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ENTRIES AND PAST PERFORMANCES WASHINGTON PARK • FRIDAY, JUNE 7 • Weather eondltions as forecast by United States Weather Bureau and as at press time Indieated: WEATHER CLEAR: TRACK FAST Racing starts at 2:15 p. m. daylight saving time. 1 St Washington Park p„rse ,200. 2-year-nlds. Claiming. Jimmy fi/ Mile Moran, June 3, 1929— :59%— 2— 116. Mm: — Claiming price, ,000; If for less, 2 pounds allowed for each 50 to ,500. Weight, 118 pounds. Ind. PP. Horse. Wt. Rec. A.Wt.Han. 3t.«."»3 5»Salata M 98.. 725 3 .7« 9 4 Pasealong M. Was 108 1:01% 118. .720 3CS30 1 Miss Lotta M Was 108 1:01% 105. . 715 | Ind. PP. Horse. Wt. Rec. A.Wt.Han. 36830 3 Pikes Peak M Was 108 1:06% 106. .710 35184 2 Sidney Grant.. 118.. 705 36769 « Full Tide... CD 114 1:02% 107X700 7 Mighty Cute... 107 The past performances of the horses entered in this race, together with latent workout and racing record if a starter this year: Date. Crs. Dis.Time Tr. Odds Wt.St. % Str.Fin. Jockey PP.Sta. Best Company Class of Race. BALUTA. ch. 1, 2 M 98 By Polymelian — Champ dOr, by Mont dO. n. Trainer. R. Hefferan. Owner, 3. 3. Coughlin. Breeder, Himyar Stud. Maj30-:9 Wat 6J f l:07%rt lie 111 8 8 8»i 7" MeyrrC » 9 Lucile 119, Supryse 116. Kbara 114 S ■aj 9-29»Aur 4J f :54%ft 13-6 U6 ■ 6 3* J* PflanzG * 8 rhistleJeanllo.FireGirl 115.GseStep 115 A ■sj 4-29«Aur 4J f :53%ft 16 106 9 S 321 2"» PflanzG • 9 M,yVir,all2.Cm8rDeel09.BtbHognl09 A Marl3-29J.P 3| f :44%hy 11 112 12 12 12* 10»J J Smith »12 Smithers 115 OmarMd 112.AndrneG.112 A I atttt Workout 8tarts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won. 153—3-8 :36%ft Record for year to date 4 0 1 1 $ 150 PASSALONG, ch. c. 2 M 118 By Friar Rock — Passamaria, by Black Jester. Trainer, G. W. Fritz. Owner, W. R. Coe. Breeder, W. R. Coe. Jun. l-292Was |l:00%ft 60 108 4 4 44i 44 ShropseB * 7 LstAgnsll2,LnTobinl07.LtngJonesT18 A lUy 21-29* Bel 4jfwc :63%m 10 108 S 6 61* 511 SchenkA • 7 Mild 110. Forger 118. Madder 110 C Apr.27-29iJam g lKH gd 12e 120 L. at post. InzeloneJ • 8 Zeal 120. LuekyMoon 117. Jodhpar 120 A I utest Workout. Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won. 155—1-2 :49%ft Record for year to date 3 MISS LOTTA, blk. f , 2 M 1 05 By Westy Hogan — Miss Present, by The Tartar. Trainer, W. Grater. Owner, J. Muth. Breeder. W. S. Payne. Jon. 3-21" Was il:00%ft 29 108 4 8 8" 4» LaidleyO «14 NaZdar 108.ParmllBoyl08,HelenKingll5 C Apr23-29!Lex | :50 gd 48 115 8 7 681 73 RyanJ HO MissPgyllS.PssEIsie 115,N.tbeNph 115 A Latest Wcrktut. Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won. 152 — 1-2 :49ft Record for year to date 2 PIKES PEAK, ch. c, 2 M 1 06 By Pandion — Indiscretion, by Uncle. Trainer J. Lowenstein. Owner, Royal Stable. Breeder. Himyar Stud. Jan. 3-29Was | l:00%ft 24-5f 118 13 14 141214" HardyL "14 NaZdar 108,ParnellBoyl0S.HelenKingll5 C Latest Workout. Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won. 153—3-8 37ft Record for year to date 1 SIDNEY GRANT, ch. c, 2 118 By Maintenant — Flittersan, by Flittergold. Trainer, H. Unna. Owner, Sunshot Stable. Breeder, J. J. Trorler. Mar.22-294Tij 4J f :53%ft 8 112 S 8 8 s 6» ParmleeJ « 9 Gd andHot 106,RedMnt n 103.Aivos 112 A Mar.20-29Tij J :50 h 18-6 115 9 8 4* ll ParmleeJ »10 Lakeland 112,SweetBay lOO.Starkist 10S A Mm 15-29 Tij 4J f :53%ft 14 103 8 7 6* 4* A Pasca »10 Nifty 112,Gd a.Hot 105,LaBelotte 107 A Mm 7-29TiJ :47%ft 37-10 115 8 7 4"! 4" J Parme 10 Norab 112,BedMntnl08.SanJoaquin 112 A Mm 1-29 Tij $ :49 ft 41 120 2 6 3* 21 J Parme 10 PneeHoda lll.BieWisp 108.Htinanyll0 C Feh21-29TiJ 8J f :42%ft 26 115 10 7 «» 6» P Mart" a *10 Violetal07.KingstonMint 108. Winnow 115 C JW 15-29TiJ i :48 ft lOe 110 9 8 8" 81* R Jones * 9 FgHeelsll4GeeWhizlll.LilaStirmU 119 A Latest Workout Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won. 156—1-2 :50%ft Record for year to date 10 1 1 0 $ 675 FULL TIDE, br. f, 2 107 By Sweep— Rushwater, by The Commoner. Trainer, B. B. Williams. Owner, E. Rucker. Breeder, E. Rucker. Jun. l-292Was gl:00%ft 61 107 3 5 S«J 5" McDottL » 7 L*stAgn,sll2,LnTobinl07,Ltn,gJonesll8 A M.ir21-29*C.D gl:01%ft 21 107 6 4 4»| 4«1 ConnllyD » 9 Blaze theTrl 115BettyADnll2,Hades 114 C Majl3-29«C.D 4J f :66 m 16-5 10S 7 1 341 2* ConnllyD • 7 Alcibiadeslll.WildDenisel09.RM yesllO A Mot 2-29Lex 4J f :54%hy 16 U5 1 2 21 1" DuboisD J 7 MyClynellS.NtiePblesllS.PcsElellS A Latest Workout. Starts. 1st. ind. 3rd. Won. 156—1-2 :53ft Record for year to date 4 1 1 0 $ 877 MIGHTY CUTE, br. f, 2 M 107 By Bunting— Lady Davis, by Sweep. Trainer, M. Lowenstein. Owner, Le Mar Stock Farm Stable. Breeder, J, D. Carr. Latest Workou;. Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won. 142 — 1-2 :50%ft Record for year to date 2nd Washington Park *****!!" g T!_ard: tim: ■ ing. Flat Iron, Sept. 17, 1927—1:11%—* % Mile. -126. KOTE — Claiming price, ,500. 3-year-olds, 110 pounds; older, 117 pounds. Winners since May 25, 3 pounds extra for each race won. Ind. PP. Horse. Wt. Rec. A.Wt.Han. 3«i831» 8*Traymore ..L.F 112 1:14% 7 112. .725 32878 10*Polita A.P 102 1:12 4 107. .720 32723 6 Paul Hirtenstein 3 110x715 82360 7 Master Ace.. Tij 112 1:13% 4 117X710 30709 5 Ossie H Aur 116 1:13% 5 112.. 705 36775= 3 Narva Lat 100 ldH| 4 112. .700 Ind. PP. Horse. Wt. Rec. A.Wt.Han. 30775* 2*Otilla M..C.D 105 l:14%s 3 100X005 30561 1 Miss Mildred Was 1081:1S% 3 105.. 690 31932 4*Majoe A.P 103 1:14 5 107x690 36900 9 Break of Dawn L.F 109 1:14 3 110X690 The past performances of the horses entered in this race, together with latest workout and racing record if a starter this year: Date. Crs. Dis.Time Tr. Odds Wt.St % Str.Fin. Jockey PP.Sta. Best Company Class of Race TRAYMORE, ch. h, 7 112 By Sweep On — Munition, by McGee. Trainer, J. J. Greely. Owner, E. Mitchell. Breeder, Mrs. C. W. Moore. Jul 3-292Was 1 l:3S%ft 8-5 109 6 3 31 32 McDottL * 8 Geo.Grml09.BilLSeth 106.HidnThots 97 C May29-29Was 7J f 1:34 ft 4-6 113 1 1 l»k 2» McDottL • 7 FrncesRkl07,PlaSbayl05.KtyMulyl01 C 81177 L.F 3-4 1:12 ft 13-10 112 10 8 7* 7 « D Dubois 12 Minervus 107, Tlieo. Fay 112, Richu 105 1929.sh270 A.P 1 lc l:39%ft 27-10 107 6 2 21 21 D Dubois 8 Serenader 113. Drone 111. Senator Seth 109 29391 A.P 7-8 1:25 ft U-10 111 1 2 1* 1* W Kern 12 K. of the Spa 10o,C dldolizer lll.Atoi 107 28345 Haw 1 1-16 l:46%ft 3-2 108 6 1 1» 1» R Richsn 9 Croatan HO.DimpleDunkie 108,Julie H. 9S 28219 Haw 1 1-16 1:46% ft 9-6 108 6 1 31 3J D Dubois 7 Bright Shawl 106. Serenader 116. Billy 101 Latest Workout. Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won. 148—5-8 1:051 Record for year to date 2 0 1 1 $ 327 P0LITA, b. f, 4 107 By Wildair— Mcllie Elliott, by Voter. Trainer, D. F, Cannon. Owner, La Brae Stable. Breeder, J. H. Morris. 32878 Tij 54fl:06»ift 4-5 108 6 2 3* 5SJ G WToolr 7 Maghery 104, Kit Carson 108. Shift 109 82736 Tij 61 f l:06*,ft 8-2 106 6 3 32i 2"! D Chamn 7 SbortPricelOS.Sh.RosellO.Domesticated 105 82243 Tan fc l:09%ft « 103 2 1 l1 21 H Philpot 7 ShastaUoldl08,Orestei-lI. 102.MarysToy 92 82121 Tan 61 f l:06V»ft 6 105 C 8 6* 8»i D Chambn 9 JgeSchilgl06.l "tunteGirl lll.Mrv sToy92 81992 Tan fc 1:10 ft 8-2 105 1 1 1« 1* D Chambn 8 Harry H.Bell 109,Cyclonic 112,BonFille 10b 31744 Tan fc l:09%ft 105 2 8 4*1 4»1 R JoDes 13 AlexrPgesl09,l"rllug 107,JgeSchilIg 104 80274 A.P 3-4 l:ll%ft 13 102 4 3 6* 7" D Chamin 8 MshallNey 103,MyJanel09.EntbcEddll5 29326 A.P 3-4 1:12 ft * 102 1 1 l1 1» D Chaminl2 Domesticated 101, Charm 102,SunSabr 112 Latest Workout. Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won. 155 — 1-2 :48ft Record for year to date PAUL HIRTENSTEIN, ch. c, 8 110 By Ballot— Elaine, by Galatine Trainer, D. B. Miller. Owner, J. J. Coughlin. Breeder. C. H. Berryman. S2723 CD 3-4 1:1-5 m ftf 108 3 7 10 3 9" J Bollero 13 GgsKnlll.BgerFaoe 110,BufeMcCl*n 108 82292 Haw he l:lfi%ft 44 108 4 1 621 6« J Bollero 12 Uluniu 108,Tliistle Coot lOJs.Miss Pearl 109 - 32052 Haw he 1:20 hy 21 112 4 I 8" 8]» J Bollero 9 CaptainJ.S. 115. Djinn 115. Miss Pearl 112 81673 Haw he l:lS%m 81 107 3 1 1* ll J Bollero 12 StLacruse 102,Goldlt ge Hl.EmjGlasslOL 31544 Haw he l:17Vfcft 29 U4 6 4 4l» 4» J Bollero 9 CalfRoper 114, Enthusiastic 114,Pokest 114 31424 L.F 3-4 l:14%hy 41 106 1 6 7" 7" J Bollero 7 WindyCity 115,HeleneM. 106,ThatsIt 111; 30273 A.P 3-4 l:12%ft 37-10 112 16 16 15»I152» R Russell 16 Dblenrtll5.C.VanDui-enl22.KogshEye 125 29025 Haw H f l:08%sl 81 106 8 6 4» 3«1 R Jones 12 GdnerDr 111, Nicaragua 114, WarTime 111 27600 L.F 8-4 1:13 ft 62 H5 12 12 12"121T D Dubois 12 Voltea: 122. The Okah 118. Paraphrase life Latest Workout. Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won. 153 — 3-4 1 :15ft Record for year to date MASTER ACE, ch. g, 4 117 By Star Master— Erase, by Atheling II. Trainer, T. Koerner. Owner, M. B. Cohn. Breeder. Nevada Stock Farm 32360 Lat 1 1-16 l:4S%m 61 107 9 1 7" 7" D Dubois 12 Huntsmn 107. Misnomer 107.Love liild 107 82258 Lat ll-16 1:46%ft 21-6 10716 4 4« 8* A Abel 10 Kussell Gardner 110. Torch 113,Indian 110 82117 Lat 1 1-16 1 :52,hy 91 108 7 2 2» 21! J Leyland 10 HighStorm 110. PolarSea 108. Provost 108 81815 Lat 11-16 l:46%ft 65 107 10 10 10"10» J Leylandll Congo II. 110. Reddy Fox 107, Banter 112 30836 L.F 1 1-16 l:46Vift 12-5 109 8 7 81* 81 J Leyland 8 Morocco 102. Sun Sabeur 1081. Princely 112 30558 A.P ll-16icl:60%sd 6 112 1 4 4* 4«1 J Leyland 7 Manzana 116, Gaineswood 105, Azov 105 29712 A.P ll-4 2:0«%ft 17-6 107 4 6 E* 6" L Jones 5 Bonaire 112, Paudosto 120. Busy Fairy 107 89258 Haw 1 1-16 l:4G%ft 12 106 8 7 4» 341 L Jones 10 Pandosto 113. Ormonbird 100. Drone 108 Latest Workout. Starts. IeL 2nd. 3rd. Won 151—3-4 l:20%ft Record for year to date OSSIE H., br. g, 6 112 By Towton Field — Peace and Plenty, by Uncle. Trainer, T. Smith. Owner, Miss I. L. Smith. Breeder. T. H. Cross. 1131-29Was Jl:13%ft 19-5 109 7 2 and* 2f * DouglasF * 8 BlackFiyer 115,Voshell 113,Amilcar 110 C H«j25-292Aur gl:14%Bd 31 122 4 2 2* 2* WoolfG * 8 Th. Fay 122,CldIdolizor 122. Priceless 114 C H»jl7-2:i!Aur g l:13%ft 11-10 116 2 11* 1 LutherT "12 Kanawha lll.GoldenTop 100. Pardon 105 C ■vll-29Aur 3 l:10%sy 24-6 110 8 2 2* V WoolfG * 9 Sun Dance lll.Orman 107, Follow Me 101 C 82273 Haw hcl:16%ft 10 110 7 6 3s 2» R Rice 12 Theo. Kay llo.Sanction 110. Our Buddy 110 30578 D.P 51 f l:06Vfeft 15 106 4 C 2i 1 D O HrdylO B TceSheet l09,Supporter 108.MaxBrk 103 80378 D.P 51 f 1:07 ft 70 U4 4 6 43 4ll C Hswrth 9 BeauAspin HO.FallenLeaf lll.Gareth 110 Laleet Workout. Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won. 150—3-8 :37ft Record for year to date 4 13 0 ,100 i ■ NARVA, ch. f, 4 112 By Stefan the Great— Neap-tide, by Mont dOr JX Trainer, C. Tan Dusen. Owner, W. C. Goodloe. Breeder, J. E. Widener. Jim. 1-29C.D 8j fl:20%ft U-10 110 5 3 321 2X McCrsnC «13 Miss Lee HO.Otilla 105 Golden Colna 108 C Apr.24-29«Lex fc l:10%ft U-10 113 I 1 I l« McCrsnC » 9 TtleStarl05,M*ksBby 108.* andFrslOS C Apr20-29»Lex fc l:09ft 32 110 3 4 4* 41 McCrsnC 8 SbastaLad 115.01dKickspoo llS.Mino 115 C 26689 Lat 3-4 1:14 gd MOO ! 11 i2»12»» T Root 12 Clean lOi.Best Spade 101. Love Child 112 22121 F.G 51fl:07%al 42f 115 7 Fell. R Whitfcrrll Eloise 10«. False Modesty 10k Kejoice 106 21804 J. P 3-4 l:13%ft 48 U2 6 7 8" 7" R Wtaker 3 Nome 1 12,Col. Drage lOCHogan sAlley 115 20961 Lat 3-4 1:12 ft 36 102 S 4 5* 5» W Lscher 6 Marconi 112.QueenTowton 112.Acirema 104 18217 F.P 3-4 1:16 m 61 107 C 6 6*» 6" V Petersn 6 Joyous 107.11. no Tln-n s«- p 110 Latest Workout. Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won. 157—1-2 :56ft Record for year to date 3 1 1 0 $ 850 OTILLA, b. f, 3 M 100 By Donnacona— Marguerite B.. by Ballot. Trainer, B. R. Johnston. Owner, L. M. Severson. Breeder, L. A. Moseley and Audley Farm. Jun. 1-29C.D 6jfl:20Vift 17 105 4 4 5B1 3* DuboisD *13 Miss Le» llO.Narva 110,Golden olna 108 C Maj27-29SC.D % l:14%sl 36 105 1 2 2»» 62i DuboisD » 9 LatrhKeyl05.T.ShowOffll3.Dr.PriehllO A 32765 CD 1 l:42%sl 43-10 109 1 4 3» b* L Hardy 8 MsMister 112,EzbethS. 10!-L H pson 112 32721 CD 3-4 1:15%m 13 112 2 4 23 2» R Finn rtyl3 Everblue 112.Panwaw 115. PVessBonna 112 32693 CD 61fl:21%ft 41 115 6 8 641 V L Hardy 11 Agincrt U5.Everblue lin.MciaAgnes 11B 32049 Haw ncl:22%hy 9 107 8 8 5« 4» J S3urlockl2 ThleStar 112.EvelynL. 107.1mmernoch 112 31671 Haw 51 f 1 07%gd 29-6 115 7 6 4»» 41* J R Kellyll Tinder 115. Chat 115. Nannie Francis 115 Latest Workout. Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won. 145—7-8 1 :33%ft Record for year to date 2 0 0 1 $ 100 MISS MILDRED, b. f, S 105 By Westy Hogan— Elizabeth H.. by Marta Santa. Trainer, A. Goldblatt. Owner, Rose Home Stable. Breeder, W. S. Payne. Maj28-292Was | l:13%ft 39 1081 8 13 14"14M TeltonR »14 ChtieFlganl07,BrkFlyerll4. Vittorial02 C 32723 CD 3-4 1:15 m 17 108 8 6 5» 6J T Luther 13 GgsKnlll.BgerFace HO.RuieMcCln 108 32276 Haw he l:16%ft Tl 98 2 1 3 5« E Shpshell McGonigle 96,Dolly Polly 93.Immernocfa 99 31771 Haw hcl:17%hy 18 107 4 C «» 6»» E Shpshe 7 Tinder 110. Calf Roper 113 Djinn 108 28507 Haw he l:16%ft 29-10 U2 t I 4» 5T3 F Chvettall FrancesMilwd 95.LittleGyp OS.Merano 108 28277 Haw 51 f l:06%ft 23-5 UO 3 3 3 2» F Chiav*ta 6 Thats It HO.Lena M 10*!.Monte s Joy 104 28085 L.F 5± f 1.06%ft 6 108 2 6 41 4« F Chvetta 6 Thats It 106. Tuberose 106. Judea 106 27544 L.F 51 f 1:07 ft 8 109 2 5 11 11" F Cnvettal2 JackHaskell 106. PrincePat 109. Lindy 109 24387 CD 41 f M%tt 51 116 2 5 521 31 L McDott 7 SnyPort 113Agincrt 110 NlieCustis 110 23379 J.P 41 f :54%ft U HO 1 8 "* 1» F Collettl 7 PortHarlem 107. Ham 110 Lansqnenet 113 latest Workout ■ Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won. 156—3-8 :38%ft Record for year to date 1 MAJOE. br. m, 6 1 07 By Omar Khayyam — The Marchioness, by Sain. Trainer, M. Dieterle. Owner, Lyda Mae Stock Farm Stable. Breeder, A. B. Hancock. 31932 Haw 1 1-S 2:00%hy 39 109 2 7 7" 732 R Doggett 8 Bearing 1021, Busy Lassie 10L Dante 110 31774 Haw 1 1-8 1 ;6%liy U3f 109 4 9 92» 92i R DoggettlO Punkie 102. Dante 110. Pos Horn 110 U423 L.F 13-16 2:«M;hy 8 104 6 6 6 « fi" R Doggett 6 Frightful 108,OcnCurrent 10S .Cartoon 105 31334 L.F 7-8 1:25%ft 109 104 12 11 101 681 R Doggettl2 Ev Tting 107.Hou*eBov Ml Sp Princessl03 31051 L.F 7-8 1:26 ft lOf 109 12 12 1222123» R Dog«ettl2 Gotham 107, Theo. Fay 115 Honest 102 30451 D.P ll:40%ft 13 115 6 7 7»1 771 R Doggett 7 R kCrusher 113.Wlie*sMdl07. West WdlOS 30200 D.P 1 l:41%ft 11 111 3 4 21 21 R Doggett 7 Nani-Ilawaii 101.11dCover 10S.T.HoTellO7 29934 D.P 11:41 ft 91 115 4 4 3" 471 R Doggett 8 TimGleason 113. Alleghan llS.ForeteP. 114 29655 DP ll:42%gd 15 107 4 3 U 11 R Doggett 6 Q.ofSheba 107.GrassMai.l 111. RiMlrass 107 latest WoiLcut. Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won. 157—3-4 1 :21ft Record for year to date BREAK OF DAWN, br. c, 8 110 By Leonardo II.— Gerbe dOr. by Verdun. Trainer. G. Mayberry. Owner. Nortbway Stable. Breeder, Xalapa Farm. Jun. 4-29:Was 1 :13%ft lOf 110 10 12 12s 8» McDottL • 13 Gossoon 117BarXone 117. RedSpider 112 0 , Feb.26-29eTij 6?. f 1:06 ft 71 105 9 9 9le 92» A Snider " 9 Waimanu lOS.Simony 117. Bon Fille 112 0 31216 L.F 3-4 1:13 ft 45f 109 7 4 53 36 C E Allen 10 FrcesMilwd 101, LlianT.103.. Machete 104J 30427 A.P 6ifl:08%al 29 107 9 9 9S410« M Meyer 11 Xicgua 10S WindyCity 109. Jktlaskell 108 28346 Haw he l:16%ft 40 115 7 2 5;j 68 H Philpot 8 Nshapur HS.T.Chtaw 109.M rWalker 115 27854 L.F 61 i l:08%m 19 110 6 6 6» 5" H Philpot 8 Boy 116. Yam Toy 110. Cardo Blanco 110 27085 L.F 51fl:14%hy 6 112 4 4 44 4t«lH Elston 6 PIBunvan 118 Bosporus 11.1. Dlffleart 112 26439 A.P 5-8 1:0C t.hy 61 Ul 8 4 2» l1 H Elston 11 Exquisite 109J. WarTime 1 1 T.J Mshall 115 Latest Workout. Starts. 1st, 2nd. 3rd. Won. 152—3-4 l:16%ft Record for year to date 2 tPlace third through disqualification. 1 3rd Washington S Park I Iirse ■•-00- 3-year-olds and upward. Claim-_,__._ ing. Flat Iron, Sept. 17, 1527—1:1134—4 % Mile -126. *OTK — i.ilming price, ,500. 3-year-olds, 110 pounds; older, 117 pounds. Winners since .May 20, 3 pounds extra for each race won. Inl. PP Horse. Wt. Rec. A.Wt.Han. 363613 7»"ittoria Tij 89 1:12% 3 100. .725 36901 9Mollie DearWas 107 1:14% 4 107X720 36900 6 Shift Tij 112 1:12 4 117X713 307C8 10 Joe EiilcI ..F.P 115 1:13 3 110. .710 36900 2 Owena Pirn 105 1:14% 4 112X705, 303902 l*Her AnswerC.D 110 1:14% 4 112X700 | Ind. PP. Horse. Wt. Rec. A.Wt Han. 36956 4*Machete ...Was 106 1:14 3 105x695 30900 3 Fair Vena HdG 112 1:14% I M6 V690 36902 5*Colonel Sprague Was 103 1:18% 5 112x690 32576 8 Mckachee ..A.P 112 l:17%h 3 110x690 The past performances of the horses entered in this race, together with latest workout and racing record if a starter this year: Date. Crs. Dis.Time Tr. Odds Wt.St. % Str.Fin. Jockey PP.Sts. Best Company Class of Bace. VITTORIA. D. 1. 8 100 By My Play— Nysiade, by Faucheur. Trainer, D. F. Cannon. Owner, La Brae Stable. Breede Xalapa Farm. Maj28-292Wa8 g l:13%ft 18-5f 102 6 2 32 3» AyraudR »»11 Ch.Flganl07.BlkFIyerll4,Strn Votel08i 0 Mac20-29 1Tij 2 1:14 h 14 86 4 4 4» 3"! NealP * 7 BbyBlue 92,O.Kickapoo 109,Su. Price 114 C Marl4-29«Tij g .59 ft 21 90 5 7 7" 7" W Goor 2 7 Crofton 111, Speedy Shaw 99, Simony 124 O Mm l-29»Tij 31:12%ft t 98 5 2 2» 32J D Trivt - 7 ShastaPear lOO.Dapper lOS.WarRose 104 C Feb.22-29«Tij J 1:12% ft 17-5 93 2 2 3» 6* F Doui * 8 KitCrsnll2,TheDago 1-l.TheTartar 118 0 ■ ■ WIU 3 l:ll%ft 71 89 1 2 3 3*1 W Goler «11 TheDago U6,ShortPrice 116.Wmana 113 C Feb.l2-29TTiJ 6J f 1:06 ft 71 96 3 t 31 32i F Dglas *10 TheTartor 113. Shift 109. GenRicky 88 0 Latest Workout Starts. 1st. 2nd. Srd. Won. 157—3-8 :35%ft Record for year to date 9 0 0 6 $ 500 MOLLIE DEAR, br. f , 4 1 07 By Gnome— Felicitation, hy Delhi. Trainer, H. Unna. Owner, Bartelstein and Unna. Breeder. S. Ross. Jun. 4-293Was i l:13%ft 43-10f 107 10 7 641 6«J FryeJW »15 St.Matwsll2,ClrBlindll2.Pt:ranatell7 C Har24-29sTij 1* 1:46 gd 15 102 10 3 35 34 MayT 12 Ritter 114,ChickCp HI, Kid oKildarel06 C MM22-29«Tij 11:48 ft 11-5 100 7 3 21 1» NealP »12 Welty 104, Sapodilla 102. Dunbeath 105 C M»tl9-297Tij 1 l:43%m 24-5 105 4 2 21! 34 DouglasF * 8 Wimbley llO.Bk-Dale 112,ShaPope 110 0 M«13-29sTij 1J l:56%sl 51 102 8 2 31 2» F Dous "12 ClmtJr. 109.ShaSheik 104,HlD-son 103 O ■siW IfllJ g l:00%sy 34 101 9 Pull. up. D Trivt ■ 9 Pet. Ruff lOS.ShaRose 100.1 T Id You 103 O Mar 9-293Tij J 1:13 ft 14f 103 11 11 14»14l« D Trivt 14 Knightd llO.Priehon 114,FrkLight 117 O Latest Workout Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won. 54—5-8 l:02%ft Record for year to date 12 2 12 ,230 SHIFT, br. g, 4 117 By Sweep — Subterfuge, by Iran Rock. Trainer, H. Roberts. Owner, J. Roberts. Breeder. Himyar Stun. Jun. 4-29 -Was 3 l:13%ft 31 112 7 3 43 4i NealP 13 Gossoon 117.BarNone 117. RedSpider 112 0 MaT28-29=Was 31:13%ft 17-6 109 2 7 65J 5» DouglasF *14 ChtieFrganl07,BrkFlyerll4. ittorial02 C lUr20-294Aur 3 1:12 ft 7 103 3 4 7»J 8,J DouglasF * 8 Stampdalelll.OrestesIl.lOS.TstleStarlOO C MaE23-295Tij 3 1:12 ft 23-10 108 2 2 2 1« SteffenE « 7 KitCarsonll2,PetrRuff98,Broaamoor 107 O M«10-293TiJ gl:00%sy21-5 U0 * 7 J« 6" W Bar"t ■ 9 Pet. Ruff lOS.ShaRose 106.1 Tld You 103 O Mm 9-295Tij 3 1:12 ft 6-5 UO 2 2 2J 22 E Stefn • 7 MatHantor lll.Palolo 107,KitCarson 112 C Mm l-295Tij 3 1:12 ft 49-10 UO 1 1 1* 1» L Trime • 8 Pooka naka 112,KitCrsn . 2.SIillson 107 C Feb. 19-29 Tij 3 l:ll%ft 71 lt8 8 7 . . 8« L Trible »U TheDago llo.Shortlrice 116.Vittoria 89 0 Latest Workout Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won. 152—1-2 :49%ft Record for year to date 16 4 3 0 ,420 JOE ENGEL, ch. g, S 110 By Star Master— Genoa, by Peter Quince. Trainer. G. R. Bryson. Owner E. K. Bryson. Breeder, Mrs. B. J. Clay. Jan. 1-29 Was 31:13%ft 31 U31 3 7 711 7l» MorrisL » 8 NoraD. 112,CaptainJ.S. 113.Relline 110 0 Majll-293Pim 3 l:14%ft 4 111 3 3 34 3« MorrisL » 7 Prettj Pose 105,Lassa 122.11oityToity 114 C May 8-29Pim 3 1:15 ft 91e 123 4 3 3«1 4«« MorrisL » 7 BlkDiamdl23,Toanna 120, Valentino 123 H Maj 2-29" Pirn 3 l:14%trd 3 112 6 5 10*1 9" MorrisL »12 Toki 105, Spectre 107. Lieut. II. 121 O M«21-29J.P 3 l:14%ft 8-6 115 i • u 1" Mo»risL »12CiydeC 115,Curdle HO.BobbyBasil 115 O Liitest Workout Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won. 156—1-2 :48%ft Record for year to date 6 2 0 1 ,700 OWENA, ch. f, 4 112 By The Porter— My My, by Colin. Trainer, I. Weil. Owner, 3. Weil. Breeder, E. B. McLean. Ion. 4-29-Was 3 l:13%ft 47 109 4 5 8»J13» ShropseE »13 Gossoon H7.BarNone 117,!UdSpider 112 0 28682 Haw he 1:17 ft 18 102 8 8 6* 65 A Fermin 11 0:d Bill 113, Berosus 108, Olie E. 104 28308 Haw 1 1-lii t:4S%|1 43-10 93 7 4 8«112J A Tiner 11 Ktd Harvey 109. Cassie 102. Kir.-Chief 114 27851 L.F 3-4 1:16 m 10 100 2 2 ll 2»1 J J McTel2 SunSabeur 110, Yargee 110. Rot kfrsher 110 27359 L.F 7-8 l:2C%ft 34 100 2 3 11 J R Kellyl2 SdyLady llO.Charm lOu.Tw vOneSixty 105 26627 Lat 3-4 1:13 gd 37 102 4 2 77i 7» E Coates 9 Exile 114,EnticEdward 114. Qu rnIara 109 35989 Lat 3-4 1:16 gd 6 101 € 2 2i Si D Dubois 12 MoodyMary 1041, Updike lli.lollvBoy 112 25383 CD 6fl:19Hft Si 1011 « 4 3* 5S1 E Coats 10 EnthusoEdwd HS.CleoralOO.Tangr m 105 1 atest Workout. Starts. 1st, 2nd. 3rd. Won. 153 — 5-8 1 :01 %ft Record for year to date 1 HER ANSWER, b. g. 4 112 By Angon — Zephyr, by Star Shoot. Trainer. J. Hanover. Owner. J. Greenebaum. Breeder. J. P Headley. Kaj23-292Aur 6Jfl:10 si 37-10 115 2 1 l1 21 ParmleeJ Ml Theo.Fayllo.WestnEasH109.Beowulfl07 O May 16-29 Aur 6Jfl:07%gd 11 Ul 8 5 6» 55J SpshireE • 9 NaeBieeksl08,RkyWayllO.FolIowMel07 C 32273 Haw hcl:16%ft 9 107 U 10 10131012 G Woolf 12 Theo. Fay 115, Ossie U. 110, Samtion U4J 32050 Haw hcl:20/thy 16 107 9 6 5* 5« K Horvth 9 Roy crofter 113, Ball Gee 106 Ritter 111 31886 Haw he l:197.-.hy 21-5 110 3 2 23 2» K Horvthl2 LleGuinea 113, MilesPrior 109. Col Seth aft 31796 Haw he l:19%hy 18-5 105 1 2 2« 4 J Cavens 12 Ritter 107. Sphere 110. Blue Torch 110 Latest Workout. Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won. 156—5-8 1:03ft Record for year to date 2 0 1 0 $ 150 MACHETE, br. g, 3 105 By Athdara— Dixie Gem. by Admonition. Trainer. 3. H. Moody. Owner. Shady Brook Farm Stable. Breeder, Murphy and McClure. Jun. 5-293Was 3 l:12%ft 54 106 8 9 9»3 710 JonesL »10 NoraD.112,StrawVote lOS.Mod. rat ionl06 O 32646 Lex fcl:ll%gd 12 106 10 10 4« 4* F Halbert 12 HuThoughts 107,AnnaBeall UiS.RagUo 108 32212 Haw h. 1:19 lied 6Jf 110 7 7 62 2" C Landolt 12 NoraD. Uo.Rav Ruddy 101. Nan. y Seth 111 31629 Haw he l:16%ft 10S 109 12 12 9«i 8" C E Allen 12 K trinaL.I10.SptDress lOl.UuThshts 104 31398 L.F 7-8 1:2G%ft 21f 110 U U U» 11»5 C E Allen 11 Miss Pearl 99. Dollv Polly 102. Ham 107 31338 L.F 3-4 1:12%ft 23 Hi 1 7 64 7*3 E Warden 8 CaptainJ.S. 103. KatrinaL.lj7.BdyBasil 106 3 1216 L.F 3-11:13 ft 43 10418 8 S5i 48 D Dubois 10 Fr.Milwd 101, LillianT. 103. Br ofDawn 109 30714 L.F 3-4 1:18 hy 61 11 1 6 7 7«J 7" D Dubois 7 Bossie Kl5,JiinIryor 106.Presid tKelly 106 30357 A.P 3-4 1:12%ft 18 113 9 6 6»3 4« F Halbert 10 Riff Raff 112. Jim Pryor 108. Ham 113 Latest Workout. Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won. 154—3-4 1 :19%ft Record for year to date 1 IAIR VENA, ch. f. 8 105 By Whisk— Vena Fair, by Fair Play. Trainer. C. Utz. Owner. Fcxcntclier Farms Stable. Breeder, W. DuPont. Jr. Jun. 4-29= Was 2l:13%ft lOf 100 11 11 11* 1218 SerioJ 13 Gossoon 117.Bar.None 117, RedSpider 112 0 M»yll-29Pim 3 1:14 ft 51 113 4 7 7»2 8" Ericks nH « 8 Hypfml24,LkyDriftll2.JantR;neh,tl00 C Apr.27-292HdG j j l:12%ft XI 112 6 7 7" 7" EricksnH • 7 B th shipGyll3.Frtliff1 10 .Houssain 112 A Apr 22-292IIdr, 5J f 1:09 m 7 115 3 1 1» 1 ErecksnH 8 SwtGvve 115,FlyLight 115.Forluck 115 A Apr.l9-292HdG 5* f 1 :07%ft 25 107 6 4 4«1 4 PhillipsC - 7 Ready 107,PnantLass lCD.Saf yPin U3J A Latest Workout. Starts. 1st 2nd. 3rd. Won. Record for year to date 6 10 0$ 900 COLONEL SPRAGUE. br. h, ft 112 By Delhi— Morion, by Helmet. Trainer. F. W. Gilliland. Owner. Giliiland and Scott. Breeder, J. D. Carr and Bro. Ju HnTu J l:12%ft 109 103 5 2 3» 7!» FryeJW « 7 Alderl08.BrkBtlel06.IndnLo»eCall 108 A Oct24-27]A.P i 1:27 ft 73 106 11 7 ll»12:4 PetersonV 7 DryMoon 112. OddSeth 100, Ponjola 108 C Oct STSml 31:17 gd 16 106 3« MortonG BessieV.10S.AugaDrbnl06.Cownettel05 C Oct 7-2T«Smi 6J f 1 :25 pd 26 106 9" MortonG Merritnac lll.Anmeter lOl.Mahatma 105 C latent Workout. Starts. 1st. 2na. 3rd. Won. Record for year to date 1 MEKACHEE, b. g, 3 110 By Volt*— Ambush. Dy Atheling Q. Trainer. B. T. Watts. Owner, Mrs. E. Denemark. Breeder. Nevada Stock Farm. 32576 Lex Bel.M%fl 6 112 J 12 12"12» C McCrsnl2 ClrieAmr lOiUJelline 112.B krialeMissllU 12253 Haw I l:40%ft 9 104 4 4 3* 31 E Warden 12 JackBerry 109.BlindHills 104. Harpoon 104 33133 Haw hcl:19ssl 21 99 1 6 7«3 V M Knight 10 DollyPollyl01.McGor.igle 101, BbyBasil 10] 81967 Haw he 1 :22%hy 21-5 113 2 6 6«1 5]» E Shpshel2 LenaM.108 Woodgain 112.Col.Heroway 112 31545 Haw he 1:18 ft 8 113 3 4 4*1 3* O La id ley 12 ChieFlgan HO.Modtion 102.Omardale 10b 30998 LF 7-8 1:26 ft 27 103 8 5 6»J 7» D Dubois 11 Willa 103. Blind Hills 99. Riff Raff 112 I ntest Workout. Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won. 156—5-8 1 :03lt Record for year to date 4th Washington Park Seashore Pnrse. Purse ,200. 2-year-olds. Fillies. Allowances. Jimmy Morn it. Jane */ KJit % Mile 3, 1929— :59%— 2— 116. Ind. PP. Hwrse. Wt. Bee. A.Wt.Han. 36653 I SUPRYSE 111.. 725 3695t» 2 Capture MWas 113 1:00% 108. .715 36769* 3 Lillian TobinWas 107 1:015s 111. .710 36833 4 Chatter Anne Was 113 1:01% 111.. 705 Ind. PP. Horse. Wt. Bee. A.Wt.Han. 30768 6 High Gravity M CD 115 1:02 108.. 700 34215 5 Lybia 111*695 1 Friar Bell 108 The past performances ot the horses entered in this race, together with latest workout and racing record if a starter this year: Date. Cr= D is Time Tr. Odds Wt.Pt. «i Str.Fin. Jockey PP.Sts. Best Company Class of Race SUPRYSE. ch. t , 2 111 By Supremus — Eyes of Youth, by Uncle. Trainer, J. T. Taylor. Owner, Mrs. E. L. Swilcrd. Breeder. H. P. Headley. ■yJMPWat 5ifl:07~,ft 17-5 lie 4 4 24 21 FronkW » 9 Lucile 119, Kliara 114. ChatterAnne 114 S May21-293C.D 4J f :54%ft 6-5 115 2 2 l2 1« FronkW ■ 8 StarLassiellO, WiMDenise llu.Ellice 111 A 1Uj14-294C.L 4jf :55"im 3 1U 4 3 3J 31 FronkW « 6 UncleMatt 109,WildWaterslOC,Cliartl07 A Apr.29-2 j Lex 4i f :57%sl 13-10 113 3 2 V 1" FonkW «10 GtaOonow lOO.RoseJar lOO.MyLava HOC Apr2G-2: °Lex 4J f :55%ft 31-10 115 1 1 1» 1» FronkW 8 PortGar llo.PinkHlossomlOS.MyDelia 109 C Apr.20-2S2Lex j 48 ft 14-5e Uo 11 t 1* 6=1 McDottL 1012 WildWaters H5.Pr.Elsiell5.M tl"gy 115 A l atest Y~orkout. Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won. 146—5-8 l:03%ft Kccord for year to date 6 3 11 ,336 CAPTURE D. t, 2 M 108 By Bud Lerner — Jura, by Broomstick. Trainer. J. Lowe. Owner, Ran cocas Stable, Breeder. H. F. Sinclair. Jan. 5 B Was g l:00Vift 11 113 11 3 3* 3l CatroneF "12 TryToo 116, Morsel 116, MakeHaste 116 A Ape 4-21 Bow I :47%ft S 115 6 6 1» 78i CatroneF 12 Ur t.Rosell5.SviaMedell5.M kyCldlla A I atest Workout. Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won. 153—5-8 l:023£ft Record for year to date 2 0 0 1 $ 100 LILLIAN TOBIN. ch. 1. 2 111 By Bunting— Lina Clark, by Delhi. Trainer, B. Hefferan. Owner, J. J. Coughlin. Breeder, T. Piatt. Jun. 1-29-Was §l:00%ft V 107 1 1 1°" HalbertF » 7 LostAgnes 112,Litng.Jonesll8.Psrgl08 A ■njM TTWll 5Jfl:073ft lie 114 2 6 7S1 81 HalbertF l 9 Lucile 119, Supryse 116, Kliara 114 S Haj20-29,C D H f :55%gd 30 116 5 1 l* 1°* JonesR "11 H.Kingllo.MinahLsello.MabelBasil 115 A Hajl7-2andrC.D g :69%ft 103 114 9 7 71" 918 JonesR »10 Alcibdes lPJ.Lueile 122.Psy Walker 114 S Latest Workout. • Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won. 157—1-2 :51%ft Record for year to date 4 110 ,100 CHATTEB ANNE, ch. f, 2 111 By Chatterton— Nancy Clay, by Wrack. Trsiner. C. Jtz. Owner, Montpelier Farms Stable. Breeder. A. B. Hancock, Jun. MfVtl | :59%ft 13 113 4 4 4° l*! ErickbnH 5 7 JimmyMoran 116 Kliara H3.Tiuiour 111 A Maj3n-29Was 5£ f l:07%ft 32 114 3 2 4«J 4» EricksnH « 9 Lucile 119, Supryse 116. Kliara 114 I Mat 9-2! 5Fim 4 t S6 ft 15 115 1112 121512" Ericks nH "13 Mint01gall5,UptnLadll8.WildApple 118 S Kay 4-29 Pim 4J f :55%ft He 111 3* 1 l1 1» EricksnH »U Companion 113. Colossal 113,Lavyer 113 A Apc24-29HdG 4J f :54 ft 96f 113 10 8 10" 91 EricksnH "11 Good asGold 113. Swatter 122.Guilford 119 t Apc20-291HdG 4J f :54%ft 25e 114 15 14 6SJ 6" Ericks nH "15 Swatter 115. Gd asGold lll.St.Prisca 109 A latest Workout. Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won Record for year to date 6 1 0 0 $ 1,150 HIGH GRAVITY, ch. f. 2 M 108 By Lucky Hour— Fulminate, by Friar Bock. Trainer, H. W. Smith, Owner, Princeton Stable. Breeder. Xalapa Farm. Jim. 1-29-Was g 1 :00%f t 53 105 7 6 6" 6T» RyanM ■ 7 LstAgn*112,LnTobinl07.LtngJonesll8 A May23-29:C.D |l:01Vfeft 27 115 7 8 8" 8« RyanM »ll GrecnButy 115. Ma Y rkes ll.i.Ellice 115 A Marl6-29::C.D 4i f :54%u;d 24 107 2 I 4» 4s RyanM 7 GarntKn*tllO,JimDandyll5.PryTimell5 A Mayll-29*C.D 4J f :55%ft "t 116 12 7 ?• 8«J RjanM "13 WildDsell6.StarLsiell6.MabelBasil 116 A I ntest Workcut Starts 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won. 156— 5-S l:03y5ft Record for year to date 4 LYBIA. b. f. 2 111 By Troutbeck — LAfricana, by Assagai. Trainer, G, Brooks. Owner, E. Cebrian. Breeder, E. Cebrian. Rb.ll-19F.G i 35%gd 30 114 4 9" 84J O Laiy "12 1arnellB ndll7. WaveTopll l.CnrleMtll7 S ftb. 6-29F.G g :36%hy 61 109 5 21 1B J Smith * 8 BsBuddy 116. W. Waters lOO.W.Ross 112 A I atest Workout. Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won. 153—3-8 :36%ft Record for year to date 2 1 0 0 $ 850 FRIAR BELL. ch. f. 2 M 1 08 By Friar Bock — Lady Belle, by Polymelian. Trainer, G. W. Fritz. Owner, W. B. Coe. Breeder, W. B. Coe. Latest Workout. Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won. Record for year to date 5th Washington Park 0nt of Cnnte* Monterey Purse. Purse ,500. 3-year-olds. Allowances. Blessefield, June 1 M.-70 Yds. 1, 1929— 1:43V5— 4— 106. Ind. PP. Horse. Wt. Bee. A.Wt.Han. 36955 3 Christie Flanagan 102X725 36508 5 Chip Was 103 1:45 109X720 36255 I Windy City 112x715 Ind. PP. Horse. Wt. Bee. A.Wt.Han. 366502 1 Donnay 103X710 36718 4 Taul Bunyau... 106X705 36G49» 6 Blackberry M 104.. 700 The past performances of the horses entered in this race, together with latest workout and racing record if a starter this year : Date. Crs Dis. Time Tr. Odds Wt St % Str.Fin. Jockey PP.Sts. Best Company Class tf Race CHRISTIE FLANAGAN, b. g, 3 102 By Seth — Pickaninny, by Cesarion. Trainer, J. B. Partridge. Owner, Valley Lake Stable. Breeder. B. A. Jones. Jan. 5-1.1 Was 1 l:3S%ft 29-10 105 4 1 11 lJ RideoutW T 7 RedLtherl05,Pridel09,Knw-Me-Gnel08 C Job. 1-29 "Was | limit WW 109 Wheeled. RideoutVV * 8 NoraD. 112, Captain.. S. 113.Relliue HOC Mv28-29:Was 2 l:13%ft 18-5f 107 4 1 1« 1» DePmaR 14 BPkFlyer 114,Vtoria 102. St wVote 108J C Apr23 29cLex fcl:ll%gd 11 105 6 6 7» 7» WatsonK » 8 FrkHoranll2.Capt nJ.S. 105. Kingbird 116 t H«18-29SJ.P 2 l:15andft 21 110 3 6 E51 743 WatsonK ■ 9 Capt.J.S.115.ChgI.ady 104.EltliBoIla 104 t b 9-:s!J P 5 1:14 ft 27-10 U0 2 1 21 41 R De Pa " 12 TheP dre HO.Braggcio HO.GsKhan 110 A Latest Workout. Starts. 1st. -Jnd. 3rd. Won 146—3-4 1 :15%ft Record for year to date 11 3 0 0 ,700 CHIP. ch. g, 3 1 09 By Supremus — Sheila Byve, by Golden Sun. Trainer, J. T. Taylor. Owner. Mrs. E. L. Swikard. Breeder. H. P. Headley. Jt»j27-294Wau 1" l:43%ft 39-10 103 8 4 6*3 S51 ShropseE • 8 Montanaro 99,Crossco lOO.KingXadi 111 A Ma/lS-LDC.D 1J 2:10%m 8f 126 20 19 19:°192» HeupelJ "21 C.V.Dusen 12i.Naisliapurl2!,Panchio 120 S Mayl6-295C.D ll:39;Sgd 6 IOC 1 2 If 1» HeupelJ » 8 Cbicagoll3.Reigh01gallO,ClogDance 110 A Hvll-295C.D 1 l:4G%ft 32 101 6 7 7»i 7" SpshireE 10 MtieFlcll3.Est rSCkgslll.Cartago 111 S Har22-29=J.P 1 J 1:56 n 17-6 114 2 7 10* 8" McDottL «13 CalfItoperll7.Panchic 114.McGonigle 117 S ■iMNJ l"l:45%ft 9 104 8 6 J» 1 E Sshire • 8 BngSun 108CalfRoper 112,MinotaurllO A Latest Workout Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won. 156—3-4 lM%tt Record for year to date 12 2 2 3 ,175 WINDY CITY, br. c. 3 112 By Upset— Allivan, by Radium. Trainer. J. Lowenstein. Owner. F. M. Grabner. Breeder. T. Piatt. ■vlS-29-C.D 11 2:KHom 23 126 9 7 8s 5«1 PoolE "21 C.V.Dusen 126, Xaishapurl26,Panchio 126 S m§U HT 11 ll:42%m 9-5 114 9 7 l1 1" PoolE »ll Paraphrasell4.PortUleml09,Nhapurll4 A Dec 1-2S5C.D 1 l:38*isl 13 122 2 3 3« 3«1 F Collel !12 C. VanDusen 122,Current U9.Dr.Frl d 122 fc Kot28-2S5C.D 1 l:25%ft 41 115 1 2 3]1 3s W Lilley • 4 Dr.Fr ldll9,T.Chetawlll.JgeM phy 109 H MoT.17-2S:Lex fc l:0S%ft 12 122 4 2 2l 2» F Collel 15 Current 124. C. VanDusen 122,Dr.Fr Id 127 S JJoTlO-2S;Lat ll:43=/5m 17-5 112 2 2 21 21! F Collel 12 Helen Dean 105. Roy 119. Naisnapur 112 H Oct30-2SHaw hcl:15%ft . 112 2 1 Is 1 E Shroe « 5 CaptainJ.S. 103.LillianT. 103,Tinder 110 H Oct2t 2llaw he 1:23 hyl7-10 112 2 4 31 2» E Shroe ■ 5 Tinder 106,LittleGyp 110. Haymaker 103 H r:test Workout. Stirts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won. 157—5-8 l:01%ft Record for year to date 2 10 0 ,500 DONNAY, b. c, 3 103 By Donnacona — Kiwanah, by The Curragh. Trainer. J, Lowe. Owner, Rancocas Stable. Breeder. J. H. White. lUyOO--Waa 31:13 ft 1S-6 108 5 11 21 CatroneF « S Listo 113, Crofton, 113, Djinn, 107 A !Uj27-29:lWa8 31:13 ft 1-2 108 6 5 42 471 CatroneF * 6 Listo 110, Cheers 108. Djinn 107 A Mayll-29«Pim 2 1 :13"/5ft 23-10 111 4 3 3J 2» CatroneF »10 Hot Toddy 118. Toki 95, We. et 107 H May 7-29rPim 21:15%sl 7 106 7 3 21 2 CatroneF • 8 BaronKgl07. Belle ofGnsl04,E iuatnl05 A May 3-29- Im. g l:14 5gd4S-10 108 5 3 21! 2i CatroneF ■ 6 BaronKingl07.Ch"mtenll4,T.H then 125 H l atest Workout. Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won. 157—1-2 :49ft Record for year to date 10 0 7 1 ,889 PAUL BUNYAN, br. c, 3 1 06 By Paul Weidel— Audrey Austin, by Migraine. Trainer, B. B. Johnston. Owner, L. M. Severson. Breeder. A. L. Ferguson. H«j 31-29*0. D 6Jfl:19i0ft 71 105 6 3 51 4=3 DuboisD » 7 Silverdalell5,ITnibagollO,BdyBasil 112 A !Uy23-295C.D 1 l:37%ft IE 105 3 2 2ok 2* JonesL » 6 ReighOlga 114,SunGodII. 114. Lancer 114 A Il«yl8-29!C.D 1 2:10%m 8f 126 17 18 15"15" ClellandO "21 C.V.Dusen 12G.Naishapurl26,Fanchio 126 S Hayll-29«C.D 6J f l:19%ft 94 115 4 13* 6» ClellandO »14 ClydeVnDusenllS.PtHlemllO. Vmoll5 A Octl5-2S«Haw he l:17%hy 7 110 S 5" 5" J Parmee 7 Tinder 110, Calf Roper 113. Djinn 108 A tDisqualified. latest Workout Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won 147— lm 1 :33M;Sl Record for year to date 4 0 1 0 $ 250 BLACKBERRY, br. f. 3 M 104 By Black Servant— Doreid. by Galloping Simon. Trainer, W. Hurley. Owner. E. R. Bradley. Breeder. Idle Hour Stock Farm. IUy30-29;Was agl:2«%ft 19 10617 3 3l 381 JonesL « 8 JdgeHaylOS.BrnBrutuslOS.MerrickllS A 30552 Bel 5 f wcl:0G%ft 60 106 10 11 11"112» A Pascmal2 Calwick 114. Donnay 117. Prairie Fire 114 latest Workout. » Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won. 153—3-4 l:16%ft Recori for year to date 1 0 0 1 $ 100 6th Washington Park *0nt of Chute« Wellingrton Handicap. Purse - ,400. 3-year-olds and upward. Claiming. m«.| 1 Mile liig Sweep, Sept. 12, 1927— 1:37%— 4— 109. NOTE— Claiming price, ,000. Ind. PP. Horse. Wt. Rec. A.Wt.Han. 36904 6 Cuddle A.P 108 l:40%m 4 106X725 367713 3 Devon L.F 112 1:38% C 112x720 30773* 5 Maxiva Lrl 115 l:39%m 6 109X715 30958 4 Grenadier Guard Tij 97 1:3S% 3 102. .710 Ind. PP. Horse. Wt. Rec. A.Wt.Han. 30958 2 Mally Jane. Haw 103 1:38 6 108x705 36902 1 CUarmarten ... F.G 107 l:47Vih 4 108X700 The past performances of the horses entered in this race, together with latest workout and racing record if a starter this year: Date. Crs. Dis.Time Tr. Odds Wt.St. % Str.Fin. Jockey PP.Sts. Best Company Class of Race. 1UDDLE, br. f, 4 1 06 By Cudgel — Jessie C, by Peep o Day. Trainer. A. Goldblatt. Owner, Rose Home Stable. Breeder, H. C. Ragan. Jim. 4-29" Was l70 l:43%ft 8 110 2 4 2" 1* YeltonR • 6 DocrFrcdllO SpanishLayllO.Isostasy 115 O Ju». l-29«Was 1 l:40%sl 8 107 3 5 5« 511 YeltonR « 6 FldaGoldlll.Maxiva lll.WkcrDrive 111 O JUyl5-292C.D 6£fl:20 gd 81 110 2 6 3* 4*i YeltonR ■ 9 Mino 115. Smoldering 115, Percentage 115 O 32764 CD 6Jfl:21%sl 6f 110 6 15 12J12" A Abel 15 NickCullop 113, Zurich 106J, AnitaM. 114 30426 A.P 1 l-16icl:48%sl 17-5 108 2 3 2» 3« L Jones 6 ShastaKlan 102.1so8tasy lll.SbastaNut 111 J0090 A.P 7-8 l:25y5ft 33-10 112 3 5 21 1 FHalbert 8 Paternal 99,Miss Fire 112, Leisure Hour 99 latest Workout. Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won. 151—5-8 1:03ft Record for year to date 3 1 0 0 $ 900 " DEVON, ch, h, 6 112 By Light Brigade — Derna, by Peter Quince. Trainer. J. J. Greely. Owner, J. J. Greely. Breeder, J. N. Camden. Jun. 1-29Was 17» fcttjfcft 16-5 107 3 3 2= 2J McDottL » 6 BlessefdlOO.McGonigleloe.GrenrGrd 96 A May 29-29* Was 11:39 ft 12-5 108 6 5 3« 3J1 McDottL * 7 Canaanl08,BlesseflU105,JackHksleyl07 A Maj22-29»Aur lft 1:45 ft 5 112 3 4 451 2» ParmleeJ lOJ.IIafckl 104,TstleFyrnl04,DevsLire 92 H MaylS-295Aur 1 1:45 ft 41-10 110 2 3 3i 2- LutherT • 5 LcolnPlaut 104,RipRap 103.Devsbire97 H Maj 8-29sAur l" i:43 ft 49-10 116 3 4 5B1 5i SpshireE ■ 5 LaneAllen 115,RipRapl02.LincnPl*t 104 H Arr27-295Lex lj 1:45 ft 18 108 4 6 5:1 3« McDottL " 9 BroadsidellO.Cartago 114,Percentage 109 S Aj*22-29"Lex V« l:47%sl 5 113 2 2 1 J 1 McDottL J 4 LaneAUenll3.Msh lNeyll3,Herendn 113 O latest Workout. Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won. 146—5-8 1:01% ft Record for year to date 7 13 2 J 1,600 MAXIVA, br. m, 6 1 09 By Golden Maxim — Eiva, by Semproniu*. Trainer, V. Kaiser. Owner, V. Kaiser. Breeder, J. Umensetter. Jun. l-29"Was 1 l:40%sl 31-10 111 2 4 2i 21 HalbertF « 0 FlodaOoldlll,WkrDrivelll,BarNonell2 0 Apr.27-29«HdG 1" l:45%ft 14-5 114 9 6 42i 4=1 AbelA • 8 Tiffin 109,IlarryBeai HO.Rockhawk 108 C Apr.25-295HdG |and 1 :48%gd 5 112 7 6 2» 2" SmithJ • 7 Strongheart 106,Edisto 114,Rockslidell6 O APr.l9-29Hda l° 1:45 ft S 112 1 3 3« 3»i MaibenJ • 5 Crossco HG.Recreation 120.PinkLily 112 H .lr.l7-29nidG lj, l:5iy5sl 19-10 112 4 3 ll Vi SmithJ » 8 DrSignal 107,Rkhawk 108,SunAltos 106 O Aj r.l5-29:lHdG Sl:131igd 14 113 5 6 4 35J SmithJ J 6 Grnoch 115.Cont plate 120.nypnot m 118 O Ape 9-29 Bow 3l:12%ft 41 112 9 4 6« 6«1 SmithJ »12 PnWingII.117,Hypno*andm 114.Listne 104 O Latest Workout. Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won 126—1-2 :56ft Record for year to date 7 12 2 ,600 GRENADIER GUARD, br. c, 3 1 02 By Light Brigade— Lady Rotha, by Golden Maxim. Trainer, R. Goose. Owner. R. Goose. B-eeder, J. N. Camden. Jun. a-29sWas 11:38 ft 11 98 7 7 56i 4* RideoutW • 8 Blackwood 112,Crofton O-.I.ongridge 107 A Jun. 1-29Was 1™ l:43%ft 3 96 5 5 5" 1*1 NealP » 6 Blessefield 106. Devon 107. McGonigle 106 A Maj29-293Was % l:13%ft 9-6 109 2 1 1« 1* HeigleR * 7 BarXone 117, Gossoon 117,GoldenTrl 10S O Maj21-294C.D lT j l:4T%ft 21-10 104 5 2 4JJ 5 HeigleR » 7 Actountll3,AmsterilamlO!.KckyAce 111 O MajlTCD 1 l:4C%ft 13-20 110 2 1 1« 1* HeigleR • 6 BlindHillsl09.Aristamll5.St.Ignatiuslll C Majl4-29°C.D 6J f l:22 4ni 31 107 6 7 52j 3» HeigleR • 8 Silverdale 113,Spooky 103, CashPlay 113 O M«26-29-TiJ 1" 1:43 ft 43-10 95 7 3 61 6» GoolerW 7 StaXra 105, Seth sUope 114,Tdy wa 98 A Latest Workout Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won. 147—1-2 :49%ft Record for year to date 19 3 2 2 ,340 MALLY JANE, br. m, 6 108 By Delhi— Galaxy, by Star Shoot. Trainer. J. Lowenstein. Owner, Royal Stable. Breeder, Gallaher Bro. Jun. 5-295 Was 11:38 ft 10 105 1 4 4« 6»JHardyL » 8 Blackwood HL.Crofton 92,I.ongriJge 107 A Ma.T21-29,C.D 31:14 ft 5 112 9 10 7S1 6"J PichonL 12 NoraD.107*.Lady WittlOO.JessietnreylOS O 32684 CD 1 1-1G 1 :46%ft 21 108 1 1 2» 4 W Garner 8 Referendum 107. Mickey D. 107.Devor 110 32275 Haw 1 1:38 ft 3-2 103 1 1 l1 1 E Shpshe 8 Mntanuro ICO.SethsUope lOG.UowasiaclOS 32175 Haw 1 1-16 IsMKgd 11-5 105 2 4 3J 4»J E Shpshe 6 Crossco 112. Montanaro 98. Sea Scamp 108 31182 L.F 1 l:3SVift 23-10 112 1 3 21 531 H Philpot 8 Bonaire 103*. Hiram 107, Devon 112 Latest Workout. Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won. 155 — 1-2 :49ft "ocon1 for year to date 2 CHARMARTEN, blk. c, 4 108 By Marten— Charleys Sister, by Charles OMalley. Trainer. C. Cherry. Owner. Wild Rose Farm Stable. Bied in England by W, B. Purefoy, Jun. 4 294 Was § l:12%ft 51 106 7 6 6s 6» DePmaR » 7 ArderlOS.BlkBtklOO.ImlnLoveCall 108 A MajlS-29]C.D 6Jfl:20%m 9-10 115 6 4 3» 2»* HalbertF • 8 Eskimo 108, LittleGyp 105. Fairdale 108 O May 3-29-Pim 2l:14/is I 9 114 6 6 4rl 31 HalbertF « 6 BarouKiug 107, Donnay lOS.T.Hthen 125 H APr29-295Pim 2 l:13%ft 12 117 6 3 21 21 HalbertF » 6 BaronKing lOO.SunM dler 117.Lassa 117 A Apr. 10-294 Bow 21:14 hy 6 108 5 3 2» 2« McGinsP » 6 Polyl05.HotTime lll.MollieElizabtth 105 A Ape 2-29 Bow 21:ll%ft 13f 104 15 13 11 "10» LeischnR "16 TheHthen 108,XitLlfe 102,Mowlee 122 8 Marl9-29*J.P 2 1:13%ft 39-6 106 6 3 31 3 HalbertF » 5 MshalXey 112.Agitator 106,GoldBet 106 A Latest Workout. Starts. 1st. 2;id. 3rd. Won. 154— 1-2 ........ aysft Recoid for year to date 14 14 5 ,446 7th Washington ** Park *™ f°°- 4"y,eY"°,Id8 "H ?™fd; Iai;n- ing. Fair Wind, Jane 30, 1927—1:51—4— 1*4 Miles 107. OTE — Claiming price, 11,600. Won-wlnners since May S6. Weight, 112 pounds. Ind. PP. Horse. Wt. Rec. A.Wt.Han. ai 712 3 Donua Santa Haw 100 1:53% 7 107XW5 aCX?6 2 Cartoon Hav 110 1:52% 6 112.. 720 86904 5»Paula Shay.. A. P 115 1:53% 9 102x715 MM 8 John Pre].. .Mia 115 1:55% 4 112710 Stt!K5 6»Festival ...Mia 115 1:54% 6 107x705 Ind. PP. Horse. Wt. Bee. A.Wt.Han. 3C511* 4 Golden Sight Aur 11541:54% B112X700 36905 1 Miss Chiniquy Was 106 1:54% 6 107x695 36636 7 Solo Mia 109 1:55 6 112x690 The past performances of the horses entered In this race, together with latest workout and racing record if a starter this year: Date. Crs. Dis.Time Tr. Odds Wt.St. % Str.Fin Jockey PP.Sta. Best Company Class of Ba . DONNA SANTA, b. m. 7 107 By Ormcndale — Affable, by Hasting*. Trainer, C. N. Freeman. Owner, C. N. Freeman. Breeder, T. C. McDowell. H»y31-2andUYas 1§ l:55%ft 6 102 C 5 44 4* DcuglasF » 6 Onup 107,TomByrnell2.BillCosgrave 105 C H*y20-297Aur f£ l:47%ft 5 107 7 6 63J 54 RoseM "12 Dr.Clarkl08,BrownieSinilellO,Catesbyl06 C MaylTAur V l:46%ft 39-10 112 4 4 2 11 RoseM » 8 JennyDean 112,Lannie 109,Engadine 109 C UNI Haw ll-l6 1:54%hy 6J 103 6 9 6» 4« F Halbert 12 J r sNurse 103 RedHot 106ColonelCarr 106 31842 Haw 11-8 1:59 m 22-5 103 7 6 614 6" E Shpsbe 7 AdeleW. lOS.Sly Tolly 98, Busy lj»ssie 102 11395 L.F 11-4 2:08 ft 6J 69 2 S 4» 5" J Cavens 8 RalphHartenstein 113.0nup 99.ByGosh 113 31316 L.F 1 1-8 1 :54%ft 47-10 101 8 » 74 3 F Halbert 11 Frightful 107. Cartoon 104. Pat Field 104 Latest Workout. Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won. 157—5-8 1:04ft Record for year to date 3 1 0 0 J 700 CARTOON, br. j, 6 112 By Chicle— Sketchy, by Peter Pan. Trainer. G. H. Morton. OwneT, Dearborn Stable. Breeder. H. P. Whitney. Jun 3 -297Was 1J l:61%ft 8 107 1 4 64 64 MorsonR * 8 By Gosh 112, Duck It 110, Helen E. 106 C tm l-2S7Was lg l:56%sl 23-10 108 1 3 44 4» DouglasF ■ 7 K.-Me-GnomelO5.H.Dson:03.P.Clhnll3 C M»j29-297Was 1£1:65 ft 9 112 1 t 34 34 HalbertF » 6 Indra 102, Coppershine 112. Solo 112 C May25-297Aur 1 2:11 gd 9 108 1 6 74 74 ScurlockJ »10 ElinerH.108.PatC8lhouDll3,TomByrnel06 C JI»y22-297Aur 1J l:54%ft lOf 109 1 8 64 3" HalbertF *11 CapnApplejkl09J,T.B.vrnel04.Rebeckl04 C Kayl7-297Aur 1 l:47%ft 15 115 7 7 V* 64 OMalleyJ • 7 Rebeekl07,Berosus 114,ErinGoBragh ■« 4-29Aur l£l:54%ft 91 116 2 6 44 4=4 OMalleyJ 10 RockCdyl08.EddGraylll.Jor sNse 103 C »ail5-295Hav 1,1:46 ft i 112 I f 5» 5J L Dye 8 Up and Down 107. Marabou 104. Guest 110 C Latest Workout Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won. 148—1-2 :52%ft Record for year to date 16 1 5 2 $ 1,300 *AULA SHAY, blk. m, 9 102 By George Smith— Affiance, by Clifford. Trainer, H. TJnna. Owner, Bartelstein and TJnna. Breeder, J. Sanford. ■m 4-29«Vas. V l:43%ft 8 102 5 6 64 6;a NealP • 6 Cuddlell0,DoctrFredll0,Si anishI.ay HOC Wm 29-29 Was 71 f 1:34 ft 12 105 3 3 34 3« JonesL • 7 FrcesRkl07,Traymell3.KittyMullyl01 C SI 320 L.F 1 1-8 l:53%ft 12-6 1021 9 7 64 54 E Warden 10 By Gosh 109, Ohio 105, Stuart s Draft 101 S0946 L.F 13-16 2:00 ft 5 105 4 6 44 64 E Shpshe 9 RalphHartstn lll.CrsBow HM.Cartn 105 S06351A.P 1 l-16icl:55 m 13-10 103 6 3 34 3*1 L Jones 6 Gaineswood 103. Sandy Lady 105, Atoi 111 »0360 A.P ll-8 1:6C%ft 2 104 4 1 11 21 E Warden 7 Red narvey 109. Ruey 104, Onup 106 10272 A.P ll-8 1:63%ft 9 105 7 1 1« 1 E Warden 8 Croatan 111. BrhtTomowll6,OverFire 113 Latest Workout. Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won. 153—5-8 1:07ft Record for year to dato 2 0 0 1 J 118 JOHN PEEL. br. g, 4 112 By Johren— Wendy, by Peter Pan. Trainer, R. B. Allen. Owner, C. A. McCormack. Breeder. H. P. Whitney. Wm 3-297Was 11 l:6t%ft 28 112 2 2 2* 44 HalbertF 8 By Gosh 112, Duck It 110, Helen E. 106 C ■a II ■■ ■ l" l:47%hy 91 115 4 I 5*1 «" Le landJ • 8 Honeyfish:08,ErinGoBhl03Coprshinell5 C B»yll-29«Aur 1J l:57%m 12-6 115 2 2 l1 14 LeylandJ « 5 AlmaBndll2,JrsN6el03,OpenHandll5 C U«22-2S1KyP 1-ft l:50%gd 20 105 6 6 5" 6" ConveyJ • 6 Festival 116.Euphrates H4.Clarifier 111 C Bail5-29KyP 1 l:53%gd 7 105 6 6 t* G» M Knit » 6 LkyPlay 118,Alleviator 114.BlkBart 114 C Jbr 8-29«Mia lg l:53%ft and 110 S 4 S 6" M Knit 5 Orator 105,RlRolker lla.Rejuvtion 115 C Mac l-2S3Mia 1J l:64%ft 16 115 4 t 4* 4" M Knit • 6 Festival 115. Red Leather 113, Huey 120 C Latest Workout Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won. 157—3-8 :40%ft Record for year to date 14 3 0 0 ,400 FESTIVAL, b. h, 6 1 07 By Fair Play— Felicity, by Rock Sand. Trainer, A. J. Plack. Owner, L. D. Oldham. Breeder, Nursery Stud. Jbn. 4-297Was 1£ 1:64 ft 5 115 6 6 7» 71* LeylandJ ■ 7 Cshine 115,B.Cosgve 107,MsChquy 106 C JUy30-297Was 1* l:65%ft 10 109 1 1 21 21 LeylandJ • 8 DckItl04,K.-Me-Gnomel04,SprFelixl05 C !Uj2S-297Was l7»l:44%ft 16-5 110 8 6 6 681 LeylandJ « 8 E.ofWwk90,HowdLeel06,LightAir 100 C ■rj 21-29«Aur 1" l:44%ft 19 112 6 5 681 4« LeylandJ • 6 Ndemnsl06.Maraboul03,ShastaBelle 105 C 1110-20 1 l:46%ft 6 110 7 8 7«1 7»1 LeylandJ * 9 SliastaBelle 97. Marabou 1021,Endor 106 C a 7 6-29Aur 1™ 1:44 ft I U3 7 6 «»1 611 LeylandJ 8 Marabou 103,Red Leather 108.Endor 108 C Lareat Workout. Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won. 153—3-4 l:20%ft Record for year to date 23 3 6 2 $ 3,250 ©OLDEN SIGHT, br. g, 6 112 By Golden Guinea— Unseen, by Yankee. Trainer. I. J. Rutter. Owner, Mrs. R. White. Breeder. W. B. Miller. Hv27-297Was 111:56 ft 12 113 1 3 21! 81 McElroyT * 8 HelenE.105,Copshinel09,BillCosgravel09 C JUy22-297Aur lll:54%ft 11 115 6 4 4J 6 McElroyT *11 CapnApplejkl091,T.Byrnel04,Cartnl09 C »v14-297/ur 17«1:51 hy33-10 114 8 8 91* V* ScurlockJ «11 Shampool06,VdVgnce 114,FirstDcelll C «vll-297Aur lll:57%m 51 U7 I 2 i* 2« McElroyT 7 Dunbeath 112,Revlon 113,TomByrne 110 C 1Uf 6-29«Aur 11:40 ft 13- 118 C 1 1« 1» McElroyT "10 Oi-man l8,BwnieSmilell3,DnionviUe 113 C •JTaf 4-29=Aur | l:l4%ft 23 118 12 7 8»1 3! LutherT *12 RedSpiderll3,S*dyHch 113,Emplmtic 113 C Latest Workout. Starts. 1st 2nd. 3rd. Won. 157—5-8 l:07%ft Record for year to date 14 2 3 2 ,969 MISS CHINIQUY, b. m, 6 1 07 By Huon— Pasadena Queen, by Star Shoot. Trainer, F. Farrar. Owner, Mrs. F. Farrar. Breeder. J. E. Madden. Jha 4-26;Was 111:54 ft 9 106 3 3 2« 32 AyraudR • 7 Cpersne 115,BlC*sgrve 107,T.Bne HOC »y31-2and7Wae II l:55"sft 16-5 107 4 2 6« 641 AyraudR » 6 Onup 107,TomByrnell2,BillCosgrave 105 C H»y28-297Was 1° l:44%ft 12 102 4 4 4«1 4« AyraudR • 8 E.ofWwk90,HowdLeel06,LightAir 100 C *8757 Haw 13-16 2:00 ft 41-10 100 10 8 lClO1 G Woolf 12 Fire Dnder lOo.Finnster HO.Dr. Clark 10r C8509 Haw 1 1-8 l:54%ft 91 100 11 8 6 631 G Woolf 11 Brazen 106, RockyCliff 100, Hopeless 110 *7603 L.F 13-16 2:00%ft 9 106 6 3 6 $»• A Prgrass 9 Turquoise 111, Hopeless 111. Frightful 111 Latest Workout. Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won. 140 — lm 1:45ft Record for year to date 3 0 0 1 $ 100 BOLO, b. s, 6 112 By Light Brigade— Rolo, by Sweep. Trainer, A. Singer. Owner, Miss P. Gross. Breeder. J. N. Camden. Jul 3-29TWas l| l:5!%ft 25 112 7 7 71 7"i AyraudR • 8 By Gosh 112, Duck It 110, Helen E. 106 C ■»j29-297Was 1J 1 :66 ft 21 112 6 5 4*1 47 CatroneF • 6 Indra 102, Coppershine 112. Cartoon 112 C JUy25-297Aur li 2:11 gd 21 113 6 1 2,105 KellumJ "10 ElmerH.10S,PatCalhounll3,TomByrnelO6 C H»j20-297Aur l- l:47%ft 18 117 12 8 7«J 773 WalkerJ *12 Dr.Clarkl08,BrownieSmjlellO,Catesbyl06 C H»jl3-298Aur 1" 1:49 hy 37 114 7 6 6" 6" VlemotA » 9 Hesitationl08.ElmerH.107.FrankHleyll0 C JUyl0-29Aur ll:46%ft 29 115 8 8 S»l 8» VlemotA ■ 9 ShastaBelle 97, Marabou 102.Endor 106 C IUi30-295KyP 1 1:52 gd 12 115 4 7 7»S 3J MerglerD 9 SphPrincesa llO.SfsFncy 103.Rompll3 I Latest Workout. Starts, let. 2nd. 3rd. Won. 84 — 3-4 l:26gd Record for year to date 14 10 4 ,025