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BELMONT PARK Copyright 1927 by Daily R Form Publishing Coraprj NEW YORK N Y WEDNESDAY JUNE 1 1927 Bclmont Park 1 12 miles C 14 feet Twelfth day Westchester Racing Association Spring meeting of 21 days Weather clear Stewards of meeting J E Widcner R T Wilson and W S Aosbnrgh Steward Representing the National Steeplechase and Hunt Association A H Hlgginson Judges E C Smith and C Cor nehlscn Starter Mars Cassidy Racing Secretary V E Schaumburg Racing starts at 230 p m Chicago time 130 p in W indicates whip S spurs H blinkers Fig ¬ ures In parentheses following the distance of each race indicate horse date track record age of horse and weight carried Indicates apprentice allowance fl OOOf FIRST RACE 4 12 Furlongs Widrner Course BostonUn Jnne 5 1928 51 2 JLOt dt 117 Pmcilla Pcrce Purse 1000 2yearolds Maidens Fillies Claiming Net value to winner 700 second 200 third 100 Index Horses AAVtPPSt 2 Str Fin Jockeys Owners OHO 13791 CLAIRDIXE iv 112 24 41 11 11 G Fields J N Levine 7 11791 CHIXCHILLA w 109 1 3 lh 2i 2s 1C HorvthBud Fisher 8 12 J2 ii zj zjwn 13C29 SANTA SWEEP wn 109 G 5 6 31 3 = G Philpot AV T Anderson 7 S 31 S5 45 45iv 13677GLADYS CLARK iv 117 17 15 7 41 4 H Richds P H Faulconer 4 6 6 21 65 65w 13G29 FORKST IMP w 107 12 f S 71 5 AV PnKtonlC E Hitt 30 50 50 20 10 10w 12549 XOOX JOY w 1M 14 7 21 G J Longo J McE BowmanJlS 40 30 10 5 5iv 13791 FllAT GIRL iv 112 IS 2 01 10 71 P AValls H T Archibald 10 12 10 4 2 2w 13677 BROOM MARKET w 109 10 9 10 S Sh J McCoy Mendham Sta 30 30 30 12 G Gw w 104 9 11 9 9 9 1C Force Green Top Sta 30 30 30 12 G GAV 13003AIX5HA tv 109 13 8 812R90 3 0 10S L McAtee Greentree Sta S 10 10 4 2 2iv 12R90 LAOY JULE w 109 3 310 10 14 12 111 E Barnes J Lowe 20 30 30 12 6 6w 13791 ELFKIX w vl07l517 107 15 17 HI 11M2 K Fewcll Hamton Fm St 10 12 7 3 S5 S5wr 13029 WAKEFUL wr 109 11 13 1313002STHOXG 161 161 131 J CallahnR Hyams 30 30 30 12 G Gw 13002STHOXG POLICY w 112 1C 1 152 3 14 r Kelsay Lilane Sta 4 6 6 21 65 65w 13629 WILLIE MAY w 109 5 14 13i 14 151 C Rails P II Faulconer f 4 6 6 21 G5I G5 13256 EDXA TRUES DALE I w 110 7 12 12 151 1Gi iv smith Mrs A Swenke 30 30 30 12 G 13256 LASS OGOWRIE w n 109 S Ifi 17 17 17 L Hamon Lrel Pk Std S30 40 40 15 8GO S Sw GO BAXG w 109 4 Left at post J ChalmrsSaRe Stable 15 40 30 10 5 Coupled as 1 II Faulconer entry JJ McE fiowman and Sage Stable entry TimoT 53 Track fast fastWinner Winner lilt f by Whisk Vena Fair by Fair PJay trained by J Ioftus bred by Short Grass Stud Winner entered to be claimed for 3501 3501WENT WENT TO POST 239 AT POST C minutes minutesStart Start good and slow for all but Go Rang Won driving second and third the same sameCLAIRDINK CLAIRDINK close up from the start stood a long drive gamely and outfinished CHINCHILLA in the final strides The latter moved up gamely when called on hut tired after getting on even terms with the winner SANTA SWEEP raced well along the inner rail and had no mishaps GLADYS CLARK was shuffled back shortly after the start and came again at the end FOREST IMP ran a good race NOON JOY was in close quarters at the end FRAT GIRL had no mishaps ELFKIN bolt iil at the start GO RANG fractious at the post wheeled at the start startScratched Scratched 13250 Little Kid Carroll 109 13383 Upper Crust 109 109Overweight Overweight Edna Trucsdale 1 pound 13925 SECOND KACE About 2 Miles Good and Plenty Steeplechase Handicap 1500 Added 4yearolds and upward Net value to winner 1285 second 200 third 100 Index Horses A Wt PP St 3 10 12 Kin Jockeys o H o r s 7 143 1 4 4 21 2 2 I1 R Craord Greentree Sta 13678 BETHANY w 7 133 2 2 1 1 1 11 2s C Smoot Grassland Sta 20 20 20 G 21 0895 ERNE II w G 153 313 4l 4 4 31 A FerKsnGreentree Sta 35 1 1 13 out outOC70I OC70I BARLEYCORN w G 144 4 3 2 3 3 3 = 4 D Byera J E Wldener 233 4513 13630IMP w G 148 5 G 5 5s 5J 5 5 H Jeffcott Raritan Sta 885 8535 853513815ATTILA 13815ATTILA II ws 4 130 G 5 6 G G G PupI Burgs Sewickley Sta 10 10 7 2 1 1Coupled Coupled es Greentree Stable entry entryTime Time 348 Track fast fastWinner Winner B g by Jus dOrangc I a Berline by Airliu trained by V Powers bred in France by Baron E do Rothschild RothschildWENT WENT TO POST 306 AT POST 1 minute minuteStart Start cood and slow Won driving second and third the same sameBUANTOME BUANTOME wan under restraint until called on tlicn moved up fast and headed the leader when nearlng the final jump and was ridden hard to the end BETHANY showed the most speed fr n the Ktart and jumping well came again in the final drive ERNE II under restraint until at the eleventh jump resH nded to hard riding but sulked iu the final seventy yards BARLEYCORN raced pronii uently all the way and finished well RIP was outrun and had no mishaps ATTILA II jumped poorly and fell lame after taking the eleventh jump jumpScratched Scratched OS2TO Ix rcnzo 145 13534s Britannic 335 335Overweight Overweight Bethany 5 jioiinds THIRD RACE 1 Mile Cherry Pie Sept 3 1923 135 3 113 Twentyfirst Running HARLEM CLAIMING HANDICAP 2000 Added 3yearolds and upward Net value to winner 3225 second 500 third 250 Index Horses AWtlISit Vi 4 Str Fin Jockeys Owners O II C S 13787 McAULIFKE w G 110 15 4J 3J 2 2J V P GodwinJ Livingston 355 S5 710 71013GRO 13GRO = LANYAHD w 4 114 4 3 21 4h 4 3 2 S Hubert P S P Ildolph 3 4 1S5 13C80 HOUSTOX w 3 101 G 1 1J 1 1 lh 3s K Fewell E M Byers 2 2 95 13420 CKOSSKIKE WB 4 118 5 2 G G G 4 41 L Fa tor Los Cabin Std S3 4 1S5 G5 12 13680 HOUSE BOY w 3 102 34 51 5s 5J G 5s J CallahnW 11 Coe 20 23 25 S 3 31242tSUriRSEDE 1242tSUriRSEDE WB 3 114 2 6 3 2 3 5J G P Walls Sagamore Sta 10 10 S 3 7a 7atAdded tAdded starter starterTime Time 23J 48 113 140 Track fast fastWinner Winner Ch g by Spanish Irince II Star Class by Star Shoot trained by R A Smith bred by Mr John E Madden Winner entered to be claimed for Gr 00 00WENT WENT TO POST 337 AT POST 2 minutes minutesStart Start poor and slow Won driving Mcond and third the same sameMcACLIKFE McACLIKFE moved up rapidly after entering tho stretch and ran out in the final sixteenth but rcced Into the lead in the lant stride LAXYAUD iared much ground on the inside on the last turn when the leaders came wide and finished fast and gamely HOUSTON raced into n good lead ijui kly but ran out when entering the stretch and tired CHOSSF1HK refused to extend himself SUPER ¬ SEDE was rushed into ncond place from a bad start and tired tiredScratched Scratched OOlSSMJucky Harris 114 13C80 Fine Manners 102 g OQOrT FOURTH RACE 1 116 Miles Dot Sept 7 1923 142 3 100 Greenpart Handi IOl7M m cap 1500 Added 3yearolds and upward Net value to winner 1265 second 200 third 100 Index Horse A WtPPSti Vt Str Fin Jockeys Owners O II C P S wr 3 93 2 4 21 lb 2 1 11 P GodwinH P AVhitney 12 15 12 4 75 75W4117 13844 POMPEY W4117 5 1 1 21 I1 21 y F ColIettiAV R Coe 45 910 45 14 out outN 13847J PRICEMAN N TV 4 104 1 5 5 5 3 3 3 F Stevens C Franck 12 15 15 4 75 1353JPSEPOY 7M132895CHEHHY w 4 1001 4 3 41 4i 4 4 4 J CallahnL H Rowe 7 10 S 2 7M 132895CHEHHY PIE OTtTime vn 7 103 3 2 3i 3 5 5 5 L McAtee Greentree Sta 2 1152 12 OTt fastWinner Time 2ys 48 113 139 144S Trck fast Winner B f hy Man o War Frillery by Broomstick trained by J Rowe Jr bred by Mr Harrf Payne Whitney WhitneyWENT WENT mnntesStart TO POST 403 AT POST 2 mnntes Start good and slow Won driving second and third the same FKILETTE sameFKILETTE worked her way up on the inside into the lead then withstood challenges from 1OM PE1 and bntfinished the latter gamely POMPEY away well and under restraint to the middle of the far tnrn was roused up after entering the stretch and responded gamely hut could not head the winner PKICEMAN moved up with n good display of ppeed after enteritis the stretch and finished gamely SEPOY had no mishaps CHEUUY PIE an poorly Overweight poorlyOverweight Sepoy 2J pounds FIFTH RACE 4 12 Fnrlongs Widoner Course Boitonian June 5 1928 5isi 2 117 AVhiskbroom Purse Purse 1200 3yearolds Allowances Net value to winner 900 second 200 third 100 latdex Horses 4 Htr Fin Jockeys Ownrs O H C P 1313383EODIE 13681 COMPLICATION w 115 4 2 21 1 G Fields J Livingston 21 31 lf5 4 13 13383EODIE AHEARN w 115 G 1 1J 21 2 J McCoy Mrs J Carson 2 115 S5 3 14 13681 INDIAN SCOUT w 112 3 6 3 3 F CollettlAV R Coe fS5 2 321 15 12764 HUMDINGER w 112 27 7s 6 4 G Arnold Greentree Sta 10 15 15 5 21 15UNION CIRCE w 109 5 5 6 7 5 J CallahnAV R Coe fS5 2 32 1 15 UNION JACK vn 112 74 5 4 6 J ChalmrsSatje Srsible 10 20 15 5 21 13497 POUR MASH w 112 S3 4J 5J 7 T Murray J E Maddi 20 30 30 10 4 JUDGE BARTLETTwis 112 1 S 8 S S M Buxton J H Louchheim 20 30 30 10 4 t Coupled as W R Coe entry entryTime fastAVinner Time 53 i Track fast AVinner Br P by High Time Intricate by Hastings trained by R A Smith bred by Miss Elizabeth Daingerfirld DaingerfirldWENT WENT TO POST 428 AT POST 1 minnte Slart good and slow AVon handily second and third driving drivingCOMPLICATION COMPLICATION close up from the start stood a long drive gamely and passing EDDIE AHEARN into the lead was going away in the final drive EDDIE AHEARX showed the mot early sperd and raced well to the end INDIAN SCOlT finished fast and going best of all HUMDINGER meed well along the inner rail CIRCE ran green Scratched greenScratched 13TST Princess Tina 117 Margarita Ahearn 109 SIFTER RACE 34 Mile Widerer Course Whatll I Do June 1 1926 110 Vi 107 Westhampton Purse Por5e 1000 3yearolds and upward Claiming Net value to winner 700 second 2CO third 100 Index Horses AWtPPSt Str Fin Jockeys Owners O H 137483PLAIN POLLY WB 3 105 14 2 21 Il lsi J Bejshak Sagamore Stable 3 S S 3 S5 S57k 12762 PHEASANT WB 4 115 3 9 7k 31 2 G Rose F W Barlow 3J 31 1G5 SG 45 45J 13538 BABY GAR w 3 103 2 8 J 5i 3 S Palumbo Lilane Stable G G 4 2 1 1G 13538 DRAWING BOARDw 3 112 12 5 G Gi 4h V Hollis Bud Fisher 20 20 20 S 4 44J 13046 ICE wr 5 115 10 4 4J 4i rJ II Brooks J Lowe 30 30 13 G 3 3lOl 13223 WISHING STONEwB 4 110 17 12 lOl GS K Delaneyj Kotunno 20 20 15 G 3 3SJ 13492 THE CODE WB S 110 510 SJ 71 7 C HnsteinA J Sullivan 15 13 15 G Gji 13355 = WINSOME wr 4 103 16 1 ji i Snk It McNaeeJ Gorgti 12 15 13 6 13385 FADDY ivr 3 110 S 16 in115J 91 E McCthyU T Wilson f5 S S 3 S5 S53i 13538 MISS CHUMP iv v3101 3 101 IS 6 3i S 1C1 AV pUKtonlC E Hitt 33 30 30 12 G G33M7l 03080 TOM TIGER wr 4 110 9 14 33M7l II1 1C Force Green Top Sta 20 30 30 12 G 12980 WASHINGTON s S 110 4 15130863QUADRILLE IS IS130863QUADRILLE 15 13 12 D Davis Mrs M L Davis 20 23 12 C 3 130863QUADRILLE wr 3 105 It 11 121 10 131 T BolRer K T AVilson t S S 3 S5 S514il2 08768 UUNBEATII B 4 110 7 13 14il2 14U A Sulick P S P Rdolph 30 50 50 20 ID IDIT1 13634 SANDCLIFF w 7 115 19 17 IT1 16s 15i F Taral Kosedale Sta 30 CO CO 20 10 13634 FOURTN SIXTY w 3 110 20 3 5 11 16k jt MerglrJ R Clark S 10 S 4 2 13748 TONEY D1XON wit 3 107J G 7 111 14 17 N Divito Sunnyland Sta 15 20 20 S 4 41SJ 03215 AFTON r 4 110 1 IS ISCOUNT 1SJ IS IS J Sordlett Mrs J f Richson 10 10 10 4 2 219s COUNT LION iv 110 15 19 19s 19s 19 C Schwer Mrs J Ryan 33 GO 60 20 10 13328 METAL MAN v 3 110 13 20 20 20 20 J McGovnE Arlington 30 30 30 12 6 tCoupIed as R T Wilson entry entryTime Time 112 Track fast fastWinner Winner B f by King James Oratis by Islington trained by J H Stotler bred by Mr H R Dulany Winner entered to be claimed for 3000 3000WENT WENT TO POST 458 AT POST 3 minutes minutesStart Start poor and slow AVon driving second and third tho same samePLAIN PLAIN POLLY showing much speed from the start raced into a small lead and held PHEASANT safe in the final drive The latter improved his position steadily and finished fast BABY JAR raced close up all the way but was tiring at the end PRAAVINO BOARD ran well all the way ICE had no mishaps AVISHIN STONE tired THE CODE ran well AVINSOME had no mishaps mishapsScratched Scratched 1S387 Baldpate 110 13C34 Huffy 110 13031 Brown Stout 110 11851 Hike 110 13748 Delphia 100 05780 Clodomir II 115 115Overweights Overweights Drawing Hoard 2 pounds Miss Crump 1 Toney Dixon 2