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The Monthly Form Book BookFOR FOR APRIL APRILNow Now on Sale THE MONTHLY FORM BOOK BOOKis is issued during the first week of each month with complete charts of the previous months racing in North America Each issue now carries an index showing each and every start of all horses in training with firsts seconds thirds and track conditions designated By means of this arrangement it is possible for the user of the MONTHLY FORM BOOK to in ¬ stantly determine a horses ability to run on any sort of track concerning which information is desired as shown in the fol ¬ lowing examples examplesACCOMPLISH ACCOMPLISH b f 2 by Polymelian Firis by McGee C Leroy King M9SGJ2 a9S72C b99028 99219 99 5 01t03 C01193 01S93 S0338C CQ5589 0 i004sy S07353 l0799i ACCOUNT b c 2 by Allumeur Contessina by Count Schomberg H K Bliss C02933 Hmli 10SS7G J0572Jm tOS527m JOSG73 JOSG73A A LESTER ch g 5 by Semprolus Betula by Hey del Sierras W Dalton 98130s 9S478 H0571 WaSOsy 01fi3G 0178S 02G3S S02390 S02390C03015 C03015 c0312G e03380 h CQ3944 1 04088 eOOOOO rOC2411i rOGSGJ 074r9 J07778 E078S7h cOS922s OS030 E090G4 09191 09233 BUCEPHALUS b c 2 by Buchan Zefa by Orme W J Salmon 07729sy S08109 S08109BUCK BUCK ch g 5 by Blond Buddy Beaming Beauty by Sweep G F Croissant Croissantr9Sr r9Sr 5G P9S598 POSSTiG1 P99120 133220 T99451 PO429 01781 ° 020233 02402 P031G3 J0463G 04720 JOS01C 108123 rOSIXM rOSIXMCORNFLOWER CORNFLOWER ch g 5 by Peter Quince Stick Pin by McGee Mrs E J Looper x J9S3G5 J98411 J98411J J 98948 J99r 17 17P0038S3h J99KlG5s 99GS9m 99GS9mJOOS73 J 99932 J 0003 In P0038S3h F00429H JOOS73 JOllllJIi JOllllJIiJ03530 Oir20 c01G55 c01G55e05i80 103173 i03411 J03530 E03729 E03729OCMOs e05i80 J 05943 05943J OG081s JOG353 OCMOs 30CS07s 30CS07sy 07007 J 08300 JOSGS3 ESPANOL blk g 3 by Escoba Ella II by Yankee F J Kearns X X9S482 9S482 98572 = 98723 198852 19S9tlz 1990741 P99122 T991S3 T991S3P99G032 P99G032 99753 100700 007S9 00900 101490 01575 01S95 021111 02945 0037G9 104104 OG703J OGS73 OG9731 07402s 07510 POS1G8 POS1G8ESPINO ESPINO br c 3 by Negofol Rose Leaves by Ballot W Zeigler Jr 01091s 0S3J 01394 r016W 01945 OS7G3sy 033S81s 03805 03805T05GSOm T05GSOm 05SG8s 0GJ09 OG557 OG557Index Index numbers in parentheses indicate winning races seconds and thirds are designated by superior figures and the conditions of the track is shown by the designations follow ¬ ing the index numbers as follows s for slow sy for sloppy m for muddy and h for heavy When not other ¬ wise designated fast or good track conditions prevail S indicates that the horse has run in steeplechase and hurdle races Fair mud runner xGood mud runner Superior mud runner Imported disqualified Index figures in italic face type indicate stake Before each race number in the index below an alphabet ¬ ical sign is prefixed which shows the distance at which the race so numbered has been run The key to these distances is given below In addition to the complete charts of all races run on North American tracks during the month comprehensively and correctly indexed the APRIL book contains the fol ¬ lowing lowingUseful Useful New Features FeaturesComplete Complete Index to Stakes Run Since January 1 1927 1927Stake Stake Dates for May Alphabetically Arranged ArrangedThirty Thirty Leading Owners Since January 1 1927 1927Thirty Thirty Leading Horses Since January 1 1927 1927Calendar Calendar Table of May Racing Dates DatesTrack Track Records for All Distances Price Per Copy 150 If by mail 10 cents additional Single copies by mail must be sent as registered mail with an extra charge of TEN CENTS for registration The publishers are in nowise responsible for books sent by mail without registration DAILY RACING FORM PUBLISHING CO 441 PLYMOUTH COURT CHICAGO ILIx 157159 EAST THIRTYSECOND STREET NEW YORK N T 50 RICHMOND STREET EAST TORONTO ONT 305307 DECATUR STREET NEW ORLEANS LA 2014 MIAMI COURT N W MIAMI FLA