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OMAHA OMAHA NEB WEDNESDAY JUNE 1 1927 AkSarBen Field 1 Mile First day AkSarBen Exposition Co Spring meeting of 29 days Weather clear Presiding Steward J A Murphy Associate Stewards J Carey and N J Ronin Judges J S Rothcrt and P Reed Starter J Donavan Racing Secretary J Carey Racing starts at 15 p in Chicago time 315 p m AV indicates whip S spurs B blinkers Fig ures in parentheses following the distance of each race indicate horse date track record age of horse and weight carried Indicates apprentice allowance g QQCTO FIRST RACE 5 12 Furlongs Judge Pryor May 31 1924 1054 JLOJ7 3 O 700 3yearolds and upward Claiming Net value to winner 525 second 100 third 50 fourth 25 Index Horses AAAtPPSt Str Fin Jockeys Owners Equiv Odds Strt 13C90 AVAR SALAM vr 3 W2 t I SI 1 O Mazoue B Johnson 12143CHRISTINA W 4 105 411 10 2 R DePnm P Heigel 13594 TEXAS w 4 105 11 1 109473JNA 5 5 41 Si P Whiter Dolter Stable Stabley 09473JNA SCOT JRw 10 113 1 3 y 4s 5 4 J Roberts N Tiller 137C2 COALESCENCE w 4 102 12 10 9 10 11 5 N Stevens J F Moscrop 09466RED BROWN w 3 97 G 5 41 2 1 i 62 E Kenna M T Hall ij 12744 OLD TOM w 4 105 5 7 6 7 31 7 V Petersn R L BaUer 52 8675KRBMLIN w 8 103 7 8 SI S y S2 P Rilmie T Kindle 08731 D R ANONY JRW 7 110 10 2 1 1J H 9 R echini AV Dennis X 13216 CANCELLATION w 6 103 3 9 11 11 10 103 JSylvia M J Hayes riXXX 09021 JRUNAWAY w 6 110 2 4 3 31 71 11 ° G Ury L Ury 1010100 91083 CHOIR MASTER WB 12 113 Si2 12 12 12 12 F McBce J Miller t fMntuel field Time 23 48 107 Track fast 2 mutncls paid War Salam 2420 straight 7SO place 720 show Christina field 320 place 280 show Texas 540 show Equivalent booking odds War Salam 1110 to 100 straight 290 to 100 place 200 to 100 show Christina field IK to 100 place 40 to 100 show Texas 170 to 100 show AVinner B f by AVar Fame Salammbo by Dodge trained by B Johnson bred by Mr A K Macointter AAinner entered to be claimed for 1700 WENT TO POST 215 AT POST 7 nute Start good and slow Won driving second and third the eame AVAR SALAM came fast on the outside through the stretch and got up to win in the last stride CHRISTINA also closed a big gap and took the lead when five yards out and barely lasted to wm wmTEXAS TEXAS finished fast JOHN A SCOTT JR raced close up RED BROWN and DANIEL R ATHONY ATHONYJR JR tired in the stretch Scratclml 13091 Singing Cricket 97 12971 BurkeV Boy 112 13171Ballynew 108 13111Glen mary 94 13214John Hoshor 111 12774 Sir John McDonald 110 Overweights John A Scott Jr 3 pounds Choir Master 3 fl OOE O SECOND BACE 12 Kile Karonga June 4 1924 4 2 112 Purse 700 2 JLOtf t Jf yearolds Claiming Net value to winner 525 second 100 third 50 fourth 25 Index Horses VI Str Fin Jockeys Equiv Odds Strt 135483 GOVERNOR SETH w 115 9 6 Z Z lnk R DC Pma E E Major MajorI1 13473 MISS DRAPEAU W 102 6 4 I1 11 24 V Petersn B Creech 12237 BONE MARGRITEw 103 4 5 21 3 31 M Hum B W Dutton 12875 FRANK LIGHT vl03 1 1 41 41 4 N Stevens M Syufy 13596QUESTION MARK w 92 3 3 91 62 5 G Hughes W Mikel 12375 HEATHERSAGE w 103 11 7 G 52 61 W Bell C C Emmcrt 13473CRISPIE SETH w 109 10 10 S2 9s 71 F Wliiter Daltex Stable 16111 AVAHLUKE v 113 5 8 71 T S1 J Roberts G Drumheller 13596 HESITATION w 106 7 9 10 10 93 R Zcchini W J Potter 10707 KENNEYS w 108 12 11 52 S1 101 H Long PL Fuller 12003 BEN AHAMO w 100 2 2 2MALLY 12 11 11 O Mazoue B F McCIain MALLY S w 105 S 12 12tMntncl II1 12 12 E Porter A R Smith T TtMntncl tMntncl field Time 23 4 48 equals track record Track fast 2 rnutuels paid Governor Seth 1380 straight 840 place 520 show Miss Drapeau 740 place 500 show Bonnie Marguerite 480 show Equivalent booking odds Governor Seth 590 to 100 straight 320 to 100 place ICO to 100 show Miss Drapean 270 to 100 place 150 to 100 show Bonnie Marguerite 140 to 100 show showWinner Winner Ch c by Seth Cutaneous by Farandolc trained by E E Major bred by Mr Benjamin A Jones Winner entered to be claimed for 2500 2500WENT WENT TO POST 258 AT POST 6 minutes minutesStart Start good and slow Won driving second and third driving drivingGOVERNOR GOVERNOR SETH came fast through the stretch and outfinished MISS DRAPEAU The latter took the lead soon after the start and finished fairly well BONNIE MARGUERITE raced well but tired FRANK LIGHT raced close up QUESTION MARK and HESITATION were shut off entirely nd had little chance Scratched 1359G Clem Lewis 97 13022 Lorna Doone 102 May Cooper 107 107Overweights Overweights Wahluke 3 pounds Kenneys 1 Mally S 5 SIRD RACE 34 Kile Lady Gorham June 3 1924 111 4 103 Purse 700 3yearolds and upward Claiming Net value to winner 525 second 100 third 50 fourth 25 Index Hprses Str Fin Jockeys Equiv Odds Strt 13807 = SLOW TIME w f 4 103 12 8 4h 21 2 lh R De Pma E E Major 3401CO 08778 TIME AND TIDE w 6 109 8 5 I1 I2 I1 21 C Trippey J A Dennis Dennisw 2690100 13435 MARVELITE w 4 110 4 4 71 51 51 3 P Rennie G Roman 269010025CO100 25CO100 13325 SNOW CAP w 9 113 5 9 912132McINTOSH S1 4 = Gl 4h G Hughes T D Crimea Crimearu 3390100 3390100t220100 12132McINTOSH WB ru 7 110 9 11 51 61 4 1 5 E Sporri A W Craft Craftw t220100 13217 SENOR MARINE w 6 110 1 2 34 3 31 63 N Stevens M Syufy Syufyw 900103 13374 MOVE ON SETH w C 113 10 7 9J SJ 71 71 H Long B F McCIain McCIainvf 620100 07961 SWEETGRASS vf 5 101 6 3 61 10 9 S2 V Petersn B Creech Creechw 660100 129 89 ROCK BOTTOM w 7 110 7 710 10 10l 91 S2 9s F Whifer M McPherson McPhersonw 240100 03919ANNA CHESTNTw w 6 106 2 1 2 71 I05 105 B Hiser I C Gallup GallupIB 1 1990100 09463 AL HERBERT wu IB 5 115 36 12 11s 11 11 J Kelly E H Thompson Thompsonvf 06261 MAMOLA w 4 101 11 12 12tMutuel 11U12 12 12 R Richsn P Duffy tMutuel field Time 23 47 J 113 Track fast 2 mutncls paid Slow Time 880 straight 560 place 340 show Time and Tide 2480 place 9CO show Marvclite 1080 show showEquivalent Equivalent booking odds Slow Time 340 to 100 straight 180 to 100 place 70 to 100 show Time and Tide 1140 to 100 place 380 to 100 show Marvelite 440 to 100 show showWinner Winner B f by Eliminator Iarghetto by Star Shoot trained by E E Major bred by Mr J S Cosden Winner entered to be claimed for 1200 1200WENT WENT TO POST 324 AT POST 3 minutes minutesStart Start good and slow Won driving second and third the same sameSLOW SLOW TIME caught TIME AND TIDE Hearing the finish and won in the last stride The latter showed the most early speed and made a game finish when challenged MARVELITE closed a gap and finished fast McINTOSII raced well SENOR MARINE tired MOVE ON SETH was outrun all the way Scratched 13452 Lemon Seth 113 13887 Jof 113 12327 Jack Ledi 111 13275 Plain Rock 103 12277 Trade Wind 90 13453 Snow Maiden 101 FOTTHTH RACE 34 Mile Lady Gorham June 3 1924 111 4 103 Purse 700 3yearolds and upward Claiming Net value to winner 525 second 100 third 50 fourth 25 Index Horses Str Fin Jockeys Owners Equiv Odds Strt 12723MUSKETEER wn 4 109 5 G 4 5J 22 I1 G Hughes C Sawyer 960100 96010013645SILT 710100137C3 13645SILT LILLIAN vrn 5 104 1 1 21 1 11 211 F Wliiter Daltex Stable 710100 137C3 PARNELL wn 5 109 3 5 6J 6 51 32 J Sylvia G P McNeil 2300100 2300100UN UN wn 3 102 2 7 5i 4h 311 4h N Stevens M Syufy 1 1J3307 J3307 SUNNYLAND wn 12 111 42 lh 21 4 1 52 O Mazoue C H Snefd 300100 11732 PARMELEE w 3 J02 7 3 72 7 7l 611 V Petersn R L Baker 1370100 13326 FIRE CAPTAIN vs 3 101 9 10 92 81 61 T W Bell C C Emmert 2490100 13723 GATEWOOD TVB 4 114 88 10 10 S3 SI G Ury See Frazier 2730100 13326 MALACHA w 5 98 6 4 3 31 92 93 P Rennie T Linley 1200100 13550 RODRIGO W 4 114 10 9 S1 92 10 10 R Zcchini J B Buffington 200100 200100Time Time 24 47s 113 Track fast 2 mutuels paid Musketeer 2120 straight 740 place 500 show Silent Lillian 780 place 580 show Parnell 1200 show showEquivalent Equivalent booking odds Musketeer 900 to 100 straight 270 to 100 place 180 to 100 show Silent Lillian 290 to 100 place 190 to 100 show Parnell 500 to 100 show showWinner Winner Ch c by Colonel Vennie Undaunted by Star Shoot trained by P Young bred by Mr Jerome II Respess Winner entered to be claimed for 2500 2500WENT WENT TO POST 354 AT POST 1 minute minuteStart Start good and slow Won handily second and third driving drivingMUSKETEER MUSKETEER came fast on the inside into the stretch and was going away at the end SILENT JILLIAX showed the most early speed and finished well but could not withstand the winner PAR NELL made a fast finish SUNNYLAND tired RODRIGO ran a bad race and was never near the leaders FIFTH EACE 34 Mile Lady Gorham June 3 1924 111 4 103 Omaha In ¬ augural Handicap Purse 1000 3yearolds and upward Net value to winner 700 second 175 third 90 fourth 35 Index Horses AWtPPSt Ji Str Fin Jockeys Equiv Odds Strt t 1334 4 SHASTA GOLD w 3 104 3 6 0 12220 TAMARIND w 5 102 6 3 Il 1i 11 2 M Hum Leslie Stable 2010100 0 12134 LORD JULIAN w 4 108 2 1 31 3 21 3 H Long J AV Marchbank 10SO100 0 13598 GLENISTER H w 5 107 12 4 4h 51 4 V Petersn B Creech t t133723BRILLIANT 133723BRILLIANT w 5 110 47 S 61 5 R Zcchini AV J Potter 380100 0 12332 PAT w 4 111 S 5 8 7 7 61 J Roberts G Dmmheller 150100 150100130832PALOLO 0 130832PALOLO iv 3 9S 7 S 7 5 8 72 O Mazoue E P Thompson 1330100 0 12260 JACK FAIRMAN r S 104 54 21 22 4 S J Sylvia G P McNeil 1540100 1540100tCouplcd tCouplcd as B Creech entry entryTime Time 23i 47 112 Track fast 2 mutuels paid B Creech entry 780 straight 340 place 300 show Tamarind 940 place 400 show Ixird Julian 400 show showEquivalent Equivalent booking odds 15 Creech entry 290 lo 100 straight 70 to 100 place 50 to 100 show Tamarind 370 to ICO place 130 to 100 show Lord Julian 100 to 100 show showAVinner AVinner 15 f by Bistouri Chatterbox by McGee trained by 15 Creech bred by Mr II D Brown BrownWENT WENT TO POST 423 AT POST 2 minutes minutesStart Start good and slow AVon handily second and third driving drivingSHASTA SHASTA GOLD came fast when the stretch was reached and passing TAMARIND twenty yards out won going away The latter set a fast pace but tired slightly near the finish LORD JULIAN raced gamely GLENISTER H finished well BRILLIANT was in close quarters on the stretch turn but came fast when clear PAT met with early Interference and came wide on the stretch turn PALOLO also raced wide Jack Fairman quit badly badlyScratched Scratched 123302lktter Luck 105 13057Bronx 98 SIXTH RACE 1 Mile Lizette July 3 1926 138 7 102 Purse 700 3year olds and upward Claiming Net value to winner 525 second 100 third 50 fourth 25 AWtlPSt U Str Fin Jockeys Owners Equiv Odds Strt 13017GAY BOY II w 7 115 9 7 51 4h 32 3 11 R Zcchini Hanshaw Campbell 110100 I 13173 COKFIELD w 11 111 8 3 2 2 2e lh 21 N Stevens C F Shafer lOSO100 lOSO1001228C C 1228C STAR SWEEPER wn 5 111 44 61 6 6 1 41 3 E Sporri J B McGinn 1020100 13172 ROLLER wn 5 113 10 9 9 1010 7 5 43 M Hum M C Ilaines 920100 12833 JERSEY RED WB 4 101 12 1 I1 lh I1 2 = 51 P Rennie C L McDonald jllSOlOO 13085 JOLLY CEPHASw 10 111 2 2 71 7 S1 S1 63 W Belle E C Sutton S20100 13642 SHEFFIELD w 3 97 1 5 3 3i 41 T T2 O Mazoue G P McNeil 1590100 13371 RUDDY w 7 11C 11 11 10s 9 9 = 9s S = H Long P Howe 2540100 13197 HIGH CARD wn 4 10S 5 G 4h 51 5 61 J1 E Porter E E Sterret 1G93100 13085 TULSA w 10 111 3 12 12 H2 llc 10l 10s V Pctersn C Sawyer 2220100 09489 BOSS HUGHES w 4 111 68 SU S1 10s II2 II2 A Gruber H E Ripplo t t 13327 WONR LIGHT wu 5 111 7 10 11U12 12 12 12 J Cary L Fox i t ttMutuel 1 tMutuel field Time 25 49 114 142J Track fast 2 mutuels paid Gay I5oy II 420 straight 300 place 300 show Coffield 700 place 040 0 show Star SwcejKr 700 show showEquivalent Equivalent booking odds Gay Boy II 110 to 100 straight 80 to 100 place SO to 100 show Coffield I 280 to 100 place 220 to 100 show Star Sweeper 2TO to 100 show Winner Ch g by Jack the Sailor Neosho Dale by Ormondalt rained by R H Campbell bred d by Mr C W Simpson Winner entered to be claimed for 800 800WENT WENT TO POST 458 AT POST 4 minutes minutesStart Start good and slow Won driving second and third the same sameGAY GAY BOY II wore the leaders down in the stretch and won drawing clear COFFIELD raced d JERSEY RED Into defeat and finished well STAR SWEKIER made a fust finish ROLLER met t with interference but finished well RUDDY and WONDER LIGHT were shut off on the first turn i TUISA Ixgan slowly rui Ji3Ul3 Duty Boy 111 13347 Citizen 113 SEVENTH RACE 1 Mile Lizette July 3 1926 138 7 102 Purse 700 3year olds and upward Claiming Net value to winner 525 second 100 third 50 fourth 25 ladex Horses AWtPPSt Str Fin Jockeys Owners Equiv Odds Strt 13325 FULL O FUN w 7 111 11 6 51 4 41 H I G Hughes F Nancolas 1130100 1 12930 GLOOM GIRL w 5 106 2 1 3 3J 31 21 V Petcrsn J Gentle KS9100 13762 Gusdorf13346GUS EMANCIPATION wn 4 108 12 5 2 2 I2 22 31 R Zcchini A Gusdorf 5TO100 13346GUS R w 5 111 4 3 I1 11 22 42 41 F Whifer W M Grant 3HO100 I 13324 SWET AND LOWw 7 IOC 5 10 11 10s 81 51 52 W Bell P A Cornwall 1800100 1 13174 MILDRED RUTH w 7 98 7 7 71 6 61 6 C Lindseth T Hunt tllGJ100 1 13327 PLOW STEEL w 8 103 9 2 6 J 5 5 1 72 7 i M Barton Finney Weir t j 13214 LEIHULU wn 3 98 1 4 41 7 10 10 ff H Jessmn B C Seburn 1440100 1 13346 IMMOO133Z4 SUN HATHOR w510 3119 91 9s 9 9 R De Pma E E Major IMMOO 1 133Z4 STAGE STAR tvBeiOS 8 9 82 S3 7J S1 JO1 J Sylvia M Shores IMOIQO 0 03787 PINECREST w 9 108 6 812 ir 12 1111 P Rennie J L Walker 000100 0 03783 LEFT ALONE wn 5 108 10 12 lO 11 11 12 12 H Long J Henry t tMntuel field Time 25 49 1 15 142 Track fast 2 mutuels paid Pull o Fun 2400 straight 1180 place C80 show Gloom Girl 900 place 480 show Emancipation 500 show Equivalent booking odds Full o Fun 1130 to 100 straight 490 to 100 place 240 to 100 show Gloom Girl 380 to 100 place 140 to 100 show Emancipation 180 to 100 show t Winner B g by Jack Atkin St Theresa by Marathon trained by F N A Coles bred by Mr C T Worthington Winner entered to be claimed for 800 WENT TO POST 635 AT POST 4 minutes Start good and slow Won driving second and third the same FULL sameFULL O FUN came fast through the stretch and outfinished GLOOM GIRL The latter racrd well and finished fast EMANCIPATION was much used in racing witlh GUS R and tired GUS R set a good pace but tired after going a half SUN HATHOR was outrun all tile way Scratched 13323Tan Son 111 12203 Jay Mac 113