Jamaica, Daily Racing Form, 1927-05-18


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Entries and Past Performances PerformancesJAMAICA JAMAICA WEDNESDAY MAY 18 w WEATHER CLOUDY j TRACK FAST Tho figures under the heading Bee in tha entries below show the best time of each horse at the distance since January 1 1926 no matter where it finished No time records are shown for a beaten horse over any distance when he is fifteen lengths back of th winner In cases where record was made on other than a fast or pood track abbreviations show track conditions 10083 IS FITIST INDEX OF 1927 12328 IS FlUST INDEX OF 3IVY 3IVYRacing Racing starts at 230 p m Chicago daylight savinss limp 130 Superior mnd rnnner X Good mud rnnner Fair mud runner M Maiden Apprentice allowance allowanceTli Tli folowinc abbreviations nrc used to designate tracks rt which time records shown in entries WITO made Akron Aqueduct Aurora Belmont Park Beulah Park Blue Bonnets Bine Grass Bowie Brighonse Park ParkBrooklyn Brooklyn Chinook Park Cliurchill Downs DownsClarksburg Clarksburg Columbus Col wood Park Coney Island Connaught Park Cranwcod Park Dado Park Delorimer Park Devonshire Dorval Dufferin Park Empire Erlanger Fair Grounds i Fairmonnt Park ParkFort Fort Erie Hamilton Hastings Park Havana Havre do Grace GraceHawthorne Hawthorne Huntington Jamaica Jefferson Park ParkJuarez Juarez Kcmpton Park Renilworth King Edward Lagoon Lav LavXansdowne Xansdowne Park LP LPLrtonia Lrtonia Lat LatLanrel Lanrel Lrl LrlLexington Lexington Ler LerLex Lex Colored FairLCF FairLCFLincoln Lincoln Fields LT LTLong Long Branch LB LBMaple Maple Heights MH MHMarlboro Marlboro Mar MarMiami Miami Mia MiaMobile Mobile Mob MobMount Mount Royal MR MRNLigara NLigara Falls NF NFOm Om ha Oma OmaOrlando Orlando Orl OrlPeoria Peoria Peo PeoPhoetiix Phoetiix Phx PhxFimlico Fimlico Fim FimPolo Polo Park FP FPFompano Fompano Pom PomBacsiand Bacsiand Bac BacRono Rono Rno RnoSalt Salt Lake BL BLSaratoga Saratoga Bar BarTampa Tampa Tarn TarnTanforan Tanforan Tan TanThistledown Thistledown Tdn TdnThorncliffe Thorncliffe Thf ThfTijuana Tijuana Tij TijTimbnium Timbnium Tim TimToledo Toledo Tel TelUnited United Hunts TTH TTHWashington Washington ParkWP ParkWPWheeling Wheeling Whe WheWhittier Whittier Park Wer WerWillows Willows Park W l lWindsor Windsor Win WinWoodbine Woodbine Wdb WdbYoungstown Youngstown Ygn Jamaica 1 mile mileFirst First Race 34 Mile MilePurse Purse 1000 3yrarolils and upward Allowances AllowancesTrack Track record Noah May 21 1125 111 3 120 120Todays Todays TodaysTnd Tnd Horse WtRec AWtHan 13287 Celidon Jam 123 112 4 120X740 120X740m9 m9 Sunsard Mia 110 111 5 120X735 13179 Watch On Jam 111 l13m 3 108 730 12880 Happy ArgoBel 115 111 4 114 723 13179 Lachen Jam 115 111 4 120 720 13357 Study 4am 117 112 4 114 715 12085 Watkinson JP 107 113 3 110710 1272 Extreme Hav 129 111 5 11CX705 13173 Poy Lrl 103 113 3 114X700 11433 Cannae 4 116 695 1331 Titan Jam 105 112 5 114G90 114G90127S5 127S5 Fantastic Hd 100 114 3 105 690 07480 Ward OWay M 4 114 085 13303 Heather WincM 4 114 C85 13254 Martha Martin Jam 124 111 5 109 085 12603 Lassa Aqu 120 112 3 108 C85 13255 False Pride Jam 111 113 3 108685 Second Race 58 Mile Purse 1000 2yearolds Allowances AllowancesTrack Track record Ontlino May 1C 1923 5S 2 111 13288 Mowlee Jam 118 101 119 12693 Maurice 1 13290 Eddie Ahearn Jam 118 r 9 119 725 13176 Charm Jam 10J 102 119 720 13333 Divot M Jam 112 102 115 715 12760 Philips FirstJam 119 103 11G710 13222 Jack Uiggins M 115 705 13290 Golden Auburn AuburnM M Jam 117103 115 700 13222 Manning M 115 695 12939 Cherrybrook M 115 C95 C95Third Third Race 34 Kile KileWilloughby Willoughby Handicap 1200 Added 3 yearolds and upward upwardTrack Track record Noah May 21 1923 111 3 120 13005 Copiago Jam 115 112 7 122 740 12886 Shuffle Along Bel 118 111 7114X735 09283 Cloudiand Bel 108 112 5126730 13255 Medley Jam102 112 3 106X725 09281 Ingrid Bel 119 l13sy 4 112x720 13357 Sandy Jam 117 112 4 U8715 13128 Bull Run Aqu 100 112 4110x710 13255 Jim Crow Jam 121 113 3 114 703 12804 War Flame M Mia 100 112 3 110 700 13255 Charade Jam 113 113 3 110X695 13039 Post Time Sar 100 113 4 107XC95 107XC95Fourth Fourth Race 1 116 Miles MilesNineteenth Nineteenth Running Garden City Claming Stakes 2000 Added 3yearolds and upward upwardTrack Track record Sting May 9 1925 142 4 106 13253 Grange M Jam 108 147 3109X735 13129 Black Bart Mia 110 l45s 6116X730 13036 McAuliffe Aqu 120 146 6 116X725 12639 Bruns Jam 92146 6116720 13329 Accokeek M 8 105 715 13129 Salta Jam 122 146 4120X710 12977 Ragweed Mia 113 145 4 112 705 12727 Adjutant M 3 100 700 13253 Atwater M 3 100 695 12987 Lanyard Jam 108 145 4 115 690 12838 Temeraire M JP 104 149 4 120 690 13179 Fine MannersJam 112 148 3 109X690 08669 Blether M 7 121 685 12977 Faddy Mia 109 148 3 102 685 13040 Blue Ridge Mia 103 146 6 121x685 13255 Cross Word 3 100 685 685Fifth Fifth Race 34 Mile Purse 1000 3 yearolds Maidens Allowances AllowancesTrack Track record Noah May 21 1923 111 120 13253 GRANGE Jam 115 113 118X740 13219 La Palina Jam 109 l14s 113T730 12727 Adjutant Jam 115 117 118 725 12975 Commissioner CommissionerHannon Hannon Jam 115 114 11S720 13004 Bucephalus HdG 112 114 118715 13253 Account Sar 110 113 118 710 13004 Pygmalion IldG 112 114 118 705 06828 Air Service Aqu 106113 118700 13226 Royal Alms Pirn 111 117 113 695 07996 Fire Opal Sar 109 115 113 690 13253 Armada 108 6901 12840 Laughing Lady I Jam 110 115 113 685 12840 Bristol Jam 115 116 118 685 13004 Dublin Show Jam 115 114 118 685 04899 Ominous 118 685 685Niagara Niagara Falls 113 Sixth Race 1 Mile and 70 Yards Purse 1000 3yearolds and upward Claiming ClaimingTrack Track record Sting May 15 1925 141 4 124 Aragon Jam 122 145 145The 7 124 733 The Soer Jam 111 146 4 116X730 John S MosbyJam 106 144 5 116X725 Scat Jam 120 144 3 113 720 Knsign Jam 110 l48m 5 119X715 Tjandl 6 116 710 Herbert Mia 112 145 4 116 705 Washington JP 114 143 143Madlyn 8 116700 Madlyn Mia 98 145 145Baldpate 3 110X695 Baldpate Bmp 113 149 149Blue 4 116 690 Blue Ridge Jam 110 146 5 116X690 Toney Dixon 3 113 090 Delhi Boy Emp 110 146 146Dorchester 5 121X690 Dorchester M 3 100 690 Jasonette Mia 103 146 146Accokeek 3 100 685 Accokeek MJam 110 148 148Zonitc 3 110 685 Zonitc 3 113 685 Ibby Jam 103 150 3 103 685 Cyclamen Jam 110 148 148Clear 3 100X685 Clear Sky MFG 107 148 148Le 3 113 685 Le Voyant M Jam 117 147 147St 4 110 685 St LawrenceJam 112 148 148Firedog 7 116X6S5 Firedog 3 110 685 Strolling SaintM Jam 110 147 Helene Uackworth LrI105 145 145Hijo 4 106X685 Hijo Jain 115 146 4 116X685

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1920s/drf1927051801/drf1927051801_12_1
Local Identifier: drf1927051801_12_1
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800