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FAIRMOUNT PARK COILINSVII.LE, ILL., TUESDAY, JUNE 5. 1928. - Fiiirniount Park U Mile. Ninth day. Fiiirmonnt Jockey Clab, Inc. Sluing meeting of Si days. Weather cloudy. Steward*, J. A. Murphy, I. B. Campbell and A. T. Spivey. Placing Judges. 1!. Rerrjman, K. S. Shelley and 1". C. Galligor. Starter, V. Sn.ider. Racing Secretary, J. B. Ci.mph: I!. Baiing starts at 2:00 p. m. Chicago ttae, 3:M p. in.. W indicates whip. S spurs. It blinkers. Figures in parentheses following the distance of ea Ii race indicate horse, date, truck record, age of horse and weight carried. Indicates apprentice allowance. OCT AJ7P FIRST RACE— 5-8 Mile. Candy Queen, June 24. 1926—1:00—2—101. Purse CI. 000. 2-•*«*-*Tt d «U year-olds. Maiden;. Claiming. Net value to w nner 00; second. 00; third, 00. Index Horses AWtPPSt % ,i Str Fin Jockeys Owners Eouiv. Odds Str t 2SSM VERA C. w 107 5 6 5h H 4;l 1- AV Bogski J Q chimi 1323-100 2.VJ47 HARPOON vv 110 1 3 21 ll 1" 2 K Horvth 8 H Velie 4:5-100 2529C BLESS HER HEART* 112 3 7 31 21 21 2 II Fisher Audley Farm Stable 1 .9-100 23S1S*VELA wr. 103 6 5 4i 41 31 43 R Riclfsn K K Watson 2273-100 25130 BILLY McIWDDEN will 4 2 6i 6- 5J 5 L McClair H G Btilwcll 691-100 BROWN LADY vv 107 7 8 8 S » I Clelland V B Campbell 3140-100 25247 OCEANID w 102 9 1 7« 7« 61 73 P Fiancis B B Rica 1133-100 JUNIOR SETII w 110 2 4 l"k 3"» 71 8l C Hooper Mr* G W Ogle t:r,3-100 25294 LITTLE BOBBY w 110 S 9 9 9 9 9 V Smith M E Casey 8222-100 Tims, :25, l. 1:05«5. Track muddy. , MUTUELS PAID . ,-EQUIVALENT BOOKING CDDS VERA C 8.46 .52 18 1323— 1C0 366—100 103—100 HARPOON 6.34 3.42 167—100 71—100 BLESS HER HEART 3.C4 C7— 100 Winner — "h. f, by Bang -r Book- Oseetah. 1 y Orn:,ni.nt trained by J. G. Chinn; bred l Mr. B. T. Bedford. AAinner entered to be claimed for ,500. WENT TO POST— 2:01. AT POST— 1 minut». Start good and slow. Won easily; second and third driving. AERA C. was outpaced to the stretch but, getting through and coming between the leaden in the last eighth outfinished HARPOON and won goii.g away. HARPOON passed .11 NIOR SETII into the lead on the far turn and withstood a challenge from BLESS HER BEAST when an away, but tired again and was outfinished. BLESS HER HEABT ::ed much ground on the l.vst turn and rushed to the lcadei in the stretch, then began tiring. VELA i«ced foiwiirdly and finished Well. JUNIOR SETII showed some early speed, but was done in the stretch. Scratched -25374 Scarlet Brigade. 115: Cleansir. 112. Overweights— Ada. 1 pound: Billy M Fadden. 1. *J K/iA SECOND RACE— 3-4 Mile. Harass, Sept. 1, 1927— 1 :113S— 4— 112. Purse ,000. 3-Altl 4 4 year-olds and upward. Claiming. Net value to winner and7C0 ; sc.ond. 00; third. 00. Index Horses AWtPPSt U -j Str Fin Jockeye Owners Erjuiv. Odds Slrt 252!!* ADVENTURESS W 8 106 12 1 2l l1 ll 11 B Shrshe G Coggins 476-100 2S1M*MURKY v r. 5 10:! 8 2 l1 2= G5 21 M Knight E MeCuan 337-100 24895 SECRECY wb 4 111 4 4 31 3s 2nk 33 AV I.scher Mrs L M Hofaaea 3J0100 tSlSSPENGUTN wu 3 109 16 r 6"i 4- 45 D I ais J McNamara HSO-loO 251S?*rrBLE RAINBOAV iv 3 ICC 5 8 102 7- 51 5« D Hardy AV J AVhalen BM-Mt 23423 "SAAOOP wb 5 116 10 9 Sl 91 71 6= R Iatdin Nugent Bros r.15-100 18568FRONTIERSMAN vv 7 105 7 3 7 41 6 7h J J McTe Battle Ax Stab* +32C8-100 232!1 U NAME IT wn 3 103 11 10 9"k105 V 81 V Moore M R Carol 5N72-100 2S132 LAUDATION W 3 108 2 7 41 8h 10. 9= K Horvth S H Velie MS-100 25195 LESSENCE w 6 103 9 11 11 11= 11- 101 M Rose R Nicholas f 2501GTOM McCCE wr. 2 Ml 0 5 6 53 81111 P Fiancis A J Peirhall t 25080-BECKY SUE vvu 5 100 2 12 12 12 12 12 J Cavens Mrs J Phillips 3915-100 tMututl field. Time, :25. :51. 1:19. Track muddv. , MUTUELS PAID , ,-EQUIVAL NT BOOKING ODDS-, ADVENTUEESS 1.52 .02 .14 476—100 251—100 107—100 MURKY 4.83 3. 08 143—100 54 100 SECRECY 3.48 74—100 Winner— Blk. m. by Sweep — llortensia. by Mf Idler trained by G. Cogglns; bred by Mr. Eugene Backer. AVinner entered o lie claimed for ,500. WENT TO POST— 2:32. AT P03T— 5 minutes. Start good and slow out of machine. Won driving: second nnd third the same. ADVENTURESS was outrun briefly by MLRKY. but ra.-ed into the ! ad after passing the far turn and held sway to the end. MLRKY showed early sliced, raced well and, coming again, outfinished SElREI Y. The latter saved ground where possible and van close lip throughout, finishing gamely. PENG1 IN made up some ground and finished gamely. BolBI.E RAINBOW closed quite a gap anil finished fast. LAUDATION and TOM McCUB were done after going thn first half mile. Scratched — 252ii0-Southern Kiss, 19; 1S400 Phil Foto, 110; 23004 Ferman, IU5; 2O205 Augusta Dearborn. KM: 25123 Forty Love. 103. Overweight — Penguin. 5 pennds. Qe /lf7Ek TRIED RACE— 1 1-16 Miles. Mix-Up. Aug. 31. 1927—1:441—3—107. Purse ,000. 4-ti 4 ij year-olds fnd upward. Claiming. Net value to winner 00; second, 00; third. 00. Index Horses AWtPPSt Vt. i ti Str Fin Jockeys Owners Eiiuiv. Odds StFt 25195 WHISKEY RUN WB 4 MS 2 1 2uk U l8 V 1* It RichVn J AV Reams 4..C-1O0 2529! RAMBLE WB I 1051 5 7 3° 3J 3* 25 2 H Mertz Peishall ft Sumlheimer Lt,1-00 25073-T1CKER WB 7 110 1 9 7" 5* 4« 3 3" M Knight Mrs A M Jacobna t2130-100 25251 FORETOLD vv 4 113 7 4 51 til 51 El 43 L Aron Missouri Stable 3052-100 25300 OPEN FIRE w 6 115 6 3 9» S» 61 6« 52 R Patqin Nugent Pros 13O7-100 25195*PLAY HOUR vv 6 105 I 2 1*3 2*12* 43 6* P Fiancis Irrepressible- Stable 1547-100 £53M*GAY HALLIE w i; 4 100 3 5 4* 41 71 8- 7* J Cavens AV M Cain t 2529S**BET8T BACON W 10:1 4 6 6 71 Si 71 andh E Shpshc Mrs J Phillips 1877-100 134SS*TOGGERY BAY wit 7 110 10 11 11 »* 9 9- 9iD L avis J McNamara 1M30-100 2S251*TALEQUA WB.S11SI1 8 8= 10 103 105 10» O Cle.laml K Pitt LJl-100 13820 KATHLEEN K. w 10 10! 8 10 10h 11 11 11 11 M Rose Mrs A Mllcr 2249-100 t-Mutuel field. Time, :2435. :50. 1;H%. 1:4630. 1:5345. Track muddv. , MUTUELS PAID v -EQUIVALNT BOOKING ODDS-, WHISKEY RUN 1.12 $ 4.,0 .50 456—100 135—100 75—100 RAMBLE 3.82 3.36 91—100 68—100 TICKER Field 7.54 277—100 AVinner — B. c. by Von Tromp — Sister Aincena. by Yankee trained by S. Kerrigan; bred by Mr. C. McCarthy. Winner entered to be claimed for ,500. WENT TO POST— 3:03. AT POST— 2 minutes. Stait good and slow. AVon easily: aeeead and third drixing. AVIIISKEY BIN overtook and paaaitd PLAY BOCB in the fir-t half mile, then drew away into a long lead anil won in a canter. RAMBLE, always racing fi.rv.anlly. also pa aed PLAY flOt B after entering the stretch and could not reach the winner, but held TICKER srue. The latter gaJaed gradually and closed up -onsiderable gn.uid. FORETOLD ran a f::iil genii race had 1:0 atishaps. OPEN PIBB made up seme ground. PLAT RODS showed early cpeed, but was done in the stretch. Scratched— 25201 Fausto, 112; 25444 Oaffney, 110. Overweight- Ramble. 2 panada. 6 PT A rT£J FOURTH RACE— 3-4 Mile. Harass. Sept. 1. 1027—1:11—4—112. Purse ,000. 3-JU*yL 4 U year-olds and upward. Claim;r.g. Net value to winner 00; second, 00: third, 00. Index Horses AWtPPSt % % Str Fin Jockeys Owners Eiiuiv. Odds Strt 25188 DARK ANGEL wc 4 112 6 2- lh 1* P l3 AV Smith AV F Hausniaii +2178-100 2!481BTY BROAVNINGw 3 104 9 7 6 3s 2* 2« L Avon Missotiu stable 22M-100 25299-SHINIXG LIGHT wn 7 105 4 5 24 2= 35 31 R Richsn S Kerrigan 29-1-100 25012 = MASTER SWEEP W 4 116 16 3 4 4i 4i V Moore Mrs W J Potter 153-100 tSlSS*8TARBECK w 7 105 11 8 7i 5h 51 51 P Fiancis M Lowenateia 385-100 25242* ALL SET vv 3 105 3 12 111 10J 72 61 D Hardy G Phillips 174".b-10O 251SS*QUSER w 7 111 5 4 51 61 61 72 W Bogski 1" J AWilanil 359-100 25248 YARGEE vv 3 108 8 10 Sl 8= 8J Sl J J McTe Mrs K Kiimwy 2913-100 2 1718 = •KENDALL vv 8 105 12 1 94 91 105 93 M Knight C H Ball 2235-100 25195 l.D VALENTINE vv 6 110 2 3 4» 7J 9110" J Eaton AV P Gaines 1892 100 251!B; HOY lEM 1 K MEwp 9 110 10 I Id3 11" IP ID W Tavlor D.T is and Phillips t 2058! *CARM1 BELLE vv 3 100 7 11 12 12 12 12 C Turk G L Kalbflei-. h t t-Mutuel field. Time, :25. :50i. 1:18. Track muddy. — MUTUELS PAID , -EQUIVALNT BOOKING ODDS-, DARK ANGEL Field 5.56 7.62 $ 7.80 2178—100 781—100 290—100 BETTY DROWNING 18.66 11.54 833—100 477—100 SHINING LIGHT 11. ,2 486—100 Winner— Blk. f. by Delhi — Penance, by Sain trained b B. M.; bred by Mr. Brownell Combs. Winner entered to be claim-d for SI. 250. WENT TO POST— 3:35. AT POST— 4 minutes. Start good and slow out of machine. Won easily: second and third drivinc. DARK ANGEL, favored by the going, showed much the mie-t speed all the way and easily held sway to the end. BETTY BROWNING moved up when nearing tie stret. h turn and could not threaten the leader, but easily held the others safe. SI11NIM; LIGHT farced the eaily pace briefly, saved ground on the turns and ran a good race. MASTER SWEEP raced on the inside also and Lad no mishaps. 8TABBECK waa n the aataide and made up seme irround. Scratched — 23229 Clutter. 104: K.7N8 It. E. Clark, 110; 25300 Lady Stone, 111; 252JCMother of Pearl, 22; :.I2."3 Eighteen Sixty. i8; 25100 • R inula -k, 116. Overweights — Dark Angel, 4 pounds; All Set, 1. — I QS/iTT FIFTH RACE— 3-4 Mile. Harass. Sept. 1. 1927—1:11—4—112. Purse ,000. 3-year-Bte3i 4 4 olds. Claiming. Net value to winner 00; second. 21; third. 14. Index Horses AWtPlSt *4 % Str Fin Jockeys Owners Eipiiv. Odds Strt 252M*BILL BETH w 106 6 3 41 4" 1J 1* J Cavens B K Major 920 100 25297 HOME WOOD w 114 4 2 35 3- 3= 23 O Clelland F J AVeiland 218-100 25200 I DAVIS wn 111 3 1 1J 1 ? f P Smith C W Moore 1240 100 25078 OTlliK w 114 7 6 7 I 54 41 V Moore M II Caiol M WU 25013 Pol..R SKA wr 10S 1 7 55 54 4h P C Hooper B llr.ughton 1310-100 SSISSMAC MAXIM will 2 4 2* 2"« 03 tiJ II Fisher II ; Bedwell 326-100 85200*JOVEIl.NOU .SETII w 105 5 :. 6 7 7 7 B Kichsn J Joedecke Jr 1095-100 Time, .25. :50?i. 1:17%. Track muddy. , 52 MUTUELS PAID , -EQUIVALENT BOOKINCLOEDS- BILL SETH 0.40 $ 4.06 $ 3. 26 920—100 103—100 63—100 IIOMEWOOD 3.10 2 92 65—100 46—100 I. DAVIS 5.84 192—100 Winner— It. g. by S:-th— Mir.nelettc. by Mindora trained by E. E. Major, Sr. ; bred by Mr. Benjamin A. Jones. Winner entered to be claimed for ,50! . WENT TO POST— 4:C8. AT POST— 1 minute. Start treed and slow out of amachiac for all but Polar Sea. Won easily: second and third driving. BILL SETH, outrun to tlie stretch, camo like a flash and. challenging tile leaders, took the lead from 1. DAVIS and won going i:vay fast. HOMKWOOI raeed forwardly on the inside, pained gradually in the stretch and outvalued I. DAVIS. I. DAVIS showed much the most early speed and raeed into a Ion;- lead, but tired. OTIKK closed I big gap and finished gamely. FOLAB SKA began poorly, Lu ouiekly closed a gap. but tired near the end. MAC MAXIM ran a good half. COVEBXOK SETII ran jioorly. Scratched -2125S Cherokee Maid. 10:,; 25200 Focus, 109; nTTfalSlrsha. 111. 9J J7S SIXTH EACE— 1 Mile and 70 Yards. Anaconda. Aug. 27, 1927— 1:42%— 4— 100. Purse MUT O ,000. 3-yc-r-olds and upward. Claiming. Net value to winner 00; second, 5200 ; third, 51C0. Index Horses A Wt 11St % % % Str Fin Jockeys Owners Equiv. Odds Strt 25197 3*ED1TH OKAY w 3 E5 4 2 2« 23 1*111 U J J MeTe A V Thomas 467-100 23025 BREAST PLATE wr. 3 113 7 6 4 3J 3i 2J 21 O Clelland K Pitt 90-100 25380 3* FAMINE wb 5 105 6 7 74 If 4* 3s 33 M Knight Q I, Kalhfleiseh 3908-100 25251 » "KING TIT WB 7 NU 3 1 ..•.. 6i S* 4- 4 It BiehVn Estate of M A Nash 1692-100 25245= *ARRAGOfiA w S 109 1 8 8 8 7* 6= 5U J Painilce W M Cain 1253-100 25135 XAMA wn 4 108 5 3 1*1 1*1 2»| : 6° II Fisher J McNamara 881-100 £5444 HARRY CARROLL w 5 113 2 5 C1 75 C3 710 710 L McClair . S Kouis 849-100 2519G-1ET CAT wn C 102 8 4 3= 4 8 R 8 E Shpshe Battle Axe Stable 15S95-100 Time, :24%, :503/,. 1:19. 1:46*4. 1:51%. Track muddy. , MUTUELS PAID , ,-EQUIVALNT BOOKING ODDS- EEITH GRAY 1.34 .52 .14 467—100 126—100 107—100 BREAST TLATE 3.22 2.93 61—100 45—100 FAMINE 6. 86 243—100 Winner — B. f. by Kapid Water — Sister Emblem, by Ballot trained by A. Y. Thomas; bred by estate of Mr. G. W. J. Bissolll. Winner enteied to be claimed for ,500. WENT TO POST— 4:33. AT POST— 1 minute. Start good and slow. Won driving: second and third the same. EDITH GRAY raced in close pursuit of XAMA for the first half mile, then passed the latter into a good lead and tired, but lasted to outfinish BBKAST PLATE. The latter gained gradually, but when his rider elected to come on the inside in the stretch, could not get through in time to head the winner. FAM1XE raced under restraint for three-ouartcrs, then closed up a big gap and finished well. KlNtl ITT had no mishaps and also made up some ground. XAMA showed the most speed for the first half rnilo. then was done. PET CAT |uit. Scratched— 1 252 181 Adele Yv. 112: 2544.~ =Poniinoi. 113; 25i4FHavos8 Choice, 100; 25198 Little Vince, 102: 25205 Alabama Bound, 113; 25379 Cottage Boy, 105. Overweight- King Tut. 1 pound. O K rr Q~SEYENt7h TITT lit Willi ImhiIi, Sept.~37 19271 :andVA— 4— 104. _Pnrs"e~.000. Mtll 4 k9 3-year-clds and upward. Claiming. Net value to winner 00; second, 00; third, C0. Index Horses AWtPPSt £ % % Str Fin Jockeys Owners aajaaV. Odds Strt 252BH-TORCHKR wa 5 110 7 6 4= 4J 21 li 1*1 K Horvth E E Major 346-100 25379 ARABIAN wa 7 110 4 7 5*1 5* 31 3s 2i W Bogski Mrs L M Holmes 313-100 MIU DR. KARRABEE wr. 5 110 8 4 33 23 1- 2 38 W I-scher P O Anderson 2268-100 25112* ROl Kit ; w 5 107 3 1 2"k 32 4« 41 A- J J McTe Mrs W J Potter 276-100 25010 OCEAN CCRREKTWB I IN 5 5 P U :,r 5"1 5° O Clelland C C Wright 572-100 25375 LAST CENT w 5 110 2 2 7° 710 fi= C° 6« C Ponce S G Sinclair 6143-100 2537! »FIR Til OF TAT wn 6 105 6 8 8 8 7 7 7 It Itichsn E E Watson 1606-100 25300 •SLEEPY HEAD wa 7 1M 1 3 ll 1" Fell, p Francis A J Pershall 1287-100 Time, :25, M%, 1:1845, 1:47. 2:01. Track muddy. , MUTUELS PAID . ,-EQUIVALNT BOOKING ODDS- . T0B.CHER .92 .76 .04 346—100 88—100 62—100 ARABIAN 3.74 3.28 87—100 64—100 DR. LARRAEEE 5.18 159—100 Winner It. g, l»y Torchbearer— Mary Reardon. by Peon o" Day trained by E. E. Major, Sr. ; bred by Himyar Stud. Winner entered to be claimed for ,500. WENT TO POST— 5:10. AT POST— 2 minutes. Start good ami slow. Wen handily: second and third driving. TORCHES raced under restraint for the first three-quarters, but moved up fast thereafter and. taking the lead from DK. L.AP.KABKH in the stretch, easily held ARABIAN safe. ARABIAN gained slowly and. gaining in the stretch, hung on well. DI LARRABEE. close up at all stages, raced into the bad when SLEEPY HEAD fell, but tired in the last eighth. BOBRICO ran well for the first three-quarters and tired. SLEEPS HEAD showed the most early speed, but was tiring when be fell. Scratched — 25379- Duckweed. 107.