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152 HOMEWOOD 111 June 1 Todays train ¬ ing gallops here included the following followingWASHINGTON WASHINGTON PAKK Weather clear track good dogs up 38 MILE Allynette 40b 127 Supporter 4l b 126 Aromatic 41h 150 Serajero 38b 38b94Kyrock 94Kyrock 38b 144 Scotld Belle 44h 113 Papa Blinks 4l b 126 Scotland 37h 130 Queen Bess 38 b 144 Tom P 40h 12 MILE 148 Bnnthorne 53 b 72 Ossie H 53 b 145 Dr Tanner 53b 119 RuVfskin 53 b 140 Forward Pass 53b 146 Secrecy 53t4b 149 Mr Kirkwood 35u Teenie 52 b 58 MILE 147 Dark Phanml07 b 150 The Hangmnl09 b 34 MILE MILEMoonraker Moonraker 120 e 148 Watts 130 e 99 St Valentinel22b Valentinel22bSecrecy Secrecy and Forward Pass were in com ¬ pany Scotland did a splendid work LOUISVILLE Ky June 1 Todays train ¬ ing gallops over the local courses included the following followingCHURCHILL CHURCHILL DOWNS DOWNSWeather Weather clear track heavy 38 MILE Breisacher 40 b 1W Fairy Girl 3S b bBrinkley Brinkley 39Vsb 144 Proof Reader 38 b 145 Carlago 3Gb Quilfff Party 38 b 142 Fireproof 38 b 144 Ritter 39b 142 Footloose 38b 138 Swpg ilollle 38b 12 MILE MILECharmarten Charmarten 53b 81 Pandale 51 b 149 Little Gipsy 52 b 150 T Td Prince 50Jib 148Louisvle Lou 54b 150 Willet 50isb 58 MILE 151 Coln Racketl03d Jake Sheer 100 b Joe Rudolph 109 b 148 Pindar Peell04b 34 MILE 142 Antiquarian l19h 150 Golden Orientl21 h 149 Aurous 120 h 150 Great Sport 119 b 147 Annihilator 118 h 149 Nairbec 121 b 148 Bonaire 119 b 147 New Gold 120 b 148 Button 121 Ii 147 Ruler l19h 147 Capt Jacksonl19b 147 The Clown 120 b 149 Fire Chief 117 h 150 Watchful 117 h 141 Genial Host 116 i 1 MILE lO Blackamoor 150 b 145 Superfrank 149 b 150 Lancer 148 b 147 Token 153 b 1 14 MILES 151 Buddy Bauer218b Bauer218bBuddy Buddy Bauer was well in hand all the way Genial Host moved nicely Cartago had his speed speedDOUGLAS DOUGLAS PARK Weather clear track heavy 38 MILE 135 Jolly Boy 39h 58 MILE MILEJimma Jimma lOJVh 150 Red Hotl05 h j 128 Red Bonnet l04h i 34 MTTK MTTKBruneth Bruneth 124 b Memo l25b 147 Bonny 124 h 1 MILE 143 Pompano l54h COLLINSVILLE 111 June 1 Todays training gallops here included the following followingFAIRMOUNT FAIRMOUNT PARK Weather clear track muddy 148 Betty Brns 39 h Rout Step 149 Beau Galant 43 b 148 Romp 148 Cheval 42 b 150 Sh Cardinal 149 Cup Bearer 42 b 150 Sh Bullet Lucent S8 h Shasta Lad 148 Orbit 38 h 145 White Seal 12 MILE 132 Aloma 51 h 149 Eddie Burke 149 Becky Sue 52b 145 Florence F 80 Rundark 52h 137 Frank Fullen Biluxia 52Xh 149 HiRh Art 148 Black Kim 54 b Ilalicore Char Lady 55 b 149 Locust Chrokee Maid 51 h Miss Maggie 150 Don Quixote 52h 150 Macedonian 58 MILE 148 Clay Pigeon l08b Little Batl12b 151 Eihl GalgerlOS u Post MistrslOGh MistrslOGhGdn Gdn Russelll05h Poland 106 d d149Lathrop 149Lathrop l09b 139 Wchg IlourlOG h 34 MILE 149 Boy Fr IIomel25h 122 High Prince l22h 149 Cld Idolizerl19h 119 Mont Kosel19h Kosel19hClarieune Clarieune l23 d Sweepstakes l25b 149 Escolane l21d 78 Villager 126 b b149Uaresa 149Uaresa l20 d 1 MILE 77 DrTSDbneyl54 b 150 Famine 154 b bCloud Cloud Idolizer and Mont Rose were in com ¬ pany panyHarass Harass is training kindly and ready for the asking askingEthel Ethel Galliger is rounding to form TORONTO Ont June 1 Todays training gallops here included the following followingTIIOBNCLIFFE TIIOBNCLIFFE PARK Weather clear track fast 38 MILE 150 Blink Bay 39 b 45 Smacker 7h 150 Golden Rule S7 e 150 Shorty T8 e 148 Lady Sphere 8b 146 Toscanelli 38b 118 Sou Ami 39 d 12 MILE irO Davenport 55 h 147 Hamadan 51 h hloO loO Flybook 51b 141 Joaquina 54 b bHillman Hillman 52 h 150 Suky 50d 58 MILE 124 Our Gains 107 c 34 MILE 150 Diecress 123 e 97 Macbeth 118 h 119 Dcronda 122 d 143 Sun Swept 122 d d118J 118J W Weberl20 h 1 MILE 150 Mid Temple 149 e 151 Payman l4Se l4SeNEW NEW YORK N Y June 1 Todays train ¬ ing gallops over the local courses included the following followingliKLMONT liKLMONT PARK Weather cloudy cloudyBea track fast 38 MILE Bea 35 h 115 Jumbo 147 Bois DC Rose 37 b 149 Narcissus Narcissus37ib BaelrsHnr 37ib 149 Otto 150 Black Curl 35 h KX PillotU 151 BrownWisdom b 148 Post Time 140 Be Fair 35h 147 Weeburn 14G Kxcalibur Jih 149 War Path 144 FrRosarnond 3775b 150 Salem 150 Happy Argo 35 h 149 Santrock 12 MILE MILE48h 140 Aster 48h 150 Kentucky II 131 Boyish Bob 50 h 128 Meadow Vale 148 Bonnie Belle 49 h 146 Ominous 150 Bystander J9 h Paragraph 150 CrystalPeant 48h Purple Light 146 Cherrybrook 48 h 134 Raphia 149t lidon 48 h 139 RdesMfgn RdesMfgn48h Clytie 48h 14 Rip Rap 151 Dorado 51 b 150 Spy Glass 150 Discovered 48h 141 Sortie Giggleorum 48h 132 The Pine 148 Girl Friend 50 h 150 Waxhakie 139 Honey Comb 48h 147 Warm Heart Heart48h 141 Herade 48h 141 War Flier Incense 52b 58 MILE 144Groucher 101 h 147 Odd Trick 101 b 150 Holly Toityl0 h 147 Pollywog 102 149 Handy 101 b 34 MILK MILK148Atwater 148Atwater l15h 150 John Speed 117 b 146 CoorS rgeantl15h 146 JJWilliams l14b 134 Cora Lee 122 b 151 Retcliate l15h 148 Hobcaw l15h 121 Social Mug 120 b 78 MILE 149 Peter Peter 151 b 146 Autumn Bellsl52 b 150 Minister l48b 138 BonnieKliaaml45 b 150 Nimba l40h 150 Byrd 157 b 147 Premier l41h 139 Flyman l42h 150 Queens Flyl46 b 151 Grippraineandl45h 150 Seventh Sonl4f h 141Junetta 146 b 150 Tannic 149 b 1 18 MILES 150 Bizarre l58h 150 Peanuts l58h 1 14 MILES 149 Crusader 208h 149 Mars 211 b 149 Chance Play 205h 146 Macaw 208 h hAQUEDUCT AQUEDUCT Weather cloudy track fast 38 MILE KJOGravitia 36 h 150 Pcilla Carter Kt of Merci 42 b Verdi 148 Manuscript 39 b 150 Wng Stone 149 Priceman 9b 149 Whiskey Run Runr2 r2 MILE MILE49h 150 Ambition 49h 132 One Cent 151 Ctain Martin 49 h 14i Polyphemus 150Myra M 49 h 150 The Vintner 34 MILE Cner Hannonl16d 13C Poly l17h 151 Levoyant l17d l17dJAMAICA JAMAICA Weather cloudy track fast 38 MILE liO Bridegroom 35b 126 Nice Child 39 b 138 Blondin 39 b 73 Okay 35d 129 Flying Monk 39 b 150 Philips First 38b 131 Fget Me Not 37b 149 Sleepy Time 35b 144 Jack Dpsey 39iib 12 MILE 150 Highbridge 51b 49 Rockhawk 54 b 144 Pop Bell 51b HI Red Curl 54b 58 MTTK 150 Doctor Wilsonl02h 34 MILE 151 Boyard l15 h 150 Ramoneur l26Sib 141 Clean Play l18Vb 148 Sam Jowl l22b 150 Flying Scudl18ifb 148 Titan l22b 150 Mzies Buddyl18b 149 Wild Aster l20b 151 Pr of Brbonl21 b 1 MILE 144 Forecaster l42h 150 Lord Broom l43 b 148 Jk of Clubs l44 b bDoctor Doctor Wilson was not fully extended extendedBoyard Boyard worked cleverly cleverlyForecaster Forecaster went from the barrier