6th Race [6th Jamaica, Daily Racing Form, 1927-05-18

past performance

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an 1 ° Yris 3yearolds and upward Claiming Track ree 1 sng May J5 ja23 14I I 124 Index Crs DIsTimc Tr Odds WtSt WtStARAGON StrFin Jockity Started Order of Finish ARAGON ch g 7 7Trainer 124 By Spanish Prince II Mabel Strauss by Uncle UncleCarroll Trainer M Carroll Owner M Carroll Breeder J Sanford 12841 Jam 170 l454i 31 122 5 1 1 le E KummerlO JnSMosby 117Koscsko H7Lockerhi llf 09258 now 61 f 120 ft 1 10S 13 10 7i 6 J A Abel 13 Curveur 101 Nimrod lit Warning lot 09202 I5ow GJ f 121 ft 195 108 10 4 4 J 3 R Hoade 13 Washton HGBYCcrshel llKNewHety 100 08624 Emp 170 150 ft 5 110 1 1 1 2tl J Maiben 7 SirGaladll HOKodeo IKJAIexMoore 105 08104 Jam 34 lI3ft 115 116 4 3 2 2 L Fator 8 Uepriwil llSHullabalixi llSIolymns Ji l 07724 Jam 34 l13sy 12 111 7 8 Gl 4 G Powers 11 ComrCahill 1081 Newllope 10l lulu 113 02218 Bel 34 we 113 ft 7 112 1 1 ln S4i W Smith 19 Dream Maker 111 Sox 103 CraMe 108 tDIsqualified THE SEEK br r 116 By Prince Pal Crystal Ibid by Firatfl of Pen Penzance zance zanceGreenwich Trainer r J Kearns Owner Ownerl7014fift Greenwich Village Stable Breeder Xalapa Farm 13257 Jam l7014fift 7 118 1 1 2 2 L Barcene 0 JSMosby 115Compticn KWLockerbic 113 127X1 Jam 1 115 153 m 3 115 1 S 3 i 3 1 L Barcene T BsieGershel llJKrtyBoy 112BRidge 113 12126 HiHI 34 117 ay 135 113 9 9Gif 7 5 2 D Kmcry 13 DrHiikman HSGaffer 113Red Light 105 12393 Bow Gif 121 ft 6 1H 2 G 7SJ 61 J Stevens 12 MkMaster 116 TenSixty 108 Lemnos 110 12352 Bow 61 f l2f hy 7 116 3 3GJfl2 5 2 = 2 D Duboia 7 WildAster llGBonrtta 105 Washington 110 12311 Bow GJfl2 hy 12 120 4 8 6 4 J Stevens 13 1ong Point 119 Ten Sixtjr IOC Tillie 102 1149 Alia 34 l13Hfl 3110 115 4 3 1 11 J Stevens 14 WderfnIOne llOAIitaAlIen lOTTillie 102 11438 3Iia 34 1I2H 4310 110 7 5 44 41 E AmbrseU PocketMouse 115 Volt llOAccumnlator 115 11286 Mia 34 l13fl 6 110 5 3 2 2 E AmbrselO AlexWdlfe llOAIitaAfn 1071 BGrte 110 11009 Mia 34 l134ft 11 113 4 5 3 3 3 E Ambrsel4 NitMch 113Grapestone 103PoctMse 110 JOHN S MOSBY ch y B BTrainer 116 By Sea King Puff by Ballot BallotOwner Trainer W H Travers Owner Ascot StaWoV Breeder C J Byan 13257 Jam 170 1 46V ft A 113 3 4 in In K Force 0 TheSeer llSCompntion 109Lockerbie 115 13088 Jam 170 l47 l47sgd sgd 6 114 3 2 2 4J K Force 12 Cpsafii lOSBelhiBoy 125NitMareli 120 12811 Jam 170 l43ift 3 117 2 2 2J 2 II Gottup 10 Aragon 122 Koscuisko 117 Lockerbie 112 12595 Jam 3ll13 20 115 4 C 5li 4 J K Force 12 TVintner 121GdnPennt 113Firrdog 114 11420 Mia 1 116 7gJ2310 110 3 3 S 8 G Fields 9 SpyPrincc llOJtFdlks llOHighChief 103 11224 Mia 1 116 IMSVft 195 110 4 5 7T1 7 C Zoeller 13 Delusive 110 Warfare llOAccumulator 103 1 1 181 Mia 1 11G 143 ft 1310 111 1 3 3S 3 C Zoeller 8 North Breeze 100 Rigel 110 Delusive 110 110 1 1 Mia 1 116 l45 ift 19 107 4 3 4 4 4T C Zoeller 11 Byway 103Swoop 114GallopingShoes 111 10900 Mia 1 11G I01 isy3110 105 4 3 3 3s C Zoeller S Sonny 1071 Torcher 107 Warfare 103 tDisqualified SCAT b c 3 113 By Chicle Sketchy ty Peter Pan PanTrainer Trainer J Byer Owner J Byer Breeder H P Whitney 13091 Jam 1 18 l52gd 4 110 3 2 2 2 J OBrien 7 Forecaster ISOResourcefiil 109Phidias 110 13005 Jam 170 lMft 920 120 6 1 in 2 L Fator G Cerulean 125 Hidiman 115 Commer 120 12933 Jam 1 116 117 ft 32 113 3 1 1 1 C Rails 5 DrwgBrd 115Wi8hSfne 115Herkert 110 12599 Jam 170 l459ft 7 110 4 4 5 31 C Halls II Ko Vaster 12Briarbm 122ColoneISeth 115 07295 Aqii 5S 59ft 3 112 6 7 10 J SU J Mai ben 11 Potent 114Watkinson 122GChauveIot 114 06825 Aqu 34 lI2ft 4 117 1 2 I Sf1 I Fator 9 Don Bonero 113 Laxsa 120 Dunmore 110 06645 Bel 34 st l12ft 20 11111 2 G G l J Maiben 17 Houston 114CandyPic lOSBonBonpro 109 05314 Sar Gl f 103 gd 10 113 8 7 7i 7 J J Maiben 13 SunLynn 114 IldesMgnes 112 NUigh 110 fPlaced second through disqualification ENSIGN ch c 5 119 By Pennant Toucan by Star Rnby RnbyTrainer Trainer H Goodwin Owner W R Hookim Breeder S Bess 13181 Jam 170 l4 m 10 110 5 1 1J In W Bank 9 GraysLady 105Fridayl3th 120Panola 105 105124H4 124H4 II 1G 34114V ft 6f 11411 10 10lI109l C Lang 15 WitdAster HGGymkhana mPichonne 114 11412IM7 12IM7 JI 34 Il44ft 9 113 2 10 6 G F Horn 11 TVintner 113HunPine HSMvinMay 112 11851 JP 34 lHal 175 120 3 5 4 J 4i G Kllis 12 Brunswick llSDelhi Boy HOWildrake 114 11535 FG 34113 ft 2 119 7 7 6T1 Ss G Arnold 12 MasierSweep 113 HatsUp 119 Venus 111 11450 FG 34 l13Ssl 81 118 3 4 11 2 F Stevens 12 Fore Stir 107 Tom P 115 DustyMary 111 11308 FG 34 l14 4ft 3 116 S 4 31 41 F Stevens 11 Talladega 112TenSixty lOSMkMaster 114 114TJANDI TJANDI b h 6 116 By Pommern Hot Cross Bun by Rising Glass GlassTrainer Trainer J BatUr Owner H B Freck Bred in England by J P Whalen 09206 Bow 1 11G l5oft 125f 107 8 1 1 I1 H Church 15 Slate 100 Greek Friar 105MildredSherer 99 09113 Bow 1116155 liy 16 113 2 7 7 7 II Wliaraa 7 Spugs J13MilMSherer 105RedWTieM 113 09050 Pirn 1 316 201sft 26 99 4 3 8IS 9 P Fisher 19 Alopex 115 Iledgefence IOC ItyGosh 111 0889 Pirn 1 516 202fl 2J 116 5 2 12 J12 n WliamsrJHoiPoIloi 107VhI rreze 103UBraxted 104 1040870L 0870L Irl 1115143 ft IJf 112 6 1 1 1 R WJUmsl2 Krica 112 Slate 107 Itoyal Flag 105 08389 Lrl 34 lU im 12f 116 1 9 13S1314 U Fowler 13 Ltherwd 118MyMonarch llSMaxiva 103 HEEKEKT b K 4 116 By Negofol Hidden Star by Burgomaster BurgomasterBeacom Trainer G E PhilHos Beacom Manor StaWe Breeder Xalapa Farm 13223 Jam 170 l46sd 41 2 lak 2s D McAffe 8 FlyingAl lllKosciusko lUWRStone 114 12933 Jam 1 1lfi 147 ft S 4 4 J 411 J Hastie 5 Scat 115fDrawKPoard 115VishStone 115 10059 Pom Gifl2Grt 13 3 1 1 R Zucchini 7 Cilmorc 93 Kill Crass 97 Crapestone 100 08515 1P llUEd 65 2 2 1 J Majestic 9 BobSpqlding lOOCatesliy 112fntried 101 07954 KI 31 111 ft 43 8 Gl 6l ° R echini 8 Ieolmpc OSForctclI 9SUavindDalc 102 05G27 Ken 78 l53hy 21 G C 5 i C llealy 6 Pricklylkat 105 EiiaM OG ClockColf 113 05043 T ln 1 316 03Hihy 6 3 C14 o C Healy 7 Maxie 107BrfnieSniiIe 109NlhBreeze 100 04513 MII l7014trt 8 7 75J 7 J P Cogan S Escarra 102 Pud 93 Brownie Smile 102 03235 FK 1 116 IMSTift 115 5 6J2 511 W Smith 5 Worm wold 110 The Missus 92 Powder 113 WASHINGTON ch g 8 8Trainer 116 By Ballot Hazzaza by Cunard CunardOwner Trainer W Bosen Owner Mrs M X Davis Breeder H H Hewitt 129 0 Jam 170146 ft ft127C5 7 117 12 71 A Sulick 13 Kosciusko 117SamSmith 117SgEditor 110 127C5 Jam 170 l4Sgd 4 115 6 3 W Quirk 7 Sandswept 105 StereedesE 105 Hijo 115 12635 Jam 34 l14ft 20 121 12 12 9s SU H Wakoffl2 Aversion HOWililAstcr 121BaldPate 121 12399 Bov 170146 ft 5 116 4 2 21 fJ2 G E11U 11 BesUershel 114Typecuttcr 114SIaxie 114 1147f 12380 Bow Gi f liSisl 7f 11G 3 5 Gl GH G Ellis 13 Ilidso lluMkMlcr HOKgONMl II 112 12352 Bow Gi f l2ahy 13 11G 1 3 4s 47 C Lang 7 WildAster lllSThet HODonetta 100 09225 Bow 170 l44 fl 28 111 6 8 9TJ S11 L Schaefer 13 Canister 105 Ix di 100 Tosliell 103 09202 Bow 51 f 121 ft 17 118 3 2 lh 1 C Lang 13 BeCershel lllAragon lOSNewBeauty 109 08912 Pirn 3 l12ttrt l12ttrtMADLYN 77 ICO 15 15 1515 4 It Hoade 13 Ghana 115UedPent 108KathnCrby 110 MADLYN blk f 3 By Boniface Lovers Lane H by Yankee Trainer A Swenke Owner Mrs A Swenke Breeder J T Monissey 13257 Jam l70146 ft 83 10J 5 2 4 7 J Hastie 9 JnSMosby 115TheSeer llSComption 109 13132 Jam 701430d 12 105 7 1 U 2f G Arnold 0 Izetta 103 Cerulean 122 Hijo 113 12768 HdG 70147gd 123 101 4 4 6 i 5 D Emery 9 LongJoe 113Dexter 115JohnW Weber 100 12646 Hil 701467sft 145 1 7 1 2 3 3 D Kmery 7 Ixing Joe 113 Ourieda 107 Tahoma 100 1001234H 1234H Bow 70152 hy 32 107 4 3 41 4 M Fisnmn G ColSeth HSSkgWater laiCysI dy 108 12315 Bow 7015 hy 135 107 1 1 1 1J J C Merur 7 So Water 105rysLady 109QuBessie 100 tDisqualified tDisqualifiedBALDPATE BALDPATE ch c 4 116 By Finn Marcus Latest Fashion by Spearmint SpearmintTrainer Trainer J S McDonald Owner J S McDonald Breeder A B Hancock Hancock1T003 1T003 Jam 34 l13ft 1S5 US 7 S 3ll 21 E KummerlS MeFremro lOOThnRIosin 105Melmor 103 12762 Jam 34 114 gd 10 US 3 6 G1 S J E KummerlS Iwooil 122FrfnSxy HOTlieVintner 119 12635 Jam 34 l14ft 13 121 4 3 2 3 E Kummerl2 Aversion 119Wild Aster 1211eatherd 124 09258 Bow Gif 120 ft 225 111 4 2 Gl 7 C Lang 13 Curreur 101 Nimnwl 113 Warning IOC 09025 Pirn 34 114 ft 9f 107 12 6 53i 74J J ChalmrslS DVrSignal 107XthBrzc 104NButy 103 08720 Kinp 170 IMS ft 10 113 2 4 5 1 S E Kummcr 9 WishgStone HSByGosh ISODelhiBoy 125 12508G2I 08G2I Emp al 34 110 ft 20 11412 11 9 9110CJ 110CJ R Hoade 15 TheVinfr HOUigeletto IKJIeatherd 113 08362 Emp ab34 lllrim 10 110 1 1 21 3 J Maiben 13 Julie 112 Tea Bait 105 Wildrake 110 BL77E RIDGE ch g 5 TONEY DIXON b c 3 113 By Black Toney Mrs F G Hogan by Sir Dixon DixonTrainer Trainer S W Bichards Owner S W Bichards Breeder H N Davis 130861am 34114 34114126891Jam 5 G10 61J O Iiidley S Tho Vintner 121Melinor lUOQuadrille 102 126891Jam 5i f 1OS 3 lok 1 O Laidley 10 KdithI llOThnIUosm HOSandswpt 111 10292 Tij 5S S 100 ft 95 111 5 4 4s 4 F J Baker 9 PlataKeal 115 Tinllat 114 Sun Vive 113 10 118 Tij 58100 i8 l00ft 4 105 3 61 71 F J Baker r lOTTodSluan lOOSunwina 10 09973 Tij 34 11G 116 si 175 105 3 2 41 5 F J Baker 6 Ftit Dance 112A11 of It lOSFireCapfn 103 DELHI BOY br K 5 121 By Delhi Graccnote by Yankee Trainer G W Coburn Owner Canyon Stable Breeder J D Carr Bro 13223 Jam 170 l gd 41 119 3 7 71 7i L Fator 8 Flying Al 111 Uerkert 11C Kosciusko 114 13088 Jam 1 70 l47 Rd 5 123 S 5 44 Z C Allen 12 ComValion lOSNitMHi ILOJSMosby 114 12794 Jam 1 1lC l47ft 1H 7 6 61 5 J Marr 7 Prattlt 115 Aversion 115IIiKliwaynian 113 12602 HdG 1 1S l3Tft 2310 116 7 3 312 E Barnes 7 NrthBrze 112Marat 103BctsyBacon 104 12305 JP 1 llGl4SKft 7 113 G 1 lh 2 2k ° k 15 Chvettall BIueTonh 112Burnt 115FrenihIady 103 12266 JP 1 116150 ft G5 110 4 1 Il li G Johnsonl2 Balililing 100 EightSixty 100 Nereid 100 12133 JP 1 llGl51V sl 710 113 7 2 2J 2 D Connllyl2 Ievoy 113 Transfer 103 Blah IOC 11916 JP 1 116 147 It 30 114 10 10llSl53 10 9 = 7 F Stevens 10 Dolly Bay 105 Banter 113 Mysterious 117 11731 JP llSl53 ift 6 113J G 1 21 44 D Conellj12 StarFalcon 104GoodNght lllStonere 110 DORCHESTER ch c 3 M 110 By Negofol Kockalou by Trap Bock BockNewtondale Trainer N Tallman Newtondale Stable Breeder E F Simms 132 IS Jam 34 l13sl 15 110 7 3 2 2i J Frach 12 KaotMiXot 114ShiirKlrt HOSabret 113 12975 Jam 34 ll ll7sft 7sft 12 10513 13 13 13 N Coltofr 14 BkPepper 113CHannon 115WQueen 110 08620 Emp 51 f lOSft 8 112 4 1 1 01 M Buxton 13 Vnlatiay 113 PortoBCold 110 Azov 115 08223 Emp 5S 102 ft 15 113 12 12 1071 7 1 F Catrone 15 onite 118 Formula 115 Foundation 118 07830 Jam 5 MOSKd 15 10713 13 I3 13 L SteinhtI3 IfkThorn 114 Eurasia HOlLitPpoose 112 0 J353 Bel 31 f st l067ift CO 113 10 12 213 F Catrone 14 Birley MC llSHamoneiir 115CIearce 115 06245 Bel 55 f st l07 4sl GO 104 S 5 61 6J F Catrone 8 Patrich 105CerncCli velot HOAthel 113 05959 Bel 51 f we 105 ft 40 106 13 9 9J 911 F CatronelS Jk oClubs 112OHveDexter 113Chaft 10S JASONETTE b f 3 3Trainer 100 3y King James Golden Fleece by Trojan TrojanT Trainer T J OHara Owner T J OHara Breeder A C Bandoloh 12980 Jam 170115 ft 2 103 S 4 3U 4s S PalumbolS Koseiusko HTSamSinitli HTSgKditor 110 12726 Jam 170149 in IGH J07 4 412551itTII 3 21 5J W O Beat l WslisStone 11ODrgBoanl HOIzetta 102 12551itTII all 1 l43 ft 7 103 1 2 11 J W Obert S Kndless 126 Pop Bell llOBrown Stout 125 12502 rH ab 34 l14 ft GSe 103 3 3 3n 2 W Obert 11 BnStotit 121FourtrenSixty HGIzetta 110 1 ITCH Mia 1116143 f I 4710 109 2 2 5SJ 5 1 F Chvetta Faddy 100 Solo 118 Mbntclair 103 11678 Mia 1 116 IMSrifjd fJ 93 3 1 1 2 S Hclicrt 8 Warfare 1OSJW Welter 95JrsNurse 91 11632 Mia 170 l45ft 5110 1W 4 3 4 31 E Fewell 8 Madlyn lOOIzetta 107VagabondKing 110 11227 Mia l70143lift 5 104 6 C 6 C 5 S Hebcrt C CdyPig HOPinoGoId 109oldPrince 112 11109 Mia 1116113 ft 17 10S 5 5ACCOKEEK 1 li 2 E Fewell 10 PortoBGold HOVernou 113Montclair 115 ACCOKEEK blk c 3 M M20NITE i 110 For past performances see fourth race 20NITE br c 3 3Trainer 113 By Donnacona Zonia by Blarney BlarneyOwner Trainer C Buxton Owner C Buxton Breeder T V7 Garnett 12883 Jam 170 113 ft 6 113 F F126891Jam Fell M Buxton 9 PhidiaK 121FlyingAl lUItctplirizonia 121 126891Jam 51 f lOSl lOSli i l 31 115 6 1 3J 6 J M Buxton 10 TyDixon llOKdithl llOThnBlosm 110 110l 087 1C Emp ab3l l10Hft l 5 122 3 3 4 41 M Buxton 7 Huffy 122 Montclair 122 Avisack II 119 08223 Ktnp 5S 102 ft 4 US 1 1 1 1 M Buxton 15 Formula 11 Foundation HSKgPriam 113 06002 Bel 5J f we l067ssy 10 113 5 7 6s GCJ K Hgland 9 CdyPig 113C nsaton 108 Mtrliir 113 05584 Sar 51 f lOSift 10 US 4 2 Gl 64 J CallahanlS Lissa 118 TheCode 118 MartinisCnddy 118 03596 Aqu 5S lOi Aft 75 110 G 1 31 5 i J CallahanH Crimdus 12UArsicid 105LoisItinfhirt 108 02186 Bel 41 f we 33 ft 30 102 7 6 31 31 W Partonl3 Athcl 108 Watch On 107 Mediu 108 01475 Pirn 41 f 3l ft 11 115 4 4IBBY 4 41 5 J Maiben S Casting 115TomyFoster 115 OverLord 115 IBBY ch f 3 3Trainer 105 By Crimper Home King by Sea King Kingrner Trainer E Bell Owner rner J Go Gorpa Breeder P H Faulconer 13088 Jam 1 71 l47 iRiI 13 lt im 9 9 gUO A Couccl 12 Cpsafii lOSDlhiBoy 125NitMarih 120 12733 IMG 34 l14 sft 9f 103 I 15 15 135 J CirirnerslSMissFayitlelOSPoorSportnsSunSwppt US 11231 Hav 34 l13 ft 3 92 5 3 2 1 J Morar S Saraspa 112 fJalusha 115 Contry 112 11114 Ilav 1 11G l47Hft S 102 7 4 51 5 G Taylor 7 Sniper 112ti ttv Klvira 102Tlie Tailor 108 11024 Hav 34111 ft 6 102 7 7 7 7 J G Taylor 8 Cut Bush 107 Xoya 101 Cuerrien 105 10556f 09279 Bow 7Sl27iKd 56f 9311 9 S 914 R Cooper 11 Sigiioht 111 Woodio 109 Yalovian 101 09201 Bow 31 l13tt 35 99 9912 12 13 13 11 G Taylor 13 BestFriend 115Wuodco 112CapnDick 113 08472 Lrl 31 l13rigd 17r 107 11 13 13 12 II Church 13 ISmile lOOiKkLight 115UoekThorn 112j CYCLAMEN ch f 3 100 100J By Omar Khayyam Belle Fleur by Eon Trainer J Bauer Owner F Spear Breeder A B Hancock 13257 Jat 1701 l70l4Gtfl f I D 103 7 7 i S11 E Fewell 9 JnSMosby 115TheSeer HSComptlon 10l 13088 Jai 170 ll7 iJ d 15 10J 3 S 1212 C oeller 12 psatn lOSDolhiBoy 1 25 Nit March 120 12811 Jai 170 l3ift 12 110 9 6 7TI G E HobbinslO Arason 122JiiSMoKby 117Kos uisko 117 11717U4J 12726 Jai 17U4J in 20 110 8 8 81S S K Uolibins 9 WshgStonc 120lrgBoard HOlzetta 102 J 1353 K 34 llCVigd 1010 10G 5 7 S S M McGgle 9 BillyK lOISingingCricket 1051olIyS 1011 10770 FC 31 UlaTift I 105 1 2 3 = 7 1 L Pichon 12 Gncn Back 115oy 112Gnome Second 110 09108 Bo 34 117 hy 41 10G 10 12 12 12 II ThomaslS ItobbyJoiies 102 Vortex llSPomonkey 109J 08443 En i lfl07Bd G 100 4 3 3J 4J It Havild 14 JoCIubs 112RcdSpr 114Theresaru 1IOJ 08320 En i 51 f lOSihy 113 10D 1 2 2s Sl J Maiben 7 Arabia 114 JoanShirley 103MercedeKU 105 105GS 07991 Jat GS lOJ tft 10 107 2 1 nt lt J Maiben 11 BnaMona lHAIIVirga 107AvisuckII117 CLEAR SKY b p 3 M 111 By Sir Barton Herd Girl by Colin ColinTrainer Trainer J Lowe Owner J Lowe Breeder M B B Jones 13136 Pim l70147 ft 41 105 G 7 G 3 i K Barnes S Lnclarius HOGoldonVolt 110 Media 100 13094 Pirn St 115 gd 17 110 4 5 41 41 K Barnes 5 SargaMajc 117IIfdgefVe 122Arle ian 107 107107X3 107X3 FG l70141sft 11 ID 9 7 2 2 D Lynch 12 Redllvey H2FthfulFrd 102BrnSilk 107 10572 KG 170 l4Sft 30 111 8 3 4 1 4 1 L Pichon 10 Croatmi 11 5 Red Harvey llOGoldBdls 105 10393 KG 170149 ft 127 11010 5 5 5i L Pichon 12 Fkllawley HSColdltclls 105Croalan 112 10266 KO 11IS l50Hft 1G6 101 9 10 10MO B Finnrty 10 JnyDear 103Bunthorne lOOKdnaCook 100 10156 lG 31 l15Hft 12 1101110 9 J10 L Pichon II Kfeldee lllFkllawley HGMmiTriad 110 10013 JP S4 l13 ft 30t 103 8 11 7 J S G Johnsonl2 Coy 110 Violet Betty 110 Sabha 107 LE VOYANT b c 4 M 110 By Chateau L f ite L Voyante by Ax dAtomt dAtomtTrainer Trainer C Moore Owner Hiversido Stable Bred in Franco br JarieL 11767 Mia 3411 ft 107 115 10 10 10 9 J A Collins 10 Policenay lOOBallCee llOCroistanls 110 11736 Mia 34 l13ft 185f 115 G 6 11 414 J A Collins 14 Palm Court 103 Helen T 103 Lemno 110 1125 Mia 1116 l47Tt 5 HO 1 7 7 7 7 J Maiben 7 Overdraft 105 Sonny 111 Hijo 110 110110T7 110T7 Mia 34 l12ft 583 110 10 10 7 J 5 1 C Allen 10 FIoralKing HSGymkhana HSBallGce 113 08051 Jam 170 l46ft 31 117 3 4 4ll i F Catrone 9 Arden lOGKfnLad 112JBennyRubin 106 07463 Jam 1 116 l4SsI 12 103 10 10 6J1 5i H WakofflO Alopex 106 Insulate 103 Spugs 111 07299 Aqu 1141 ft 7 105 4 4 4 1 4 H Wakof f 4 The Roll Call 113 Tempesto 101 Miel 108 07134 Aqu 1 l39 4ft 108 11 11 8 7 II Wakoff 11 ByGosh 116 Insulate 113 Tempesto 111 ST LAWRENCE br e 7 7Trainer 116 By Rapid Water Mettie Bereaud by Jean Bereaad BereaadV Trainer C San ford Owner W V Dwver Breeder G W J BisselL 13181 Jam 170 l4Sm 50 110 S 9 SI 8s W Kelly 9 Ensign llOGraylsLady 105Fridayl3th 120 12980 Jam 170146 ft 60 112 4 2 51 GT W Kclley 13 Kosciusko 117SamSmith 117SgKditor 110 124 UI I abll24Sft 30 149 2 Pulled upB Kleeger 9 Volunteer 132GunBoat 144FourCourts 130 09206 Bow 1 116 l50V4ft 125f 101 2 S 9113 9113s = s P Fisher 15 Tjandi 107 Slate 100 Greek Friar 103 08910 Pirn 24OOV4ft 4J 144 1 5 G 6 B Kleeger 11 Husky 147Kangaroo 142OrjentHope 134 08827 Pirn 2 403J ra 31 145 3 6 64 6JI B Kleeger 3 Husky 142Kangaroo 139SuintPancras 139 FIREDOG b c 3 110 110Trainer By Under Fire Avis by Ballot BallotBreeder Trainer F F Brant Owner F M Kelly Breeder B T Judr 13328 Jam 34 l13ft 12 10311 8 S 73 J Hastie 14 BabyGar HOFfnSixty 125DBonero 120 13003 Jam 34 l13ft 5 10710 9 10 10 1 E Fewell 13 MmePrssee 109Bdpate HSTnBIom 105 12762 Jam 34 114 gd 8 103 7 5 4 61 E Fewell 13 Lwood 122FrfnSxy llOTheVintner 119 12595 Jam 34 l ft 12 111 6 4 31 3 E Robbinsl2 TVintner 121GPennt 113JSMosby 115 115123G7 123G7 Bow 341154sl 35 110 4 7 Si G E Robbins 8 Mariner 110 Cross Word 107 Pop Bell 114 11992 JP 34 l14sft 68 107J10 10 1010 E RobbinslO BirleyMC lOOSureshot lOGBesUiVnd 106 106STROLLING STROLLING SAINT ch c 3 M 110 By Abbots Trace Rose Maybnd by Sander SanderTrainer Trainer J Russell Owner Laurel Park Stud Stable Bred in England by J Robinson 13132 Jam l70143gd 12 11 9 4 4 6 L Hammn 9 Izetta 103 Madlyn 103 Cerulean 122 12975 Jam 34 lllft 30 115 6 5 J4 1 L Hammnl4 BkPepper 115CHannon 113WQueen 110 12595 Jam 34 l13ft 30 lli 9 7 10 9 E Ambrsel2 TVintner 121Gdtnlennt 113Firedoc 114 HELENS HACKWORTH br f 4 106 By Rock View Jane Straith by Dalhousis DalhousisTrainer Trainer M Hackett Owner M Hackett Breeder A B Hancock 12596 Jam 1 116 l4SVsft 4 113 4 4 41 4 1 G Arnold 4 Izetta lOOMercedesK llOGrTgsLady 110 12391 Bow lllGl4Sf 13710 103 1 1 1 3 J H Church 5 Dr OMara 110 Smacker 103 Zeod 110 12368 Bow 1 116 l49sl 10 104 5 6 Gi 6T E Brtnt 8 Duckling lOONorthBreeze 107Uidalgo 114 12338 Bow CJfl24hy 33 107 3 4 4 J 5CJ R Peternelll MyraM 112 WildAster 121 HCarroll 108 09109 Bow 34115 hy 20 11113 13 13 13 H Richds 13 Mormon 103LadyGlassen 109tNimrod 111 HIJO b f 4 116 By Spanish Princ IL Sneariana by Assagai AssagaiTrainer Trainer E Sietas Owner J Fendrick Breeder J K L Ross 13223 Jam 170 l46gd S US 6 3 41 5 L Simon 8 Flying Al 111 Herkert 116 Koscinsko 114 13132 Jam 170 l43gd 30 115 4 G 54i 4f4 L Simon 9 Izetta 103 Madlyn 105 Cerulean 122 1 5 ij5 5 6 4 i 4 N Dlvito Dlvitolir lir 85Mia 1 14 207d 47 110 3 11547 Mia 1 1S l52ft 68 110 1 6 6 1 6 G Fields G Tractor lllFeuCroise llGKirellnder 103 11361 Mia 1 14 2C7ft 95 110 1 T 710 8 G Fields 8 Hoi Polloi 106J Sandrae 110 Cerulean 108 11259 Mia ll16147Hft 30 110 4 2 31 34 G Fields 7 Overdraft 103 Sonny 111 Seagrave 103 11184 Mia llI6147ft 86 110 7 9 9U 9 i G Fields 9 Xtra 100 Seagrave 100 LadyBraxted 107 fPlaced third through disqualification

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1920s/drf1927051801/drf1927051801_13_3
Local Identifier: drf1927051801_13_3
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800