Eastern Stars Due Today: Whiskery and Osmand Expected at Fairmount Park--Probable Field for the Derby., Daily Racing Form, 1927-06-02


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EASTERN STARS DUE TODAY Whiskery and Osmand Expected Expectedat at Fairmount Park Probable ProbableField Field for the Derby COLLINSVILLE 111 June 1 Former jockey William Hopkins arrived from New York this morning to make preparations for the arrival of Harry Payne Whitneys Whiskery due here tomorrow in charge of trainer Fred Hopkins The colt is accom ¬ panied by a twoyearold At the same time will arrive J E Wideners Osmand which finished second to Wiskery in the Kentucky Derby Trainer Pete Coyne and jockey Earl Sande will accompany Osmand It is not definitely decided yet who will have the mount on Whiskery the choice being between Clarence Kummer and George Ellis EllisWith With the arrival of Whiskery and Osmand the eastern division will be completed as Black Panther is already on the ground and has been here for some time The western brigade will be augmented by the arrival from Louisville of Jock which finished third in the Kentucky Derby Rolled Stocking Buddy Bauer and Royal Julian This formid ¬ able aggregation is expected to reach Fair mount Thursday ThursdayAt At present it is almost certain that a field of eight possibly nine of the highest type of threeyearolds in the country will make the contest in Fairmount Parks 25000 fea ¬ ture It brings about a renewal of the famed Kentucky Derby running of this year with this interesting exception that Whiskery victor of the Louisville classic will attempt the task of conceding eight pounds to his rivals His impost will be 12C pounds to their 118 118The The complete list from which the field will be drawn their weights owners and trainers follows Horse Wt Owner OwnerWhiskery Whiskery 12G II P Whitney WhitneyOsmand Osmand 118 J E Widener WidenerJock Jock US KIt McLean McLeanItlack Itlack Panther 118 W J Salmon SalmonIlolled Ilolled Stocking 118 J W Parrish ParrishKoyal Koyal Julian 118 W II Whitehoiise WhitehoiiseFred Fred Jr 118 S W Crant CrantISuddy ISuddy Itauer HSIdle Hour Farm Stable StablePurple Purple Pirate IIS Audley Farm Stable StableHandy Handy Mandy 100 Hal Price Headley

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1920s/drf1927060201/drf1927060201_1_4
Local Identifier: drf1927060201_1_4
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800