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FREE FREE FREE FREEI I hare direct inside information from six dif ¬ ferent sources which have given me an exceed ¬ ingly high percentage of long priced winners Since this service was started all of my regular clients have made money and my connections as ¬ sure me they should continue to do so This serv ¬ ice may have one or two releases in a day and then again there may be nothing released for several days It is not a daily service but is only released when I get positive word that the horse is in to win My regular price is the win ¬ nings of a 5 straight play on each horse but to introduce the service to a few more clients I will send my next two releases absolutely free to anyone sending me 1 to assure telegraph charges Notice for Large Players PlayersMy My superspecial service consists of one or two horses per week and cannot be excelled anywhere and others arc received so close to post time that the only means of communication is by the telephone This service has only had twentytwo releases since January 1 1Yesterdays Yesterdays Release ReleaseROYAL ROYAL SWEEP 380 Won WonAny Any person writing me on his business letter bead sending me his telegraph address and telephone number will be given my next release absolutly without any charge whatever After that my regu ¬ lar price is the winnings of a 25 straight play playJ J C CRAIG Atlantic Hotel Chicago HI