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AURORA AURORA HX TtTESDAY KAY 17 1927 Exposition Park 1 Mile Twentythird day Exposition Jockey Club Spring meeting of 33 days Weather cloudy Stewards M Natbanson C L Trimble and C V Henry Placing Judges R A Leigh P Dunne and C O Campau Starter II Morrissey Racing Secretary C P Henry Racing starts at 215 p m Cliicago time W indicates whip S spurs II blinkers Fig ores in parentheses following the distance of each race indicate horse date track record age of horse and weight carried Indicates apprentice allowance fl OOCC FIRST RACE 34 Mile Cup o Tea June 23 1925 112 3 108 Purse 1000 JLOOOO yearolds and upward Claiming Net value to winner 703 second 200 third 75 fourth 25 index Horses AWtPPSt Sir Fin Jockeys Owners Equir Book Strt 13147 WILDRAKE w 7 100 11 4 11 I1 li lnk V Petersn N B Tevis 2130100 12807 COLL SCHOOLERw 5 104 10 6 31 3J 2J 23 J Bollero J J Greeley 510100 13210 MARTHA IIOOS w 4 111 4 3 21 2 33 33 H Elston Missouri Stable 1530100 1530100120GOKEEGAN 120GOKEEGAN w G 104 9 8 7 7 4 4 L McClair R L Baker 260100 26010013240JHAPPY 13240JHAPPY TOP w C 107 12 9 41 6i 6 5 M Hum G F Hum 240100 240100I I 5 4i 5 G I Jenner Mrs D Sullivan 850100 8501001330G 1330G CLEM THEISEN w 9 103 2 10 81 8 7 71 H West M Goodpaster 2850100 12303 DELPHl w 4 101 8 12 D11 95 S3 8 F Whitker Midway Stable 1260100 13238 TOME McCOOMBwn 4 105 7 11 10 11 = 11 91 W Bogski Mrs J P Gassaway t2920100 11 860s ROUND ROBIN w 10 109 1 7 11 10l 10 10s J Majestic J P Welsh 2450100 12773 HAPPY w 4 105 G 1 G 5 9 11 L Whifcre G W Smith t t12G98 12G98 NEVERTHELESS WB 4 100 35 12 12 12 12 R De Pma Mrs A Ketzel 1 1tField tField Time 24 49 114 Track fast 2 certificates earned Wildrake 4400 straight 1320 place 700 show Colonel Schooler 040 place 440 show Martha Roos 720 show showEquivalent Equivalent booking Wildrake 2130 to ICO straight 560 to 103 place 250 to 100 show Colonel Schooler 220 to 100 place 120 to 100 show Martha Roos 200 to 100 show showWinner Winner B g by Sir John Johnson Catherine Carson by Ben Strome trained by J H Tevs bred by Mr H C Ragan Winner entered to e claimed for 1400 1400WENT WENT TO POST 21C AT POST 3 minutes minutesStart Start sood and slow Won driving second and third the same sameWIIDRAKE WIIDRAKE was hard ridden and holding a slight lead from soon after the start and coming fast through the stretch outfinishcd COLONEL SCHOOLER The latter raced close up throughout and finished wearing the winner down MARTHA ROOS forced the pace for a half mile and then raced well in the final drive KEEGAN closed a gap and made a game finish HAPPY TOP and SONNY GIRL raced fairly well wellScratched Scratched 12947 Adventuress 107 13108 Ascot 100 1319G Lent 105 12533 Good Time 105 11177 Kinsley 105 105Overveights Overveights Martha Roos 3 pounds Delphi 1 SECOND RACE 34 Mile Cup o1 Tea Juns 23 1925 112 3 108 Purse 1000 3yearolds Claiming1 Net value to winner 700 second 200 third 75 fourth 25 Index Horses AWtPPSt i Str Fin Jockeys Owners Equir Book Strt 13273 SHASTA LOVE w 10S 17 Gl 33 21 1 L McClair C Irby 220100 22010012248LITTLE 12248LITTLE GUINEA w 109 10 11 11 llh G 21 W Sfmper Mrs J Dreyer t320100 13273 UP AND DOWN w 102 11 9 4 4 I3 3 W Bowden I Weil 1320100 13273 SHASTA GRANDE WB 111 78 8 5 41 43 H Elston B Johnson 1680100 16801001310GELIZBETH 1310GELIZBETH SETHw 104 24 lh 11 31 5 R De Pma Jones Stock Fm Sta GOO100 13 1 52 LADY LURA wr OS 3 2 12 12 71 6 J Bollero Derby Stable 2700100 13108 SECRECY WB 106 412 10 10 91 71 V Petersn Mrs L M Holmes G20100 G20100100563SHASTA 100563SHASTA BUTTE w 104 9 10 5 81 S S R Doggett F S Page 11850100 13273 FALLEN LEAF ws 104 12 3 S3 2 51 91 F Whifer Missouri Stable 2870100 13021 OSSIE H WB 103 8 5 9 9 11 101 T Snow T F Bornman t 13273CARRIE BELLE w 98 G 1 21 G11 12 11 L Jenner A J Marko 1110100 111010012949COY 12949COY will 5 G 71 7 10 12 R Pafqin Nugent Bros t tField Time 23 49 114 Track fast 2 certificates earned Shasta Love 640 straight 400 place 320 show Little Guinea field GOO place 420 show Up and Down 700 show showEquivalent Equivalent looking Shasta Love 220 to 100 straight 100 to 100 place CO to 100 show Little Guinea field 200 to 100 place 110 to 100 show Up and Down 250 to 100 show showWinner Winner B f by Harmonique Loveliest by Allumeur trained by C Irby bred by Mr H D Brown Winner entered to be claimed for 2400 2400WENT WENT TO POST 241 AT POST 1 minute minuteStart Start fair and slow Won handily second and third driving drivingSHASTA SHASTA LOVE racing on the inside found an opening when entering the stretch and gaining fast passed UP AND DOWN into the lead and won going away LITTLE GUINEA raced far back to the stretch then closed a big gap and finished fastest of all UP AND DOWN close up from the start raced into the lead when an eighth out then tired when the winner challenged SHASTA GRANDE gained steadily and finished well ELIZABETH SETH set the pace for a half mile then tired in the stretch CARRIE BELLE and FALLEN LEAF quit quitScratched Scratched 12892 Josie Hartman 103 t QQTft THIRD RACE 4 12 Furlongs Sannatnga June 19 1925 54 2 101 Purse 1000 JLOO 4 2yearolds Claiming Net value to winner 700 second 200 third 75 fourth 25 Index Horses U Str Fin Jockeys Equir Book Strt 13308 BILL SETH will 54 41 S 1 = 1 R De Pma E E Major 100100 10010012294VOWD 12294VOWD VENGENCEw 101 7 G 21 1 2 V Petersn H C McConnell 920100 13274 MISS DRAPEAU w 10S 8 5 1J 2 3 C E Allen W Collins 350100 13274 SNOWFALL W 105 G 7 5 6 41 W Bogski Midway Stable 980100 12414 HONEYFISH W 112 12 3 54 5 L Schaefer Nevada Stock Farm Sta 2440100 2440100128503PERFECT 128503PERFECT MODEL w 108 21 6 4 6 I McClair R L Baiter 830100 12991 LITTLE MARIE w 109 43 7s 7 7s H Long J OByrne 1910100 1 1729 KISCHEF MACHER w 103 38 8 8 8 H Jones J J Coughlin 7330100 7330100Time Time 24 48 55 Track fast 2 certificates earned Bill Seth 400 straight 320 place 220 show Vowed Vengeance GOO place 260 show Miss Drapeau 240 show showEquivalent Equivalent booking Bill Seth 100 to 100 straight GO to 100 place 10 to 100 show Vowed Ven ¬ geance 200 to 100 place 30 to 100 show Miss Drapeau 20 to 100 show showWinner Winner B g by Seth Minnolette by Mindora trained by E E Major bred by Mr Benjamin A Jones Winner entered to be claimed for 3200 3200WENT WENT TO POST 307 AT POST 4 minutes minutesStart Start good and slow Won easily second and third driving drivingBILL BILL SETH hard ridden was forced to race wide to the stretch then came fast and passing VOWED VENGEANCE won going away The latter forced the early pace and passed MISS DRAPEAU into the lend after entering the stretch but tired near the end MISS DRAPEAU rushed past the others on the last turn and set the pace to near the last eighth then began swerving out and was outfiuislKd SNOWFALL finished gamely HONEYFISH tired tiredScratched Scratched 13150 Lad in Blue 10G 13308 Pandect 10G Bernice L 109 109Overweight Overweight Kischef Macher 1 pound t QQT I FOURTH RACE 1 Mile and 70 Yards Pillager June 5 1926 143 4 103 Purse JLOO 4 JL 1000 3yearolds and upward Claiming Net value to winner 700 second 200 third 75 fourth 25 index Horses AWtPPSt Vi Sir Fin Jockeys Owners Equir Book Strt 12305FREXCII LADY w 5 107 8 7 4 = 44 2h I3 I1 V Petcrsn H H Chopin 250100 13I9GSLIPPERY SMILEwn 6 106 6 9 71 6 41 21 2 J Bollero E B Carpenter 1140100 13312 SANDRAE wn T 114 3 2 5 S 5 4J 33 H Elston J W Lewis Lewisw 270100 132403MAKE UP w 10 111 10 8 11 9i 8s 5 4 J Dillea Lone Star Stable StableWB 1540100 1540100fl440100 13197 SCISSORS WB 7 112 2 3 9 7 71 GJ 5J W McCabe W J Waterman fl440100 12947WHO KNOWS ME w 7 111 5 4 31 3 1 31 3 6 A Pickens F J Boyle 570100 11285STUKET LIZ w 4 101 1 1 10 = 10 8J 71 R De Pma E E Major 3820100 129811 EMANCIPATION wn 4 10G 12 G 2 1 ° 1 71 S R 7cchini Mrs A Gusdorf 3820100t 3820100G50100 t 13I1I3RUDDY w 7 111 4 12 61 S 9 9l 9 H Long G50100 12774 COPYRIGHT WB 10 10G 710 Sh 111101 10 10s F Whifer P Miller G320100 12947 SAKAH w 7 111 11 5 1 2 11 1111 J Majestic Mrs R Arbique t 13198RUNNING FOX w 5 106 9 11 12 12 12 12 12 H Trotsek J Keller 2030100tField 2G30100 tField Time 24 49 116 142 147 Track fast 2 certificates earned French Lady 700 straight 400 place 400 show Slippery Smile 920 place 500 show Sandrae 420 show showEquivalent Equivalent lxx king French Lady 250 to 100 straight 130 to 100 place 100 to 100 show Slippery Smile 3GO to 100 place 180 to 100 show Sandrae 110 to 100 show showWinner Winner B in by Wrack Mademoiselle Maxim by Golden Maxim trained by H H Chopin bred by Mr J E Griffith Winner entered to be claimed for 1000 1000WENT WENT TO POST 333 AT POST 6 minutes minutesStart Start poor and slow Won handily second and third driving drivingFRENCH FRENCH LADY raced close up under light restraint to the last turn and responding at once when called on soon passed the leaders and held SLIPPERY SMILE safe at the end The latter worked his way up gradually and finishing fast was wearing the winner down SANDRAE also gained gradually and finished close up MAKE UP closed a great gap WHO KNOWS ME ran well to the quitScratched Ktretch and tired EMANCIPATION raced into the lead but quit SAKAH also quit Scratched 13345 Nereid 101 13107 El Cid IOC 13275 Uncle Joe 101 133453Kendall 100 100Overweight Overweight Scisj ors 1 pound FIFTH RACE 5 12 Furlongs Rachel Potter Sept 22 1925 105 4 112 Marilyn Miller Handicap Purse 1200 3yearolds and upward Net value to winner 850 second 200 third 100 fourth 50 Index Horses AWtPPSt V4 J3 Str Fin Jockeys Owners Equir Book Strt n AN A MARONE IIw G 112 33 31 31 3 11 L Lyke Sanola Stock Farm Sta tSO100 13270 SANOLA vr G 114 44 5 41 41 2i C E Allen Sanola Stock Farm Sta t 13 15 1 BRILLIANT w 5 105 G G G1 G 01 3l R 7cchini Mrs W J Potter 570100 5701001327GSORESTES 1327GSORESTES II w 4 991 5 5 21 2l 21 4J V Pctcrsn Miss M Kelly PSO100 PSO100130I9HOT 130I9HOT TIME wn 4 108 7 1 lk 11 11 C IPworth Joliet Stable 40100 13019 ANACONDA w 4 111 22 4ta 51 Gs G II Elston C D Pryor 2030100 20301001327G 1327G SIS GARRY w 3 92 17 7777J Bollero L M Severaon 5220100 5220100tCoupled tCoupled as Sanola Stock Farm Stable entry entryTime Time 24 49 l02 108 Track fast 2 certificates earned Sanola Stock Farm Stable entry 3GO straight 4CO place 283 show Brilliant 540 show showEquivalent Equivalent looking Sanola Stock Farm Stable entry 80 to 100 straight 130 to 100 place 40 to 100 show Brilliant 170 to 100 show showWinner Winner Ch m by Glencairn Tiara by Peep o Day trained by T J Shannon bred by Mr J Marrone MarroneWENT WENT TO POST 403 AT POST 7 minutes minutesStart Start good and slow Won driving second and third the same sameANNA ANNA MARRONE II wan outpaced by HOT TIME and ORESTES II to the stretch then began gaining ind wearing the loaders down In the last eighth and held SANOLA safe at the end SANOLA Blmi utilpxccd t the stretch soou overhauled ORESTES II and HOT TIME and finishing closely lapiud on the winner could have won if necessary BRILLIANT raced far back for the first half milt tlun lo d a gap and outfinixhed ORESTES II The latter forced a gool pace for a half mile and ratid well to near the end HOT TIME showed the most early iqKcd but wa much used racing in tin lead and tind after reaching tin lust eighth UverwvlfiUta Orebtca 11 1J4 inmnds Auaicmda 1 Sb Garry 2 t QQrTO SIXTH RACE 1 Mile and 70 Yards Pillager June 5 IMS 143 4 103 Purs JLOO 4 O 1003 3yearolds and upward Claiming Net value to winner 700 second 200 third 75 fourth 25 Index Horses AWtPPSt Vi Str Fin Jockeys Owners Equir Book Strt 13278 HUEY w 5 111 S S G1 6 4h 2 I H Elston II C McCpnnell 3IO1CO 13306MIGHTY vv 5 106 G 4 2 2 1 2 2 21 J Bollero T J Abrams S90100 S90100w 132M = LUCY KATE w 9 109 56 6 7s 7 5i 5J 3 M Hum G F Hum 220100 1324 4s DONNA SANTA w 5 109 4 2 9 51 3 41 4 J Judy C N Freeman 13017SILENT KING W S 10G 7 5 Ill I1 11 5 RDePma R 7 Jenkins 13OGQUEENA 2020100ISIOS MARIO w 5 101 1 7 31 31 G3 G 6 L Jenner I J Brown 2020100 ISIOS 3010013198AIR DORTHY ADAMSw 5 101 999 Si 8 71 7 V Petersn Mrs C Lawrence 30100 13198AIR CASTLE wit 5 111 2 1 4 4 7 8 8 W Bo ski Mrs J P Gassaway 7870100 12779 ESCOLANE WB 5 106 3 3 81 9 99 9 F Whifer G Graffagnini 3 3Time Time 24 49 116 142 147 Track fast 2 certificates earned Huey 880 straight 480 place 340 show Mishty 880 place 460 show Lucy Kate 280 show Equivalent lookingrlluey 340 to 100 straight 140 to 100 place 70 to 100 shovr Mighty 340 to 100 place 130 to 100 show Lucy Kate 40 to 100 show i Winner B g by Ormondale Sea Puss by Star Shoot trained by H C McConnfcll bred by Messrs M and B II Jones Winner entered to be claimed for 1400 I WENT TO POST 434 AT POST 2 minutes minutesStart Start good and slow Won driving second and third the same sameHUEY HUEY raced under restraint for n half mile then began working his way tip gradually and challenging the leaders midway of the stretch passed SILENT KING and held MIGHTY safe through the last fifty yards MIGHTY was closest up from the start and challenged SILENT KING in the stretch but tired and was outfinishcd by the winner LUCY KATE was away poorly and raced far back for the first threequarters then closed a gap and finished fastest of all DONNA SANTA made a challenge in the stretch but was unable to get up SILENT KING raced into a long lead in the first eighthScratched half and set a good pace to the stretch then gave way in the final eighth Scratched llSlGNormana 104 13278 Little Blaze 106 13153 Foolscap 109 13197 Llewellyn 106 13152JPat Field 98 13345 Mart Bunch 106 SEVENTH RACE 1 Mile and 70 Yards Pillager June 5 1926 143 4 103 Pnrso 1000 3yearolds and upward Claiming Net value to winner 700 second 200 third 75 fourth 25 Index Horses AWtPPSt Vi Vt i Str Fin Jockeys Owners Equir Book Strt 13272 ERLA LEE II w 3 9G 11 7 Si SI G 2 V L Jenner R Williams 1530101 131901 MNFANTE w 5 106 4 12 91 71 51 5i 2J L McClair R L Baker 840100 13275 NESTLE w 3 93 7 10 12 12 8l 61 3 J Bollero J D C E Lcnahan 1250100 13278PRIVATE SETH w 4 106 12 S 3 2 11 11 4 V Petersn E McCown 400100 13020ONEIDA G 101 1 1 2 = 31 TI 511 R Pafqin Aldrich Winans 400100G433100 G433100 13341 MOVE ON SETH w G 111 5 4 G 41 31 4 6J H Elston B F McClain Jr 9 0100 13342 FLOY LILLIE w 5 109 2 3 4l lJ 2 31 T11 C E Allen Mrs A R Smith 700100 7001001334GMN 1334GMN THE BAG w 5 106 8 9 11 103 H3 91 SI W Sfmper H R Baum flGlO100 1510100 12745 TRANSFER w 4 106 3 2 T11 G 41 S 9J R De Pma H O Bed well t 12897 BABBLING w 6 109 Gil 5h 9 10J 10 10 J Majestic J G McDonnell 190100 13017 CITIZEN iv 9 111 10 5 11 5 91 11 11 C Hworth Joliet Stablo 2330101 13341 OwnbeytField JUDGE DAILEY w 4 106 9 G 10 US 12 12 12 W Bowden J S Ownbey tField Time 24 48 116 142 148 Track fast 2 certificates earned Erla Lee II 32CO straight 2800 place 1040 show Infante 920 place 740 show Nestle 5SO show showEquivalent Equivalent booking Erla Lee II 1530 to 100 straight 1300 ot 100 plSce 420 to 100 show Infante COO to 100 place 270 to 100 show Nestle 240 to 100 sdiow sdiowWinner Winner Ch f by All Gold Erla Lee by Hindoo trained by R Williams bred by Mr F J Wieland Winner entered to he claimed for 1600 1600WENT WENT TO POST 500 AT POST 3 minutes minutesStart Start drivingERLA good and slow Won handily second and third driving ERLA LEE II was far back for a half mile but came fast in the final quarter and passing the leaders took the lead and won going away INFANTE also raced far back to the stretch then finished fast and close up NESTLE closed an immense gap and got up near the end to outfinish PRIVATE SETH The latter took the lead when nearing the stretch turn but tired near the end BABBLING was away poorly and ran a bad race raceScratched Scratched 13239 Cas Welch 106 13316 Golden Glen 111 13345 Jack Knight IOC 13345 War Idol 10G