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Honest Bona Fide Reliable Information InformationCOL COL RICHARD 1TCHELL 1TCHELLPurveyor Purveyor of Sensational Turf Information InformationTERMS TERMS AND CONDITIONS ONE HORSE A DAY FOR SIX DAYS FOR THE NOMINAL SUM OF 10 SIX WINNING DAYS FOR 10 YESTERDAYS ONE HORSE HORSESENATOR SENATOR NORRIS 2180 Won WonThe The Colonel put over eight straight winners and is going stronger than ever I Look what you missed if you were not with me yesterday I I simply begged you not to miss this good thingr as I knew just what was going to happen Was I right 1 Ask any one of my clients they know knowIt It may seem hardly possible to the average person that it would be possible to put over eight consecutive winners out of nine releases This is a positive fact Ihave performsd miracles and my clients who have taken advantage of my information have won handsomely Do not be misled There is only one service that you can depend upon and that service is none other than Col Richard Mitchells One single trial will convince you Today I will give you another demonstration of my ability My past record will not compare with my future record because I am determined to make turf history and I am equipped to give the racing public the best winning1 information that money can buy Todays information comes to ms with a recommendation such as I have never received before and from what I know it will be one of the biggest things that I have ever released Every horse player should take advantage of todays information Under no consideration should you fail to get yours down on this good thing for it is your greatest opportunity opportunityMy My previous transactions and notice the caliber of my information TUESDAYS ONE HORSE HORSEDANGEROUS DANGEROUS 131 Won WonMONDAYS MONDAYS ONE HORSE HORSEDISCULE DISCULE 2640 Won WonSATURDAYS SATURDAYS ONE HORSE HORSEBELPRE BELPRE 343 Won WonFRIDAYS FRIDAYS ONE HORSE HORSEVALLEY VALLEY LIGHT 3340 1400 2nd 2ndTHURSDAYS THURSDAYS ONE HORSE HORSEMARY MARY O 560 Won WonIf If you desire this service if out of town wire ten dollars by Western Union or Postal Telegraph or if in city come up to my office open 930 a m to 4 p m mRICHARD RICHARD MITCHELL Room 1218 1480 Broadway New York City