Hutton6h T II Bernhardt 400100 0195 01951s 1s JACK ALEXDER w 3 106 2 3 3024442MISS 6h 4nk 41 41 R Crees Crees2i H C McConnell 1150100 024442MISS JENNIE w 4 110 1 1 2i 11 3 5nkj Majestic Majestic3l F Foster 1740100 02494 BLASTED HOPESwB 3 99 5 9 9021622MAX 3l 51 G 6 L Pichon S Peabody 44SO100 021622MAX BRICK WB 5 115 G G 10 10 8 7J R Mozer Moshier Walters 670100 02444 QUEEN TOWTON w 4 103 7 10 10994482PICKPOCKET 5 7 71 8 C E Allen AllenS2 A G Dunlap SOSO100 994482PICKPOCKET w 5 110 3 8 S2 Si 91 9J J Roberts Wolverine Stable 7740100 02015 BUCK POND w 3 108 9 97 7 91 91 10 10 W Barr BarrTime A R Freeman 5070100 Time 23 47 106 Track fast 2 certificates earned Sanola 420 straight 3uO place 260 show Agnes Call 460 place 280 show Red Heart 260 show showEquivalent Equivalent booking Sanola 110 to 100 straight 50 to 100 place SO to 100 show Agnes Call 130 to 100 place 40 to 100 show Red Heart 30 to 100 show showWinner Winner B m by Sain Anola by Scmpronius trained by T J Shannon bred by Mr George J AVcnt to post at 332 At post 4 minutes Start good and slow Won driving second and third the same SANOLA set the early pace then raced on the outside of MISS JENNIE to the stretch and fin ¬ ishing fast when calledon outfinished AGNES CALL in the final drive AGNES CALL slipped through next to the inner rail midway of the stretch and made a game finish RED HEART came fast on the outside through the last eighth and finished with a rush JACK ALEXANDER ran well MISS JEXNIK raced into the lead but tired in the last eighth BLASTED HOPES showed improvement MAX BRICK finished with a belated rush after being badly outpaced in the early running Overweights runningOverweights Blasted Hopes 3 pounds Pickpocket 2 FIFTH RACE 1 Mile Sept 22 1925 140 3 110 Barrington Handicap Purse 1200 3yearolds and upward Not value to winner 850 second 200 third 100 fourth 50 Index Horses AWtPPSt 14 X i StrFin Jockeys Equiv Book Strt 02446 SMILING GUS w 3 105 3 3 51 42 4 4 lk W Stmper C E Durnell DurnellWB 024462COGWHEEL WB 3 101 2 2 2 32 3 31 2k J Majestic Mrs E Wayland Waylandw 02162 PEGASUS w 7 112 1 1 31 2nk 21 Int 3 E Sporri JB McGinn McGinnwn 02446PILLAGER wn 4 10S 4 6 11 li I1 21 43 W Anrson E J OConnell OConnellw 02447SFAST MAIL w 4 100 G 5 G G G G 5 Vf Barr Glencovo Stable Stablew 02222 HELEN T w 3 SO 5 4 41 54 5k Ch G R Barnett C II Trotter Time 23 47 112 139 new track iccord Track fast 2 certificates earned Smiling Gus 960 straight 480 place 300 show Cogwheel 540 plave 320 show Pegasus 280 show showEquivalent Equivalent booking Smiling Gus 3SO to 100 straight 140 to 100 place 50 to 100 show Cogwheel 170 to 100 place 60 to 100 show Pegasus 40 to 100 show showWinner Winner Ch g by Rock Flint Sleivebloom by Charles OMalley trained by C E Durnell bred in England by Mr H K Beddington BeddingtonWent Went to post at 400 At post 1 minute Start good and slow Won driving second and third the same SMILING GUK suddenly improved closed up rapidly on the outside in the stretch and under hard riding got up to win in the last two strides COGWHEEL raced in close up pursuit through ¬ out and made a resolute challenge when called on in the final eighth but failed to quite get up PEG ¬ ASUS saved ground on the stretch turn and finished close up but tiring slightly PILLAGER showed the challengedScratched most speed until midway of the stretch then quit badly when challenged Scratched 02582 Ked Heart 90 02404 Bolton US 02162 George De Mar 116 02446Sir Leonid 102 4 KQt SIXTH RACE 1 316 Miles Oct 4 1924 203 4 112 Purse 1000 4yearolds and Vf M9O i upward Claiming Net value to winner 700 second 200 third 75 fourth 25 Index Horses AWtPPStU M 7i StrFin Jockeys Equiv Book Strt 0249tMERCUTIO w 7 112 7 3 1 I2 lll 1i 1i R Mozer Mrs J Bainton 210100 02144 GUS R w 4 103 9 4 2s 2 25 2 23 W Barr W M Grant 11DO100 02343 LOUIS A wn 9 102 2 S 7 5s S1 31 S J Majestic Wolverine Stable 330100 02445 SEA COURT w S 101 S 7 S2 S 7 41 4 S Trenchd Four Oaks Sfk Fm Sta 1510100 02445FRANK 151010002445FRANK GAILORwn 5 US 1 1 4s 41 G l Cl 51 C E Allen C W Ross 510100 021222WER 510100021222WER T AVIZARDw 5 111 G 5 5 GU 51 7 G1 D Smith J Hayes 30010 02343CAPTN 3001002343CAPTN ADAMS w G 101 G G Gk 7l S1 S 7k J Donson S McNeil 17550100 02343 MOLINERO w 8 91 3 2 Sh 3 41 5 S II Hutton A J Molera 2S70100 02266TICKLER 2S7010002266TICKLER WB 5 105 4 9 9 9 9 9 R Crees H O Reno 7000100 Time 7000100Time 24Is 49 115 142 200 new track record Track fast 2 certificates earned Mercutlo GSO straight 420 place 320 show Gus It fDSO place 4 60 show Louis A 340 show showEquivalent Equivalent booking Mercutio 240 to 100 straight 110 to 100 place GO to 100 show Gus R r90 to 100 place 130 to 100 show Louis A 70 to 100 shou Winner Ch h by Friar Rock Mcrcadul by The Commoner trained by J Bainton bred bv Mr John K Madden MaddenWent Went to post at 4SH At 1 minute post Start good and slow Won easily second and third driving MEUCTTIO set a good paee for the entire race and was never in trouble GLS IL hard ridden made a resolute challenge in the stretch and ran a good nice LOUIS A raced into thin place after rounding the far turn but was tiring rapidly at the end SKA COURT gained steadily in th stretch and finished gamely MOIINEUO tired The others were always outpaced TRY AAIX un siated his rider and lot his bridle when en mute to the post then ran loose for two miles and was ordered scratched by the stewards and certificates were refunded refundedScratched Scratched KM I Try Again 110 02105 Shindy 107 02263 Attorney Muir 95 02312 Lihter 91 2445 Ticker 112 Continued on ninth page AURORA AURORAContinued Continued from third page SEVENTH RACE 1 Mile Sept 22 1925 140 3 110 Purse 1000 3yearolds and upward Claiming Net value to winner 700 second 200 third 75 fourth 25 Index Horses AWtPPSt y Str Fin Jockeys Owners Eqniv Book Strt O2222MACLEAN w 5 110 6 5 4 1 31 31 2 I1 H Hutton Mrs AV J Howard 260100 02224 CIT17EN w 8 113 9 1 l k 1 1 J 1 21 E Gelloni Derby Stabla 330100 02341 MISS ROSEDALE w 5 11 2 3 71 Ck 71 4 3 J Judy J AV Lewis LewisGlencove 33010 02493 MASQUERADO w 7 103 7 8 81 S1 6 6 4J AV Barr Glencove Stable StableH 7SO100 00836 CONTUSION w 5 103 3 9 9 9 8l 7 5i R Crees H M Mason MasonSanola 4930100 02263 GREEN AVOODS w 3 95 1 4 2 2 21 3i 6 D Smith Sanola Stock Farm Sta StaC GOO100 02225 MABEL SETH w 3 100 5 6 G 5 51 5 51 71 L Pichon C R Aldrich 1150100 02081 BOSH w 6 103 8 7 6 41 41024U3CLEOS C E Allen J Keller 1520100 024U3CLEOS RESTERws 3 93 4 2 3 71 B Peryhall A A Baronl 23520100 Time 24 4S 114 1414 Trick fast 52 certificates earned Maclean 710 straight 400 place 340 show Citizen 380 place 80 show Miss Kosedale 340 show showEquivalent Equivalent booking Maclean 2GO to 100 straight 130 to 100 place 70 to 100 show Citizen 90 to 100 place 40 to 100 show Miss Kosedale 70 to 100 show showWinner Winner R z by Meclick Dona Hamilton by Donald A trained by W J Howard bred by Mr George I Rlaikfonl RlaikfonlWont Wont to IKISI at 507 At post 5 minutes Start Rood and slow Won handily second and third driving MULEAN moved up rapidly when in the stretch and catching the leaders tiring won going away CITIZEN showed the most speed in pacemaking to the last eighth but tired when challenged in the last sixteenth MISS ROSEDALE was crowded lack shortly after the start but closed a gap gamely next to the inner rail in the stretch and finished fast MASQUEKAIH closed 113 much ground after beginning slowly CONTUSION also made up much ground GREEN WOODS tired badly in the stretch stretchScratched Scratched 02T 02T42lNorcrcss 42lNorcrcss 101 02493 = Golden Sweep 100 02447 John S Mosby 110