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WASHINGTON PARK HOMEWOOD ILL WEDNESDAY JUNE 1 1927 Washington Park 1 18 Miles First day Illinois Jockey Club Spring meeting of 26 days Weather clear Stewards M Xothanson J T Ireland and It M Sweitzer Judges W S Sherwood and C t Henry Starter 11 Morrlssey Racing Secretaries M Xathanson and C F Henry Racing starts at 200 p m Chicago time AV indicates whip S spurs B blinkers Fig j ures in parentheses following the distance of each race indicate horse date track record age of horse nnd weight carried Indicates apprentice allowance OOOrr FIBST BACE 34 Mile Banter July 30 1926 112 6 112 Purs Jl200 3 JLO 7O 4 yearolds and upward Claiming Net value to winner 850 second 200 J third 100 fourth 50 StrFin Jockeys Equir Book Strt 13755 FLATTERY WB 3 101 2 4 5 4 4J I1 J Bollero J N Camden 510100 12780 BIG SWEEP WB 4 119 9 1 I E Pool W E Applegate 115100 13755 RED GRAXGE w 2 105 1 2 2133U6JMISS 21 3 M McGgle C II Knebelkamp Knebelkamp6J 1550100 133U6JMISS ROSEDALE w 6 112 C 7 6J 4 A Pnjrass J AV Lewis 425100 13219 FINLAND WE 5 112 4 3 5 5 5l l M Fator W Garth 890100 13242 THEO FAY w 5 11C S 5 3 c C E Allen O L Foster 1135100 11351001C405100 01817 MONARCHIST 7 71 71 J Dillea Dearborn Stable 1C405100 08G33 FIREWATER w 3 94 7 C S S1 Sh S Cooper C E Durnell 10580100 13014 POKE STAR WB 4 109 5 9 9 9 9 9 E Taplin H G Beilwell M Time 23 49 l15 i Track good 2 certificates earned Flattery 1220 straight J4GO place 3 JO show Big Sweep 2 230 show Red Grange 3 CO show showEquivalent Equivalent booking Flattery 510 to 100 straight 130 to 100 place 95 to 100 show Big bweep 35 to 100 place 15 to 100 show Red Grange 80 to 100 show showWinner Winner B f by Light Brigade Plausible by Plaudit trained by K Goose bred by Mr Johnson N Camden Winner entered to be claimed for 3700 3700WENT WENT TO POST 200 AT POST 1 minute minuteStart Start good and slow Won handily second nnd third driving drivingFLATTERY FLATTERY was outpaced to the stretch but saved ground on the inside and passing the leaders got ui near the end to outfinish BIG SWEEP when ridden hard The latter showed much the most speed and drew away into a long lead but was unable to withstand the rush of FLATTERY RED GKANGE was a forward contender all the way nnd raced well in the final drive MISS ROSEDALE closed up ground and finished gamely FINLAND raced well TIIEO FAY was done in the stretch stretchScratched Scratched 133G8AVildrake 110 13277 Engadine 100 13307 Pomegranate 107 13690 Monastery 105 13110 Bolton 114 114Overweights Overweights Finland 1 pound Monarchist Fore Star 1 SECOND BACE 34 Mile Banter July 30 1926 112 6 112 Purse 1200 3yearolds and upward Claiming Net value to winner 850 second 200 third 100 fourth 50 Index Horses AWtPPSt i Str Fin Jockeys Equiv Book Strt 13271 BROOMSTER WB 8 111 G 1 I I3 1J 1s A Prgrass W L Drake 300103 3001031350SJUPDIKE 1350SJUPDIKE w 4 110 63 2 2 = 23 W Bogskl R L Baker 1270100 12701001338TETOX 1338TETOX w 5 106 74 6 51 4 31 L Jenner F S Page 4 413733GKO 13733GKO GROOM wo 5 115 26 31 31 31 4 E Pool J B Partridge lfc 100 1001232G 1232G MINSTREL BOY WB 5 107 1 5 53 G 53 51 R Jones Unna Jones 5265100 1 131 9 ROCKY LANE WB 4 114 48 S S 7 G3 J Bollero La Brae Stable 131010 131010138I03BALL 138I03BALL GEE WB 5 115 82 4 41 7 R Pcternel Gwyn Oak Stable 340100 3401001354U 1354U 1IEC WB 4 112 3 7 7 7 S 8 J Dillea Mrs L M Holmes 8900100 8900100Time Time 24 49 116 Track good 2 certificates earned Broomster 920 straight 300 place 430 show Updike 9 0 pacf COI show Teton 1050 siov Equivalent looking Broomster SCO to 100 straight 110 to 100 place 113 to 100 show Updike 335 to 100 place 200 to 100 show Teton 425 to JOO show showWinner Winner B g by Broomstick Spun Glass by Rock Sand trained by W L Drake bred ly Mr Harrv Pavne Whitnev Winner entered to be claimed for 2701 2701WENT WENT TO POST 234 AT POST 1 minute minuteStart Start good and slow Won easily second nnd third driving drivingBItOOMSTEU BItOOMSTEU began fast and at once raced into a safe lead but came very wide when entering the fctretrh losing much ground then recovered in Hie stretch and won going away UPDIKE raced in nearest pursuit to the stretch and joined the leader when the latter raced wide but began tiring near the end TETOX worked his way up gradually and made a game finish GEO GROOM tired in the stretch MINSTREL BOY raced well BALL GEE was done when reaching the stretch stretchScrathed Scrathed 134G4Hats Up 107 137C3Basha 110 12S503Pce Wee 110 13594 Annie Coughlin 89 irirJoe Junior 09 130DO Wild Notes 89 13259 Foretime 105 105Overweight Overweight Ilec 3 pounds OOOO THIBD BACE 58 Mile Henry Homer July 19 1926 100J 2 115 JPromenade JLOtfOtf Purse Purse 1200 2yearolds Allowances Net value to winner 850 second 200 third 100 fourth 50 Index Horses ii Str Fin Jockeys Eiiuiv Book Strt 1 1C89POL1TA w 103 3 3 I1 11 IS lnk L Jenner La Brae Stable ti iw iwlVt72DREANA lVt72DREANA LEE W 103 77 51 41 21 2h AV Taylor L M Severson 1533100 1533100AMERN AMERN THUNDER w 103 66 3 2 3i 33 C E Allen O L Foster 2010100 20101001308C1SOSTASY 1308C1SOSTASY W 1005 1 2 G3 C3 G 43 E Pool J S Taylor 50100 12 57 SEVEXTEN SIXTY W 10S 55 4 5 = 4 = O1 C HworUi H P Gardner SOO100 SOO100132583BIRDAVOOD 132583BIRDAVOOD wn 112 2 1 21 3l 51 CJ M Fator AVm Garth 505100 12171 COROXEL wn 108 4 4 7 7 7 7 R Peternet La Brae Stable t ttCoupled tCoupled as La Brae Stable entry Time 24 49 l021Jj Track good 2 certificates earned La Brae Stable entry 2110 straight 010 place 360 show Dreana Lee 12 K place 440 show American Thunder 370 show showEquivalent Equivalent booking La Brae Stable entry 955 to 100 straight 203 to 100 place 80 to 100 show Dreana Iee r 00 to 100 place 120 to 100 show American Thunder 185 to 100 show showWinner Winner B f by Wildair Mollie Elliot by Voter trained by D F Cannon bred by Mr John H Morris WENT TO POST 309 AT POST 1 minute Start good and slow Won driving second and third the same samePOLITA POLITA showed the most speed from soon after the start but was hard pressed throughout to hold a slight lead and barely lasted to defeat DREANA LEE The latter joined the leaders at the head of the streteli and challenging gamely forced the winner to do her best to hold her lead and outfinislied AMERICAN THUNDER AMERICAN THUNDER loomed up menacingly when entering the stretch and finished close up ISOSTASV was outpaced throughout SEVENTEEN SIXT1 tired BIRIHVOOD was done iu the streteli CORONEL raced far back backOverweights Overweights American Thunder 1 pound Istostasy 114 Birdwood 4 FOURTH RACE 34 Mile Banter July 30 1926 112 6 112 Second Bunning WASHINGTON PABK HANDICAP 5000 Added 3yearolds and upward Net value to winner 6690 second 800 third 400 fourth 150 Index Horses Ji A Str Fin Jockeys Equir Book Strt 13G3J GIRL SCOUT w 5 104 12 2 3 3J 2J I1 S Cooper Three Ds Stk Fm Sta S3SO100 S3SO1004l 33811 SAXOLA w 6 109 S C C13804PCE 4l 4 3 = 21 C McCrsn Sanola Stock Fm Sta tS90100 tS90100I 13804PCE OF WALESwn 4 129 11 3 I 1 li 3 C Laiiff E B McLean 160100 160100C 13804 XOREASTER WB 3 10S 4 4 4130COSlX C C1 51 4h L McDott J N Camden 210100 130COSlX ALTOS w 6 120 710 9 5 C1 51 L Lyke Sanoli Stock Fm Sta t 12120 FLAGSTAFF WK 7 110 5 12 II3 91 S G1 R Peternel N W Church J1570100 1322 THE HEATHEN w 3 105 10 1 2 21 4h 71 A Prgrass C II Pierce 1710100 1710100J10T5100 13804 SEXOR NORRIS wr C 114 1 8 7s S 91 81 M Fator H G Bedwell J10T5100 13391 DEVON w 4 1091 3 It 12 12 II3 9l E Pool J J Greely 1905100 11877 SANDY MAX w 4 100 G 9 101 103 10 103 J C Mersr La Brae Stable t 13372 HOT TIME wit 4 105 95 C3 73 711 Jl C Hworth Joliet Stable 2970100 13804 BULLETIN wr 4 112 27 S1 H3 12 12 E Taplin H G Bedwell tCoupled as Sanola Stock Farm Stable entry JN AV Church and La Brae Stable entry H G Bedwell entry Time 23i 48i 115 Track good 2 certificates earned Girl Scout 0980 straight 2970 place 800 show Sanola Stock Farm Stable entry 740 place 450 show Prince of AVales 480 show showEquivalent Equivalent booking Girl Scout 3390 to 100 straight 1385 to 100 place 300 to 100 show Sanola Stock Farm Stable entry 270 to 100 place 125 to 100 show Prince of Wales 140 to 100 show showWinner Winner B in by Hand Grenade Myrtlcgale by Uncle trained by C E Durnell bred by Mr A King Macomber MacomberWENT WENT TO POST 341 AT POST 5 minutes minutesStart Start good and slow AVon driving second and third the same sameGIRL GIRL SCOUT followed PRINCE OF AVALES closely to the stretch and coming fast on the inside raced into the lead when a few yards out and held SANOLA safe at the end The latter was also close up from the start and clear of Interference and finishing with a rush outgamed PRINCE OF AVALES in the last strides PRINCE OF AVALES raced into a good lead while going up the back stretch and held it well to near the last seventy yards then quqickly tired under his impost and was outfinished NOREASTER raced well but was unable to reach the leaders until near the end SUN ALTOS closed a gap but began tiring near the finish FLAGSTAFF closed a gap THE HEATHEN raced closest up for a half mile and showed fine speed but was done in the stretch stretchSeralrhed Seralrhed io5S The Huguenot 105 133983Rival 101 1326 St Aalentine 105 13755 Damosel 100 jr7MJM5oli Rogers OS 13296 Cudgeller 106 13SC6 Magic AVand 100 13811 All Baba 90 13372 Orestes II 98 98overweights overweights Noreaster 1 pound Devon IO Hot Time 2 FIFTH UACE 1 Mile Captain lial July 17 1326 l37i 4 132 Old Town Handicap Purse 1500 3yearolds and upward Net value to winner 1000 sec ¬ ond 300 third 150 fourth 50 Index Horses AWtPPSt li Str Fin Jockeys Equiv Book Slrt 13295 CUDGELLER wit 5 111 4 5 4l 2 I3 I31386C I3 1 E Taplin II G Bedwell 245100 1386C MAGIC AVAND Wit G 97 5 4 G3 51 43 43138113FAXXIE 21 J Bollero Mra C Lawrence 390100 138113FAXXIE MAY w 3 92 G 3 1 11 23 23338CO 1 3 T Root J J Coughlin 13651PO 13651POjHii 338CO jHii ARABIAN AiiAuiAs wit 7 9S ia 3 o 7 7 7 7 C1 4 J Majestic Mrs L M Holmes 2010100 13310 GOLDEN MAC wit 4 100 7 1 2 2 4 5 7 51 A Prgrass Mrs J II Buscher SB5100 13718 SMILING GUS WB 4 105 1 G 511 G GJ3329C GJ G II Cooper C E Durnell 1440lOi1 1440lOi13329C 3329C J FRED A WB 5 111 2 2 3l 3 311 7 R Peternel J F Adams 195100 195100Time Time 24 50 116 143 Track good 2 certificates earned Cudgeller JtH straight 370 place 410 hovv Magic Wand 470 place 340 show Fannie May 430 show showEquivalent Equivalent booking Cudgeller 245 to 100 straight 85 to 100 place 105 to 100 show Magic Wand 335 to 100 place 70 to 300 show Fannie May 115 to JOO show showWinner Winner B h by Cudgel or Sir Barton Pennsylvania by Meddler trained by II G Bedwell bred by Mr J K I Ross RossWENT WENT TO POST 421 AT POST 4 minutes Start good and slow Won driving wccnd anil third the snmc snmcCITDGELLER CITDGELLER passed FANNIE MAY Into the lead after rounding the far turjj and drew away liit liitbegan began tiring when an eighth away and was hard ridden to withstand the challenge of MAGIO WAND WANDMACK MACK WAND raced under restraint to the strcteji then came with n rush when ridden hard and andI I rapidly wearing the leader down would have won in another stride FANNIE MAY set a good pare parefor for a half mile and raced well to the end ARABIAN closed u gap and finished fast GOLDEN MAC had net mishaps and tired SMILING GUS raced fairly well J FRED A ran wil for tins first threw threwquarter quarter Jxrnttdicd 13910 Hot Time 100 SIXTH BACE 1 Kile Optain Hal July 17 193ft 137 132 PUTS 12 i 3yearolds and upward Claiming Net value to winner 850 second 209 third 100 fourth 50 Index Horses AWtPPSt 4 Str Kin Jockeys Owners Eqnir Book Strt 13705 HOPELESS W 7 111 1 3 43 3 33 11 1 F Maguirc R L Rogers 90100 13310 1115100r4 CARTOON w 4 107 6 8 8 8 S 5J 2 A Pnirass Dearborn Stable 1115100 r4 DIME DUNKIEwn 3 9C 5 4 2 2 510100138BG 2i 21 3 L Jenner C Houbro 510100 138BG PAULA SHAY wn 7 98 8 6 73 7 73 31 4 R Jones Unna Jones 2525100 12951 535510013138CHINK BLK OX WHITE wn 3 101 3 5 5 G G 7l 5 J Majestic Pueblo Stable 5355100 13138CHINK w 5 109 42 I3 I3 1 G J C Mergr Mrs W J Howard 360100 190010013549CAPTAIX 13755 SAMAROX wn 4 103 2 7 61 4 41 41 71 E S Coopr C K Durnell 1900100 13549CAPTAIX DOXANwii T 105 7 1 3 51 5 1 S 8 C Hworth Joliet Stable 3500100 3500100Time Time 24 49 116 143 Tract good 2 certificates earned Hopeless 380 straight 340 place 260 show Cartoon 840 place 390 show Dimple Dunkie 320 show showEquivalent Equivalent booking Hopeless 90 to 100 straight 70 to 100 place 30 to 100 show Cartoon 320 to 100 place showWinner 95 to 100 show Dimple Dunkie 00 to 100 show Winner B g by Huon Kolinsky by Uncle trained by B L Rogers bred by Mr W B Miller Winner entered to he claimed for 5700 WENT 5700WENT minutesStart TO POST 452 AT POST 2 minutes Start good and slow Won easily second and third driving HOPELESS close up from the start came fast through the last quarter and taking the lead from CHINK after entering the stretch won as his rider pleased CARTOON raced far back to the stretch then closed a great gap and outfinished the others DIMPLE DUNKIE raced prominently from the start and finished w ll in the final drive PAULA SHAY tired near the end CHINK set a good pace to the last turn then raced extremely wide and tired SAMAUON tired badly CAPTAIN DONAN was done after going a half mile mileOverweights Overweights Chink 2 pounds Captain Donan 2 Dimple Dunkie 1 1 Q4 SEVENTH BACE 1 18 Miles Pauli Shay Aup 7 1926 152 6 104 Pun JLO 7TtO 12CO 3yearolds and upward Claiming Net valua to winner 850 second 200 third 100 fourth 50 Index Horses Str Fin Jockeys Equir Book Strt 138G7LADY BRAXTEDwn 4 108 6 1 4 7 4 IJ 1 A Prgrass J W Lewis 130C2 STONE AGE w 7 103 4 9 S Gi 5i 5 2 1 L Jenner W A Baumgartner 13694 MAJOE 2 3 3k k R Jones Lyda Mac Farm Stable 1915100 139163STATLER 5 8 7i 3 31 3 4 W Taylor II West 535100 13476 BRUMFIELD D Brcckinridge 4690100 1340 1 POLLY ATVELL w 4 100 9 7 G1 S1 T3 63 6 J Bollero Joliet Stable 1S55100 13201 Stablo128KPSIX ABSTRACT w 5 110 239 9 S1 S3 71 R Peternel Pueblo Stablo 1735109 128KPSIX SIXTY w 4 105 1 2 51 51 6 1 71 S F MaBuire II P Gardner 490100 1089C GRASS TREE w S 110 7 4 1 4 9 9 9 M Fator Woodlawn Stablo 3790100 Time 3790100Time 26 54 l21Vs lASVi 201 Track good 2 certificates earned Lady Braxtcd 550 straight 320 place 320 show Stoneage 350 place 320 show Ma joe C20 show showEquivalent Equivalent booking Lady Braxted 175 to 100 straight 60 to 100 place CO to 100 show Stoneage 75 to showWinner 100 place CO to 100 slrow Majoe 210 to 100 show Winner Ch f by Braxted Frummenty by Buckwheat trained by A J Plack bred in England by Mr 2000WENT F Johnson Winner entered to be claimed for 2000 WENT TO POST 521 AT POST 4 minutes Start drivingLADY good and slow AVon easily second and third driving LADY BRAXTED raced close up under restraint for the first threequarters then came fast from the stretch turn into a long lead and won in a canter STONEAGE came from far back and closing a big gap outfinished the others MAJOE began tiring in the stretch after setting the pace but raced gamely in the final eighth STATLER raced fairly well and only tired in the last few yards j BRUMFIELD showed speed and raced well to the stretch GRASS TREE was kicked by BRUMFIELD y while at the post postScratched Scratched 13752Rcd Pennant 115 1S3C7 Bill Hare 110 Overweights 110Overweights Majoe 3 pounds Brumfield 1