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DAILY RACING FORM TO LUKE TTrTTT OTTCBEK 131 Entered as Fccundcliss Dialler April 2 1800 at the postoffice at Cuicaco Illinois under Act of March 3 1S70 W J KcMurray Publisher and General Manager Daily During Winter Months MonthsDaily Daily Except Sunday llalancu of the Tear TearA A daily reflection of the American turf by telegraph DAILY RACING FORM PUBLISHING CO COMl Ml PLYMOUTH COUXT CHICAGO ILL 1571S EAST 32nd 8T KEW YORK CITY X Y 60 RICHMOND STREET EAST TOKONTO ONT 305i07 DECATUH STHEET NEW OBLEAHS LA 20142016 MIAMI COURT N W MIAMI TLA TELEPHONE 2087 I1AURISON For biiKlnrss and circulation purposes only This telephone has no connection ivith the news or editorial departments and cannot be used to communicate with them 10083 is first index of 1927