3rd Race [3rd Thorncliffe Park, Daily Racing Form, 1927-06-02

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vv llfl fvJrlCG tv v 1 3riip sliHl 70 Tunis 3yearolds and upward Foaleil In Canada claiming Track record Star Jester June 3 1022 143 3 110 DisTiiuc Tr Odds WtSt i StrFin Jockey Started Order of Finish SPHEEICITY ch f 3 95 Ey Golden Sphere Derision by Cocksure II IIiTrainer iTrainer J G Gorman Owner P Gorman Brooder Sasgram Stabla 13919 Thf 170149 ft 193 S3 3 1 lh 2 O Borassa 7 Rcl Pearl 1091fsandAnds IOC At wood 114 114itGr itGr 4 Wdh 31 115 in 235 109 2 3 42 4 1 U Fisher S Pandora lOOHrcvot I lrMay Blossom 107 13553 W lb 341lSm SI 109 1 1 IJ 21 U Fisher 13 Pandora lOVatsinn 117Colrvietoria 100 07539 Thf ll4 ft 41 9i 3 9 Ce C5 K Huff It MolMyliill lOOKdaC 95WVIithoTime 09 090742fi 0742fi Thf 34 l13tgd 31 3 f 4 7s 75i J Walker 11 Cambridge 104Davenport 105PnffniU 103 103072CO 072CO Thf 5Jfl10Am 26 9S 6 S 7J1 65J J Walker 12 Adamas 112 Balto 113 MollieMyliill 111 07093 Wdb 1 l42ft 32 92 5 9 S 73 R Huff 10 IldcsMtVs 105WtheTime OOMldr 110 11U 11UOG893 OG893 Wdb 34 l10 = hy 185 97 1 3 3 3 J O Brassa 7 Paulotta 101 Balto 97 Ixxmey 102 HECATE br f 4 M 103 By Lovetie Hebe by Giganteum GiganteumTrainer Trainer G T Miller Owner Mrs L A Livingston Breeder Mrs L A Livingston 13922 Thf 170 IMGTift 27 93 3 S 74 3si J Huff 12 Matilda 15 99 SeaLady 103 Berrillin 100 100I3G99 I3G99 Wdb 1 143 sy SJ no 7 5 5 = 46i D Emery 8 Mecran 102 Solidity 112 Innkeeper 10 12848 Pim 1116149 f t 195f 113 3 12 12 12 J Josiah 12 Shadowdale 128Kanduit HGTypecter 118 04772 BB ll42 ift 32 103 2 C G14 6IS W Munden 7 Grtllopcs HORedHawk lOSAnmcrode 10 04700 BB 7S l27iri 43 10110 10 75 51 A Claver 10 Lincard 103 Nero 113 Flying Al IOC 02028 Wdb 170 l4S = ift 31 102 7 C 5SJ 7eJ A Claver 9 Clothllall 112ScvenOaks 112 Solidity 102 LAZIBONES blk c 3 97 By Cattegat Highland Mary by Charles OMalley OMalleyTrainer Trainer J Givers Owner J C Fletcher Breeder J C Fletcher 07536 Thf 51flOSft 125 102 5 4 34 31 W Munden 8 1yMcNeill lOCRMcarum 1IOP rcss 10 06342 Ham Ci f lOSft 13 102 C 6 641 643 S Stretton 9 QuadrIe 109 JDean 112 TVnlUVm 114 15934 BB 34116ft 235 96 4 3 2 I1 S Strettonll MerryJest lOSTipryMary I05Mecran 10 05885 BB 34 l16gd 11 96 2 3 21 3J S Stretton 9 Signola 112CutBush HOWeatliervane 102 10205J41 05J41 BB 5Sl03hy G 103 7 S 8 ° S J ChlmerslO Troutlet 112 Mr Gaiety 112 Meeran 112 05597 Dor 51 f 1 OSft 3310 10211 3 2l 3l J ChlmerslO Thornlirin lOOMryJest 113FoTylcr 108 DAVENPOBT ch g 105 By Ammer Pampinea by Marta Banta BantaTrainer Trainer A E Alexandra Owner A E Alexandra Breeder J C Fletcher 13553 Wdb 341l m 125 12212 12 SJ G3 T Wilson 13 Pandora 10Sphericily KWCatamaran Hi 12380 Bow Glfl21 sl 1G 10S 9 8 S43 SJ F Mann 13 Hid go HSMkMter 119KgONIl II 112 12353 Bow GJf l27Vihy2710 111 9 G 4S 2k F Mann 1 EdPdlcton lllCIIopc lllCdymkcr 112 12289 Bow 34113 ey G7 103 7 G 5 ° 4 = ° J Mann 7 Tester 122Harvey Stedman HOIeger 103 11500 Mia 34 l13ift 119 109 9 9 9 3 9 i F Mann GoldcnPrincc lOSGareth 113BallGee 1011 101108G53 08G53 Lrl 1 116 IMS ft 38 103 3 7 Sl S11 R Petcmel 8 IyBraxted lOSEnsile lOSBlowIIorn 103 08353 Lrl 1 116 l4SVtft 25f 10110 12 ll sll F Mann 13 Maetta lOOIyBountiful lOCTeluridn 110 08027 Lrl 1 116 l47ft 108 113 3 7 S J S J Mann 8 Uralite 100 Mysterious 105 Rasuli 110 ATWOOD ch c 4 M 110 By Atwell Mineola n by Maintenon MaintenonTrainer Trainer J H Smith Owner Eiverdale Stable Breeder A K Macomber 13919 Thf 170149 ft 13 111 5 7 7 = 4J1 J D Mney 7 Royal Penrl Sphericity 9IfsandAnds 10r 13772 Wdb 1 116 l4gd 4S 102 7 7 10XIO14 J Maciver 10 Koscko llOIfs aAnds lOORealArtist 107 107OG992 OG992 Wdb 1 2llV ft 20 119 2 S 4 4 R Romclli Tattlg 1281hanariot 128Ifs andAnds 121 05938 BB UMlitft 5 106 5 5 5 4 R Itanelli 5 Teluridc lOSDanport lOSMGaietyll 94 05599 Dor 1 l41ft 235 103 1 5 2 2s C Rails S Ace ofAcesII HOLastCent 10 Htlime OS OS054G5 054G5 Dor 1 l Uift 34 93 5 3 5H 031 S Stretton 3 Tamarind HSBrevct 107FfyRuffles 103 1039G3G5 9G3G5 Thf 1 141 ft 48 1021 4 8 C G14 J McTguelO Quartzitc lOSSenIStar 104Herctrix 104 104ANMEEODE ANMEEODE b g 4 105 By Anmer Merode by St Simonian H HTrainer Trainer D Caldwell Owner E M Doumani Breeder J C Fletcher Fletcher13G07 13G07 Wdb l70150 sy 2 12 4 5 5 41S J Hastie G Tippce 10Ifs and Ands 11811sButy 11 13197 Aur 1131 hy 14f 11015 4 2 2i J KIrby 12 MyDesfafn 104Fairlf t 108HichCard 103 13020 Aur l7014Sft GS 111 G 5 G10 G14 J KIrby 9 HanlsUp 112PrivatcSeth HOLyKate 112 12853 Aur 170152 1 Slf 111 6 5 10 12 = R Patrianl2 SeaGreen lORPomps HGXobody Home 100 12700 Aur 34 l21hy IGf 107 5 10 9 9iR Zcchini 12 BobSding 102DnaSanta 107Disciple 107 12560 Aur 24133hy 20 113 7 7 7 7 i L Wilson 7 CTWthVn HOSlBranch HOJagger 110 EOSE BEATJTY ch f 4 100 By Eoselyon Beauty Spot by The Commoner CommonerTrainer Trainer J L Kennedy Owaer Harbor Stable Breeder Eiverdale Stable 1 3607 Wdb 170 lr 0 sy 19 115 6 4 3 3 E 1 OHrn fi Tipici I05If8 and Ands llSAnmcde 120 12008G77 08G77 Aur 34 114 ft 13 100 4 5 6 B Pershall 7 CClaridge 102BadLuck 112Iixiway 101 08409 Aur G M09ft 5f 107 S 7 95 0 W Crowellia SilentKing 112Kremlin 112BkFriday 107 07584 Thf 34113 gd 62 9t 9 10 OilO5 J Walker 11 Nimrud 110 Soteria 9G Elemental 110 1100732G 0732G Thf 34 l17hy 91 101 6 7 54 G i L Feeney 8 OTrigr lOOKgsCourt 102FearNot 100 06989 Wdb 34 l14ift 2 96 10 U 1010z A BcrftJrll Vie 101 Invictus 117 Dolly Dunbar 107

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1920s/drf1927060201/drf1927060201_13_1
Local Identifier: drf1927060201_13_1
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800