Wheeling, Daily Racing Form, 1930-04-19

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J ENTRIES AND PAST PERFORMANCES j WHEELING HALF MILE TKACK SATURDAY, APRIL 19. Weather conditions as forecast hy United States Weather Bureau and as at press time Indicated: WEATlIEtt CLOUDY; TKACK SLOW Racing starts at 2:30 pin. Chicago time, 1:30 p. ni. 1st Wheeling" Pnrse SfiOO. 4-year-oltIs and upward. Claiming. Mile XOTE Claiming price, ,000; if for 00, allowed 3 pounds. Xon-winncrs at this is meeting. Weight, 116 pounds. iXon-wInners this year allowed 4 pounds. Ind. PP. Horse. Wt. Rec. A.Wt.nan Ind. PP. Horse. Wt. Rec. A.Wt.Ilan n 4GC912 9r.raedalbane Tij 111 1:01 11 111X725 4CG57 15 Reigh Shot C 104.. 095 95 4G149 OMohnny Agee... 5 lll:-:720 44437 2 Woodmont 5 1W..C90 90 4GG57 14 A. B. Bensinger G 109X715 4G594 3 The Angelus 5 104. . COO 00 4G552 10Curveur 8 111.. 710 4G155 4 Sunday Clothes. C 104XC90 90 40599 1G Max Brick 9 109X705 4GG12 7 Verna 51.... 10 104.. 090 90 4C330 17 Pheasant 7 109X700 45S07 S Reigh Celene.... 4 104. .090 90 4C594 1 Weathervanc Tij 121 1:02 C 10SXC95 4CG5G 11 Salt Peter 13 109..G90 90 4GG91 GBright Plume.. S 99XC95 4CC91 13Storm ilaiden.. O 102. .COO 0 4C591 12 Surface 4 109.. 095 The past performances of the horses entered in this race, together with latest workout and racing record: Date. Crs. Dis.Time Tr. Odds Wt.St. Str.Fin. Jockey PP.Sts. Best Company Class of Race. :e. Braedalbane 111 b n by Jack Atkin PrJnoess Pat y stalwart. X X JL Trainer, J. D. Mikel. Owner, W. Mikel and Son. ptl7-30:Who S 1:04 hy 5 111 1 1 21 2X DuhonS1 9 TwoBillslll.Vitalize 104i,SraMden 103 C pr.l2-30;Whe S l:02ft 7 109 3 1 lnk 21 ColnsJD4 10 Buchonlll.A.B.Bsgerlll.BritPlumclOG , C Mac 2-30Hav 5J f 1:03 ft 5 108 4 1 2h 5 BryantD9 12 Munning 108, MadSketch 113, Fifia 9S C Fit24-30,Hav "21:16sl 6 117 1 1 2h 74i DouertyF9 9 Lassa 117, Fifia 107, CliftonsMaid 102 C IVh. l-30llav 51 f l:0Ssl 21 109 1 1 l3 l1 ColvinA9 12 Era 107,Coverwood 112,North Breeze 107 . C Jin.30-30Hav 5Jfl:10rn 3 107 1 1 l1 2 ColvinA 10 Munning 107,Mac Day 107, Laguna 105 C Jin.lO-30Hav 5Jfl:09 ft 10 107 1111 41 ColvinA3 12 SverWc97,Capt.Gbert97,Cplication 112 . C C Octl9-29Tul 5Jfl:09ft 12 97 79 MeredithR 9 LittleBroom lOG.Mala lOG.Levulose 107 c C , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.-, . Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.- Last year.. 26 5 3 5 $ 2,365 This year.. 7 13 0 ,100 Johnnj AgCe 111 JLXJL Ch Herbert. Bf B ty Hieh Time dy Winsome, by Meddler or Fitz Trainer, G. Alexandra, Jr. Owner, J. E. Smallman. Harl5-303IIav 2 l:13ft S-5 113 2 1 l1 11 RileyG1 10 StylisliMaekll8,Vandionll3,PrRubcl04 C C Mat 8-30:Hav 2 l:14ft 8-5 107 6 1 lh 4 AustinM 9 Crittalll07.ScotlandGirl 102,ShortyO. 110 3 C c Mae C-303IIav 3 1:13 ft G 117 1111 21 AustinM3 C Listerine 104,Gideon 109,FairThorn 109 90 C Mar l-30Hav 2 1:13 ft 21 110 7 4 3"! 531 HarperW 8 HastyGirl lOS.Col.Fallon 105,Chester 10S S O O FtU27-20;Hav f l:0Sft 5 107 1 4 21 l1 HarperW1 8 I.assa 115. Donora 92, Platoon 105 C C. FOill-SOHav 2 l:15gd 8-5 117 1 1 l1! 23 MoonF 10 Biloxi 107,JohnWinII. 112,SanAnfo 112 C , Starts. 1st, 2nl. 3rd. Won.. . Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won. Last year, .25 2 9 6 $ 2,860 This year. .12 3 4 2 ,990 j i . - . J . . : ; : : ; " C 3 C 3 C 3 C : C 2 C : C 3 C C C c C C C C : J j is n 095 95 90 COO 00 90 090 90 .090 90 90 .COO 0 :e. C C , C C C . C C C . c C Fitz C C 3 C c 90 C S O O C C. A. B. BeilSinger 1 HQ Ch e e by UDS2t Wedding Slipper, by Pataud. - luif Trainer, E. C. Anthony. Owner, H. Massey. Arr.lG-303Vhe 6?sfl:25m " 31 113 2 4 33i 4i WimerM 10 SwiftCurrent 99,1hiDclta lOS.Jibe 108 O Apr.l2-303Whe g l:02ft 13 111 G 4 4J 31 WimerM3 10 Buchonlll,Braedlbnel09,BritPlumelOG O Arr. 9-30Who l:05hy 22 lOt 7 7 S9 Scl HoltS8 12 AunBlml09,ElIaBankl0Gl,J.J.Bbr,kll2 O Jan-IS-SOMia 2 l:12ft 20 113 10 11 1281 91 KsingerC11 12 Graceland 108, VeraC. 103,I.emnos 1110 Jul. 2-29Lat 2 l:16hy 9 115 6 3 33 3s CrumpW 8L IeColl llS.G.McClnlOO.KubiaiKhanllO C Jul. 1-29Lat 2 115 m 17-10 112 3 2 2s 31 CrumpW 7 StarForwdl03,Efeldeel07.F.a.Fthersl05 O Jmi.24-29lLat 2 l:llft 38 113 2 4 6i G1! CrumpW "10 Mincrvus HC.Gidcon HG.TheSliowOff 108 0 , Starls. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.-, , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.-, Last year.. 4 0 0 3 $ 318 This year.. 4 O 0 1 $ 50 fnrvoiir 111 Ch. g, 8, by Llangwm Simons Daisy, by Simon Square. JL11 Trainer. 3. R., Carlock. Owner, H. W. Miller. AprlO-364Who 31:19 gdl7-10 111 2 1 2 35i GocdichE8 10 AntnBloom lll,Timekeeperl03,Amir 109 0 Mat 4-30 Hav 5.fl:07 ft 1 122 3 4 5 Gsi SniderA3 8 Mry Wdsorll2,CelDrngel08,SiraBlol07 O Feb. 4-303IIav 21:12ft 1 115 1 1 li li HaidyL,3 C Privately lOS.FalrThorn 101, Chantry 106 O Jan 27-303Hav 2 l:12ift G-5 112 2 1 lh 23 HardyL3 7 KntComdrl08,B.Aspinl08,E.GalIigrl07 O Jan.23-303Hav 2 l:HBd 4 117 1 1 11 21 HardyC9 10 Meriwick 10G,MayAgnesK. 08;Gidcon 10G O Jan.l3-30IIav lg 1:43 ft S-5 113 2 2 31 4 GoodrhK 5 Crash 110, San Carlos 113, Lancer 113 U Jan. S-30cHav l50 l:444y5gi 21 111 2 1 l4 l4 GoodrichE4 8 HomelikellO.ThistleCtllO.Privately 111 O Jan. 1-30IIav 2 l:13ft G-5 115 5 2 21 lnk JMoonF1 8 BlackAgate 113,Mona HO.SirBarley 110 O luI.2G-293Emp 1" l:4Gft 13-20 110 3 1 l4 1 KenndyE 4 7 Moboz HO.Enthusiastic llC.SunBridc 100 O , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.- , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. v"-- Last year.. 9 5 2 1 3.825 This year.. 8 3 2 1 $ 2.G00 llax Brick 1 HQ ch Bt 9 hy sir Martin May Allcy y star shoot Last work- 108 3-8... :42hy " Trainer, J. M. Murphy. Owner, J. M. Murphy. Agl9-293B.G 1 l:39ft 11-10 11G 1" TunstellJ 7 GoldcnTop lll.JohnJ.Jr. HO.Atador 11G O - AuS15-29L.C.F gl:01ft 21 116 1 NapierL, 7 CheatgChtsllG.Dicknell Hl.SutSr.sllG O Jun.25-29Lat 2 l:lGsl 20 116 1 5 5 5 PascmaA 8 Master 105. Efcldee 103. Dark Angel 111 O Jun-lOLat 1,1:49 gd 21 . 109 8 7 59 581 SmockF Ul BlkT!rdcrl09.AdaAdrl07.Col.Gmorell4 O Jun-HLat 1 l:4Shy 13 115 6 7 7" G3 KernW 7 Respond 110, Turn Over 115. Soiree 105 O Jan.l5-2J3Lat l70 1:47 si 13 113 6 1 Is l3 KernW 1 8 Latch Key 97, Chiz 102. Never Bust 113 O , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won. , , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Von.-4 Last year.. 21 3 14 ,685 Pheasant 1 HQ B B 7 1,7 vinaex The Iost Bird hy ciseau. Last work: 833-8 :42hy JLUt Trainer, J. G. Demarcst. Owner, J. G. Demarest. Mat25-30:lJ.P 31:15gd "l4 115 , S 10 1091103 GarrityP3 12 A.P.CanalellO,FlagLieuftll5,nndUpll3 O Jan.lO-307F.G I1 1:55 ft 1G 109 4 8 ll"llss IIornG4 12 Volo 114, Turquoise 111, Genial 114 0 Dai30-29:J.P l-ft- 1:49 ft 22-5 108 10 7 7 731 DepcriniR 1012, Gst ofIlnorl08,MksBbyl08,PeepO.113 O. -Dcc20-29CJ.P l70 lclCVift 1? 10S 1 4 41 G3 ItusselUC 12 Griegol08,Boy.Bobll0,K.-JIe-Gnonie 1110.-OcL17-29F.P 21:13ft 6 109 11 9 Si Sl HornF 1012 KgsprtlOl.IolygmiallO.ScotrdGirl 10G O , Starls. 1st. 2nl. 3rd. AVon. . Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.-, Last year.. 13 2 0 3 $ 1.S00 This year.. 2 WcatllClVane 1 O 91 B m 6 by War raine Afton Water, by Argregor. JL U O Trainer, J. Noel. Owner. Mrs. J. Noei. ,Apr.l2-C01Whc 21:1" 30 106 G 7 7C1 752 ColvinA1 10 Kalakaua HG.ElnAdair lOG.VeraC. 10G O Apr. 9-305Whe l:03hy 31 104 1 5 Gl 751 LoganL4 12 AunBlnil09,EllaBanklOGJ,J.J.Bbrkll2 O Mar 2-30Hav 531 f 1:03 ft 15 103 11 10 9S1 751 PasseroJ10 12 Munning 108, MadSketch 113, Fifia 98 O Fib-19-30Hav 5? f 1:14 hy 12 103 10 10 10 104 HoucherJ3 11 FlorinsalOS.BlkAgate HO.J.J.BbrkllO O Fih.l0-303Hav 5i f 1:11 si 31 103 1 3 23 l1 BouclierJ8 11 BrhtPIumell3,FayIIailtonl08.Iotal 108 O FtK S-303Hav "21:21by 4 101 1 3 21 21 BoucherJ 9 Soiree lOl.DixieBeauty lOl.SeaKale 111 C FA. S-SOHav l50 l:44ft 10 99 G 9 lloil14 BouchcrJ5 12 Sniper 109. Pandy 107, Mascara 99 O Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.. , Starts. 1st, 2nd. 3rd. Won. Last year. .31 5 3 4 ,110 This year.. 12 1 1 2 ,040 Rritrlit PIiitiip OQ Ch- m 6- by Colonel Vennie Orlo, by Orby. Ungllt 1 llime y Trainer, A. G. Tarn. Owner, A. G. Tarn. APcl7-303Whe S 1:01 hy 13 1111 2 5 5C 61 ColvinA 9 TwoBillslll.Bdalbane lll.Vitalize 101 O Ai-.12-303Whe S l:02ft 30 10c" 7 5 5 4i ColvinA7 10 Buelioulll.BrdlbnelOO.A.B.Bnsgrlll O - Arnl0-303Whe l:03gd CI 106 5 4 4 41 ColvinA11 12 ObliqtielOO.Buclion 117,Dod.Lcigliton 107 O Macl3-303Hav 21:14ft 5 102 3 1 3;1 7S2 LoganL,1 12 TwoBills 107,WhiteKnee 97,SeaKaIe 112 O Matl3-303Hav 5?. f l:07tt S-5 102 2 1 H 21 RileyG 12 E.Lehmnl07,M.F.Pltel07.S.a. D.Man 112 O rtUlO-203Hav ro fl:ll si S-5 113 2 1 l3 21 TonrowR11 11 Whervane lOS.FayllailtonlOS.Iotal 108 O FtU 7-30Hav 5?Tfl:13m 4 109 1 1 2h 881 TownrowR1 12 C.Pascheiill2,Flainnolll,Adminttorll2 O Jan.l6-30llav 5"fl:10sy 4 107 2 G 9"10 TonrowR7 11 Joan Shirley 102,PhiDelta lOC.Okay 112 O , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.-, , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.. Last year.. 9 1 1 0 $ 375 This year.. 8 0 2 0 $ 300 Jiirf-irn 1 AQ B. c, 4, by Trap Hock Javelin, by Assagai. 0,1 11 Uy Trainer. F. McCoy. Owner, G. B. Foley. Arn-SOnVho 0 1:0114ft 27 114 10 10 lOlO13 HayH8 10 lr.IIickmnll4,TimckprlOC,Ligurianll4 O, Macl9-30:St.J 5h t l:10m 4 118 4 3 51 G13 McGinisP3 11 MyGirl 113, RegurBroom 103, Acquire 113 O Mal4-30St.J 5ifl:10m 21f 116 11 7 43 51 GuerraJ11 12 Photograph 115,Maryetta 102, AVeenie 10G O Det20-295KyP 11:50 ft 20 104 5 7 12"12s lllgginsj 1012 VoyagelOS.CIarif ierll2,Confidential 109 O Not.25-293Bov l-fe l:50V4ft 24f 101 5 1 S"i 91 RcnickS "13 GrandmaG.lOO.GrabBaglOS.Seargton 112 C Ocf.V29;HdG 2 l:1514hy 84 102 9 7 lOlO10 EabyJ 13 Mortgagel07.TheTtar 117,Coplicat nl07 O Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.-, . Starts. 1st, 2nd. 3rd. Won.-, Last year.. 15 1 2 1 $ 515 This year.. 3 ni, ci.nf 1 A Ch. m, 6, by Sunreigh Magic Shot, by Magic II. Last work- 94-3-S l-04m Trainer. W. D. Hendley. Owner. W. D. Hendlcy. ArrlG-303Whe" 6J f l:24im 11 108 G 7 7s S2 TaylorW3 10 SwiftCurrent 99,1hiDelJa lOS.Jibe 10S O Arr.l"-303Who 2 1:17 ft 20 111 2 2 21 2 TaylorW 10 ClayPignllG.FlahertyllGJ.owcrFive 11G O Apr 9-30Whe g l:03hy 42 105 9 9 9 97i TaylorW1 12 AunBrnil09,ElIaBankl0C,J.J.Bbrkll2 O Oct 7-293Duf 6Jf l:25ft 6 106 571 ZatesloG 8 Voyage 103, Balum 104, Assail 10G O Oct 3-293Duf t t l:262ift 29-10 106 57 ZatesloG 7 Trappy 108, Peter M. 99. Fort Worth 107 O Sen. 7-"9Thf 1 1:1314ft 24 112 3 8 11s 11" ZatesloG U2 JnyAgeell2,Jk ofChibsll2.Pipcstemll2 O Aus23-297L.B li 2:0114m 14 101 4 4 4 51 QuillenC 9 RubanRgel03.JnW.Wrl01.MilesPrl03 O Starts, lsr, 2nd. 3rd. Won.- . Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.-. Last year.. 17 2 0 1 $ 1,370 This year.. 3 0 1 0 $ 100 Wnnilmmit nOOtiniOIll 1 A ch- E, 5, by Campfire Blazing Star, by Star Shoot. lU4t Trainer, R. Byan. Owner, Mrs. E. M. Xanter. Jan. 2-30Hav 5 f 1:07 ft 20 115 10 10 852 S5J DohertyF 10 Panola 105, Okay 115, Joan Shirley 105 O Dct30-295Hav S l:1444ft 20 111 8 8 813 S,s GonzalesH 3 8 Pan 110, Wega 99, Cuevas 107 O Dcc29-29Hav 5 l:16sl 12 111 9 9 9"1014 Gonlesll 10 Charbucl lOO.Penniall.lOl.PyFlartylv." C Oct 7-295Rav 6Sf 1:2214ft 14 108 41 SheltonJ 7 KtyCatlOO.LdVlcntine 107,Magnus 113 O Oct 4-294Rav GJ f 1:23 ft 25 112 79 Ilayll 7 Dceaway 103,MintToddy lll.Shorty 113 O Oct l-293Rav g l:0214gd 8 118 51 HayH 8 Lt o Dwnll3,Agitation 102,McDay 105 C Starts. 1st: 2nd. 3rd. Won.-, , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.-, Last year.. 23 1 3 0 $ 1,025 This year.. 1 TIio AiifffIim 1 Aj B. m, 5, by Harmonicon Garner, by Eadium. 1 "ast work- 10C 3-8 .... :45m JLUfc Trainer, W. H. Schwartz. Owner, W. H. Schwartz. Arr.r-30Whe 21:17ft" 30 111 10 9 9" 91 OMallcyJ4 10 Kalakaua HG.ElnAdair 100, VeraC. 100 O Macl3-303Hav 21:14ft 15 107 7 12 ll9211e2 MitchellM7 12 TwoBills 107.WhiteKnce 97,SeaKale 112 O ManlS-SOHav 5 f l:07ft 8 107 2 3 4 37 MitchellM8 12 M,tDaisyl02,Pregativel07.H.Maiden 102 O Mat 9-30Hav 2 1:1514ft 5 107 11 11 1152 ColvinA 12 Treacle 93, Tid Bit 102. Mont Daisy 102 C Man 3-303Hav 2 l:15ft 5 100 S 9 7s 5i RileyG4 11 OhMe 103,RedDome 97,StrghtElght 105 O Ftb.23-303IIav 5"M l:0Sgd 30 115 3 G S2 95 JudyJ4 12 Era 110, May Bar 103. Not Guilty HOC FiUl5-303IIav 2 1:14 ft 30 108 5 7 02 Gl JudyJ3 12 Shas.BelIel03,Pequeto 103,MichaclB. 113 0 , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.-. . Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.- Last year. .12 1 1 3 $ 800 This year.. 11 0 0 1 $ 70 Sunday Clothes 1 04 S ? 6 nn-Gim- by Delw- Last work " 1071-2 :5Sm J-VTt Trainer, W. Lutz. Owner, W. J. Palmer. Macl5-303St.J 2 l:16m "2oY 109 10 10 ll8ll- McDottT7 11 Dowager 113,GaineswdllS.MsOninc 113 O Mar 5-303Mia 2 1:14 ft CO 110 8 9 10:31033 McDottT5 10 IIobcawllG.JackCrainllO.SunMedlcr 111 O Mae 3-305Mia 1ft l:4714gd 60 109 1 5 61 514 McDmtL1 9 RayRuddy 114,Blanco 113,IIoneyfish 114 C Fcbi24-30Mia l70 l:43ft 100 112 5 12 12!,123S McDmtT13 12 Whistler 114, Confidential 109,FireOn 119 O Fcb.21-30-Mia 21:12 ft 100 109 9 11 11191133 GnbergS7 11 Letalonell3.SptHalhan llS,OurOwnll4 O , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won., , Starts. 1st, 2nd. 3rd. Won., Last year.. 25 4 2 1 $ 2,725 This year. .10 yerjl -j fA B. m, 10 M, by Echo B. Millie B., by Bartender. IUtc Trainer, B. Ccnco. Owner. B. Cence. Apr-H-SOnVhe 1 1:01 ft 13 111 10 10 10ls1017 JacksonCs 10 Dr.IIickn HG,Surewayl07,LyLeBandl04 O Jul. 5-29Ebg a g 1:02 hy 34 109 6 6 67 6 NolanT 7 Grierson 120, Mary G. 114, Shagbark 114 O Jul. 2-29:Ebg a 0 1:00 ft 62 113 7 8 8" S5 BookerF 8 U.Hood llG.R.Willims HG.Shagbark 110 O. 25914 Win a5-Sl:03ft 91 113 63i W Holmes 8 Harp of t.Nth 114,Muguet lOO.Foxtail 113 , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won., . ; Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won., Last year.. 2 This year.. 1 Ke,-n Pmo-li TpIoiip tlt,I,J. 1 A Ch. f, 4, by Sunreigh Sobranjc, by Polymelus. lU4t Trainer. H. Caplan. Owner, Mrs. I. Caplan. Mac l-303Hav 2 l:W74ft 30 100 9 11 8s 1011 NashE3 12 NotGuilty 105,Pequsto 100,Rcproducel05 O rtb.22-303Hav 5J f l:10V4hy 20 103" 7 5 51 5" LoganL8 8 PhiDeltal07,GoUenM. 107,LewP.lack 112 O FeU20-303Hav 5i f l:lG14hy 20 102 5 4 4s 49 BoucherJ8 3 Ascot 107,Sea Kale 112,Wildrake 107 O Ftb.l9-30-Hav 5j fl:1474hy 12 103 4 7 G10 G52 RileyG3 8 ElIaBankl05,Tidgcel02,BtyBowman 102 C Jan.lS-30Hav 2 1:21 hy 20 39 7 G v 7,8 BouclierJ 8 Acme 107,MadSkctch 112.T. Engineer 109 O Jan.l3-30Hav f 1:0714ft 20 112 10 10 1010" MeyerM9 12 RchLassll2.PhiDeltal07.ByBowmnl07 C j4n.ll-305Hav 5Jr l:07t4s-i 30 10S 9 10 10;c103 MeyerM 11 Belascoain 105, Owl 115. Chester 115 O Jan. G-30Hav 5fl:12hy 15 108 9 G 9 911 MaciverA 11 SnAntoniollO,SeaKalell3,StylisliMkll3 O , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.. , Starts. 1st, 2nd. 3rd. Won., Last year.. 29 112 $ 1,000 This year.. 10 Salt Peter 1 O Q Ch B 13, ty Feter Quince YolanJa, by St. Florian. Last work: 1053-8 :40ft Trainer, R. Crawford. Owner, R. Crawford. Apr.lG-303Whe g 1:03 m 32 1141 8 9 99 911 PsmoreAV8 10 ThelmaL. 103,V!nlIn 107,FrancesE. 107 C Ans31-294Whe GJ f 1:23 ft 7 115 G32 BrownN 8 UrsaMajorlll.TidBit 103,Finnlsterre 111 O AnS29-29!C.F a6J f l:23ft 23-10 118 l1 BrownN 10 Saucy 109, BessMartin 112. ElMonte 110 C Jut 4-29cEbg a 2 l:16ft 14-5 117 1 1 lb 1 PsmoreW 8 Rout Step 112, Grierson 117, Oh Me 109 O JuL 3-293Ebg a .2 1:17 ft 2 119 1 1 Ill3 PsmoreW S H.Miss 114, Bud-Bud lll.SlowPoke 119 C Jun.l3-294Whe 2 1:18 ft 7-5 118 23 PsmoreW 7 KinBolksllS.MqsitollS.CirtgChtersllO O Maj31-293Whe 2 1:1714ft Si 111 li ShawT 8 Bellfontlll.Perquetlll.DbleRnbowlOl O , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won., , , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.. Last year.. 6 4 1 0 $ 1,350 This year.. 1 Storm Maiden TOP Ch" m 5 y Thunaerstorin Lafly Lightning, by Dick Welles. JLUJ Trainer, H. T. Palmer. Owner, H. T. Palmer. Apr.l7-303Whe S 1:04 hy 43 103 9 6 61 4i BernierEs 9 TwoBillslll.Bdalbane lll.Vitalize 104 O Dec29-29Hav l50 l:4344sl 12 106 4 4 a7l 5 Kenlyll 1 S St.vStcllalOS.CpmnGoldlOS.NthBrzelll O Dcc23-29Hav l50 l:30!4hy G 109 1 6 5" 533 Kenlyll " G KittyCat 101. Brigand 102, Finnster 112 C Dcc21-29Hav 2 l:lS14hy 4 110 G 4 451 4C1 KenlyH 7 BaIuml05.CommonGoIdlOS;BobsBest 113 O Noi:22-297Bow 1J 1:56 ft llf 1M 2 11 ll"n,: Kenlyll .14 Einplettel091.i:.a.nsonll5.Mainsirtl03 O Dctl2-2SsRa- 61. f l:23gd 21-5 109 4"! KenlyH 8 Cirkinatelll.J..I.BanibrkllO.Apopka 107 C Oct 8-29sRav GJ f 1:22 ft IS 105 32 Kenlyll 8 Gareth 110. Mint Toddy 10G. Apopka 107 O Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.-, . Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.-, Last year. .43 5 4 8 $ 3,397 This year,. 1 2nd Wheeling Purse . 3-year-olds. Claiming. I , Mile i NOTK Claiming price, ,000. Jfon-winncrs of two races at this meeting. "Weight, 116 pounds. Jon-winncrs at this meeting allowed 3 pounds; of two races in 1929 and 1930, 5 pounds; maidens, 8 pounds. Ind. PP. Horse. Wt. Rec. A.Wt.IInn. Ind. PP. norse. Wt. Dec. A.Wt.nan. ;4CCrC OVTheima L...A.D 113 1:01 106X725 4CG13 14 Bright Flash... 108X695 4G65G C Vinlin Sar 10S 1:00 10GX720 4GC14 2 "Western Light. 108.. G00 40635 ,rCaptain Gilbert. 108X713 4GC90 3Starry Dawn 46723 7 Royal Bells.... 10G..710 Emp 103 1:02 10GXG90 46657 12Swift Current.. 10G..705 4GG90 4Toltec F.P 113 1:03 108XG90 46690 13 Sureway 11G..700 4GG14 10 .Freight Clerk 4G328 lBreakaway Ken 96 1:01 i 103XG93 M Oma 107 l:13m 108.. GOO 46528 8 Queen florin 41747 11 Iristados 10GXG90 l.B 103 1:02and 108XG95 The past performances of the horses entered in this race, together with latest workout and racing record: Date. Crs. Dis.Time Tr. Odds Wt.St. Str.Fin. Jockey PP.Sts. Best Company Class of Race. Thdllin L. 1 AC Cli. f, 3, by High Noon Cheapside, by The Finn. Last work: 8G 1-2 :49ft J-IO Trainer, G. F. Jenkins. Owner, G. F. Jenkins. Apr.lG-30Whe g 1:03 "m "G-5 103 4 2 11 ll GoodichE 10 Vinlin 107, FrancesE. 107,MailSketcIiU7 C Apel4-30Who Gh f l:22tt 14-5 10S 3 4 G On FatorE8 10 KyColonel 108.Malelmll2,BeauAspinll7 C Apr. 9-30 UVlie Sl:05hy S-5 108 3 2 2 21 DyerJ" 12 StryDawnl03, VinlinlOO.WelthaAnnlOOl C jrar.29-30J.P Efl:10Vandsl 10 103 11 9 8i G9 DyerJ5 12 ArroRntlll,AuKinnIUinllG,ltoiindUplll C Mar20-30J.P 3 l:19hy 5 101 1 1 ll lh MeysME 12 DonTinky 115, Solus 111, Beekeeper 111 C Mael2-30J.P 2 1:11 ft 5i 109 1 3 2i 3s FryeJW 12 Wdgain llS.Eagabld HS.JohnSpeed 115 C Fib.21-30F.G 3 l:14gd 71 102 5 G Grl 45 QnbushG 12 KlngTrue 111. Beekeeper 107, Jean 107 C JVh.l2-30F.G 2 l:14ft 10 100 5 2 21 lh SmithV" 12 PkBlossoml02,Jeanl05,WternLight 103 C Starls. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.. . Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.- Last year.. 22 3 3 4 5 2.S00 This year.. 9 3 2 1 ? 2,100 Yinlin 1 CCK Ch f 3 by Dunlin Dlvlno,, by Trav Rock. XUO Trainer, E. Pons. Owner, S. Most. Apr.lG-30Whe g 1:03 m 8-5 107 1 1 21 21 Hayll 10 ThelmaL.103,KrancesE.107,JIadSkchll7 C Ai14-30Who g 1:01 ft 41 108 2 1 l"k 22 Hayll 12 Taquette 10G, Vladimir 100, Milano 111 C Apt 9-30Whe 8 l:03hy4l-10f 109 4 1 31 3 Hayll 12 StryDanl03,ThlmaL.108.WthaAnnlOO C Mac22-30St.J 2 1:17 sy 17-5 108 1 1 21 3 McGinisF1 8 Gracell., lll.Nevermore 120,Donnaco 100 C Mael9-305St.J 5fl:10m G 10S 1 1 2i 3 McGinnisP 8 MyDella 105,Calaniityll3,LordBritainll3 C JIacl7-305St.J 3 l:lGandft 6 107 9 6 HUHi McGinnisP 12 PensChielll.BrandonChan HG.Amir 11G C JIacl4-30St.J 51 f l:10m 22 103 2 1 11 2 McGinisP9 12 SandyllatchllO.WarNympIi 115,Talkylll C , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3ld. Won.-, . Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.-, Last year.. 8 1 0 0 $ 950 This year.. 13 0 4 4 $ 590 Captain Gilbert 1 fQ Br s 3 by Top Hat " Cemas, by Charles Edward. Last work: 1051-4.... :20ft4-vO Trainer, O. Tuggle. Owner, O. Tuggle. Apr.l5-30Whe Gi f 1:23 ft 8 10G 4 3 3S 3 BernierE 10 VeraC. 107. Hoatzin 112, Flaherty 113 C Apr.ll-30Who "gi:lSft 8 109 G 4 3 3i BernierE 7 HdiwkrlOG,J.MiUerl09,FthrMack 10S C Mac29-305St.J 3 l:15Vf,sl 30f 101 8 8 Si 71 BernicrEs 11 Apostle 112,SaratogaMajell2.TinIIat 112 C JTaclS-SOIIav 3 l:13tt 8 103 Lost rider. NashE 10 JnyAgeell3,StylishMackll8.Vandion 113 C Jiac-DOHav 2 l:13ft 8 10G 8 7 G1 71 RileyG 8 CnclDgcll2,BeauAsp!nllG.My Wsorll3 C Mac 9-30IIav 2 1:14 ft 4 107 3 2 2l 21 RileyG1 10 DocConcrl09,ClifsLassl02.MshFire 10G C Mac 3-30IIav 2 1:15 ft 21 10S 3 8 8i 9ci BoucherJ" 12 GrcDustlOG.ClifsLasslOl.SilrWave 107 C Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won., . Starts. 1st, 2nd. 3rd. Won.-, Last year.. 4 0 0 1 $ 75 This year.. 18 2 4 4 ? 2,310 ItOVtl Bells 1 A? Gr. f , 3, by Koyal Canopy Bow Bells, by Knight of the Thistle. Last work: 88 1-2 :54m -LV V? Trainer, J. J. Maroney, Owner, Blue Bello Park Stable. Pee Saturdays fifth Wheeling chart. AprlG-SOnVho g l:02m 33-10 10Gi 1 4 47i 471 Wimcril3 G Theo.FayllO,J.J.Bambrickll5,Lenny 107 C Apr.l4-30;Wlie 0 l:01ft 10 10314 1 21 2 AVimmcrM8 12 Vandionlll.J.J.Bambricklll.Platoon 10G C Apr.ll-30UVlio g l:02Vift 15 93 1 2 2l Z- CooperR1 12 Vandionlll.Theo.FaylOO.Dr.nickmanlll C Mar29-30St.J 2 1:17 si 5 102 5 1 l1 ll PasscroJ 9 Bla7.oncrllC,NiglitKxtral03,SallIahdi 113 C JIar27-30StJ 5111:09 ft 10 101 G 4 5 59 DaintyF3 12 Srewyl04,RdioSvice lOG.Ennute 110 C , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won . , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.- Last year. . 3 This year.. 10 1 1 2 ? G95 Swift Current 1 A? Ch. f, 3, by Peter Quince Falco, by Light Brigade. JL V O Trainer, E. Dollaway. Owner, C. Dollaway, Apr.lG-305Vhe Glfl:25m " 12 99 1 1 1: l2 GoodichE1 10 PhiDelta 10S,Jibe 10S, A.B.BensingerllS C Apcl4-305Wlio g 1:01- ft 5G 93 G 5 51 5H BoucherJ8 12 Paquette 10G, Vinlin 108, Vladimir 10G C Apr. 9-30naie B l:03hy 31 102 11 12 12U2,! GoodichE1 12 StarryDawn 103,ThelmaL. lOS.Vinlin 109 C Nor.ll-295Lat 2 123 hy 20 112 7 7 7" 9" TurkC "10 Frisky Floll2,Missl"gerll2,LIeRpusll2 M Kor. 4-29Lat 3 1:21 hy 17 10G 4 9 911 G TurkC c12 AeeG,smithl01.MissSdbl01,EiI-W"rll2 C 0cL26-29:Lat 2 l:lShy 43 115 1 5 41 4 TurkC "12 Midsolea HS.FriskyFlo HG.FigLeaf 115 M OcLlS-29;Lat 2 l:13ft 32 115 2 3 3i 51! CrumpW 12 Garnishll5,N.McCrtcheyll5,5IerriIy 115 M Oct 4-29C.D 2 l:15ft 75 115 G 8 92 7i CrumpW 15 Elstar 115, Chattering 115,LorcttaB. 115 A Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won. , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won. Last year. .10 This year.. 3 1 0 0 $ 425 Sureway 1 1 i B- 3, by Midway Guaranteed, by Hilarious, J-JLO Trainer, M. Eeiser. Owner, "W. T. Knebelkamp. Apr. 17-30 Wlio g 1:01 hy23-10 111 1 1 Is Is GucrraJ1 7 PaquettelOG.DocConner 108, Vladimir 109 C ApT.14-30l"Whe g 1:01 ft 18-5 107 3 2 21 2J GuerraJ5 10 Dr.HickmanllG,LyLeBandl04,T.Fayl0G C Aptll-SOnVhe g l:02Vift 31 107 7 5 4s Z- GuerraJ" 12 Paquette 103, Vitalize 10G, Sniper 109 C ar27-30,St J 51 f 1:09 ft 49-10 104 1 1 Is l1 GuerraJ 12 RdioSvicelOG.EnUtellO Hu-OnTimelOO C JIar.23-30St.J 51 " f 1:10 ft 4G 103 1 1 21 7i GuerraJ4 8 OurOwn 113, Ruthie 103, Blazoner 10S C Mar22-30;St.J 2 1:17 sy 91 10G 8 G 51 7G1 CarrollW8 12 RedCrsPrincsll2,PeterFizll7,Laftarl20 C , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won. . Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.-. Last year.. 1 This year. .12 2 11? 1.0G0 Breakaway 1 HQ by Whiskaway Lucky Wave, by Cunard. 1UO Trainer. H. T. Palmer. Owner, H. T. Palmer. Apr. 9-30Whe 0 l:03hy S 10G 7 7 Gl G" BoucherJ6 12 StarryDawn 103,TlielmaL. 108, Vinlin 109 C Jttt2S-30eSt.J 5Jfl:09sy 30 9S 4 G 83i SI BoucherJ1 12 Dowager llG.WarX.vmph llG.MyGirl 111 C MaclG-SOHav 2 l:14ft 8-5 10G 3 7 G52 G5 GoodichE1 8 Doncru 107,WtrChf HG.SverWare 10G C jin.2G-30!IIav 3 l:14ft 7-5 107 7 1 ll i" SniderA1 7 CpnGilbtl02,FrDanl02,SwtYvettel07 C jn.21-30IIav 2 l:15ft 21 110 2 1 l1 2 Tonrowlt18 10 MrmurgPineslOG,ClifsMdl02,Athos 104 C Jan.2-30UIav 5J f 1:07 ft 3 107 G 3 3 21 EdwardsC 10 PurpleRobcll2,5IayAgnesK.109,Iotal 109 C Dcand28-29:Hav Sl flSgd G-5 107 1 2 2J 21 EdwardsC 1 8 LelrBunny 109,Tomboy lOl.Ormonita 107 C , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.- , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.-, Last year.. 12 3 3 0 ? 2.696 This year.. G 1 2 0 ? 1,050 QlICCIl Gorin 108 Cl1, f y Kine Gorin Almandine II., by Fauchcur. JL U O Trainer, H. Caplan. Owner, I. Caplan, Apr. 9-30Whe 0 l:05hy 12 101 2 G 7s 10" YerratA2 12 StarryDawn 103,ThelmaL. lOS.Vinlin 109 C Febl-SOHav 51 f l:llhy 12 105 5 8 93 S LoganLS 10 Lagunal07,CliffsLassl03,StrryDawnl02 C rajLl8-304Hav ll:52hy 12 96 3 5 811 8" BoucherJ 3 LittlcScout 103,Soiree 104,Wrackecn 113 C n-b.lG-30;Hav 21:13ft 8 103 9 9 951 9s BoucherJ 9 SIurgPinesllO.WdyLonglOS.Alarnae 108 C Jan.20-305Hav l50 1:50 hy 4 10G 4 5 G" G" TonrowR1 G G.Isabul07,OIeranShinell2,Willrn 108 O Jan.l7-30Hav 2 l:19hy 2 105 G G G G11 LoganL C OrmnSshinel03,SIaSunllO,ClifsLassl03 C Starls. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won., , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won. Last year.. 19 3 4 4 $ 2,775 This year.. 6 Bright Flash 108 Bl f 3 by BriSht Knight Flying Comet, by Peter Pan. J-VJO Trainer, TJ. S. Wishard. Owner, S. Eoss. Apr.li-30;Who g l:0lft 9f 97 10 G G5 G32 CoganC1 12 Vandionlll,RylBelIsl65,J.J.Bbrklll C ApclO-SOWIio g l:02gd 30 103 7 8 S5i 81 CoganC6 8 Mote 112, Spectre 109, OldKickapoo 110 A Mll-305St.J 51 f 1:10 m 12 105 3 3 5 5T1 McGinisP4 G Lindy 118,BettyAnnl05,MyCmvlBoy 118 C Mat-SOSt.J 21:15ft 32 105 4 1 5s 8 McGinisP1 9 Truncheon 112, Alamae 102, Hobcaw 117 C Mac 7-30Mia 3 1:12 ft 25 109 4 3 3s 5C2 McGinisPs 12 Guilder 109, Syrell 109, Betty Ann 104 C Mac l-305Mia 2 l:lGhy 7 108 2 2 8" 8!1 GnwodC9 10 RnBlazelOS.FlygFnfmlOS.CmpnnlOo C , Starls. 1st. 2nu. 3rd. Won.-, . Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won . Last year.. 4 1 0 0 650 This year.. 15 4 2 0 ? 1,645 "Western Light "1 OR S. f, 3, by Westy Hogan Light Eose, by Light Brigade. JLvO Trainer, J. Bird. Owner, 3. Bird. Apcll-305Who gl:01 ft 7 10G 10 10 lO S OMalleyJ 12 Paquette 10G, Vinlin 108, Vladimir 10G C Mac28-30;J.P 31:18 m U 105 4 2 3 31 OMalleyJ" 12 GgisKlianllS.Milano 10G,MacksBabyl08 C Macl7-30J.P 2 l:19hy 14 111 6 5 4 4" OMalleyJ 12 MCrsChce lOG.AnnC. 113,GoseStep 100 C ri.25-30:P.G 3 l:llVft 13 103 11 10 10:U071 FryeJW 12 Dominal0G,MsRamseyl08,Vicksburs 113 C Fetxl2-30;F.G 2 l:14ft 91 105 1 5 4 4:1 MartinL 12 ThelmaL. lOO.PinkBlossom 102,Jean 105 C Jn.27-30!F.G 2 l:Hft 17-5 109 G 1 5 G LandoltC1 12 ThasSethll3,Meridianesel0G.MaePcel07 C , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won., . Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.-, Last year.. 6 2 11? 1.385 This year.. 7 0 1 1 ? 200 Starry Dawn "1 fi Cn f 3 star Master Nancy F., by Sweep. -LvU Trainer, M. Katz. Owner, F. Maiers. Air.l7-30Whe g 1:04 hy 31 107 5 5 GS Gs BenoitA8 7 Sureway lll.Paquette 10G,DcConner 108 C Apr. 9-30nVhe g l:05uy 47-10 105 1 3 l1 ll BenoitA 12 ThelmaL. 108, Vinlin lOU.WelthaAnnlOOJ C Macl2-30Hav 2 l:13ft 10 101 4 3 4 Gl WallN 8 CnelDgell2BeauAspinllG,My WsorllS C Mac 9-30;Hav 3 1:11 ft 6 109 2 10 10,!10 MitchellM 10 DocConrl09,CapnGilbtl07,ClisLss 102 C Man 5-305Hav 51 f l:07ft 7-5 105 2 1 11 1 BoucherJi 11 Fair Dawn 105, Smithers 110, Ecoma 110 C Jtb 23-30IIav 51fl:09sl 4 103 4 3 5 8J BryantD18 11 DocConrl07,SwtYvettel07,NyNhty 09 C Feb.21-30IIav 51 f l:14uy 2 102 1 1 1 2-i BryantD 10 Laguni 107,CliftsLassl05,FairDawn 102 C , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won., Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.- Last year. .14 10 4 ? 1.100 This year.. 12 3 11 ? 2,170 ToltCC 108 B. c, 3, by Westy Hogan Lorna, by Jack Atkin. Last work: 991-4 :29m J-UO Trainer, J. E. Carlock. Owner, H. W. Miller. Apr.l7-30UVhc g 1:01 hy 1G 104 3 4 3Jl 5 GoodichE 7 Sureway lll.Paquette lOG.DcConner 108 C Ape 9-30Whe 2 1:22 hy 41 102 G Pull. up. StranskiC8 O ShortyO.107,TetraGlassll2.MshlSethll2 C Mac24-305J.P 3 l:18,sl 17 102 4 3 3 41 LandG 12 Paquettel03,BrushingllO,WdFIower 103 C Macl5-30J.P 3 l:17m 23 10G 5 G 12512" CavensJ 12 IleadPinlOl.GoodShepherdlll.OldBilUOO C Mac 8-30J.P 3 1:14 Ed 114 110 5 4 5J G CavensJ1 12 JlyBeautyl08,MsChoicel00.Chatcheel08 C Dcc21-29:J.P 1 l:48m 25 101 2 8 8" 85S SmithV 8 RoctGlarelOl.B.Cortes 102,Playabit 107 C Decl7-29;J.P 21:14gd 9 111 2 12 11"10 FronkW 12Jean 107. Leah Jane 110, Paquette 111 C Starts. 1st, 2nd. 3rd. Won.. . Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.- Last year. .18 2 3 2 ? 2.450 This year.. 5 Freight Clerk 1 J-0 OR Br s 3 M by Supercarg0 Laiiy of tha Xake b? Macdon- aid II. :43ft . Last work: 101-3-8.... Trainer, A. G. Tarn. Owner, A. G. Tarn. AncH-SOMVho V01 ft ISf 109 11 12 1182101 ColvinA" 12 Paquette 10G, Vinlin 10S, Vladimir 10G C Macl5 30IIav l"l-43yft 15 102 9 9 971 982 LoganL 10 S.adD.MnllO.LyAllmrlOO.Cmirll. 105 C Ifal "OHav 1 l-44ft 10 101 9 9 9J 9" LoganL 11 Delmonico 102,AlmaVita 92.0nTrial 107 C ; Mac 8-30Hav 1 lMSft 15 101 4 2 2 3J1 LoganL 11 LuckyManlOu.ShortSport lOO.Coufab 112 C -tic C-30Hav :-a l:14 ft 20 102 1 8 S8 Si LoganL 9 Wash.Eose9G.M.AgnesK.103.G.Isabe,ulO2 C :T:i7-30nav 5J fl:13m 10 102 5 6 52 5 LosanL1 C QdrooulOj.NyNaughtyOO.DorDavid 10G C o;.r, Starts. 1st. 2nd.. 3rd. Won.-, , Starts. 1st, 2nd. 3rd. Won.-, ,Last year,.. 9 -.. 0- L:-vO- . ? 100 This year.. 10 0 0 1 ? 70 J 1 . Ov..-. i I . ; i , J 1 Iristados 1 Aft B f 3 7 Lantados Iris T., by Setli. JL U O Trainer, J. P. Smith. Owner; J. P. Smith. Sep.l2-29Del g l:03ft 3 107 5 TryonA 7 Alight 112,CorrincD.10G.Impertinent 112 O 8ep.lO-29Del g l:05andsy 7 111 3 TryonA 7 Vestry 105, Alight 110, Emely Aiken 107 A Jul.29-29IM.R 5Jfl:09Jgd 30 111 51 TryonA 11 Dark Simon 114, Mortruo 111, Hey 101 A Jul.23-29SM.R 5Jfl:07andft 1GE 111 ll8 LongW 12 Treacle 101, Cavel 10G. Enticement 104 A , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won., , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won., Last year.. 11 10 4? 9S0 3rd Wheeling Pnrse 1930.sh00. 3-year-olds and upward. Claiming. 672 Furlongs JfOTE Claiming price, 00. Starters at this meeting who have not Avon two races of this year. 3-ycar-pIds, 111 pounds; older, 116 pounds. Ind. PP. Ilorse. Wt. Uec. A.Wt.nan. Ind TP. Ilorse. Wt. Rcc A.Wt.nan. 4GG35 8TIIIJO FAY 8 111X725 4GG55 lEUen Adair 4 10G..G95 4G722 3Chcckmate 4 111.. 715 4GG93 4 Ormogirl 5 111X090 4G532 G Golden Lux 6 110X710 4GG03 0Twcnty Five 4GG933 7BIazoner M . . . 4 111.. 705 Sixty.. 3 101X090 4GG343 2Fill D 4 111.. 700 The past performances of the horses entered in this race, together with latest workout and racing record: Date. Crs. Dis.Time Tr. Odds Wt.St. Str.Fin. Jockey lP.Sts. Best Company Class of Race. Til CO. Fay l l 1 B- S, 8, by Theo. Cook Fay-a-way, by Horron. Last work: 08 3-8 :41m J-J-J- Trainer, O. L. Foster. Owner, Mrs. A. R. Smith, Apr.lG-30Who" g l:02m 21-5 110 4 1 l1 1 McLalinE" O J..T.Iibriekll5,Lennyl07,RoylBells 10GJ O Aprll-SOHVho g 1:01 ft 31 10G 6 5 41 45 LaulinE0 10 Dr.IIickn llG,Surewayl07.LyLeBandl01 O Apcll-305Who g l:02Vft G 109 G 3 31 2 McLalinE" 12 Vandionlll,Ro.valBells99,Dr.Hicl:manlll C Mac2S-30"St.J 51fl:09sy 33 112 9 9 9 31 McLalinE 12 Dowager llG.WarXymph HG.MyGirl 111 O MaclG-30;Hav "31:15 ft 5 113 5 1 V 2 McLalinE 12 EdieLhmnll3,LtChgell3,IshSpre 113 O Maell-SOHav 5 f 1 :0714ft 10 112 5 2 21 2 SniderA 11 SunDncell2,LastCh,rgell2,Irincesital07 O Macl0-30Hav 3 l:HVandft G 115 5 2 21 41 SniderA8 10 FairDawn93,BrkAsatcllO.Broadmoorll5 O . Starts. 1st, 2nd. 3rd. Won.-, , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won. Last year. .17 4 0 0 ? 2,575 This year. .14 2 3 0 ? 1,575 Checkmate 111 Br s y Eockminister Checkers, by Ogden. Last work: 993-8 :45m J- Trainer. J. E. Lewis. Owner. J. E. lewis. See yesterdays fourth Wheeling chart. Apr.lG-305Whe Gl f l:25m 24-5 lis 8 5 53 1 5i CooperR 10 Swif tCurrent 99,PhiDelta lOS.Jibe 108 O Apt 9-30Who Glfl:28 hy 19-5 111 1 1 11 lh CooperR 10 Patrnl HC.KyColonel 10G,GneSecdlO7 C reb.22-30IIav 1" l:48hy 5 107 1 3 3i 3i AustinM 8 Seallawk 107,J.WilmII.107.Fasciste 112 O FebL20-308Hav 1" l:57hy 31 110 4 4 3 2 BoucherJ 7 OurJoanl05.JoanSlfcyl05,ClcttsburgllO O FeU 9-30Hav 2 1:18 hy 10 110 7 7 Gl G15 AustinM 7 BoblongllS.Col.FalnllO.Chris.Phen 100 O Fdx 8-30IIav 51 f l:13yhy 8 108 ! 10 10"10" BryantD 10 Crittall llS.Munning lll.l.elascoain 103 O , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won., . Starts. 1st, 2nd. 3rd. Won.-. Last year.. 21 8 2 2 S 2.785 This year.. 14 2 2 1 ? 1,570 Golden LUX 1 1 ! Cn B y Golden Guinea De Luxe Annie, by Ogden. JL X U Trainer, S. Hesseltine. Owner, S, Hesseltine. Apr.lO-30Whe 21:19 gd 50 111 10 10 10i 9si BarrW 10 AutnBIoomlll.TimekperlOS.Curvr 1110 Oct 3-29IIas: a 1 2:33 hy 21-5 11G 41 SanfordP 7 MissSandl08,SndcIiffelll,C.-d-OvrollG O Oct l-295IIag 1; l:57m 21-5 113 G1 SanfordP 7 BtticShotll2,Starmatiall2,Chrminel00 O ScP.27-29IIIdG 1J l:55Vift 15f 108 13 9 8" 8" GodfreyX "13 IcieAnnl08.R.valClige HG.Fairl.ark 108 O 6cp.25-29IIIdG 11 l;5Gft 17 10S 9 10 10"10 IlughesS 11 Meridal03.SperFclixl08,Ass-orCharl:ell3 C SenltMar 1- l:574sl 6 111 2 GuerraJ 7 TopsyS.110.Jack oLeenll2.RvgLadyl05 O Sep.l3-297Mar lje 1:55 ft 71 109 2s IlughesS 7 MissSand 10G, Goldpiece 14, SoLong 107 O , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won., , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.-, Last year.. 32 0 6 1 ? 1,000 This year.. 1 Blazoner 111 Br" 4 M y Blazes Carpet Sweeper, by Sweep. Last work: 70 1-2.... :51ft Trainer, H. T. Palmsr. Owner, H. T. Palmer. Apr.l7-30Whe Gh f l:27hy 32 105 7 3 3i 31 BernierE 10 MiIanol08,XotGtyl01,TyFiveSixty 108 O Apr.ll-30nviie 2 l:13Vandft 41 10 3 3 4 4 BoucherJ 10 IhiDeltalOl.Ianorcl lOG.LclJIarmion 111 C JIac29-30St.J 3 1:17 si 12 116 7 6 3 21 BoucherJ8 0 RoyalBelIsl02.NtExtral03.SaIMahdi 113 C Mac23-301St.J 5 f 1:10 ft 39 103 G 7 Gi 3J BoucherJ S OurOwn 113.IJuthic 103.Xevcrmore 113 C Macl9-305St.J 5J f 1:11 m 20 118 2 8 81 853 HolisteinC1 8 RalCastal08.i:titliiel03.01?manRiverl08 O Macl2-30St.J 3 1.16 fl 71 111 1 2 31 7C1 ColnsJD8 12 PhilR. 103, Oblige 103. MerryTom 102 O , Starts. 1st, 2nd. 3rd Won., . Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won. Last year.. 7 0 0 1 ? 50 This year.. 7 0 1 2 ? 230 Fill D. 1 1 1 B" B 4 by Cataiact Marian Casey, by Star Ruby. JLJLJL Trainer, E. C. Sutton. Owner, Capt. F. Eaton. Apr.l5-30Whe Gl f 1:24 ft 15 108 5 4 31 22 BenoitA8 10 KobertaL.CO.ArrowIIawk lOS.PIeznll 10S C Apr.l2-30Whe 31:17 ft 30 111 4 G 681 61 LoganL 10 ClayPlgeonllC,Rei.sh.Shotlll,F:nhertyllG C Apr. 9-30Whe Glfl:2S hy 43 104 4 G 6" G LoganL5 10 Chkmtclll.Iatnri lltt.KyColonel 10G C Mac G-SOHav i-fe l:4Gft 20 107 7 9 9 9" BoucherJ 10 Delmonicol03.HiilalOD.I.:id.vAIitim?iir 10S C FiU2S-30Hav lft l:4Sft 12 110 3 3 G2 6" MantzJ8 9 TryAgainl05.Worthnian 103.Lad.vira 103 C Fcb.23-30Hav ll:51sl 10 107 2 8 61 51 BryantD 9 Coverwd 112,CanipelIa lOJ.Brigand 107 C Fib.21-30Hav 51fl:12hy 8 112 3 8 7i 510 MantzJ 9 StylishMkll2.MsF.IMatel07.F,ftirrll2 C FdUS-30Hav 51fl:12hy 20 115 7 5 Gc5 5 1 MantzJ 9 LastChargellO.SeaKale 115,Wildrake 110 O Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won, . Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won., Last year.. 24 2 1 3 ? 940 This year. .13 0 2 0 ? 250 Ellen Adair 1 Ofi s f 4 by Hish Noon Spindale, by Horron. JL U U Trainer, J. D. Stevens. Owner, J, D. Stevens. Apcl2-30Who 3 l:17ft 1G 10G 2 4 31 2nk BoucherJ 10 Kalakaua 11G, VeraC. lOG.NotGlty 106 C Mael2-30Hav 3 1:14 ft 6 101 4 7 SJ 8" BoucherJ1 8 SirtaBellelOG.CharbuellCS.IkyDrift 10G O Fcb.23-30:Hav 3 l:lGsl 12 109 8 G 31 2 WstockF 11 RchI.assl07.Eniphatic 10S.NtliBrzal07 O Feb.l4-30Hav 3 1:13 Jft 2 101 2 3 4 GT1 BryantD1 9 Timv.kperllO.I.astChgclOO.SuiiLaiicelll O Jn.22-30Hav 51fl:09gd 10 110 1 3 lnk ll WdstockF 10 Frank 115. Owl 115. Gareth 110 O Jan. 7-30IIav 51fl:10sl 4 110 9 8 81 S WstockF 9 LuckySweep HO.Brigand 107.1anola 108 O Dcc31-29Hav 3 l:15ft 10 108 1 1 1 1 WstockF lll BctsyJaynel07.Com.DeclO3.CloudyS. 110 0 , Starls. 1st, 2nd. 3rd. Wen , , starts. 1st 2nd. 3rd. Won.- Last year. .10 1 0 1 ? 800 This year. . 7 12 0 ? 1.000 OlIllOgirl 111 Ch m 5 y Ormont Ashton Girl, by Sir Ashton. Last work: 101 1-2.. :53ft JLJLJL Trainer. L. Kerr. Owner, Owner, L. Kerr. Aicl7-30Vhe GJ f l:27hy 93 109 5 6 Sl: S" WstockF 10 Milaho lOSi.XotGuIlty lOl.Blazoner 103 O ApclG-SOWhe Glfl:23im 25 109 5 G G81 7 2 WstockF 10 SwiftCuirent 99,PhiDelta lOS.Jibe 10S C Apr.l0-30nVho g l:04gd 32 109 S 7 78 78i DyerJ9 12 Lucky Drift 107. Sunolin 104. Lang 99 G OcU5-29F.P 2 1:14 It 83 99 7 9 8 8" RileyG 10 GuineaBenlOo.LkyDrif tlOS.PlygmialOS C Scp.2G-297R.P lft l:50andft 51 10G 7" SheltonJ 8 Cap.Leroy lOO.BoyF.nomelOl.EUyNey 91 O Scp.21-298R.P 7ifl:3Gysft 12 93 3K RileyG 9 Chiva OS.BssBand lOS.FraLeBretn 106 O 6cp.21-29R.P 71fl:395l S 109 5i OBrienR 10 GrassMaidllO.Chiva 102,LittleBeaver 100 O , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won., , Starts. 1st, 2nd. 3rd. Won . Last year. .29 2 0 3 ? 1.075 This year.. 3 Twenty Five Sixty 101 B f 3 by Sand MoIs Brown Bess iy Biitzen. -t-Vjx Trainer. J. E. Carlock. Owner, H. "W. Miller. Apcl7-30Whe Gifl:27hy 51 10S 6 5 51 4i FatorE9 10 Milano 10S.NotGuiIty lOl.Blazoner 103 C Apr.l5-30nVhe l l:4Sft 30 99 5 1 31 53 GoodichE 9 Taternal llG.Fdoodle 112.PtO,Cnor 103 O Apr.lO-307Who ll:50gd 1G 101 3 6 G1 G5J GoodrichE 7 ScyPolly lll.LyViola lOG.ElmerU. 106 O JIae G-30Hav 1" 1:44 ft 15 10G 5 G 7s 71 ColvinA 9 Wash.Rose9G.M.AgnesK.105..Isabeul02 C FeU20-30Hav 2 l:237hy 15 100 1 1 1 ll GoodichE 11 Adminorll2.n.T,ilpJr.l07.BubgOn 112 0 FtU G-30IIav 2 l:14gd 20 100 10 10 lOl 9" GoodrhE 12 Flitphenr07.I,romptitna?103.1,rU:ibe 103 A Jan.31-30Hav 2 1:16 hy 15 99 8 3 751U; GoodchE8 12 Alma Vita ip7.F:fia 102. Dinneford 107 O Jan.20-20IIav 5J f l:llhy 12 103 4 6 G52 G" TonrowR5 10 GrnTielOO.SttirsJWI 107.GayBroeckl03 C , Starts. 1st, 2nl. 3rd. Won., . Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won. Last year.. 8 0 0 1 ? 50 This year.. 12 1 0 0 ? 750 4th Wheeling" Pnrse 00. 3-vcar-oIds and upward. Claiming. 6 1-2 Fur. 3TOTE Claiininp; price, 800. Starters at this meeting who have not won two races of 25 this year. 3-year-olds, 111 pounds; older, 116 pounds. Ind. PP. norse. Wt. Rec A.Wt.Ilan. Ind. PP. norsc. Wt. Rec. A.Wt.nan. 4GG92 CMnck Up 4 111X725 4G593 9 Pennsylvania II. 4 111.. 705 4GG93 3 Milano 3 10G..720 4G723 2Common Gold . 7 111X700 4GG3G 4 John William 4G720 lSunolin M ... 4 10G..693 II G 11GX715 4G724 GAcme ...... 1 111X690 40631 7Arrow Hawk .. 7 111X710 4GG35 SWhitc Xose ... 5 111. .COO The past performances of the horses entered in this race, together with latest workout and racing record: Date. Crs. Dis.Time Tr. Odds Wt.St. Str.Fin. Jockey PP.Sts. Best Company Class of Race. Jack Up 111 Br S 4 17 Sweep 0n Jba, by Jack Atkin. Last work: 1061-2 :54m J- Trainer, H. Skaggs. Owner, Mrs. M. Hunter. Apcl7-30Whe 6J f l:27hy 47-10 110 7 3 21 la DyerJ9 10 Domineer 105,Pricem:in 103, Smacker 103 O Apcll-30Who 31:18V4ft 20 111 9 9 S9i Si DyerJ 10 IhiDeltalOl.Panorel 10G,LdMarmion 111 0 Mac24-30J.P 3 l:18andsl 14 110 10 9 S2 S9 MeyersME 12 Paruettel03,BrushIngll0,WdFlower 105 O Uacl9-30J.P 3 1:22 hy 8 110 2 5 3 39 MyersME1 12 Medius 110, Copper 113, Vacate 93 G Jan.28-30:F.G lft l:52m 21 107 9 G C9 GI SandozJ 11 BIueSrtrll2.Fsynarel04.MclaAgnsl03 C DcclG-29J.P 3 l:14Vft G3 107 11 11 10 9"! FowlerT "12 KingHalma 10S. Jcb 103. StormyPort 103 Q 0cLl2-29F.P 2 l:"hy 12 106 6 3 2" 11 RoseM 12 Waponoca lll.Medius HO.Bedf MSntHO O Oct 8-29F.P gi:14Hft 64 11G G 7 G 63 RoseM 12 FrankD. 107,LckySweep lOS.Chicola 110 O , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.-, . Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won - Last year. .21 4 12 ? 2.275 This year.. 5 1 0 1 ? 475 Milano 1 Ofi B 3 by leonardo 11 Herkyte, by Hermis. XV J Trainer. E. J. Jones. Owner. E. J. Jones. APr.l7-30Whe GJ f l:27hy 19-3 10S1 1 1 1 1 BuckIeyR 10 XotGtyl01,Blazonerl03,TyFiveSixtyl03 O ApclG-30Whe Gifl:2Gm 23-3 10S1 5 3 3i 4 BucklcyR 10 ClayPigeon llS.Sunolin 105,Flaherty 103 O Apr.ll-30Who 0 1:01 ft 12 111 1 3 42 4U BuckleyR 12 Paquette 106, Vinlin 103, Vladimir 106 0 Apcll-30Who Q l:02andft 19-5f 101 2 9 92 91 DouglasF 12 Vandiou lll.Theo.Fay 109 RoyalBells 99 0 Mac2S-30J.P 21:18 m 9 106 3 3 2 2 CreesR 12 GgsKnllS,WcstnLitl05,SrksBabyl08 0 Mac20-30J.P 2l:19hy 16 110 4 7 9 "10 BuckleyR 12 Thelma L. 101, DonTinky 115, Solus 111 O ilacl3-30J.P 31:14ft 12 112 3 2 3 3 BuckleyR 12 Sunview 116, Staylor 114. Trudgcon 112 O Fcb.2l-30F.G 2 l:14Bd 47-10 107 6 5 C" G SteffcnE 12 RingTrue 111, Beekeeper 107, Jean 107 O , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.-, . Starts. 1st 2nd. 3rd. Won -W ; This year.. 12 2 2 1 ? 1475 John William IL 1 1 fri B e 6 by CndSel MingoM, by Islington. Last work: 1011-4 :2Gft ---LU Trainer, E. H. Short. Owner, C. E. Drummond. a Aptl5-304Whe 3 l:13ft 23 111 5 4 3 35J ScaboG S Lassa 114,Timckeeperll4,RockQueen 10G C JW 3-30cHav 1J l:54ft 21 112 4 2 21 21 DougrtyF 8 Biloxi 107,Partnership 104,Profitecr 112 C FlU24-30IIav 3 l:15sl 5 115 11 10 9 8 GoodrlchE 11 Roughneck lOo.Donora 102,rrincesita 110 C W FA22-30Hav lo l:4Shy 1 107 4 4 2 2J GoodrlchE3 8 Scallawk 107.Clieckniatcl07,Fasciste 112 C Felxl3-300Hav 1J l:5ogd 4-5 107 2 1 1 1 GoodrhE 10 Brown Lady 102. Picador 98, Fcstic 112 C A Fib.ll-30Hav 3 l:13gd 8 112 10 7 5i 331 DoertyF 10 Biloxi 107,JolinnyAscell7,SanAnto 112 C A Anc 2-29Dev 1 l:16ft 18-5 38 6 4 31 3s HornG 12 Lcpanto 103, Torcber 102, Soiree 100 C A . Starts. 1st 2nd. 3rd. Won., . Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.-, v Last year.. 6 0 2 2 $ 550 This year.. 6 12 2 ,170 M AWOW Hawk 111 y ar aw Perpetuana, by Maintenon. u 1I -- -L J. Trainer, P. Dwyer. Owner, P. Dwyer. Apr.l5-30Wlie 6J f 1:24 ft 12 10S G 5 5J 3i BcrnierE 10 Roberta L. 09, Fill D. 108, Plezall 108 C Apr. 9-305Wlie g l:03hy 20 101 8 8 7 541 BernierE1 12 AunlJrnil09,EUaBankl0GJ,J.J.Bbrkll2 C AoglG-29C.P 1" l:44ft 7 110 1 8 7,410; LandoltC 11 Catltsbrgl01,GrabBagl07,GaineswdlO7 C 1 AugM-iOC.P 1J l:37ns 22-5 11C 1 4 23 2 LandoltC 7 PrnrieGirl 105,DcarLady lOG.Carlino 113 C A AuglO-CP 1" l:4Ssy 12 112 10 6 3 31 CooperS 10 Russetl09,ChleyJ.S.117.GdenArrow 111 C Aug 7-29sKgs 130 ft 1S-5 111 2 GnwoodC 7 Russet lOG.MontDaisy 105,Allrange 103 C Al Apr. 11 , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won. . Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.-. Last year.. 11 15 2 ,030 This year.. 2 0 0 1 $ 50 M Pennsylvania II 111 B" f 4 by Manfrea Polynesia n., by Dark Eonald. r -L X JL Trainer. H. Caplan. Owner, Mrs. I. Caplan. Apr.l2-C03Wlio 2 1:17 ft 1G I0G G 5 771 7i BoucherJ 10 ClayPiKeonllG.RfisliSbotlll.FlaliertyllC C Marl4-303Hav 5J f l:07ft 20 107 9 5 51 5i LongJ" 11 SiinDncell2,Tlico.Fnyll2,LastCliargcll2 C Macl2-303Hav 2 1:14 ft 15 102 G 8 73 61 NashE3 8 ShtaBclIcl0G,CharbHeI108,LkyDrif t 100 C L Mac G-30Hav 2 l:14ft 12 112 9 G 55 74 DouertyF 12 NotGuiItyll2,Flmarnol07,MeoJones 107 C Mar. 1-30IIav 1 l:02ft 15 105 4 8 11,011: GoodrlchE3 11 BumpkinllO,ThtleCootll3,NthBrze 115 C -A Frtl-SOIIav lsl:4Gsl 15 102 1 5 732 6s BouchcrJ4 10 Trig 112, Elmer II. 107, Frankman 107 C A , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.-, , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.-, H Last year.. 21 0 3 2 J 495 This year.. 17 12 0 $ 1,050 F CoillIHOIl Gold 111 s by Enamel Maudio, by The Commoner. F Last work: 10G 3-8 :40m -L J. Trainer, A. G. Tarn. Owner, A. G. Tarn. See yesterdays fifth Wheeling chart. ManlO-30Hav l5l:44ft 7-5 103 10 10 101011 LoganL" 10 TwelvcSixty 105, TotFull 105. Era 111 C i Mar. 4-30Hav 21:14 ft 3 113 11 9 Sl GiJ LoganL" 12 FrLegn 113,SshMk 115,CdIdolizr 113 G Jan.25-305Hav 1J l:04ft 5 105 7 6 65 6" LoganL 8 RkCandyl03,JocAdamsl05,TryAgain 110 C Jn.l9-30JHav 15 l:51hy 21 108 8 5 441 431 LoganL8 S BlackWrack 108,Finnster 108,1rig 108 C j, , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.-, , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.-, , Last year.. 32 G 8 4 $ 4,945 This year.. 7 1 1 0 $ 900 j SllllOlin 1 Hfi Cn- 4 by Sunferencc Linolin, by Requital. j J. U U Trainer, H. C, Rumage. Owner, H. C. Kumage. See yesterdays second Wheeling chart. Arr.lC-30Who CJfl:2Cm 20 103 1 2 2 2 ColnsJD 10 Clayrign 118,Flaherty 10S,3Iilano 108i C Apr.l2-303Wlie 2117 ft 12 10G Left at post.StranskiC10 10 ClayPigeonllG.KeighShotlll.FIahertyllC C Apr.lO-30Who g l:04gd 19f 101 2 4 31 2S StranskiC1 12 LuckyDrift 107,Lang OO.KobertaL. 103 C Mar-SOIIav 3 l:15ft 20 105 4 4 53 5 StransUiC 10 TentbilderllO,Dominrl07.MichaelB. 107 C Mar 5-30Hav 2 l:14ft 30 105 11 S 7 75 StranskiC3 11 riatoonllCFiiturollS.MsFashnllatelOo C . Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won. . Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.. Last year.. 10 0 0 2 $ 214 This year. .15 0 3 0 $ 350 " Acme 111 Ch B 4 by Golden Broom Perfection, Dy Ballot. J- -L J- Trainer, B. E. Eumage. Owner, B. E. Euraage. See Saturdays seventh Wheeling chart. Apr.l5-30Who Gifl:24 ft 24 112 1 8 732 C2 ColvinA 10 RobertaL.99,Fill D. 108,ArrowIIawk 10S O j Mar 9-30IIav 1and l:59ft 15 105 4 Bled. AustinM1 C Bcrosus 103,BetsyJayne lOl.OurJoan 104 C Mac 5-305Hav 1 l:46ft 20 112 7 7 71 7,J LongW 9 Parnell 107,CrossWord 107,Mainsheet 110 C Ftb.l7-305IIav 1J 2:02m 8 114 6 5 5i 5" DoucrtyF1 Mascara 107,Seanawk 112,Waponoca 114 C ; Fib.lO-C04Hav 2 l:lGsl 12 112 8 8 7J 7 SeaboG3 8 FrankG.MenkelOO.Vandion 112,Lassa 109 C ; . Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won . , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.-, Last year. .19 2 2 2 S 1.950 This year.. 11 1 0 1 $ 820 White JfoSC 111 B s 5 ty CamPfire Elizabeth May, by Ormondale. Last work: 103 3-8 :41hy -L J--L Trainer, F. Parks. Owner, Mrs. F. Parks. Apr.l5-303Whe GJfl:23 ft CI 113 S 8 S11 S11 GuorraJ" 10 AeraC. 107,IIoatzin 112,CaptnGilbertlOG C Oct o-iflHag alj 2:06 m 41-10 116 B8 MunozF a Starmatia 112,ImmolatorllG,SmSlicklll C Oct. S-SOIIag a 1J 2:33 hy 7 116 G3 MunozF 7 MissSandl08,Sndclif fclll.C.-d-OvrellG O Oct l-29cIIag l1Vl:3S4,m 39 116 41 DominlckJ 7 ItivannallG.Vernon lll.Chef-dOvrQ 11G C , Sep. 6-29Whe l10 1:32 m 13 110 3 CarterT C S.slal 102,K.on t.Kcysll2,SpgEditrllO O , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won , . Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won . Last year.. 10 0 0 4 $ 105 This year.. 1 5th Wheeling Pnrsc mnnn 00. 3-year-olds and npAvard. Claiming. 11-8 Miles Claiming price, . 2fon-winiiers of three races this year. 3-year-olds, 111 pounds; older, 11G pounds. Ind. PP. Borse. Wt. Eec. A.Wt.nan. Ini? PP. norse. Wt. Rec. A.Wt.Han. 4G595 3Seventeen Sixty - 40018 4Adams Apple Haw 107 l:521 5 111X725 100 5 111X710 40000 2Waponoca .Hav 114 2:03ra S 111X705 jwu 4GGG13 lPeter Pnm..F.G i im 110 lwbg i - C - m 111.., -on 20 4C37G 5 MWd,e Tempc 4GG3S C Heartache ..Thf 112 2:00 G 111X715 M F.E 101 1:50 6 11G..700 The past performances of the horses entered in this race, together with latest workout and racing record: Date. Crs. Dis.Tinie Tr. Odds Wt.St. Str.Fin. Jockey PP.Sts. Best Company Clnss of Race. Seventeen Sixty 111 Ch e 5 by The Finn "Oclos Lassie, by Uncle. Last work: 1077-8 1:38m -L J-J Trainer, O. X. Eoster. Owner, O. X. Foster. Apr.l2-303Whe 1 l:51ft 13 105 2 3 1 l3 McLalinE3 8 RockTrap llO.Warfield HO.LongJoe 105 C Ape 9-303Who GJfl:2S hy 71 104 10 10 918 McLalinE" 10 Chknrtelll.Patrul HO.KyColonel 10G C Mar29-20;St.J lfe 1:51 ft 12 114 1 7 GJ 611 McLalinE S PssimistielOG.M.ScotialOO.Wrackecn 114 C Mac27-30St.J liV l:50ft 7 107 1 7 7" 7l McLalinE1 10 Paternal HS.Gunther 107,FireUnder 113 C Mac25-30St.J l1" 1:48 ft 14 105 5 2 1 2" McLalinE 11 Rubnltougelll.Princelylll.Wrackeenlll C Mar22-30,!St.J 1J 2:14Vsy 18-5 106 G 2 331 4J McLalinE3 8 JudgeCaverly HS.Blanco 108,Signola 101 C , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.- . Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won. Last year. .34 3 4 2 ,199 This year.. 11 1 10 $ 545 Peter Prim 111 B e B by Peter an Polly Prim, by Pirate of Penzance. Last work: 793-4 1 :2Gm -- Trainer, W. Twining. Owner, L. F. Warby. ApclG-30:Whe 1J 2:00m 19 108 5 3 33 331 ReedW5 C Flapdoodlell3,GeSccondlOS,E.Money 108 C Apr.l4-30Wlio 1 l:51ft 1G 109 7 S 82 SJ GuerraJ3 S Crnbelt 113,RkTrap lOO.BwnChief 111 C Aft.10-30:W1io l"l:50gd 24 111 7 7 7,: 7" YerratA 7 ScyPolly lll.LyViola lOG.Elmern. 10G C Mar29-30cSt.J le 1:51 ft 34 115 3 5 552 4 YerratA3 8 PssimisticlOG.M.ScotialOO.Wrackecn 114 C Mac2G-30St.J 1J 2:11 ft 49 109 4 8 8" S3 FutrellJ 8 Blanco lOl.Ray Ruddy 110,Mascara 105 C Mac25-30St.J l 1:48 ft 30f HO 9 10 9" 9" HicksS8 11 RnRougelll.SVtnSixtylOj.Princelylll C , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd Won.-, . Starts. 1st 2nd. 3rd. Won Last year.. 5 0 0 1 S 150 This year.. 11 0 0 1 $ 50 Heartache 111 B m 6 ty Eire aux Larmos Heart String, by Flint Hock. Last work: 87 3-8.... :40?sy -- Trainer, H. D. Cox. Owner, H. D. Cos. ApclS-SOnVho l10 1:49 ft 15 108 5 7 75i Gl DyerJ3 7 Svpstakeslll,Clarifierl03,LowerFivellG C Ape 9-30Whe l10 1:55 hy G 111 3 4 5" G3 Dyerjo 7 ElfriedaG.102.Laf tarlOS.Swepstakes 111 C Mac22-S0J.P 21:19 17-5 111 1 11 10" S" DyerJ 11 FaToritH.lll.Swpstakeslll.Bthorne 111 C ; Macl2-203J.P 1 l:4Sft 16 112 4 3 S3i 9i DyerJ" 12 CryBaby 109,RapIda 109,BakedApple 98 C ! Ftb.2G-30F.G 1. l:48andsl 7 107 1 2 4i 58 DyerJ8 10 SsBairtlll,CotteBoyll2,JimMcMn 112 C , Starts. 1st, 2nd. 3rd. Won.. . Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.- Last year.38 4 4 7 T 4.005 This year.. 9 2 10 ,650 Adams Apple 111 B s 5 by Tom McTaeeart Florence Tryling, by Helmet. J-J-JL Trainer. J. R. Carlock. Owner, H. W. Miller. Apr.l4-307Who lie l:31ft 25 113 6 4 11 7s MaddenL8 S Crnbelt 113,RkTrap lOO.BwnChief 111 C , ; Apr.ll-30Wlie 1 1:49 ft 13 116 G 5 5i 59J MaddenL8 10 ElfriedaG.lOC.Nihil lOG.IIeatherWine 101 C Mael5-30Hav 1ft 1:47 ft G 11G 7 5 41 5 GoodrichE4 7 MyMcCrnll3,TtIeCotllG,AlLivgn 101 O ; Mac 7-30,IIav lr l:4Sft 8 10S .5 4 23 1" LoganL 7 AlLivingstoulOO.T.SixtylOS.Profiteer 108 C Mac 5-30IIav 1" l:43ft 20 107 S G 4J 5s ColvinA" 11 Un;onJkll2,FcsCooprl07,NthBrzel07 C 3 Mac 2-30Hav 2:35ft 10 102 8 7 7" 7" Brj-antD 8 Mascara 09, Finnster 104, Our Joan 99 C , Starts. 1st. 2nl. 3rd. Won., , Starts. 1st, 2nd. 3rd. Won., Last year. .37 6 4 3 $ 3,350 This year. .14 2 11 ,720 IVnponoca 111 Ch B 8 by mtimus Sweet Day, by Peep o Day. J--LX Trainer, H. T. Palmer. Owner, H. T. Palmer. Apr.l7-307Whe 1J 2:01 liy 42 105 5 5 58i 5" BernierE3 C Clarifier lll.RkTrap lll.BsyJayne 10G C Apr.lo-30Whe Gifl:24 ft 42 10S 8 7 $ S5J BoucherJ3 10 RobcrtaL.99,Fill D. lOS.ArrowIIawk 108 C Mac27-303St.J l:50V5ft 5G 107 10 12 9" 9" BoucherJ 12 Derondall3,Wrackeenl07,FairJuslice 102 C Ftb-lS-SOniav 1" l:52hy G UG 8 7 G" 713 Kenlyll3 8 LlttleScout 105,Soiree lOl.AVrackeen 113 C Ftb.l7-305IIav 1 2:02m 4 114 4 4 33 33i Kenlyll3 G Mascara 107, Sea Hawk 112, Prig 112 C , Starts. 1st, 2nd. 3rd. Won.-, , Starts. 1st 2nd. 3rd. Won. Last year. .22 5 2 5 $ 3,300 This year.. 13 0 1 1 $ 220 Middle Temple 1 1 Ch B 6 Ml by Cellini Temple Bell, by Marco. Last work: 94 1-2 :53m J--LU Trainer, J. "W. McNaught. Owner, S. Hesseltine. Aptll-30Whe l 1:49 ft 32 111 S G G" G3 OilalleyJ 10 ElfriedaG.lOG.Xihil lOG.neatherWino 101 C , Kot.29-293Bow 1t"s l:49ft 35 110 12 10 lOSlOi Cooperli 3013 DnShow llG,PatOCnorll2,HnPlaycrll2 C Kot27-29Bow lj l:35ft 14f 102 13 12 12" 9 CooperR 313 Iraq 111, Dunkirk 111, Ilerb Ashby 10G C X J; Kot19-293Bow 1J l:59ihy 59 101 14 14 12il2 CannonW 14 Catltsbgll2.OfrwII.108,.TgeCavlyll2 C 0ct29-29Lrl 112:06 ft S3 114 9 G E83 4 BolleroJ 11 RingOnll4,PatCalhoun lOO.LucieAnn 100 C Z , Starts. 1st 2nd. 3rd. Won.-, . Starts. 1st 2nd. 3rd. Won.-, Last year.. 23 0 0 6 $ 580 This year.. 1 6th Wheeling" Pittsburgh Press Purse. Purse 00. 3-year-olds and up- . 3-4 Mile vara. Claiming. Claiming price, ,500. 3-ycar-olds, 111 pounds; older, 11C pounds. "Winners at this meeting, 2 pounds extra for each race won. Ton-winners at this meeting allowed 2 pounds; of two races this year, 5 pounds; one race this year, 7 pounds. "o apprentice e allowance. Ind. PP. Horse. Wt. Rec. A.Wt.nan. ma. PP. norse. Wt. Rec A.Wt.Han. l. 40015s 5 Malcolm ...Hav 112 1:13 5 114X725 j-r.i. -n, 40309 4 MacV S 4G6373 3 Tetra Glass.Mia 11C 1:12 C 111..720 B. . Mm 10SJ1.14 G 1OG.U0O O 4GC3C 7Lassa Mia 109 1:12 C 118.. 715 4GG503 2 Last Chargellav 110 1:12 4 111.. 710 40721 C King Tal M j. 4GG943 I Colonel Seth L.F 10S 1:17 3 10C. .095 " L.F 113 1:13 6 1140705 a W A A A v M u 1I 1 A Al Apr. 11 M r L -A A H F F i j, , j j " j ; ; , ; ; ; 3 C , C C X C J; C C Z . e l. O j. " The past performances of the horses entered in this race, together with latest workout and racing record: Date. Crs. Dis.Time Tr. Odds WtSt. Str.Fin. Jockey TP.Sts. Rp.st Company Class of Race. AlalCOlm 111 Blk St 5 ty Peter Quince Lucilo B. L., by The Scribo. J.X4fc Trainer, J. D. Mikel. Owner, W. Mikel and Sons. Apel4-30Whe 6fl:22ft 12 112 8 7 41 23 ColvinA 10 KyCoIonel 108,BeauAspinll7,D.ConrlOG C Apr.ll-30cWhe 11:51 20 110 3 5 Gl 51 ColvinA 7 StageStrkllo.P.OConrllO.Wash.RoseOG O ArT.10-304Who 21:19 gd 15 111 9 9 99 S7i Boucher J 10 AufnBloomlll.TimekperlOS.Curvr 1110 Macl4-304llav 1!0 l:43ft 4 110 3 1 l1 1J GoodrichE 8 ShastaBelle 105,Belascoain OS.Forbia 107 O Mm 9-30Hav ls0 1:43 ft 31 109 7 8 G51 GJi ColvinA 9 Crittall 107,MyAgsK. 03,NtGuIlty 104 O 6-303Hav ljg l:46ft 6 107 6 8 8i 6 ColvinA 8 NckoIsBoyl05,StaBellel02,Privatcly 105 O , Starts. 1st 2nd. 3rd. Won., . Starts. 1st 2nd. 3rd. Won.- Last year.. 20 5 C 3 $ 4,500 This year.. 12 3 10 ,350 Tetra Glass 111 Gr y Tetratema Beauty Glass, by Rising Glass. Last work: 10S 3-8. . . :42hy " -- J- Trainer. O. E. Pons. Owner, Seagram Stable. Apr.l5-305Whe E l:00"ft 4i 113 5 3 33 2J Hayll3 7 JlyGirl 105.MshlSethlll,Passenger 107 C 9-30Whe 2 1:22 hy 21-5 112 2 2 11 21 Hayll1 9 Sliorty0.107,MarshlSetIill2,T.Doctorll2 O Mail3-30St J 3 l:14ft 12 116 4 4 6 9" McGinisP3 9 SaratogaMajelll.Motelll.Graceland 111 O M10-303St.J 5J f l:0Sft 30 120 11 9 S1 S2 JIcGinisP8 11 SptnalnllG,SaaMajel20,3IyCl Boy 120 O FebL26-303Mia 3 1:12 ft 8 114 10 8 5 31 McGinisP3 12 PaganLaddie 111, Mote 115, Bruno 109 C Fib.20-305Mia 1 l:4Gft 8 112 3 2 33 43i McGInsP 10 DrSignall05,Daffodilll0,SfmSIgnal 100 O , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.-, , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.-, Last year.. 6 0 3 1 S 650 This year. .11 12 3 ,175 Lfigg 1 1 Q Ch. g, 6, by Ultimatum Lassair, by Ormondale. Last work: 92 5-8....1:03ft Trainer, H. W. Fry. Owner, North Star Stable. Apcl5-304Whe 3 l:15ft 9-5 114 3 2 J 1 FatorE3 S TimekprllJ.J.WHmll. lll.RkQunlOC C Apcll-30!Wlie Gi f l:24ft 6 114 2 4 4 43i FatorE1 8 .Sliorty0.112,LastCharsoll4,Paternal 114 O Ma l-304Hav 3 1:13 ft 3 115 G 8 Fell. PazJi 8 HastyGIrl lOS.Col. Fallon 105.Chester 103 O Fcb.27-30;Hav X f l:0Sft 4 113 6 5 3J 21 PazJ 8 JoiinnyAgee 107, Donora 92, Platoon 105 O FA24-30,Hav 3 l:16sl 2 117 5 2 lh 11 PazJ 9 Fifial07,Clifs5rdl02,CommisncrDee 103 O . Starts. 1st 2nl. 3rd. Won.. , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won., Last year. .22 2 3 3 $ 2,365 This year.. 11 3 12 ,215 Last Charge 111 Chl c 4 by Epur Militant fcy Ballot. Last work: 104 3-S :41ft -- Trainer. A. Gunther. Owner, Mrs. S. H. Hollis. Apr.l6-305Whe 31:18m 4 108 7 3 ,2 2 FatorE3 7 D.Nationl03,JIyMcClinl01,Ky.Colo110G O Apcll-SOWhe CI f l:22ft 24-5 111 6 5 53 53i OMalleyJ 10 KyCoIonel 108,JIalclmll2,BeanAspinll7 C Apr.ll-30sWhe CSfl:21ft 20 114 5 3 33 21 OHalleyJ3 8 ShortyO. 112, Paternal 114, Lassa 114 0 Ape 9-303Whe g l:03hy 21 109 G 6 5 4 BoucherJ 12 AunBlml09,EllaBankl0G,T.J.Bbrkll2 O Matl6-30:Hav 3 1:15 ft 2 113 4 4 23 3 RileyG 12 EieLhmnll3,Thco.Fyll"3,IshSphrell3 O , Starts. 1st 2nd. 3rd. Won.-, . Starts. 1st 2nd. 3rd. Won.-, Last year.. 5 0 0 1 $ 100 This year.. 19 1 4 2 $ 1,390 ColOIlCl Setll 1 1 A B" s 6 by Sotb KeeB Moving, by Yankee, Last work: 105 1-4 :25ft J--Lt Trainer, T. Griffin. Owner, Mrs. P. Router. Apr.l7-30;Who 2 l:l9hy 7 110 5 3 21 33 ShaddyJ3 C AufnBlnill7,Sliorty0.112,MallSetlj 105 O Apr.l3-30Who 1 l:48ft 16 111 G 4 C31 7C1 ShaddyJ4 9 Paternal HG.Fdoodle 112,IvtOCnor 108 O Apr.lO-30lWho 3 1:19 gd 5 10S G 6 G5 G3J ShaddyJ 10 AutiiBloomlll.TimekperlOS.Curvr 111 O JIm2S-303J.P lfg 1:55 m 21 114 7 2 23 31 CrcesU" 12 SperFelixlll.Gst of norlOS.ElfdaG.101 O Mac21-303J.P 31:15sl 21-5 114 9 5 G32 G31 PalumboS 12 MasrSvpll4,KdWordslll,BoysPfdllC O , Starts. 1st 2nd. 3rd. Won . . Starts. 1st 2nd. 3rd. Won.-, Last year. .17 0 1 1 $ 425 This year. .12 2 13 ,700 Macks Baby 1 Ofi Ch m 6 by Midway Gos?iP Avenue, by Bulse. Last work: " 1073-4 1:27m L" Trainer, R. A. Forsha. Owner, W. J. Whalen. Man28-30;J.P 2 1:18 m 9 10S 9 5 471 41 MeysME 12 GngsKhanll8,5IilanolOG,WestnLitl05 O Mac21-30JJ.P 3 1:16 si 10 109 11 8 72 Gl LeylandJ 12 NlieBalIotl09,Arrogantl09,PoisonIvylO5 O Macl4-303J.P 2 1:13 m 8-5 113 1 5 741 71! LeylandJ43 12 T.Uugnotllu.JIrSwpllo.MsFrmt 110 O JIaclO-303J.P 3 l:14ft 41-10 111 7 2 23 11 LeylandJ" 12 Omnia 113, Copper 111, Boottop 108 O FeU 4-303F.G 11 l:5Shy CI 104 4 2 2 3 MeyersME 12 J.IIorgcnl09.CollCmpsl09,ScyPlyl031 0 Ja-SOF.G lt l:53liy 71 100 3 4 371 3s MeyersME3 12 Lsjuenetll0.TmyTkIel05.Swp-Xetl00 O , ; Starts. 1st 2nd. 3rd. Won.-, . Starts. 1st 2nd. 3rd. Won.-, Last year.. 41 4 5 11 $ 4,677 This year.. 8 1 1 2 $ 925 King Pal 1 Hfi B B 3 M by Best ralBirdie 6 y Vandergrift Last work: 107 1-2 :57nf -LUO Trainer, J. W. Bartholomew. Owner, Miss B. Watson. See yesterdays third Wheeling chart Apr.la-30sWhe S l:00ft CG 10C1 1 5 531 543 DouglasF 1 JlyGirl 105,TctraGIassll3,3IshlSethlll O Apr.lO-303Whe GJfl:24gd 30 10G 3 4 5 5" DouglasF 5 Gideonl08,MryWindsorl07,BlkAlice 109 O FUjl27-30F.G 1c l:47ft 144 110 G 6 C35 G32 FryeL0 G DisieLad llO.Monticello HO.Caramel 105 II Bep.28-293L.F 3 l:13ft 64f 103 7 6 llll KnlghtM 11 l?lneCanopyl09.I?ilILooneyl07.SaIuta 101 O 6tp.25-293L.F l:30sl 71 115 R 7 737 831 AyraudR r 8 EIIenN.107,PtiLonisel07.KaviteGirl 112 0 , Starts. 1st 2nd. 3rd. Won.-, , Starts. 1st 2nd. 3rd. Won.-, Last year.. 3 This year.. 3 7th Wheeling Fourth Estate Handicap. Purse ,000. 3-year-olds and np- lM.-70Yds. Ind. PP. Horse. Wt. Rec. A.Wt.Han Ind. PP. norse. Wt. Rec. A.Wt.Han. 4C59G G By Product. J.P 107 1:4G 3 104x725 40387 S Title Oak 3 100X095 4GGG02 5 San Carlos. Aur 105J1:4G 8 11GX720 4GGf73 1 Woody Long ... 3 100XG9O 4GG1C 2 Raucona ...J.P 103 1:44 4 108X715 4GG17 3 Baltimore 3 102XG90 4G333 9 Agapanthus.Bbg 111 1:45 5 112X710 4G59G 10 Favorit II 5 100. .090 4GG1G3 4 Lancer Lat 113 1:43 8 108X705 O. L. Foster entry Tommy Lad, Title Oak. J. G. 4CG172 11 Stampdale .Bbg 109 1:42 8 108 X700 Demarest entry By Product, Agapanthus. A. G. 4G5333 7 Tommy Lad .. -4 105C9o Tarn entry Lancer, San Carlos. The past performances of the horses entered in this race, together with latest workout and racing record: Date. Crs. Dis.Time Tr. Odds Wt.St. Str.Fin. Jockey PP.Sts. Best Company Class of Race. By Product 1 CA Br- 3 by Blacb Toney Cassidys Pride, by Meleager. Last work: SG 3-8.... :37ft -Lvrx Trainer, J. G. Demarest. Owner, J. G. Demarest. Apr.l2-30Whe 2 l:16ft 2 106 U 10 10I31015 GarrityP . 11 SanCarlos 114,MretCal 104,Sawdust 90 H M2S-305J.P 1J 2:00m G 112 8 4 4" 5" CollettiF 9 Mich.Boyll7,B.NBobll7,BtherRank 117 S JIac22-304J.P 1and l:56m 7 97 4 3 3 3 FrjeJW1 5 Klingstone 104, Galahad 120. Islam 10 H Macl5-304J.P ltt l:53m 9 93 5 2 23 2 GrecnC 5 Galahadll2,WarInstigrll0,MoIeHill 103 H Macl2-30J.P l10 l:44ft 51 107 5 3 541 5" GarrityP3 5 B.NewsBobll2,On t.Airl02,DixieLad 112 A Mac 8-30sJ.P l-l:47gd 5 97 fi G 61 6IS FrycJW3 C Galaliadl08,WarInst,torll2,MoleHiIl 108 H , Starts. 1st 2nd. 3rd. Won.-, : Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.-, Last year.. 11 3 5 0 $ 3,225 This year.. 15 2 2 3 ,125 San Carlos 1 1 C B Bt y Great Britain Saianza, by Sain. Last work: 1011-2 :53ft -LXO Trainer, A. G. Tarn. Owner, A. G. Tarn. Apcl6-30Wie 3 l:18m 3 117 7 4 33 23 ColvinA" 7 Savdustl07,Smoldergl09,OUlKkapool09 A Arcl4-30BWhe l l:47ft 1 117 2 2 l1! VI ColvinA1 G Stampdale 114,Woody Long 10G,Hula 109 C ApcW-SOWlie 3 l:lGft 14 114 5 4 3l l1 ColvinA 11 MretCal 104,Sawdust OG.SmoIdriug 103 H SIaclG-305Hav 1 l:44ft 4o 112 1 3 431 23 LoganL 9 KingDavid lOG.Crash lOO.Stampdale 105 O Mae 9-305Hav 1J l:52ft 2 113 2 7 Sl S11 LoganL3 9 PlayB. 102,Btimore OO.ChanningL. 10G H Mac 2-305Hav lg l:45ft 8 111 5 3 31 1" LoganL1 13 MartMalonel08,Crashll4,Kingsport 120 H , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won., , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won., Last year.. 32 9 8 4 7,890 This year. .13 5 3 0 ,250 RaUCOlia 1 OR B" f 4 by Donnacona Hauma, by Hessian or Plaudit Last work: 104 1-4 :24ft -i-VO Trainer, G. F. Jenkins. Owner, G. F. Jenkins. Aptl4-30sWhe" 61 f l:21ft 9-3 108 2 1 l3 131 FatorE3 7 31ryWindsorl05,LancerlODJ,BlkAlicelll C Apr. 9-30Whe 31:21hy 18 106 8 7 Gl 6T1 DyerJ 9 Agapthusl071,TommyLadlOS,Wackctl09 A Macl0-30CJ.P ljV l:47ft 5 110 9 4 631 7l KnightM 9 Cometll2,Rejation 107,LIIIian5Iooar 107 O FeU20-305F.G lff l:47ft 31 105 5 2 21 2 Martini 7 Lit.GypllO,Braggadocioll2,HighLifc 115 O Fth.lS-30!F.G 1 l:53ft 81 105 4 2 51 5ai MartinL1 5 Nicodemus HO.PoIlywog HO.Ruane 109 O Ftb.l3-300F.G 1. l:46ft 13-10 109 5 2 44 51 WoodJ C C..AVestl07,W.theTimell4,B.Patricia 104 O , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.-, . Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won., Last year. .27 5 2 2 $ 4,225 This year.. 9 2 2 0 ,697 AgapailtllUS IIP Ch h 5 ty CamPfire Scarab by Wrack. j Last work: 10G lm.... .l:4Gm --Trainer, J. G. Demarest. Owner, J. G. Demarest. Ape 9-30HVlie 2 l:21hy 12-5 1071 4 1 l3 l1 GarrityP3 9 TmyLad 10S,WacketlO9,MargetCal 108 A ILicCg-SOJ.P 2 l:16sl 21-5 315 4 2 33 21 GarrityP3 8 S.Kentonll6,MdsTrystl05,Brambull3 O Macl9-304J.P 3 l:21hy G 118 7 3 2s 23 GarrityP1 8 SinKntonll4,LtleGypl08,Thos.Seth 110 O Dec 5-295J.P 1I01:46 gd27-10 107 4 3 2 1 HornG 3 7 BillSeth 107,Corbcaulll,Lauudryman 105 0 Noi2S-29;J.P 2 l:21hy 11 107 9 4 431 13 HornG HI Witehmount 112,Alto 113,GdSheprd 110 O -i Oct 7-29cF.P l:14gd 9 113 7 4 5!i 531 HornF 7 SimonKenton llO.Harass lOS.Eloise 112 0 i Starts. 7 st. 2nd. 3rd. Won. , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.-, Last year. .17 6 0 2 $ 4,475 This year.. 3 12 0 ,600 Lancer 1 OR B" S 8 by Sir Martin Miss Kearney, by Planudes. Last work: 108 3-S :44hy J-O Trainer. A. G. Tarn. Owner, A. G. Tarn. Apcl4-305Whe CJfl:21ft 21 1091 G G 542 33i ColvinA 7 RauconalOS.MyWindsorlOj.inkAlicelll O MaelG-305Hav l-fs l:44ft 4e 102 8 7 5i 5 BoucherJ 9 KingDavid lOG.SanCarlos 112,Crash 109 0 Marl3-305Hav 1; l:45ft 5 113 2 5 633 541 LoganL 7 Pachcco 113, Belmona 10G, Tangram 108 O Mac 9-305Hav 1J l:52ft 2 10G 7 8 7S1 791 DoertyF 9 PlayB. 102,Btimore OO.ChanningL. 10G H Mac 2-30sHav 1 l:43ft 8 106 10 11 10 105 DoertyF3 13 SanCarlos Ul.MartMalonc 108,Crash 114 H Starts. 1st 2nd. 3rd. Won., , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won., Last year.. 28 2 1 3 2.148 This year. .12 3 0 2 ,370 Stampdale 1 fiR B s 8 by 0rmonJale Post Mark, by Star Shoot. J..VO Trainer, J. R. Carlock. Owner. H. W. Miller. Apr.l4-30Who l10 l:47ft 41 114 1 1 213 22 GoodichE3 G San Carlos 117,WoodyLong lOC.nula 109 O Apr. O-SOWho 2 l:21hy41-10e 1141 9 9 811 810 KiccJ0 9 Agapthusl071,TommyLadl08,Wacketl09 A Mael6-305Hav lff l:44ft 3 105 5 2 331 43 GoodichE3 0 KingDavid lOG.SanCarlos 112,Crasu 109 O Mac 9-303Hav 2 l:13ft 5 111 1 2 21 1 ColvinA G Algol 112,KingDavid 113,Andresito 115 O Mac 2-305Hav ls l:45ft 6 107 4 8 81 73i GoodichE13 13 SanCarlos lll.JIartMalone lOS.Crash 114 a Fcb.24-30sHav l50 1:43 si 3 109 4 7 9a1103 GdrichE 10 Kiugsportll3.M,tMalonel08,Baltimore92 JZ Feb.23-305Hav 2 l:15sl 3 101 6 3 33 43 GoodichE 0 K.DavidlOS.T.dAmourlOS.M.Malne 104 H , Starts. 1st 2nd. 3rd. Won., , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won., Last year. .38 5 li 6 $ 5,895 This year.. 15 3 2 0 ,700 Tommy Lad 1 fK B B 4 by Blind Baggage Madge F., by Voorhees. Last work: 991-4 :29m J-VO Trainer, G. Foster. Owner, O. L. Foster. Apr. 9-30Whe" 21:21hy" 9 108 G 5 331 21 FatorE3 9 Agapthusl071,Wacketl09.3IargtCal 108 A Mac29-30St.J" EJfl:0S ft 36 97 5 5 541 53i McLalinE3 5 QnTowtonllO,PplcRobe8G,JkHowe 123 H Mac2S-30St.J 31:15 sy 46 112 5 5 C 5" McLalinE3 G Estin llG.PaganLaddie HG.Nichelson 110 O JIac22-304St.J 5Jfl:09 sy 40 102 6 7 Csl 5 McLalinE3 7 Rain orShine 102,Mud 122,Jacknowe 123 H MaclC-304Hav 21:13ft 8 113 7 6 541 2h McLalinE 7 Algol 114,PnclngStcp lOS.FrThorn 97 O Mc 9-30JHav 2 l:13ft 6 116 5 4 D31 5 SnlderA 0 Stampdale 111, Algol 112,KingDnvid 113 O , Starts. 1st 2nd. 3rd. Won., , Starts. 1st 2nd. 3rd. Won.i Last year. .29 6 5 6 $ 5,970 This year. .11 13 0 $ 1,35a Title Oak 1 00 Ch B 3 by Title Oaklawn Belle, by Box. Last work: 1041-2,.. :52andft--"" Trainer, G. Foster. Owner, 0. L. Foster. MK27-30St.J g 1:0154ft 47 103 4 5 6i G1 McLalinE8 G Guilder lOO.RodRack lOO.PurpIcRobe 09 II Hm: 7-303Hav 3 l:13V4ft 4 113 3 3 2i 1 MooriF 8 T.dAmourlOS.W.PrincsslOS.W.Long 113 C H: 3-305IIav l".l:43ft 2 103 3 2 4!J 4 SeaboG4 C MingPinesl05,PssMgtl00,Tangraml07 A Fffc2G-30Hav 2 1:14 gd 4 102 6 G Gl 3 SeaboG 7 Fleeting Fire 107, Algol 109, Cadet 101 C K.14-305IIav 1" 1:42 ft 8 95 1 1 CH 3J LongJi 8 Stampdale 107,EIoise 105,Anrdesito 100 C I IUxl2-303Hav 3 1:14 gd G-5 103 1 1 1J 2 ComgoreJ 5 PerfcctAlibillO,CperSonl05,LlerBy 110 O 1 lUx 2-30Hav 31:13 ft 2i 110 2 3 23 2 CongoreJ . 8 T.d AmourllO,WyLongl05,rrKbe 107 A JU9-305IIav 2 l:19hy 1 115 2 2 21 2 CongoreJ C PsMaretlOl.AVyLonglll.MngPincs 103 C J.17-30IIav 3 l:18hy 31 100 2 1 11 1 EdwardsC3 5 Turf Idol 115. lropus 110. Aucilla 110 A , Starts. 1st 2nd. 3rd. Won.-, , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.-, Last year. .18 3 2 2 $ 2,595 This year. .12 2 4 3 ? 2,310 Woody Long 100 Br b SDOrnand Blood Evil, by Rock View. Last work: 108 1-2... :54hy -LvU Trainer, A. J. Bedell. Owner,, 1. J. Bedell. Artl4-30HVhe 1 l:47ft 31 106 5 3 5! 3!J DyerJ8 0 San Carlos 117, Stampdale 114, Hula 109 G 1 .HttlG-SOHav 1" l:42ft 4 106 4 4 53i 5 MitchcllM 7 MryWindsorl02,ChanningL.110,Hula 103 C Mttll-30IIav 3 1:1354ft 31 113 1 3 3s 5i LongH G MgPinesllO,WnPcessl03JrBunny HOC i Mm 7-30Hav 3 1:1354ft 10 113 7 8 G 4l MitchellM 8 Tit.Oakll3,T.dAmourlOS,W.Princcssl03 C I rax25-30Hav lft l:47gd 3 107 5 3 2h l3 MitchcllM - G OnTrial 100,GraniteDustlOO,AnnieRn98 C J rth.23-305Hav 3 l:15V4sl 3 97 G 5 431 4J BoucherJ3 7 PacliccollO.MyWlndsorllO.FteMannllO C ivMS-SOHav 3 l:19andhy G 103 S G G3 lh MttcliellM 10 Alamae 94,DuskyMaiden Ol.Paclieco 112 C i Fb.lG-30sHav 3 l:13ft 4 103 3 5 31 2s LoganL1 9 MuringFinesllO.Alaniae 108,Donora 101 C I " , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won., . Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won. Last year.. 22 1 2 2 J 1,275 This year. .13 2 14 ,930 Baltimore 109 s n Memoriam Lady Colonist, by Africander. , Last work: 107 3-4 1:22m Trainer, E. C. Sutton. Owner, Capt. F. Eaton. Apcll-SOnviio 1" 1:4754ft 15 103 G G G11 G,; LoganL G SanCarlosll7,Stmpdalell4,WdyLongl0a C Hie 9-30IIav li 1:5254ft 12 00 3 2 2 23 BoucherJ 9 PlayR. 102,ChningL. lOG.Graydale 104 H 1 Mm 2-30!IIav 1,V l:45ft 0 91 G 6 5i 6:i Boucher J 13 SanCarlos Ul.MartMaione lOS.Crash 114 II J rJn27-30Hav 2 l:Uft G-5 10G 5 G 5J 51 MantzJ 8 Capt.GiIbertlOS,Alamael03.PorRube 103 A Irf.21-305Hav 1" 1:43 si 20 92 7 3 4S 3" BouclierJi 10 Kingsportll3,MtMaIone 108,SanClosll2 n l FcU22-30IIav 3 l:17hy G 96 G G 4 3 BoucherJ3 7 Andresito 112. Cadet 101, Millson 111 C FU12-30IIav 3 l:1154gd G-5 103 2 4 3 3" MantzJi 8 MotorChflOO.PoorEubclOO.WdyLnglOG A , Starls. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.-, , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.- 1 Last year.. 11 12 0 $ 1,075 This year. .10 0 2 3 $ 815 J FaTOrit II. 1 00 B s 6 by Caution Fecht, by Troutbeck. , Last work: 10S 3-4 l:21Iiy V Trainer, R. W. Selden. Owner, W. E. Harvey. Aittia-SOnVho 3 l:10f t DO. 105 Lost rider. SmithFC" 11 SanCarlos 114,MretCal 104,Sawdust 9G H Ape 9-30Whe 3 l:21hy 9 10S 2 8 9t3 916 SmithFC 9 Agapthusl07!,TommyLadl0S,Wacketl09 A iiat29-30llJ.P liV l:5214sl 39-10 10G 1 1 lh 3i SmithFC3 9 Coekrill 113.SaIona 113,EveninsSky 03 C Har22-30.r.P 3 1:19 m 8 111 4 1 1 1 DeperiniRs 11 Swpstakeslll.Bnthornclll BallGec 111 C Km 8-30J.P 3 1:14 gd37-10 118 4 1 31 53i FowlerGs 12 MyBeautylOS.MsCliolcelOO.CliatclieelOS C JA.13-305F.G 3 l:13ft 74 103 4 6 G G KllswhW G MortgagellO.T.SuthernerllO.OIdSlip 103 A Fet G-30F.G- ljV l:4Sandft 30 114 2 5 9" 931 RussellR8 9 R,yGibsonllO.B.Dancerl07,B.Kernan 107 C , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.- . Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won. u Last year.. 1 This year.. 7 1 0 1 $ G75 8th Wheeling Purse 00. 3-year-olds and upward. Claiming. -m- 1 M.-70 Yds. JTOTE Claiming price, 00. jVou-winncrs of two races of 50 in 1929 or 1930 or one race at this meeting. . 3-ycar-olds, 111 pounds; older, 116 pounds. Ind. PP. Horse. Wt. Rcc. A.Wt.nan. Ind. PP. Horse. Wt. Rec. A.Wt.Han. : 4CG33 1 Cano Aur 111 1:4G 9 11GX725 40G93 2 Rivanna 5 11GX703 4GGG1 5Easy MoueyAur 103 1:48 G 111X720 4G333 3 Fair Jimmic. J.P 1081:47 4 11G..700 4G722 SPowder , 7 111X713 4GG38 4 Maddenstown .. S 11GXG93 4GG5G 9 Commissioner 4G723 GBesom 5 111X090 Dee .; .3 111X710 4GC92 7 Triona 51 3 111. .G90 The past performances of the horses entered in this race together with latest workout and racing record if a starter this year: Date. Crs. Dis.Timc Tr. Odds Wt.St. Str.Fin. Jockey PP.Sts. Best Company Class of Race. jjjjO lift s by "mar Kbayyam Bonnie Tess, by Star Shoot, "Itst work: 104 3-8 1:10ft J-J-O Trainer, J. Noel. Owner, Mrs. J.-Ncel. Arcl5-30nVhe GJ f 1:23 ft" 43 113 3 7 7,s 7i DouglasF3 10 VcraC. 107,Hoa7.in 112,CaptnC.ilbertl0G C JlMll-30:Hav 31:14 ft 10 ICS G 9 76i 752 SniderA 12 Mona lOl.M.of rearl lOl.StLacruse 103 C 1 Mm 2-30JIIav l50 1:4514ft 12 107 1 2 2s 451 NashE 12 Gaincswd 107.1IyWord 112,XonStop 107 C FeUlG-SOHav l50 l:44ft G 107 11 D 10"101 LoganL" 11 UunJcklOX.BrdSaint 113,StaGnde 102 C Jin.27-30l!Hav l50 l:43ft 4 101 4 7 8i: 8" SntderA" 12 PsidentSethl0S.XonStopl07,Profiteerl09 C Jan-SO-SOniav ls l:53V4hy G 107 1 9 8" 8al NashE 11 napyJackll2.Partner 107,BobsBest 112 C in-lS-SOmav l59 1:4454ft G 107 2 1 2nk 3l BouchcrJ 11 PatOConr 112,Co!orSergtl07,Burnt 107 C , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.-, , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.- Last year.. 1G 0 0 1 $ 75 This year.. 9 0 0 2 $ 140 EaSV MoiieV 111 s "y Joren Bonus, by All Gold. Last work: 102 1-4... :2Gft Trainer, B. E. Humage. Owner, B. E. Rumage. Apr.lG-30-Wlie 1 2:00m 16-5 108 G 4 4" 410 GoodichE G FlapdoodlcllS.GneSceondlOS.P.Prim 10S C Artl2-305Whe 1-k l:51f t 81 103 8 5 5J 5H ColvinA7 8 StcenSixty 103,RkTrap llO.AYrfld 110 G Mm 9-30Hav l50 l:13ft 20 114 7 8 SJ Ss2 GonlesH 8 Minted 104,Driftcr 109,FnkG.Mnke 113 C Mm 4-30JHav 3 1:14 ft 30 112 12 12 12a112s StranskiC1 12 FrLegn llS.SsliMk llu.Cdldolizr 113 C Fcb.U-30Hav 3 1:1554gd 20 111 11 11 11"11 StranskiC 11 MerryWindsorlOS.OnTrial 93,Sliort0.111 C Mj G-297Aur l 1:44 ft 7J 10S 6 8 8la 8SI MayT 1 8 Marabou 103,Red Leather lOS.Endor 108 C Ape 9-29Bow 1-k l:48ft 3 112 8 9 7" 4 RobentnA 1 9 Iraq 110, Polvo 112, Intrepid 115 C , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won., , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.-, Last year.. 8 1 2 1 $ 1,275 This year.. 5 Powder. 111 Br B 7 y Unaer Fire Allegro, by Sain. Last work: 77 5-8 1:03ft J-J-J- Trainer, R. Robertson. Owner, R. Robertson. Sec yesterdays fourth Wheeling chart. MMl5-305Hav 1" 1:4454ft 10 105 8 G 55J 3s WatsonR1 9 Brigand 103,XonStop 103,LloydBrwn 103 C Matl3-30Hav 1 and 1:4754ft 30 105 5 5 9H11" WatsonR3 12 PeprShot 112,FairCatch lOl.XonStop 107 C MMlO-30Hav 1 1:4754ft 12 105 5 G 741 72 WatsonR1 9 Cpanellal03,CdomirII.103,LyAmeurl03 C Mm 8-30Hav l50 l:44V4ft G 107 1 5 G71 G10 WatsonR1 7 LadyViolal02,Worthmanl07.FrCatch 102 C Mm 4-30Hav l50 1:45 ft 8 105 8 8 G5 GJ1 WatsonR 12 Charmainel02,SwtLusc 107,Pequeto 107 C FeU.2S-30Hav lit l:4Sft 8 105 5 3 31 45J WatsonR 9 TryAgainl03,Worthraan 103,LadyEa 103 C , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won., , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.-, Last year. .12 1 1 2 $ 850 This year. . 16 Oil,.? 220 Commissioner Dee 111 B" c 3 by Messenander Wrack Past, by Wrack. -LJLJL Trainer, H. Caplan. Owner, Mrs. I. Caplan. Apr.lG-30Who gl:03 m GS 110 10 10 1011101S MaddenL 10 ThelmaL. 103,VinIin 107,FrancesE. 107 C Apr.ll-SOWhe l:02ft 14f 104 10 10 H,010102LoganL 12 Paquette 103, Vitalize 10G, Suroway 107 C MMl3-303Hav f 1:03 ft 20 107 8 9 8T 751 LoganL 10 Smithsl07,Al Livstonl04,ClifsMaid 102 C Mac 5-305IIav CJ f l:07ft 12 110 6 7 S5i S3 LoganL 11 StarryDnlOS.FairDawn 105,Smithers 110 C FA.21-30Hav 31:lGV4sl 15 105 4 9 7s 451 LoganL1 9 Lassa 117, Fifia 107, CliftonsMaid 102 C Fttn20-303Hav l50 l:5554hy 7 112 2 3 4ei 4,J LoganL 4 LittleScoutllO,3oircel03,RbanRouge 110 C Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won., , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won . Last year.. 24 0 3 4 ? 725 This year. .15 1 0 0 $ 750 Ilivaniia lift 3r Sf y Merldlan Dinah Do, by Burgomaster. JL X O Trainer, R, Crawford. Owner, R. Crawford. Apcl7-30Whe Gl f l:27hy 19 114 2 10 Pull.up.SanfordP1 10 Milano lOSi.NotGuilty 104,Blazoner 103 C Apcl5-303Whe GJ f 1:23 ft 22 114 9 10 lOMO10 PsmoreW 10 VcraC. 107,IIoatzin 112,CaptnGilbertl0G C Oct 4-29Hag alls 2:04 hy 9-5 117 G SanfordP 8 Sandcliff 115, MissSand 109, Lanoil 117 C Oct l-29Hag liV l:58i4m 8 11G l5 SanfordC 7 Vernonlll.Cf-d-OvrellG.WhiteNosellG C Sep. 5-29 "Who a f :5754ft 29-10 118 l3 BrownN 9 LittleFlora 112,Tcal 115rwinklcStar 112 C Bep. 3-293Whe a g :53 ft 9-5 115 8 BrownN 9 Brown Rock 107,Basba 120,IIoleCard 115 C Sep. 2-295Whe a 5 :57ft 23-5 116 5 BrownN 8 GnIycksll5,P.McDond 112,C.Chtersll5 C , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won., , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.- Last year.. 11 2 0 1 $ 550 This year.. 2 Fair Jimillic 1 1 ft B" c y "ar an Conduit, by The White Knight Last work: 1053-8... :3Gft -Li-W Trainer, H. D. Cox. Owner. Mrs. H. D. Cox. Mm25-303J.P 31:1G gd G3 115 11 10 10" S1 DyerJi 12 TigersFIowers 115,GoldBet 115,Omniall5 C Dec.30-29J.P lfs 1: ft 184 110 11 9 8 Si MannF. 12 Gst ofllnorlOS.MksBbylOS.PeepO.HS C Dec20-29J.P l" 1:46 ft 136 10S110 7 7s 7i DyerJ 3112 Emplette 104,P.Calhoun HG.SunBaby 108 C Dec.l3-29J.P lj 1:56 ft 43 103 5 7 10!J 911 DyerJ 12 CottageBoy 111, Faddy 111, Portal 112 C Dec G-293J.P IS l:55gd 41 100 7 9 10,310" SmiUiV 12 CannonClub 112,Mascara 104,Infanta 101 C , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won , . Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won , Last year. .17 1 0 2 $ 840 This year. . 1 Maddenstown lift Ch B 8 by Marten Far up by rariman. Last work: 82 1-2... ...l:00sy -1--- Trainer, R. Xucas. Owner, R. Lucas. ApclG-30Who Ch f l:26m 35 113 4 G G52 Gl GuerraJ 10 ClayPigeon 118,Sunolin 103,Flaherty 108 C ApclO-30Whe 0 l:01gd 42 114 G G 5 5 FatorE 12 Lucky Drift 107, Sunolin 104, Lang 99 C Mm27-303J.P 5i f 1:0814ft G2 11G 3 11 9s 9" EamesC19 11 WchOn lll.FraLevy lll.ChgLady 109 C Mm?1-307J.I Iff 1:53 si 8 114 4 5 WHO-0 EamesC 12 Trpc of DawnOO.Adieu 104,Vcndeuse 104 C Mm13-303J.P 3 l:2321iy 145 115 10 8 Gi Gl DellowW11 12 S.Mengel 110,BallGce HO.MrshlSetlillS C Feb.l4-305F.G ljV l:4S54ft 127 112 3 12 123123 EamesC" 12 B.Darterll2,C.Campusl07,C.Apcjack 107 t , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won., . Starts. 1st 2nd. 3rd. Won.. Last year. .12 0. 3 1 $ 2G0 This jear. . 7 BeSOm 111 s by Golden Broom Perfection, by Ballot. Last work- 85 3-4 1:22ft -"--- -- Trainer, W. Lutz. Owner, W. J. Palmer. See yesterdays fifth Wheeling chart. Apr.l5-303Who GJ f 1:24 ft 71 10S 10 10 10" 9T2 McDottT 10 UobcrtaL.99,Fill D. 108,ArrowIIawk 10S C AnclO-303Who "gl:03gd 3J 114 12 12 12l4ll13 SeaboG 12 ObliquelOO.Buchon 117,Dod.Leighton 107 C MMl5-30TSt.J li 2:14 m 31f 109 10 10 103O103 McDmtT9 10 LseWilsonlOG.Cfidential 102,McaralOG C MMl2-30TSt J IS 1:5754ft 49 109 8 8 7" 7" McDottT 8 Masie 113, Webster 118, Wrackeen 113 C IV. 4-305Mia 11 2:05 ft GO 110 8 10 11"11" GrnbergH3 11 SdorVquezBlollO.BlicLndlOS.IIlalOS C Xm.o9-30,Mia ll 1:51 ft 40 109 2 2 531 5 LennieW3 7 Margatcl08,BIanco lOO.GnomcSccond 109 C 1 Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.- Starts. 1st 2nd. 3rd. Won. Last year. .11 0 5 3 $ 590 This year. .12 . -j -j -i B. g, 3 M, by Eternal Marna, by Sempronius. Triona JLJ. JL Trainer, R. Ryan. Owner, R. Ryan. n,i7 miwho Gfl-hy 32 109 9 8 Pull.up.WstockF lOJackUp HO.Domineer 105,Priceman 103 C Iwiv Sft 12 Forefather 112,Dclmonico98,XonStop 112 C 1231231 LoganL1" 1" V 20 101 12 12 " i, S3 BoucherJ3 0 PartnershiplOl.BelmonicoOT.NonStop lOo C WHm 8 97 7 G GU Gl wvSSav BoucherJ 9 Melita 107,IdyViola 102,Dclmonico 97 C lil-55gd 5 97 8 3 W G ni.o4hv A 100 " 10 10 9i7 BoucherJ 11 Tw.FeStyl00,Admirll2,n.TpleJr. 112 C SSS 1 S 2 44 "?oucherJ13 12 Flamarno 102.SamSlick 107,XonStop 107 C FlLoiav l.115ft 10 100 8 G 3 21 BouchcrJ- 12 CloudyS.112.WinnioJo Oo Delmonico 100 C 107 C - F13-30Hav 5S f lOT-v-gd 5 102 12 11 111013 BoucherJ" 12 DoeConnerl02,GayBroeck9 .Quadroon . Starts.. 1st 2nd. 3rd. Won. Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. on -, . t This year.. 11 0 1 0 $ iu

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1930s/drf1930041901/drf1930041901_15_1
Local Identifier: drf1930041901_15_1
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800