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THIRTYFOUR DERBYENTRIES Goodly Entry List for 7500 7500Raceland Raceland Derby To Be Run RunJuly July 16 at Raceland Course ASHLAND Ky May 17 The Raceland Derby 7500 added for threeyearolds at one and onequarter miles which is to have its fourth running at the beautiful Race land course of the TriState Fair and Racing Association at the village of Raceland in Greenup County on Saturday July 16 closed with thirtyfour nominations and if there are as many as a dozen starters the race will have a value of 10150 10150The The eligibles are among the best of their age for this year to race in the Middle West and they are owned by persons who are prominent on the turf Of the thirtyfour nominees twentyone are colts four are geldings and nine are fillies A filly Deeming won the event its second running Bob Tail and Malcolm B Jr the other winners were colts The number of nomi ¬ nators to the race this year is twentyeight twentyeightFollowing Following is a list of the eligibles Audlcy Farm M and B B Jones Creek Indian Indiannnd nnd Nevermore NevermoreBore Bore man Dr D My Pardner Camden J N Hydromel Noreaster and Wool Wooldridge dridge dridgeCnskey Cnskey W E Jr Uncle Al Chlnn J G Vole Clilnn Phil T Imported Irish Ruins Coldstream Stud C B Shaffer Ledge and Sweet SweetCorn Corn CornCollins Collins George Thistle Gold and Thistle Boy Draun L B Vortex Forsythe F A Taloha TalohaFoxcitcher Foxcitcher Farms William Dapont Fair Star Gallaher Combs Mary Jane Goldblatf M Good Shepherd Grant S W Fred Jr Ileadley Hal Price Handy Mandy Holland E J Krick KrickIsland Island Farm Stable L T Cooper Lovel Manners K Krenelaud renelaud Stud J O Keene Don Diego King W N Acirema AciremaLc Lc Mar Stock Farm Stable Leo J Marks Canaan Madden J E Young Prince PrinceMedian Median Mrs W F Jack Horgan and Thaddcus Milam J C Mr Kirkwood Respcss J B Bombay Taylor J Swigert Scotland Kent on Farm Stable Payne West General GeneralHaldcman Haldcman HaldcmanThree Three Ds Stable E P Waggoner Yeddo Wehle F A Laurel Hall HallThe The other stakes filled equally as well and a list of the nominations to these will be pub ¬ lished later