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Entries and Past Performances PerformancesCHURCHILL CHURCHILL DOWNS WEDNESDAY MAY 18 18WEATHER WEATHER CEOUDY TRACK PAST The figures under the heading1 Hec in tha entries below show the best time of each horse at the distance since January 1 192G no matter where it finished No time records are shown for a beaten horse over any distance when he is fifteen lengths bade of the winner In casos where record was made on other than a fast or good track abbreviations show track conditions 10083 IS FIRST INDEX OF 1927 1288 IS FIItST IX1 EX OF MAT Racine starts at 200 p ru Chicago daylight rcarinc time 300 0 Superior mud runner X flood mud runner Fair mud runner SI Maiden Apprentice Ilowance IlowanceThe The following nhhrcvialions nre itsod to designate tracks at which time records shown in entries wen made Akron Aqueduct Aurora Belmont Park Beulah Park Blue Bonnets Blue Grass Bowis Brigbouse Park ParkBrooklyn Brooklyn Chinook Park Churchill Downs DownsClarksburg Clarksburg Columbus Colwood Park Coney Island Oonnaught Park Cranwood Park ParkDade Dade Park Delorimier Park ParkDevonshire Devonshire Dorval Dufferin Park Empire Erlanger Fair Grounds Fatrnnunt Park ParkTort Tort Erie Hamilton Hastings Park Havana Havre de Grace GraceHawthorne Hawthorne Huntington Jamaica Jefferson Park ParkJuarez Juarez Kempton Park Knnilworth King Edward Lagoon Lag LagLansdowne Lansdowne Park LP LPLatania Latania I at atLaurel Laurel Lrl LrlLexington Lexington Lex LexLex Lex Colored FairLCF FairLCFLincoln Lincoln Fields LF LFLone Lone Branch LB LBMaple Maple Heights MH MHMarlboro Marlboro Mar MarMiami Miami Mia MiaMobile Mobile Mob MobMount Mount Roval MR MRNiagara Niagara Falls NF NFOmaha Omaha Oma OmaOrlando Orlando Orl OrlPooria Pooria Peo PeoPhoenix Phoenix Phx PhxPimlico Pimlico Pirn PirnPob Pob Park PP PPPompano Pompano Pom PomRaceland Raceland Rac RacReno Reno Rno RnoSalt Salt Lake SL SLSaratoga Saratoga Sar SarTampa Tampa Tarn TarnTanforan Tanforan Tan TanThistledown Thistledown Tdn TdnThorncliffe Thorncliffe Thf ThfTjuana Tjuana Tij TijTimonium Timonium Tim TimToledo Toledo Tol TolUnit Unit d Hunts UH UHWashington Washington ParkWP ParkWPWheeling Wheeling Whe WheWh Wh ttier Park W r rWillows Willows Park Wil WilWindsor Windsor Win WinWoodbie Woodbie Wdb WdbYoungstown Youngstown Ygn Churchill Downs 1 Mile MileFirst First Race 6 12 Furlongs FurlongsPurse Purse 1200 4yearolds ami upward Claiming ClaimingTrack Track record Distinction Oct 17 1921 l 4 112 112Todays Todays TodaysTnrl Tnrl IIorvero tPo Wt Rw AWrHnn 13233 Lucky Drift 1CD 97 1193 5 115X7 13299 Caiistrano 8 5 113X73 13299 Dedans 11 4 115X715 13099 A KIMS Call 9CD 100 l22m 5 111X710 91973 Pindar Peri 14 Cl US l20h 7 111X70 13271 Iroomsler 18CD 107 119 S 110 700 09163 Queen of Allah lri 4 10fiX65 13237 K iI Pennant 17 5 111 090 12319 Coo Crnom ISlCD 1C8 120 5 113X010 113X0101323J 1323J CnplMTxhine 2 4 111 000 91649 Kritinl 5 5 106685 12230 MiftMion Chimes 6 CD 108 122 4 111X085 111X085097SS 097SS IVsfmnl 7 CI 11 119 0 111 085 03663 Musician 10 4 1OGX085 09032 Captain Fox MI3 4 111 085 0851278G 1278G Palm Court Hi 15 1OS W5 12900 It4 lilii Shea in 8 111 585 06261 Matnola 4 4 100 GS5 GS5Itoutonniere Itoutonniere 12 4 111 Colonel Steward Second Kace 4 12 Furlongs FurlongsCastlewood Castlewood Purse PursePnrse Pnrse 51200 2yearoltK Madiens lelding Allowances AllowancesTrack Track record Miss Joy May 21 l 21 52i 2 13100 Chatson IS CD llfi 50i 13100 = McKini 1 CI 11G 5G Firelmg G CI 11G 11Gllawkshaw llawkshaw 1GCD 115 115Calvados Calvados 7 Ill IllKtnlcm Ktnlcm 8 CI 108 108Uticenstoii Uticenstoii 12CD 11C 11CCharles Charles Kobinson 1 Lex 108 108Tea Tea Harry 1 Se Sis 2 I an Purnham 1 1 CI 110 Misnomer 17 110 GS5 Two Toms 3 1115 Ronivan 4 110 Malcolm 5i 110 Keith 10 in i iin iinestra 11 in reenoek 13 in Kentucky Ace 15 Third Race 1 Milo and 70 Yards YardsPurse Purse 100 3yearolds and upward Fillies Filliesand and Mares Claiming ClaimingTrack Track record The Porter May 0 1919 141 1 110 13146 Choice 12 CI 94 142 4 117725 13142 Clover Club 5JP 105 145 3 105x720 13190 Brown Silk I01px 103 145 3 I08XT15 13265 Helen Carter 4CI 93 142 5 112X710 13195 Vennie Day 3Aur 105 147 5 107X705 13104 Mysterious lIrl 102 145 4 110 705 09063 = Lady Carolyn 2 Lat 104 144 4 115 700 13146 Lady Lynn 7 Lex 100 144 4 107X6D5 13265 Dusty Mary CCD 105 144 C 112X690 13233 Midnight Itose 8 CI 91145 5 112XG85 11810 Hal K 11 FG 110 148 3 108 685 13067 Brunetb 0 5 115X633 Cherokee Purse Purse 1200 2 yearolds Allowances AllowancesTrack Track record Ruddy Light June 2 192 59 2 112 13143 COLORED SER ¬ VANT 5 11G 735 13300 Republic 4 11G725 13302 Less K 8 110 720 13192 Da Vinci 3 JIG 715 13100 Fireproof 7 11G710 13302 Longridge G 111 705 13192 Uengist M 2 111 700 Manchu 1 110 110Fifth Fifth Race 1 Mile MileMarket Market Street Merchants Association Purse Purse 1700 3yearolds and upward Allowances Track record Sands of Pleasure May 19 1921 13G 8 104 13270 Ilarabbas M 2 3 105 730 12749 Fair Wind 4 Sar 115 143 h 4 114 725 13338 Creek Indian 3 CD 113 140 3110X720 13303 Royal Julian 7 Lai 109 l42h 3 105X715 13235 Minervus G CD 107 138 4 114 710 13235 Kentucky Cardi ¬ nal 5 CD 107 133 5 114X705 13193 Fire Chief 1 3 105 700 700Sixth Sixth Race 6 12 Furlongs FurlongsPurse Purse 1200 4yearolds and upward Claiming ClaimingTrack Track record Distinction Oct 17 1921 117 1 112 12953 Louts Rubenstein 10 5 111X725 13233 J 0 Denny 18 CD 97 119 C 10GJ720 13265 Watchful G CD 115 121 G113X715 12819 Cossoon 4 4 111 710 13271 President 19 G 111X705 08935 Sobroxe 15 CD 114 122 4 10t x7OO 12301 Brunswick 21 9 111X700 111X700C8122 C8122 Susan Rebecca 14 4 103XGK 11V7S Three Sixty 12 4 10GXGU5 13146 Osede 11 4 108X6SO 108X6SO122GS 122GS Peggy Bedsoe 13 CD 108 l23m 4 108X690 13039 Sola Mia I CD 100 1PJ 5 10GXG90 10GXG90111Y7 111Y7 Creystone 2 4 111 TOO TOO13C99 13C99 oo7e Iteyer 17 4 113 GS3 13334 Hitter 5 4 111x085 13191 Kleveu Sixty 7 4 115 685 12953 Cladrags 1G 4 103GS5 05135 Andry 4 111XG85 13334 Sandalwool 8 Rac 110 121 1 06XC35 12084 Cimmerian 20 5 1110G85 1110G85Mont Mont Rose 3 4 111 Seventh Race 1 Mile and 70 Yards Purse 1500 3yearolds Claiming ClaimingTrack Track record The Porter May 30 1919 141 1 110 13267 Dark Angel OIIav 102 144 105X725 13237 = Florenda 13 Mia 100 146 10G720 13361 Aregal 15 Lex 110 145 110X715 13270 Mike Hall 12CI 113 l X 113710 13101 Cloud Idolizer 10 FG 103 147 113 705 13340 Phil Foto 14 109 700 133405 Swordsman 17JP 111 14C 105 G95 12566 Coohogan 7 110 G90 13334 Sincerely 5 FG 104 148 104XK0 12110 Sun Dance 10 107 690 6900859S 0859S Uedily Fox 8 105X690 13190 Two Pats M G JP 105 149 110 690 13231 Captain Applejack ApplejackMl Ml 2 JP 100 146 105 685 685130M 130M Resolute 3 102X S5 06032 Infatuation M 4 iou585 12859 Vole 1 105X685 02594 Judge Caverly CaverlyM M 11 110 GS3 GS3C3808 C3808 Charley IrwinM IrwinMIS IS 110 685