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THE BELL 3 DAILY 15 WEEKLY Last Minute information informationDIRECT DIRECT FROM THE TRACK OX TWO HORSES SET TO VIVH The Bells Record RecordWinners 500 Horsemans Winners Winners Winners Yesterday YesterdayROYAL Special 10 Daily DailyGaaranteed ROYAL SWEEP 380 Won WonSKIPAWAY Gaaranteed to run first or second or SKIPAWAY Lost LostLUCKY subscription refunded refundedTUESDAYS LUCKY DRIFT 10 0 Won WonFLYING FLYING CLOUD 700 Woa WoaISOSTASY TUESDAYS 500 HORSEMANS ISOSTASY 620 Won WonANITA SPECIAL ANITA PEABODY 0 Won WonMOUXT MOUXT BEACOJf 408 Won WonCHOICE SPECIALWon CHOICE 869 Won WonAZURE Won WonMondays AZURE 6 0 Won WonLONGCHAMPS LONGCHAMPS 928 Won WonExcitement Excitement ExcitementThere Mondays Horsemans Special WON WONTodays There will be more excitement caased when THE BELL Specials win today Todays transaction will be bandied In than Armistice Day oer followers followersBe among tbe sane highclass manner us we handled Be With Us Today TodayTHE oar Subscription other transactions transactionsSubscription limited to fifty Chicago THE CHIEF SAYS SAYSTodays players and fifty outoftown players It is necessary to protect the price on these Todays two will positively be specials and thereby insure our connec ¬ off In front when the barrier is tions that they will not be broadcast broadcastImportant sprung There will be no slipping of saddles no weak rides and no mishaps These two will travel so Important Notice NoticeTHE fast that when passing the fur ¬ long poles the riders wnl see double and new track records will THE BELL Is the only organization be created that protects its followers with a bond fide refnnd of subscription in the ereat that WEEKLY SUBSCRIPTION 15 15DAILY we do not produce the roods roodsWe DAILY LETTER 3 3THE THE BELL Letter is on sale at all We are like the man who eats in his leading newsstands in principal cities citiesBIG own restaurant we as well as our fol ¬ lowers back up these transactions with BIG SUBSCRIPTION OFFER OFFERTo large wagers wagersOUTOFTOWX To those who subscribe to our weekly OUTOFTOWX PLATERS PLATERSWire service we will release our Big Special Wire 16 for todays special specialCHICAGO that goes Saturday May 21 21Chicago CHICAGO PLAYERS PLAYERSCall Chicago players call at our offices Call at our offices THE BELL 10 NORTH CLARK STREET SUITE 1102 CHICAGO ILL TELEPHONES RANDOLPH 522852295230 OFFICE HOURS 9 A M to 6 P M