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mWBKPRESS mWBKPRESSGREATEST GREATEST RACING AKD FINANCIAL WEEKLY IN AMERICA 145 W FortyFifth St New York City Bryant 2761 Price 15 Cents CentsA A BIG EIGHTPAGE RACING PAPER NOW IN ITS THIRD YEAH J JOn On sale everywhere greatest success ever scored by a racing weekly NEW EDITION Full of Coming Winners ALL STANDS TODAY 12 Winners Out of 15 J HAYNES SPECIAL YESTERDAY Pofita 2110 Won WonHaynes Haynes has another just like this cooped up and ready to be turned loose upon the unsuspecting bookies today 25 WEEKLY J HAYNES BACING EDITORS SPECIALS ONE HORSE A DAY STRICTLY Mondays J Haynes Special SpecialCreek Saturdays J Haynes Special SpecialFlying Creek Indian 3020 Won WonTuesdays Flying Cloud 580 340 2nd 2ndFridays Tuesdays J Haynes Special SpecialMusician Musician 760 Won WonWednesdays Fridays J Haynes Special Finished Second Wednesdays J Haynes Special SpecialRoyal Thursdays J Haynes Special SpecialStar Royal Julian 380 Won WonMondays Star Rocket 31 Won Mondays J Ilaynes Special SpecialMacaw Macaw 21 710 14 ran 3rd A WINNER A DAY KEEPS THE SHERIFF AWAY AWAYAre Are yon following the J Haynes service Those who are getting his daily track wire have ka nine winning days out of ten This is not spoof or idle monkey chatter ITS PLAIN FACTS CALL IT LUCK SKILL judgment inside dope feed box info or what yon like ITS TRUE NEVERTHE ¬ LESS Haynes followers who have pyramided their winnings are thousands of dollars in front Those who have sent it along have broke the books booksSTART START WITH HAYNES TODAY 25 FOR SIX DAYS DAYSIf If yon can use some new money and are content to make ONE PLAY A DAY HAYXES with his ramifications reaching to the big stables of America is in position to make you BEAT THE RACES IF it is WINNERS and not prices yon want HAYNES HAS THE GOODS GOODSTelegraph Telegraph your subscription lit once If in the city call personally HAYNES HAS A GOOD PRICED WINNER TODAY TODAYAs As racing editor of THE NEW YORK PRESS J Haynes comes into valuable exclusive inside Information which he is availing himself of and passing along to his subscribers and if you are smart you will get on his list without a moments delay delayTelegraph Telegraph your subscription at once by Western Union or Postal Telegraph 25 or if in tb vicinity call in person personAH AH Business in the Turf Department Strictly by Telegraph TelegraphNEW NEW EDITION ALZ STANDS LATE TODAY TODAYRy Ry special arrangement with George W Lawton THE NEW YORK PRESS la carrying the famous LAWTON RATINGS weekly These ratings have stood the test for twentyone years The most suc ¬ cessful men in America follow Lawton Mr Lawton is writing a serial story each week on HOW TO BEAT THE RACES The fifth installment of this wonderful story is in the issue you can buy today Other installments will come along from week to week Do not miss a single copy of this wonderful weekly